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1、翻译资格考试三级综合能力(口译)4 及答案解析(总分:7.00,做题时间:120 分钟)一、PART 1 (20 points, (总题数:1,分数:1.00)(1).My father served in World War II.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(2).The Baby Boom began before World War II.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(3).My parents didnt feel secure because the Cold War was beginning with the Soviet Union and E

2、astern Europe.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(4).American people were proud and optimistic because they felt they had saved the world and now were helping to rebuild Europe and Japan.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(5).There were not enough opportunities for people like my parents.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(6).Only middle

3、-class Americans benefited from the prosperity in the post-war era.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(7).World War II generation and their children challenged social injustice and inequality.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(8).My parents generation believed in the infinite possibilities of America.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(

4、9).Americas promise was extended to all its citizens.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False(10).American supremacy merely resulted from military might.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False二、SECTION 2 (10 point(总题数:1,分数:1.00)(1).Which of the following can best describe his situation?(分数:0.10)A.Hurt.B.Scared.C.Dumbfounded.D.Ruined.

5、(2).Why didnt I do the job?(分数:0.10)A.Because it would be too time-consuming.B.Because I wanted to do it myself.C.Because nobody had done it before.D.Because nobody joined me.(3).What could he do for the rest of his life?(分数:0.10)A.Nothing.B.Be a councilman.C.Reconsider his life.D.Be a humble clerk.

6、(4).Which of the following is closest in meaning to what youve just heard?(分数:0.10)A.I have no doubt that she will type her paper tomorrow.B.No one believes that she is a good typist.C.I didnt know she had so many pages to type tomorrow.D.It seems that she wont be able to complete her typing by tomo

7、rrow morning.(5).What do we know about Susan?(分数:0.10)A.She learned Spanish in America.B.She doesnt know Spanish.C.She improved her Spanish in Mexico.D.She knew Spanish before going to Mexico.(6).Which of the following is true about the politician?(分数:0.10)A.He had proposed the same policy 2 years b

8、efore the speech.B.He did mention his old advocacy in his speech.C.There was no time for the politician to talk about his advocacy.D.His speech was just the opposite of what he had advocated 2 years before.(7).What happened to train travel?(分数:0.10)A.Trains were stuck in the snow.B.People couldnt ge

9、t train tickets.C.Many people had to stand on the train.D.Train travel was suspended because of severe snowstorm.(8).What happened to him after the World Tennis Tournament?(分数:0.10)A.He became famous.B.He joined the airlines industry.C.He had habitual headaches.D.He became a hair stylist.(9).What is

10、 bound to happen if a judge is not capable of his work?(分数:0.10)A.Injustice.B.He would be displaced.C.He would be dismissed.D.Miscarriage.(10).How is the weather like?(分数:0.10)A.Good enough for outing.B.Bad.C.Not as good as it was a while ago.D.Its getting better.三、PART 2 (30 points, (总题数:3,分数:3.00)

11、(1).What is this talk mainly about?(分数:0.20)A.How historical events affected an art movement.B.How artists can influence economic conditions.C.Why a certain art movement failed to become popular.D.How valuable paintings were lost during wartime.(2).What does the speaker say about the artists in the

12、United States during the Great Depression?(分数:0.20)A.Many artists lost faith in the value of art.B.Many artists were forced to take jobs in other fields.C.Many artists moved away from large cities.D.Many artists in the United States moved to other countries.(3).What kind of scene might be shown in a

13、 typical regionalist painting?(分数:0.20)A.People working in a large factory.B.People walking on crowded city streets.C.An everyday activity in a small town.D.A well-known historical event.(4).Why did regionalism become so popular in the U.S. during the Great Depression?(分数:0.20)A.Because the painting

14、s sold very well.B.Because it helped strengthen peoples faith in their country.C.Because people liked to live in the country at that time.D.Because it helped recover the economy.(5).According to the speaker, what happened in the U.S. in the 1940s around the time of the Second World War that affected

15、 the popularity of the regionalist art?(分数:0.20)A.The populations of small towns increased rapidly.B.Art critics in cities began to take notice of regionalism.C.Some regionalist painters began a new art movement.D.Society became more internationally focused.(1).When did a mass move to the suburbs be

16、gin in the U.S.?(分数:0.20)A.In the 1960s.B.In the 1940s.C.In the 1970s.D.In the 1950s.(2).What kind of people moved to the suburbs?(分数:0.20)A.Middle-class people.B.The rich.C.The poor.D.The young.(3).What happened to the city after the mass move?(分数:0.20)A.Housing costs decreased.B.Crime rate was muc

17、h lower than before.C.All business moved out.D.Cities declined.(4).What happened to businesses after the mass move?(分数:0.20)A.They established branches in suburbs.B.They scattered here and there in cities.C.Some bigger companies moved out.D.They lost many employees.(5).What does the speaker think of

18、 the movement to the suburbs?(分数:0.20)A.People may miss the cultural life in cities.B.The movement is still developing.C.It satisfies mans need to live and work in an ideal environment.D.People may like the companionship in suburbs.(1).Which city got the most room reservations last summer?(分数:0.20)A

19、.Orlando.B.Honolulu.C.Las Vegas.D.Boston.(2).Why is Las Vegas so successful in attracting tourists?(分数:0.20)A.Because of gambling.B.Because it is an alternative family destination.C.Because the hotels are quite cheap.D.Because people like the desert.(3).Which city ranked No. 2 in room reservations l

20、ast summer?(分数:0.20)A.San Francisco.B.Las Vegas.C.Orlando.D.New York.(4).Which of the following cities room reservations were influenced by the Iraq War?(分数:0.20)A.Boston.B.Paris.C.Miami.D.London.(5).What is the expectation of overall summer travel this year?(分数:0.20)A.A 2.5% rise.B.It would rise al

21、ong with international tourism.C.A 28% rise.D.Patriotism would not be a theme in travel market.四、PART 3 (20 points, (总题数:1,分数:1.00)Washington: The Bush administration has 1for the first time that it may be willing to 2a multinational force in Iraq to operate under the 3of the United Nations as long

22、as 4by an American. The idea was described by Richard L. Armitage, the deputy secretary of state, as just “ 5“ in discussions at the United Nations. It was first 6publicly last week by Kofi Annan, the United Nations secretary general. Mr. Armitages remarks, made 7to regional reporters and released b

23、y 8today, represent 9in course for the administration, which has until now insisted that all 10matters in Iraq remain under total American control. Allowing the United Nations 11would be intended to win the support of the Security Council for 12authorizing the 13 occupation of the country. In his re

24、marks, Mr. Armitage 14to discuss the plans 15, saying, “I dont think it helps to 16publicly right now.“ But he described the arrangement under consideration as “a multinational force 17“ in which “the American would be the U.N. commander.“ On Monday, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was asked wh

25、ether he could 18American troops fighting 19. His answer: “I think thats not going to happen.“ But he went on to rule out only “ 20“ meaning by the United Nations, whose troops wear blue helmets over a peacekeeping force in Iraq.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:

26、_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_五、PART 4 (30 points, (总题数:1,分数:1.00)_翻译资格考试三级综合能力(口译)4 答案解析(总分:7.00,做题时间:120 分钟)一、PART 1 (20 points, (总题数:1,分数:1.00)(1).My father served in World War II.(分数:0.10)A.True B.False解析:理解推断。根据原文“My story began in the years follo

27、wing World War II,when men like my father who had served their country returned home to settle down”,译文为:我的故事开始于二战之后的岁月里,那时我父亲那辈的男人们为祖国服役结束,回到家里开始过安定的生活。据此可以推断出 my father served in World War II。(2).The Baby Boom began before World War II.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False 解析:理解推断。根据原文“My story began in the year

28、s following World War IIIt was the beginning of the Baby Boom,an optimistic time”,译文为:我的故事开始于二战之后的岁月里,这是一个生育高峰期的开始,即乐观时代的到来。据此可以推断生育高峰期出现在二战之后,所以题干表述是错误的。(3).My parents didnt feel secure because the Cold War was beginning with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False 解析:从句理解。根据原文“A

29、lthough the Cold War with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe was beginning,my parents and their generation felt secure and hopeful”,译文为:虽然和苏联、东欧的冷战刚刚开始,但是我父母那辈的人感到很安全并充满了希望。本题关键是对让步状语从句的理解,题干中给出的是错误信息。(4).American people were proud and optimistic because they felt they had saved the world and now w

30、ere helping to rebuild Europe and Japan.(分数:0.10)A.True B.False解析:理解推断。根据原文“an optimistic timeThe United States had saved the world from fascism,and now our nation was working tosecuring the peace and helping to rebuild a devastated Europe and Japan”,译文为:一个乐观的时代,美国把世界从法西斯手中拯救了出来,正在努力保卫和平,帮助重建被毁坏的欧洲和

31、日本。据此可以推断题干表述是正确的。(5).There were not enough opportunities for people like my parents.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False 解析:词义理解。根据原文“the abundant opportunities available to people like my parents who worked hard and took responsibility”,译文为:像我父母那样工作努力,有责任心的人们有大量的机会可以利用。此题关键在于理解 abundant 的词义,即“大量的;充足的”,所以题干表述是错误

32、的,我的父母一代的人并不是机会很少。(6).Only middle-class Americans benefited from the prosperity in the post-war era.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False 解析:理解推断。根据原文“Middle-class America was flush with emerging prosperity”,译文为:美国中产阶级萌发,显示出繁荣的景象。但文章并没有强调只有中产阶级在二战后获益,据此可以推断题干陈述是错误的。(7).World War II generation and their children ch

33、allenged social injustice and inequality.(分数:0.10)A.True B.False解析:细节信息。根据原文“it was the World War II generation and their children who woke up the challenges of social injustice and inequality”,译文为:二战时期的一代人和他们的后代唤醒人们挑战社会存在的不公正不平等的现象。所以题干表述是正确的。(8).My parents generation believed in the infinite possi

34、bilities of America.(分数:0.10)A.True B.False解析:细节信息。根据原文“My parents were typical of a generation who believed in the endless possibilities of America”,译文为:我的父母是这代人的典型代表,他们相信美国有无限的可能。所以题干的表述是正确的。(9).Americas promise was extended to all its citizens.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False 解析:理解推断。根据原文“to the ideal of e

35、xtending Americas promise to all of its citizens”,译文为:达到理想的状态,把美国的承诺延伸至每一个公民。所以可以推断出这是二战一代及其后代奋斗的理想,并非事实,所以题干的表述是错误的。(10).American supremacy merely resulted from military might.(分数:0.10)A.TrueB.False 解析:理解推断。根据原文“American supremacy was the result not just of military might,but of our values and of t

36、he abundant opportunities”,译文为:美国的霸权不仅是由于其军事威力获得的,还因为我们的价值观和大量的机会。据此可以推断题干表述“美国的霸权仅仅是因为它的军事威力”是错误的。二、SECTION 2 (10 point(总题数:1,分数:1.00)(1).Which of the following can best describe his situation?(分数:0.10)A.Hurt.B.Scared. C.Dumbfounded.D.Ruined.解析:比较结构。根据原文“He was less hurt than frightened”,关键在于理解固定搭配

37、 less than。less than 是特殊的比较结构,意指“少于、与其说倒不如”。本句的意思是:他与其说被伤着了,倒不如说吓着了。据此应选 b,b 选项 scared 是原句 frightened 的同义词。(2).Why didnt I do the job?(分数:0.10)A.Because it would be too time-consuming. B.Because I wanted to do it myself.C.Because nobody had done it before.D.Because nobody joined me.解析:同义替换。根据原文“know

38、ing it would take me several days to do it all by myself”,译文为:原因是这项工作会让我一个人花费好几天来做。本题关键是理解 time-consuming 的意思,表示很耗时间,所以选 a。(3).What could he do for the rest of his life?(分数:0.10)A.Nothing.B.Be a councilman.C.Reconsider his life.D.Be a humble clerk. 解析:句子结构。根据原文“He decided that he had no choice but t

39、o reconcile himself to being a petty clerk for the rest of his life”,译文为:他决定了他没有其他选择,只有让自己屈服,在他的余生只做一名小小的职员。本句关键是理解句子结构 have no choice but,意思是:没有别的选择只有,所以应选 d。(4).Which of the following is closest in meaning to what youve just heard?(分数:0.10)A.I have no doubt that she will type her paper tomorrow.B.

40、No one believes that she is a good typist.C.I didnt know she had so many pages to type tomorrow.D.It seems that she wont be able to complete her typing by tomorrow morning. 解析:理解推断。根据原文“I doubt she can finish typing her research paper that is due tomorrow morning”,译文为:我怀疑她能否打完论文,明天早晨就是论文的最后期限了。所以应选

41、d,看来她到明天早晨为止不能把论文打完。(5).What do we know about Susan?(分数:0.10)A.She learned Spanish in America.B.She doesnt know Spanish.C.She improved her Spanish in Mexico. D.She knew Spanish before going to Mexico.解析:词义理解。根据原文“Susan is fluent in Spanish now that she has been to Mexico”,译文为:苏姗因为去过墨西哥,所以西班牙语讲的很流利。本

42、题关键在于理解连词短语 now that,意指“由于、因为”;所以选 c。(6).Which of the following is true about the politician?(分数:0.10)A.He had proposed the same policy 2 years before the speech.B.He did mention his old advocacy in his speech.C.There was no time for the politician to talk about his advocacy.D.His speech was just th

43、e opposite of what he had advocated 2 years before. 解析:句型转换。根据原文“At no time during his speech did the politician mention that he had advocated the opposite policy two years before”,原句是倒装句,译文为:在他的演讲中,这位政治家很快就提到了两年以前他拥护过相反的政策。所以应选 d 选项,他的演讲和他两年前所拥护的政策正相反。(7).What happened to train travel?(分数:0.10)A.Tr

44、ains were stuck in the snow.B.People couldnt get train tickets.C.Many people had to stand on the train.D.Train travel was suspended because of severe snowstorm. 解析:词义理解。根据原文“The snowstorm brought train travel to a standstill”,译文为:暴风雪使得火车旅行停止了下来。本题关键是理解单词 standstill 的词义,意思是:停止、停滞。正确选项为 d“因为严重的暴风雪,火车旅

45、行停止了。”suspend 意思是:悬空、停止。a 选项意为“火车陷在了雪中。”,be stuck in,陷入、陷进。c 选项为干扰选项,意为“人们不得不站在火车上。”,容易和 standstill 发生混淆。(8).What happened to him after the World Tennis Tournament?(分数:0.10)A.He became famous. B.He joined the airlines industry.C.He had habitual headaches.D.He became a hair stylist.解析:理解推断。根据原文“After

46、 winning at the World Tennis Tournament,he made it into headlines”,译文为:在赢得世界网球公开赛之后,他成为头条新闻。本题关键是理解 headline 的词义,即头条、头条新闻,由此可以推断他成名了,所以选 a。(9).What is bound to happen if a judge is not capable of his work?(分数:0.10)A.Injustice. B.He would be displaced.C.He would be dismissed.D.Miscarriage.解析:同义替换。根据原

47、文“Incompetence on the part of a judge cannot but lead to miscarriage of justice”,译文为:对法官来说,如果工作不能胜任,只会导致正义的失败。所以应选 a,选项中用 injustice 不公平代替了原句的 miscarriage of justice。(10).How is the weather like?(分数:0.10)A.Good enough for outing.B.Bad. C.Not as good as it was a while ago.D.Its getting better.解析:理解推断。

48、根据原文“I really dont want to go out to dinner if the weather continues like this”,译文为:如果天气继续这样的话,我真的不想出去吃晚餐了。所以选 b,天气状况很糟糕。三、PART 2 (30 points, (总题数:3,分数:3.00)(1).What is this talk mainly about?(分数:0.20)A.How historical events affected an art movement. B.How artists can influence economic conditions.C.Why a certain art movement failed to become popular.D.How valuable paintin


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