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1、公共英语二级听力-12 及答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、第一节(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)A.B.C.A.B.C.A.B.C.A.B.C.A.B.C.二、第二节(总题数:5,分数:15.00)(分数:2.00)A.B.C.A.B.C.(分数:3.00)A.B.C.A.B.C.A.B.C.(分数:3.00)A.B.C.A.B.C.A.B.C.(分数:3.00)A.B.C.A.B.C.A.B.C.(分数:4.00)A.B.C.A.B.C.A.B.C.A.B.C.公共英语二级听力-12 答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、第一节(总题数:

2、1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)A. B.C.解析:解析 M: Ill be with you as soon as I finish wrapping the books for him.W: Dont worry about it. Ill have a look at your new books.A. B.C.解析:解析 W: David told me that he got a second-hand car. Do you know how much he paid for it?M: Well, he said he paid 900 dollars. I think h

3、e got a real bargain.A. B.C.解析:解析 M: Miss Brown, I told Dr. Smith that I would call him in the Houston office at 10 a.m. his time. Please find out the time difference for me so that Ill know when to make the call.W: Its two hours earlier in Houston, sir.A.B.C. 解析:解析 W: Lets go to the park for a walk

4、 after supper.M: All right. But I think we should take a walk by the river. The air is much fresher there.W: Good idea.A.B.C. 解析:解析 W: Congratulations!M: On what?W: Our class has elected you all-round student of the year.M: Come off it! Im not that good.W: Youve really done well in volunteer work, s

5、tudying and sports.二、第二节(总题数:5,分数:15.00)(分数:2.00)A. B.C.解析:解析 6-7W: You look so worried, Andy. What has happened?M: I have lost my keys.W: Oh, what bad luck! Have you searched your desk and pocket?M: Of course. Ive looked everywhere in the room. I must have left them on the playground.W: Lets go the

6、re at once. Maybe they are still on the playground.M: Look, whats that at the door?W: Wow, the keys! Are they yours?M: Ah, yes.A.B.C. 解析:(分数:3.00)A.B. C.解析:解析 8-10M: Are you doing anything exciting this summer, Sandy?W: We are, as a matter of fact.M: Oh, yeah? Something different than usual?W: Yeah,

7、 my uncle says we can have his beach house in Florida for two weeks.M: Oh, thats wonderful!W: Yeah, its also really special!M: Special?W: Thats right. You know, my parents and grandparents are coming to stay for the whole summer, and I can really feel the atmosphere of the family again.M: Oh, that s

8、ounds like a great summer.W: Yes. It will be.A. B.C.解析:A.B.C. 解析:(分数:3.00)A. B.C.解析:解析 11-13W: Im fed up with sitting on packing cases, Joe. Dont you think we should buy at least two chairs?M: Do you know how much new chairs cost? One cheap comfortable armchair. eighty pounds.W: Yes, I know. Its ter

9、rible. But I have an idea. Why dont we look for chairs at a street market? Ive always wanted to see one.M: All right. Which one shall we go?W: Portobello Road, I think. There are a tot of secondhand things there. But well have to go tomorrow. Its only open on Saturdays.M: What time do you want to go

10、? Not too early I hope.W: The guidebook says the market is open from nine to six. Its a very popular market so wed better be there when it opens.M: Right. Ill set the alarm.A.B. C.解析:A.B.C. 解析:(分数:3.00)A.B. C.解析:解析 14-16M: Have you got a single room for tonight and tomorrow night?W: Sorry, we havent

11、 any rooms free just now, but you see, the gentleman over there is checking out. Ill see whats available. Would you please take a seat and wait a while?M: Yes. I will.W: Sir, you may register for your room now. It is Room 108, on the first floor. Would you please fill in this form while the room is

12、being cleaned and sheets and towels changed?M: How much does the room cost for a night?W: 160 yuan. That includes an English breakfast, of course. Heres the key and the lifts just around the corner. The porter will be here in a minute if you need help with your luggage.M: Thank you. And could I arra

13、nge to be called at seven tomorrow please?W: Certainly, sir.A.B.C. 解析:A. B.C.解析:(分数:4.00)A.B.C. 解析:解析 17-20I asked Mr.Crozier, a friend of mine, what happened last night. He said that he had just got into bed about half past twelve when he felt the floor shaking under him. The bed was also shaking t

14、erribly. He got out of bed and went to look out of the window. He Saw the houses on the other side of the street shaking, too. Then he realized what was happening. Earthquake! After putting on his clothes as quickly as he could, he ran out into the street at once.“Hadnt the newspaper said there might be an earthquake?“ I asked.“Well, I had read something about it, but I hadnt given it much thought.“ he replied.A. B.C.解析:A.B. C.解析:A.B. C.解析:


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