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1、公共英语二级真题 2010 年 09 月及答案解析(总分:70.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、第一部分 听力理解(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、第二部分 英语知识运用(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、第一节 单项填空(总题数:15,分数:15.00)1.-I had a very good weekend at my uncles.-Oh, really.9 _ A That will do. B Cheer up! C Its a pleasure. D Glad to hear that.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.2.We can give you a lift to the

2、post office. We are going that way _. A nearly B either C anyway D however(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.3.Bob made a mistake but I dont hold _ against him-we all make mistakes. A one B it C this D that(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.4.Put your seat belt on. The plane will be _ in a few minutes. A taking off B taking away C tak

3、ing up D taking down(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.5.John thought I was blaming him, _ in fact, I was blaming myself. A as B whether C unless D while(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.6.Id like to fix _ date for our next meeting, but selecting _ suitable day is not easy. A the; the B a; a C /; a D the; /(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.7.I _ a su

4、pporter of this basketball club for many years now. A will be B was C was being D have been(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.8.It would seem to be a general truth _ nothing is as straightforward as it at first seems. A that B when C because D if(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.9.Just give me a _ yes or no. I dont need any explanati

5、ons. A sharp B strict C straight D small(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.10.The guards _ to see her I. D. before they allowed her in the building. A demand B demanded C had demanded D will demand(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.11.Both sides could make these talks succeed _ seeking common ground. A with B at C for D by(分数:1.00)A.B

6、.C.D.12.-I usually go to Cambridge by train.-Why not _ by coach for a change? A trying to go B to try going C try going D to try to go(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.13.I bought this computer two weeks ago, but it isnt working as it _. A can B would C need D should(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.14.Steven, _ very popular with mo

7、st members, was asked to be the chairman of the tennis club. A considered B considering C having considered D to be considered(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.15.-Dont push me too hard. Ill do it as fast as I can.-Okay, _. But we only have about half an hour. A mind your business B watch out C take your time D come

8、 on(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.四、第二节 完型填空(总题数:1,分数:20.00)As far back as I can remember, the glass jar (36) on the floor beside the small (37) in my parents room. Dad would (38) his pockets and put his coins into the (39) every day. As a small boy, I was always (40) to hear the sounds the coins made (41) they w

9、ere dropped into the jar. I used to sit on the floor in front of the jar and (42) the copper and silver circles shining when the sun poured through the window.When the jar was (43) , Dad would sit at the table in their room and count the coins.Every time as we drove to the bank, Dad would look at me

10、 (44) . “Those coins are going to keep you (45) what I am doing at the coal mine, son. Youre going to do better than me. This old coal mine towns not going to (46) you back. “No matter how (47) things got at home, Dad (48) to drop his coins into the jar. (49) during the summer when Dad got laid off

11、(解雇) from the coal mine and Mama had to (50) dried beans for dinner several times a week, no money was taken from the jar.The years passed, and I finished college and took a job in another town. Once, while visiting my parents, I noticed that the glass jar had been (51) . I felt sad as I (52) the sp

12、ot (位置) beside the table. My dad was a man of few words and never lectured me on the (53) of determination and faith.The jar had (54) me all these values far more powerfully than the most flowery of (55) could have done. In my mind, it showed, more than anything else, how much my dad had loved me.(分

13、数:20.00)36A.existedB.leftC.satD.fellA.tableB.shelfC.bedD.chairA.feelB.pickC.findD.emptyA.bagB.pocketC.boxD.jarA.nervousB.excitedC.shyD.comfortableA.asB.sinceC.beforeD.unlessA.drawB.describeC.imagineD.admireA.filledB.takenC.deliveredD.brokenA.honestlyB.hopefullyC.calmlyD.secretlyA.right intoB.missing

14、 fromC.away fromD.close toA.frightenB.sendC.forceD.holdA.dullB.roughC.easyD.smoothA.wantedB.continuedC.triedD.stoppedA.StillB.ThenC.ThusD.EvenA.saveB.feedC.countD.serveA.removedB.repairedC.destroyedD.replacedA.stared atB.glanced atC.noticedD.watchedA.contentsB.feelingsC.opinionsD.valuesA.boughtB.too

15、kC.taughtD.toldA.timesB.coinsC.wordsD.beans五、第三部分 阅读理解(总题数:0,分数:0.00)AWorld Cup DadFor most of my 15 years, my father usually said very little to my mother and me. He preferred reading the newspaper or watching football matches on television to talking to his family.Everything changed one morning. A

16、s soon as I came downstairs to breakfast, I could see that he wasnt his usual reserved (缄默的) self. “Cant wait! FIFA World Cup! Big match! Must see! “I quickly figured out what all the excitement was about: Dad is a big football fan.I had never been interested in football, but Dads excitement that mo

17、rning made me more and more curious. I had to find out why this sport was making my normally reserved father act like a five-year-old on his first trip to Disneyland.Dad decided that we should all eat at a little German restaurant so that we could watch the World Cup while eating. Secretly, I think

18、he was hoping to turn Mum and me into football fans.The match started a few minutes after we entered the restaurant. As I was eating my meal, a loud noise came from the television. Surprised, I looked up at the TV:“ Why is that man jumping up and down? “Dad patiently explained: “Thats Papa Bouba Dio

19、p, my son. Its normal for them to jump up and down after theyve scored. “Dad explained almost everything to me. His monosyllabic (单音节的) answers were a thing of the past. I loved the new Dad! I watched the rest of the match, becoming more and more interested. When I told my father that I planned to w

20、atch more matches with him, he smiled and gave me a wink (眨眼). At long last we had something in common.Football has really helped Dad and me get closer and form a stronger relationship with each other. Who says football is only about 22 men running after a silly ball?(分数:4.00)(1).Which of the follow

21、ing words can best describe the authors father?(分数:1.00)A.A parent busy at work.B.A man of few words.C.An encouraging father.D.A talkative football player.(2).What made the author curious about his father one morning?(分数:1.00)A.His high expectation of the winner.B.His great interest in the newspaper

22、.C.His unexpressed eagerness.D.His unusual excitement.(3).The authors growing interest in watching the match mainly came from _.(分数:1.00)A.eating in a restaurant with the excited fansB.his fathers love of football and his explanationC.watching a top level performance of the playersD.his and his fath

23、erss common love of German food(4).What can we learn from the text?(分数:1.00)A.Personality decides everything.B.Sharing is the foundation of good relationship.C.Family members should be fans together.D.Interest is the mother of success.BMost of you would probably say that what makes you truly happy i

24、s your family and the love you share in your relationships, and I couldnt agree more. But money comes into play in those relationships.When I talk about money this way to a group, there is always someone who comes up to me and says, “Suze, you are so wrong. Money isnt the key to life-this is ! “At w

25、hich point their wallet flies open and they show me a photo of their family.Thats when things get interesting, because I start asking them questions: Did you take that photo with your own camera? It looks like a beautiful beach, was the photo taken on a family vacation? Do you hope to help those bea

26、utiful boys and girls go to college?As their answers are“ yes“, I ask them how they provide all of that for their family. Thats when they understand that I had it right.I totally agree that family and friends are of great importance to our well being ; without meaningful relationships, theres no cha

27、nce of ever being truly happy. Thats why, every Saturday night, I end my CNBC show with the following words:“ People first. Then money. Then things. “How we deal with the money we have also plays into our happiness. Over the past few decades (十年), the percentage of Americans who say theyre happy has

28、nt changed much, while at the same time the average income has doubled. So we have more money, but were not much happier on average.A paradox (悖论)? Far from it. My sense is that while were making more money, we arent making more of the money we make. We have to pay for a lot of things, and we have t

29、o worry about saving for retirement (退休) in a way that our parents and grandparents never did. And as many of you know, its really hard to increase your happiness when youve got a lot of money worries.Do you agree, or am I way off base? Id love to know what do you think about the money/ happiness co

30、nnection.(分数:4.00)(1).Why do people often show the author their family photos?(分数:1.00)A.They hope to show money is very important.B.They want to prove they can afford a holiday.C.They think a good family makes them truly happy.D.They believe a happy person considers people first.(2).Why did the aut

31、hur ask the group questions in Paragraph 3?(分数:1.00)A.To persuade them to save for the future.B.To ask for advice on holidays abroad.C.To know more about each person.D.To show them what he meant.(3).Which of the following arguments does the author want to make?(分数:1.00)A.Money is all that matters in

32、 our life.B.The richer we are, the happier well be.C.Money makes a difference to the quality of our lives.D.True happiness is achievable from good relationships.(4).What does the underlined words “off base“ in the last paragraph most probably mean?(分数:1.00)A.mistakenB.unpreparedC.unnecessaryD.misund

33、erstoodCThere are many different kinds of peaches (桃). One clear difference is the one between clingstone-fruit in which the flesh is stuck to the seed inside-and freestone -that in which the seed floats freely. Customers prefer freestone peaches because they dont want to struggle to get the flesh a

34、way from the seed.And thats how it goes in stone fruit land. Plant breeders (培育者) are trying all the time to improve the old favorites. Frequently, the changes are designed to meet the demands of the growers or packers. One very delicious family of peach varieties has nearly disappeared because it f

35、orms a small“ beak“ at the bottom of the fruit. That little point is likely to break during packing and shipping, opening the door to spoilage (腐烂).This is certainly not to say that the wants of customers are not important. In fact, they drive some of the most important changes. One thing customers

36、like is red-lots of red. Peaches used to be prized for golden skin ; now people are buying red, regarding it as a sign of ripeness.But red has a hold on people. Theres a story told by those in the stone fruit industry about a marketing experiment. A group of people were given two peaches : one a fai

37、rly tasteless red variety, the other a great-tasting gold. Sitting around, tasting and talking about the fruit, the group all agreed that the gold was a much better peach and that was the one they would buy. Then, on the way out the door, they were offered boxes of peaches as a thank-you gift. One h

38、eld the preferred golden fruit, the other the red. To a person, they picked the red fruit to take home. Red sells.(分数:4.00)(1).What does the word“ stone“ mean in the text?(分数:1.00)A.The hard seed inside a fruit.B.Containers that packers use.C.Small rocks found in the fields.D.Soft beaks at the botto

39、m of the fruit.(2).Why do plant breeders try hard to improve peaches?(分数:1.00)A.To get better shaped fruit.B.To meet the needs of growers.C.To make peaches taste better.D.To have a better chance for prizes.(3).Why do people like to buy red fruit?(分数:1.00)A.They believe it is ripe.B.It sells cheaper

40、than gold.C.It is usually more delicious.D.They know it is an improved variety.(4).what can we learn about the peach-tasting group in the last paragraph?(分数:1.00)A.They were experts on marketing.B.They took home golden peaches.C.They agreed about the taste of peaches.D.They said they would buy the r

41、ed peaches.DA study comparing prices in 150 major cities has found that cities in Western Europe have become more expensive to live in since the full introduction of the euro currency (货币). The report also noted a fall in living costs in cities where there are economic (经济的) or political problems su

42、ch as Buenos Aires in Argentina and Harare in Zimbabwe.The findings are shown in the latest worldwide cost of living study conducted yearly by the Economist Intelligence Unit, a business research organization based in London. The information is meant to help big firms set payments for people working

43、 away from their home country. As in last years study, two Japanese cities, Tokyo and Osaka, were found to be the most expensive places to live. The report also says that cities in the euro zone (欧元区), have become more expensive relative to other places since the introduction of euro notes and coins

44、. For example, Pads now has the tenth highest costs;it was in fourteenth place a few years ago. Berlin has gone from fiftieth to thirty-first place. Those findings will strengthen the opinion that businesses have exploited disorder over the new currency to push up their prices. But as in past years,

45、 the highest costs in Europe are outside the euro zone. London, for example, is the seventh most expensive city in the world to live in. New York, which has the highest prices in America, is in 11 th place. The biggest fall in relative costs has taken place in Buenos Aires. That partly shows the fal

46、l of the Argentine currency, following the countrys inability to pay the money it owes. The cheapest major cities were found to be Tehran in Iran and Harare, capital of Zimbabwe.(分数:4.00)(1).What is the text mainly about?(分数:1.00)A.The economic development in Europe.B.The results of a study.C.Living

47、 costs outside the euro zone.D.Changes in world currencies.(2).The Economist Intelligence Unit has tried its best to _.(分数:1.00)A.introduce the euro to more countriesB.help people choose places to live inC.provide information about living costD.offer suggestions for economic growth(3).Some European

48、cities have become more expensive probably because _.(分数:1.00)A.businesses took advantage of the new currencyB.living cost dropped in non-European countriesC.economic growth slowed down in the worldD.problems occurred in other cities(4).What can we learn from the text?(分数:1.00)A.Buenos Aires is the cheapest city in the world.B.Tokyo and Osaka are the most expensive cities.C.Paris and Berlin have the highest prices in Europe.D.London and Harare are as expensive as they were.EThe League of High Schools is pleased to invite student freethinkers to our 2007 Student Lead


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