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1、公共英语三级-阅读理解题(二)及答案解析(总分:160.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Unit 1(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Quite a few people frown at the telephone bill, a regular visitor who makes its polite but firm call once a month. Friends frown at it and shake their heads, looking stupidly helpless. The

2、 next move that friends make is to swear at the trick the phone company plays with people: letting you use the phone first, encouraging you to use it more, and finally charging you heartlessly. The third move, after swearing, is likely to be picking the phone up and starting a funny long chat with s

3、omeone somewhere across the whole continent.The bill, in plain words, is a money collector. Household bills include those for electricity, water, gas, garbage pickup, telephone, and cable TV. Credit card holders find more opportunities to frown because they also have bills from banks and companies t

4、hat may be located in New York City or Nebraska farmlands. Here is a simple addition: suppose you hold three credit cards, plus household bills, you need to take care of nine regular bills a month. Usually, bills come in on different days, giving you two or three weeks to handle them. You seem to be

5、 always receiving bills, and sending out payments. You feel that you live to pay bills.There are some irregular or long term bills coming for, say, the car insurance, the health insurance, publication subscriptions, first aid, or a fine for something, like a parking violation, that you did or did no

6、t deserve. The principle is that whenever your balance in the bank account is going up, you know it is about time for some special bills to arrive for you to pay off. Because bills are part of everyday mail delivery, going to check the mailbox is no longer a matter of pleasant hope.Some people handl

7、e bills in a cool way: forgetting them for a while by throwing them under the couch. Once the bothersome thing has disappeared from you, you tend to stop worrying about it. As a Chinese cynical idiom goes: “The more debts the less concerns./(分数:10.00)(1).According to the passage, “a regular visitor“

8、 is_.(分数:2.00)A.a friend of the authorB.a telephone operatorC.something which collects moneyD.someone who delivers telephone bills(2).Which of the following is NOT the trick of the phone company?(分数:2.00)A.To encourage people to install an extra phone.B.To use the phone as much as possible.C.To offe

9、r opportunities to use phones.D.To collect money from the phone users mercilessly.(3).What does the author want to tell us from the additional information?(分数:2.00)A.The post office takes care of regular bills.B.A person suffers a lot from receiving bills.C.Bills are usually paid through credit card

10、s.D.Paying bills is a legal activity.(4).Why did the author say that going to check the mailbox is no longer a matter of pleasant hope?(分数:2.00)A.it is a simple routine work.B.There is too much advertising stuff.C.There are too many unexpected letters to read.D.A bill is always to be found in the ma

11、ilbox.(5).What does the author mean by mentioning a Chinese cynical idiom?(分数:2.00)A.You should collect all the bills together.B.Do not concern too much about the bills.C.If you dont pay the bill in time, you will have more debts.D.If you have many debts, nobody will trust you.四、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.0

12、0)It is well known that when an individual joins a group he tends to accept the groups standards of behavior and thinking. He is expected to behave in accordance with these normsin other words the group expects him to conform. Many illustrations could be given of this from everyday life, but what is

13、 of particular interest to psychologists is the extent to which peoples judgments and opinions can be changed as a result of group pressure.In a typical experiment, the experimenter asks for volunteers to join a group which is investigating visual perception. The victims are not, therefore, aware of

14、 the real purpose of the experiment. Each volunteer is taken to a room where he finds a group of about seven people who are collaborating with the experimenter. The group is shown a standard card which contains a single line. They are then asked to look at a second card. This has three lines on it.

15、One is obviously longer than the line on the first card, one is shorter and one the same length. They have to say which line on the second card is the same length as the line on the standard card. The other members of the group answer first but what the volunteer does not know is that they have been

16、 told to pick one of the wrong lines. The volunteer sees that the other members of the group unanimously choose a line which is obviously not the same length as the one on the standard card.When it is his turn to answer he is faced with the unanimous opinion of the rest of the groupall the others ha

17、ve chosen line A but he quite clearly sees line B as correct. What will he do? According to Asch, more than half of the victims chosen will change their opinion. What is equally surprising is that, when interviewed about their answers, most explained that they knew the group choice was incorrect but

18、 that they yielded to the pressure of the group because they thought they must be suffering from an optical illusion.(分数:10.00)(1).Psychologists are interested in_.(分数:2.00)A.how far group pressure can influence peoples judgementsB.how to make judgements according to everyday experienceC.how to chan

19、ge peoples judgementsD.the groups standards of social behavior(2).In the experiment, who have been told to pick the wrong line?(分数:2.00)A.The victims.B.The volunteerC.The experimenter.D.The other members.(3).In what circumstances do most people yield to pressure?(分数:2.00)A.When the group is separate

20、d.B.When the group is unanimous.C.When they know they are the victims.D.When they are forced to answer questions.(4).The experiments demonstrate that_.(分数:2.00)A.nearly every individual will behave differently from othersB.group pressure is caused by the interference of the psychologistsC.psychologi

21、sts wish to change the peoples judgements and opinionsD.people will change their ideas under group pressure(5).The best title of this passage would be_.(分数:2.00)A.ATypical ExperimentB.Are We Afraid to be Different?C.The Groups Standards of Behaviour andThinkingD.Does an Individual Need to Follow a G

22、roups Standards?五、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)A television camera does not look at a scene as a whole in the same way as a film camera; instead, it scans the scene. Scanning was first used in the transmission of pictures by telegraph. A light beam looked at a very small part of the picture and translated

23、what it saw into an electric current, which varied in strength according to the amount of light which passed through the picture at that point. It then moved on to the next tiny part of the picture, working across it from left to right, then moving down a line and repeating the process, until it had

24、 scanned the whole picture. At the receiving end, the signals were re-translated into a series of dots which, when looked at from a normal reading distance, reproduced the original picture. The television camera also looks at a scene as a series of dots; each dot of light is translated by the camera

25、 tube into an electronic signal.The black and white television receiverthe set in your living-roommust re-translate the information received from the camera into a series of dots of varying brightness to make up the picture. An electron gun shoots a beam of electrons at a screen coated with a substa

26、nce which lights up when the electrons hit it. Only one “dot“ of the screen lights up at a time as the electron beam moves across from left to right in a series of lines, but the movement is so quick that the viewer watching the other side of the screen sees only the complete picture. The number of

27、lines in the picture varies according to the system used. In Britain, the B.B.C. used 405 lines for many years, but is now also using 625 lines. Soon, all television in Britain will be on 625 lines. The picture of 625 lines, known as a “field“, is transmitted in Britain at the rate of fifty fields p

28、er second.(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following statements is true?(分数:2.00)A.A film camera scans the scene.B.A television camera scans the scene.C.The scene is first stored in a light beam.D.An electric current passes through the scene.(2).After the process of the first scanning, the signals are re-

29、translated into a form of_.(分数:2.00)A.a lineB.a pictureC.dotsD.scene(3).In making up a picture, the black and white television is essentially based on_.(分数:2.00)A.various brightness of dotsB.a normal electric currentC.the number of lines in the pictureD.the speed of electrons hitting on the screen(4

30、).What decides the number of lines in the picture?(分数:2.00)A.TV sets used.B.The size of a television screen.C.The geographical locations.D.The system used.(5).This article is mainly talking about_.(分数:2.00)A.Television camerasB.Television linesC.Color televisionD.Black and white television六、Part B(总

31、题数:1,分数:10.00)Norman Garrard:I went to the local grammar school. It was an all-boys school, and we all had to wear uniform. We didnt mix much with children from other schools. It was a bit snobbish, I suppose. The syllabus was very academic. I wish the school had been co-educational. I was terribly

32、shy of girls for a couple of years after I left school simply because I hadnt met many.Freddie Tipper:I left school when 1 was 15, and I was glad to get out. I wanted to start earning a living as soon as possible in the real world. Most of the teachers were boring, and they didnt seem to understand

33、us. I think teachers are overpaid, and their holidays are too long. I dont know what theyre always complaining about.Samantha Wharton:I was at a big comprehensivenearly 2000 students. Because it was so big there was a wide choice of subjects and I liked that. I suppose it was a bit impersonal someti

34、mes. I often wished it had been smaller, but the teaching was very good and there were lots of extra activities. I played in the school orchestra and helped to produce the school newspaper.William Bunter:I went to Eton, actually. I suppose I had a very privileged education. Academic standards were v

35、ery high and I was able to go on to Oxford. The thing I remember most is the comradeship. The friendships I made there have lasted through my life. My only regret about boarding-school is that I didnt get to know my parents very well. I didnt see much of them after the age of eight.Darren Andrews:I

36、went to a little village school. We were all togetherboys and girls of all ages. It was like one big, happy family. It was difficult for the teacher of coursedifferent ages and abilitiesbut the older children helped the younger ones. I think it was a good preparation for life. My school days were ve

37、ry happy. I never passed any exams, but I dont regret going to my little village school.Now match each of the speakers (16 to 20) to the appropriate statement.Note: there are two extra statements.Statements A I appreciated close relationship with my friends. B Teachers should be better paid. C I did

38、nt have chance to meet many girls. D I was satisfied with our school activities. E I was glad to spend every weekend with my parents. F Working is better than studying. G I didnt have any good marks.(分数:10.00)(1).Norman Garrard(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(2).Freddie Tipper(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(3).Samantha Wharton(分数

39、:2.00)填空项 1:_(4).William Bunter(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_(5).Darren Andrews(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_七、Unit 2(总题数:0,分数:0.00)八、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)九、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)During the meal, youd better be careful not to leave a spoon in a soup bowl or coffee cup or any other dish. The coffee spoon ought to be on the sauc

40、er, the soup spoon ought to be on the plate under the bowl. When you are having soup, make the least noises and use the side of your spoon inside out this way, not the tip. And you mustnt pick up your soup bowls so as to drink away the last drops of your soup from the bottom of the bowl.Very often t

41、here is only one main course and salad, followed by your sweet. If you find the meal not square enough, say “Oh, its delicious!“ and ask for some more of the chicken or steak or whatever you have just had. The hostess will be very glad that you appreciate her cooking and will give you an extra porti

42、on. But if you observe the Chinese way of being polite and say “No, thank you“ when the hostess offers you more, you will most probably starve later. Because Americans will never press food on you. Yet it is not polite to keep silent and not to talk with the person next to you. It would be considere

43、d good manners if you handle your silverware with care so that they dont clatter. Do not belch in the presence of the others and do not hiccup more than you can help. When coffee comes, drink it from your cup. The coffee spoon should rest on the saucer while you are drinking. And smoking, of course,

44、 is rarely seen at a dinner table. Well, when the meal is finished, the guests put their napkins on the table and stand up, the men again helping the ladies with their chairs. Do not fold your napkin in the original folds unless you are asked to stay for another meal.After the dinner, the guests usu

45、ally stay for an hour or two, then they would say, “well, Im afraid I must be going now.“ The host and hostess would of course urge everyone to stay longer, “What, already? Wont you have another coffee?“ The guests, for instance, would say, “1 love to, but I have to be up early tomorrow. Thank you f

46、or a most enjoyable evening. Good-night.“And if you stay overnight or over the weekend, it will be courteous to send a thank-you note to the host or hostess the following day, very often with a small gift such as a box of chocolate or some flowers as a token of appreciation of their hospitality.(分数:

47、10.00)(1).The title below that best expresses the idea of this passage is_.(分数:2.00)A.How to Eat DinnerB.Table Manners in the USAC.How to Prepare for a MealD.Never Press Food on Your Guest(2).Which of the following statements is true?(分数:2.00)A.Talking is necessary at a dinner table.B.To make the ho

48、stess happy you should ask for more food.C.To leave early will make your host happy.D.It is impolite to say no when your hostess offers you more food.(3).Which of the following is regarded as impolite?(分数:2.00)A.To drink your soup without a spoon.B.To make the least noise.C.To handle your silverware

49、 with care.D.To drink the coffee from your cup.(4).What does “courteous“ mean in the last paragraph?(分数:2.00)A.Friendly.B.Polite.C.Generous.D.Noble.(5).The passage implies that_.(分数:2.00)A.different nations have different customsB.Chinese custom is quite similar to American customC.it is difficult to follow western customsD.it is hard to find excuses for leaving十、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)There are robots all around


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