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1、公共英语三级口试-349 及答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part 1(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.Interlocutor : Good morning (afternoon). My name is.and this is my colleague.He/She is just going to be listening to us.(早上/下午好。我叫这是我的同事他/她只是听我们对话,不参与交谈。) And your names are.and.?(你们的名字分别是和?) Give me your mark sheets please.(请把你们的登分卡给我。)

2、 Thank you. (谢谢。) (Hand over the mark sheets to the assessor.)(接过卡后递给专事评分的老师。) (分数:1.00)_二、Part 2(总题数:1,分数:2.00)2.Interlocutor : Now, I“d like you to talk about something for about 3 minutes. I“m just going to listen. (现在,我要你们两个谈大约 3 分钟的话,我来旁听。) I“d like you to imagine what“s wrong with the boy?(我要你

3、们想象一下这个孩子怎么了?) (分数:2.00)_三、Part 3(总题数:1,分数:2.00)3.Interlocutor : Now, I“d like each of you to talk on your own for about one and a half minutes. I“m going to give each of you a different picture and I“d like you to talk about it. Candidate A, here is your picture: a robber. Please let Candidate B ha

4、ve a look at it. (现在,每个人分别有 1 分半钟的时间就不同的图片来单独发言。我会分别给你们一幅不同的图片。考生A,这是你的图片:抢劫者。请出示你的图片给考生 B 看一下。) Candidate B, I“ll give you your picture in a minute. (考生 B,一会儿我将给你图片。) (分数:2.00)_公共英语三级口试-349 答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part 1(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.Interlocutor : Good morning (afternoon). My name is.and this

5、 is my colleague.He/She is just going to be listening to us.(早上/下午好。我叫这是我的同事他/她只是听我们对话,不参与交谈。) And your names are.and.?(你们的名字分别是和?) Give me your mark sheets please.(请把你们的登分卡给我。) Thank you. (谢谢。) (Hand over the mark sheets to the assessor.)(接过卡后递给专事评分的老师。) (分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:First of all we“d like t

6、o know something about you, Candidate A, so I“m going to ask you some questions. (考生 A,首先让我们来了解一下你的情况,我要问你一些问题。) T: Are you well? 你身体好吗? A: Yes, of course. I“m feeling in the pink. 是的,我身体很健康。 T: What do you usually do when you begin to run a fever? 你发烧的时候通常会怎么处理? A: I usually take some medicine, dri

7、nk a lot of water and have a rest. 我一般是吃药,喝大量的水,然后休息。 T: Do you think health is essential to your study? Why or why not? 你认为健康对你的学习来说是必须的吗?为什么或为什么不? A: I think it“s essential. When in good health, I feel I“m much quicker in absorbing knowledge, whereas, in weak health, I may lose the ability to tack

8、le complicated problems. 我认为是必需的。身体好的时候我感觉对知识的接受能力强一些;如果不舒服,我就很难解决一些复杂的问题了。 T: How do you think about weight control? 你对控制体重怎么看? A: I think weight control is good for one“s health and the effective way of it is to have a proper diet and regular exercise. 我认为控制体重有益身体健康。有效的方法是合理饮食,经常锻炼。 Interlocutor :

9、 Thank you. Now, we“d like to know something about you, Candidate B, so I“m going to ask you some questions. (谢谢。考生 B,现在让我们来了解一下你的情况,我要问你一些问题。) T: How do you keep fit? 你是如何保持健康的? B: I take exercise at a gym every day. 每天我都在健身房进行锻炼。 T: What do you usually do after getting up? 起床后你做什么? B: I usually go

10、 out to do morning exercise. But sometimes I also read books. 我通常出去做早操,但有时也看看书。 T: How do you go to school every day? 你每天怎么样去上学? B: On foot. 步行。 T: Why do you walk all the way to school? 你为什么一路走着去学校呢? B: I take it as a kind of exercise. 我把它当做一种锻炼。 T: What open-air exercise do you take? 你进行什么样的户外运动?

11、B: Walking is the type of exercise I enjoy very much. 散步是我非常喜欢的一项运动。二、Part 2(总题数:1,分数:2.00)2.Interlocutor : Now, I“d like you to talk about something for about 3 minutes. I“m just going to listen. (现在,我要你们两个谈大约 3 分钟的话,我来旁听。) I“d like you to imagine what“s wrong with the boy?(我要你们想象一下这个孩子怎么了?) (分数:2.

12、00)_正确答案:()解析:Candidates : A: What“s the relationship between the man and woman in the picture? 图片中的这个男的和女的是什么关系? B: I think they are husband and wife. 我认为他们是丈夫和妻子。 A: What are they doing? 他们在做什么? B: They are quarreling. Can you guess the reason? 他们在吵架。你可以猜到原因吗? A: I think it“s because of their son“

13、s illness. 我认为是因为他们儿子的病情。 B: Yes. I think they are blaming the other side for not taking good care of their son. 是的。我认为他们在互相埋怨对方没能照顾好儿子。 A: Perhaps the wife is blaming her husband for allowing the child out yesterday without his coat. 或许妻子在责备丈夫昨天没让孩子穿外套就出去了。 B: What do they do then? 他们然后又做了什么? A: Th

14、ey send for a doctor. 他们打电话请医生来。 B: What does the doctor do? 医生做了什么? A: He takes his temperature, feels his pulse and listens to his chest. 他测了他的体温,脉搏,然后进行了胸部听诊。 B: Do you think the boy“s illness is very serious? 你认为这个男孩的病情很严重吗? A: No, I think there“s nothing serious. You can see from their facial e

15、xpressions. 不,我从他们的面部表情上看出男孩没什么问题。 B: Can you imagine what does the doctor tell the boy at last? 你能想象出这个医生最后告诉男孩的是什么吗? A: The doctor tells him to stay in bed for several days and remember to take some medicine. 医生告诉他要待在家里休息几天,别忘了吃药。 Interlocutor : Thank you. (口试教师:谢谢。) (Retrieve the picture sheet. 收

16、回图片。)三、Part 3(总题数:1,分数:2.00)3.Interlocutor : Now, I“d like each of you to talk on your own for about one and a half minutes. I“m going to give each of you a different picture and I“d like you to talk about it. Candidate A, here is your picture: a robber. Please let Candidate B have a look at it. (现在

17、,每个人分别有 1 分半钟的时间就不同的图片来单独发言。我会分别给你们一幅不同的图片。考生A,这是你的图片:抢劫者。请出示你的图片给考生 B 看一下。) Candidate B, I“ll give you your picture in a minute. (考生 B,一会儿我将给你图片。) (分数:2.00)_正确答案:()解析:Candidate A : Judging from the picture, we can see that smoking is as dangerous as a robbery. The man is threatening the woman into

18、giving him money by lightening a cigarette instead of shooting a gun. Today there are more smokers in the world. I think it“s a very serious problem we should pay attention to. Smoking contributes to a lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past few years. In the meantime,there are man

19、y people suffering from diseases caused by smoking worldwide. Scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also to the others, especially to women and children. I think smoking should be prohibited harshly in public places such as cinemas, hospitals and stati

20、ons etc. 从这幅图片上可以看出,吸烟和抢劫一样危险。图上男子用吸烟来威胁那位妇女把钱交出来,就像用枪一样。现在全球的烟民越来越多。这是一个严重的问题,应该引起我们的关注。吸烟是引起肺癌的一个原因,在最近几年里由此而引起死亡的人数很多。与此同时,由于吸烟而引起的病痛正折磨着世界各地许许多多的人。科学研究表明,吸烟不但对吸烟者本人有害,而且对其他人也造成危害,尤其是对妇女和儿童。我认为公共场合,比如影院、医院和车站,应严厉禁止吸烟。 Interlocutor : Thank you. (Retrieve the picture. )谢谢。(收回图片。) Candidate B, is th

21、ere anything else you“d like to say about the picture?(考生 B,对这幅图片,你还有什么要补充的吗?) Candidate B : I agree with what Candidate A said. Nowadays many young people have started to smoke at an early age. They consider smoking as a cool symbol. Many heavy smokers also say they can not leave off, although they

22、 know smoking is harmful to their health. So please give up this bad habit! If you don“t smoke, don“t even try! 我同意考生 A 所说的。现在许多的年轻人很小就开始吸烟而且认为这是酷的象征。许多烟瘾大的人也说,尽管知道吸烟有害健康,可是他们戒不掉。因此,请改掉这个坏习惯。如果你不吸烟,千万不要尝试! Interlocutor : Candidate B, here is your card: to prevent the Avian influenza (Bird flu) in such a way. Please let Candidate A have a look at it. (考生 B,这是你的图片:如此预防禽流感。请把你的图片给考生 A 看一下。) (Hand over the picture to Candidate B. )(把图片递给考生 B。)


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