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1、公共英语五级口试-19 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part A: Self-introdu(总题数:1,分数:30.00)1.Interlocutor:Good morning/afternoon. Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you.(Hand over the mark sheets to the Assessor. )My name is. and this is my colleague. He/She will just listen to us. So, you are. (name) a

2、nd . (name) .9 Thank you.First of all, wed like to know something about you, so Im going to ask you some questions.(Select two or more questions from each of the following category for candidates. )What do you usually do with your friends?Do you have a best friend?Can you describe him/her?Do you lik

3、e being alone?How to begin a conversation with a stranger?(分数:30.00)_二、Part B: Collaboratio(总题数:1,分数:30.00)2.DiscussionTopic: Public HealthNow, Candidate A and Candidate B, here is a list of problems of public health.(Hand out the list to the candidates and let them read it through. )What do you thi

4、nk are the problems that should be solved quickly? Id like each of you to choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here. You just talk to each other and I wont join you. You have 5 minutes

5、. All right. Would you begin? (The interlocutor may sit back and intervene only when necessary. )Problems of Public Health:air pollutioncontaminated foodpoisoned waternoise pollutionpolluted infant formulawhite pollutionlittering(分数:30.00)_三、Part C: Presentation(总题数:1,分数:40.00)3.Interlocutor:Now, in

6、 this part of the test Im going to give each of you a list of three different topics. Id like you to select one of the topics and give a short presentation of about 2 minutes.When Candidate A has finished talking, Id like you, Candidate B, to ask him/ her one or two questions. You may make notes whi

7、le you are preparing and take notes while the other person is talking.All right? Here are your topics.(Hand over the Topic Cards and some blank paper and a pencil to each candidate. )Now youll have 2 minutes to prepare.(The candidates are given 2 minutes. )All right. Now Candidate A, would you begin

8、 by telling us which topic you have chosen and then give your presentation, please?(Listen to the presentation of Candidate A. )Thank you. Now Candidate B, would you like to ask Candidate A some questions? (Allow a maximum of 2 questions by Candidate B, followed by one more question by the interlocu

9、tor. )Now Candidate B, would you begin by telling us which topic you have chosen and then give your presentation, please?(Listen to the presentation of Candidate B. )Thank you. Now Candidate A, would you like to ask Candidate B some questions? (Allow a maximum of 2 questions by Candidate A, followed

10、 by one more question by the interlocutor. )List for candidates:Topic Card Aa. HealthWhich is better for infants, infant formula or breast milk?b. PollutionCan you say something about “white pollution“ ?c. EnvironmentWhat do you know about PM 2.5?Topic Card Ba. GovernmentWhat have Chinese Government

11、 done to deal with the pollution?b. PolicyWhat new policies enacted by the government to combat the air pollution?c. MediaWhy are there so many news reports about public health issues?Interlocutor:Thank you. That is the end of the test.(分数:40.00)_公共英语五级口试-19 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part A: Self-

12、introdu(总题数:1,分数:30.00)1.Interlocutor:Good morning/afternoon. Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you.(Hand over the mark sheets to the Assessor. )My name is. and this is my colleague. He/She will just listen to us. So, you are. (name) and . (name) .9 Thank you.First of all, wed like to kno

13、w something about you, so Im going to ask you some questions.(Select two or more questions from each of the following category for candidates. )What do you usually do with your friends?Do you have a best friend?Can you describe him/her?Do you like being alone?How to begin a conversation with a stran

14、ger?(分数:30.00)_正确答案:(1. What do you usually do with your friends?I usually go shopping, go to the cinema, go to a restaurant or sit in a coffee shop and have casual talks with my friends. Most of the time I will be with friends when I want to relax myself. If I feel bad, I will choose to stay alone.

15、 Sometimes we will go to play basketball, or football or video games.2. So you have a best friend?Yes, of course. I think its important to have a best friend who I can rely on. I can reveal my innermost feelings to my best friend. Sometimes I cannot tell everything to my parents. Best friend is the

16、most suitable one to whom I can expose my feelings.3. Can you describe him/her?She is a good girl and we were brought up together. She is easy-going and she likes smiling. When she reads something funny, she will laugh loudly without noticing others surprise. She also likes to help others. She may h

17、ave a busy day helping other people cleaning their house. She is a real friend that I can trust.4. Do you like being alone?No, I dont. Sometimes I want to be alone because I can do what I like. But I dont want to be alone too often. I dont like the feeling of lonely which will make me feel pathetic

18、or depressed. When Im happy, I want to share it with others and when Im sad, I need someone to comfort me. I think I am a person afraid of insecurity.5. How to begin a conversation with a stranger?I will begin the conversation with something about the weather, the traffic or the latest news. Its imp

19、olite to talk with them about something personal such as their family, their job or their income. The latest movie or news or fashion in clothes is usually the best choice. Overall, no privacy and try to find something common between each other and then you will have an easy conversation with strang

20、ers.)解析:二、Part B: Collaboratio(总题数:1,分数:30.00)2.DiscussionTopic: Public HealthNow, Candidate A and Candidate B, here is a list of problems of public health.(Hand out the list to the candidates and let them read it through. )What do you think are the problems that should be solved quickly? Id like ea

21、ch of you to choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here. You just talk to each other and I wont join you. You have 5 minutes. All right. Would you begin? (The interlocutor may sit back

22、and intervene only when necessary. )Problems of Public Health:air pollutioncontaminated foodpoisoned waternoise pollutionpolluted infant formulawhite pollutionlittering(分数:30.00)_正确答案:(Topic: Public HealthConversationA: In my opinion, the most urgent problems are air pollution, contaminated food and

23、 polluted infant formula.B: Why do you choose these three problems?A: Air pollution is a great risk factor for multiple health conditions including respiratory infections, heart disease, and lung cancer. The human health effects of poor air quality are far reaching.B: Yes, I agree with you that air

24、is very important and necessary for human beings.A: Food is also essential in peoples life. Polluted food have dangerous effects on peoples health. As the famous saying goes “Bread is the staff of life“. Without food and air, people cannot live.B: Yes. Food safety is a big problem in our society.A:

25、Nowadays, the infant formula safety is also a big problem. Many manufacturers add some hazardous chemicals into the milk to give it appearance of being nutritious. Childrens health can be easily destroyed because their immune system has not fully developed. Adults should protect children rather than

26、 hurt them to make profits. What about you? What are your choices?B: I think the most urgent problems are air pollution, poisoned water and contaminated food. As you said just now, air is essential in our life. Air quality has great impact on human health, especially on childrens health, because chi

27、ldren are outdoors more. They are more susceptible to the dangers of air pollution.A: Its true. And children often have little knowledge to protect themselves from polluted air.B: Water pollution is urgent because poisoned water cannot be used in agriculture and industry. The drink water in some cit

28、ies has been polluted too. People have to pay much on drink water because many of them choose purified water in containers.A: And the result is the cost of living expense is increasing.B: Not only the cost of drinking water is increasing, but also the cost of eating food is increasing too. More and

29、more people choose green food which is twice expensive than ordinary food. The government should take measures and solve the problems quickly.A encouraging people to use biodegradable packaging; establishing a comprehensive network to collect the white pollution, and then deliver them to a reprocess

30、ing factory.c. EnvironmentWhat do you know about PM 2.5?Atmospheric particulate matter also known as particulates or particulate matter (PM) are tiny pieces of solid or liquid matter associated with the atmosphere. Sources of particulate matter can be man-made or natural. Particulates 2.5 microns in

31、 diameter or less, or PM 2.5 is the most pernicious measure of urban air pollution. They are among the most hazardous because they easily penetrate lungs and enter the bloodstream. The particles are caused by dust or emissions from vehicles, factories and construction sites. If people are chronicall

32、y exposed to them, the risk of cardiovascular ailments, respiratory disease and lung cancer will increase.Questions maybe asked:1. Why do some mothers choose infant formula?I think many mothers choose infant formula because formula has been marketed for decades and many mothers have been convinced t

33、hat formula feeding with a bottle is superior to mothers own milk, which is designed by nature to fit the specific nutritional needs of her baby. But for some mothers, infant formula does help them feed their babies because they dont have enough breast milk.2. Why are there so many polluted infant f

34、ormula?Because there are very few rules and regulations that formula companies are required to follow. Some businessmen dont take childrens health into consideration. What they want is to make great profits from their business. The government should make laws to ensure childrens food safety.Topic Ca

35、rd Ba. GovernmentWhat have Chinese Government done to deal with the pollution?Chinese leaders have been asking for the publics patience and taking measures like offering 48, 000 awards to food safety informants. Recently, the government has formulated policies to encourage filtering technology in po

36、wer plants. From 2005 to 2009, China cut its sulfur dioxide emissions by between 22 million and 25.5 million tons. The government has shut down many of the smallest and filthiest coal-fired power plants. And activists, lawyers and journalists have to some degree been given a green light by the gover

37、nment to raise public awareness about pollution and go after polluters.b. PolicyWhat new policies enacted by the government to combat the air pollution?In the end of 2012, Chinese authorities set tougher rules to combat air pollution by ordering major cities to monitor tiny particles which do seriou

38、s damage to peoples health. The national air quality rules were agreed at an executive meeting of the state council presided over by the premier, Wen Jiabao. They ordered stricter air pollution monitoring standards in the mega-cities and three key industrial belts. Another 113 cities must adopt new

39、standards in 2013 and all but the smallest cities by 2015 to “help allay public concern over official air quality readings“. I think this is a major step forward in Chinas process to combat urban air pollution.c. MediaWhy are there so many news reports about public health issues?I think the most imp

40、ortant reason is that authorities have given environmental groups, demonstrators or media free reign when it comes to public health issues. Rather than foment more dissent by cracking down, authorities have chosen to work on giving an appearance of more transparency. Moreover, the publishing of the

41、public health issues can arouse peoples confidence that government will make efforts to resolve these problems. Because the media acts as a mouthpiece for the ruling party, the publishing of these issues imply that the government has placed them on the agenda and will take measures to solve the prob

42、lems in the near future.Questions maybe asked:1. Is there any environmental protest?Yes. The pollution or food scares can mobilize large groups of people. In 2012, demonstrations that brought out thousands of city residents halted plans to build a copper plant, a waste water pipeline and a chemical

43、plant. These environmental protests are aimed at entire cities and they are made up of mostly middle-class Chinese.2. Is there any environmental organization in China?Yes. Chinese people have opportunities to organize and voice discontent. NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and other groups that work on green and public health causes have been encouraged to flourish over the past years. The organizations hold public discussions online, launch media campaigns and sometimes advise the government.)解析:


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