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1、公共英语一级-309 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英语知识运用(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、完型填空(总题数:2,分数:100.00)Impatience characterizes young intellectual workers. They want to make their mark 1 . So it“s important to get 2 to them in a challenging manner the idea 3 big achievements rarely come easily and quickly. Point out t

2、hat the little successes are essential. Show that they 4 turn become the foundation on 5 reputations are built and from which mole important tasks can be accomphished. A variety of job assignments, including job or project rotation, also keep a job 6 becoming dull. Whereas it“s natural for some indi

3、viduals to want to move ahead immediately to more difficult assignments, 7 proper guidance they call continue to learn and to gain versatility by working on a number of jobs that are essentially 8 the same complexity. This way they gain breadth, if not depth. Probably the greatest offense to guard 9

4、 when dealing with younger specialists is to reject ideas out of hand. You must listenand listen objectively to their suggestions. Avoid 10 overcritical. You want to nurture an inquiring mind with a fresh approach. You“ll frustrate it quickly if you revert too often 11 “We“ve tried that before and i

5、t won“t 12 here.“ One sure way to disenchant 13 college graduates is flagrantly misusing their talents. Expect them to do some routine work, of course. But don“t make their 14 work just one long series of errands. This ineludes such breakin assignments 15 performing routine calculations,digging up 1

6、6 material, 17 operating reproduction equipment. One large manufacturing company recently interviewed a number of 18 engineers who had left them. The company found that the overwhelming complaint was that the company not only did not offer work that 19 challenging but also expected 20 too little fro

7、m them in the way of performance.(分数:50.00)Pollution is a “dirty“ word. To pollute means to contaminate-topsoil or something by introducing impurities which make 21 unfit or unclean to use. Pollution comes in many forms. We see it, smell it, 22 it, drink it, and stumble through it. We literally live

8、d in and breathe pollution, and 23 surprisingly, it is beginning to 24 our health, our happiness, and our civilization. Once we thought of pollution 25 meaning simply the smogthe choking, stinging, dirty 26 that hovers over cities. But air pollution, while it is 27 the most dangerous, is only one ty

9、pe of contamination among several 28 attack the most basic life functions. Through the uncontrolled use of insecticides, man has polluted the land, 29 the wildlife. By 30 sewage and chemicals into rivers and lakes, we have contaminated our 31 water. We are polluting the oceans, too, killing the fish

10、 and 32 depriving ourselves 33 an invaluable food supply. Part of the problem is our exploding 34 . More and more people are producing more wastes. But this problem is intensified by our “throwaway“ technology. Each year Americans 35 of 7 million autos,20 million tons of waste paper, 25 million poun

11、ds of toothpaste tubes and 48 million cans. We throw away gum wrappers, newspapers, and paper plates. It is no longer wise to 36 anything. Today almost everything is disposable. 37 of repairing a toaster or a radio, it is easier and cheaper to buy another one and discard the old, even 38 95 percent

12、of its parts may still be functioning. Baby diapers, which used to be made of reusable cloth, are now paper throw-aways. Soon we will wear clothing made of 39 : “Wear it once and throw it away“ will be the slogan of the fashionable consciousness. Where is this all to end? Are we turning the world in

13、to a gigantic dump, or is there hope that we can solve the pollution problem? 40 , solutions are in sight. A few of them are positively ingenious.(分数:50.00)公共英语一级-309 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、英语知识运用(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、完型填空(总题数:2,分数:100.00)Impatience characterizes young intellectual workers. They wan

14、t to make their mark 1 . So it“s important to get 2 to them in a challenging manner the idea 3 big achievements rarely come easily and quickly. Point out that the little successes are essential. Show that they 4 turn become the foundation on 5 reputations are built and from which mole important task

15、s can be accomphished. A variety of job assignments, including job or project rotation, also keep a job 6 becoming dull. Whereas it“s natural for some individuals to want to move ahead immediately to more difficult assignments, 7 proper guidance they call continue to learn and to gain versatility by

16、 working on a number of jobs that are essentially 8 the same complexity. This way they gain breadth, if not depth. Probably the greatest offense to guard 9 when dealing with younger specialists is to reject ideas out of hand. You must listenand listen objectively to their suggestions. Avoid 10 overc

17、ritical. You want to nurture an inquiring mind with a fresh approach. You“ll frustrate it quickly if you revert too often 11 “We“ve tried that before and it won“t 12 here.“ One sure way to disenchant 13 college graduates is flagrantly misusing their talents. Expect them to do some routine work, of c

18、ourse. But don“t make their 14 work just one long series of errands. This ineludes such breakin assignments 15 performing routine calculations,digging up 16 material, 17 operating reproduction equipment. One large manufacturing company recently interviewed a number of 18 engineers who had left them.

19、 The company found that the overwhelming complaint was that the company not only did not offer work that 19 challenging but also expected 20 too little from them in the way of performance.(分数:50.00)解析:fast解析 由上一句句意“不耐心代表了年轻的脑力工作者们的特点。”可知,本句“他们想成名”中的空处应填“快速地”。解析:across解析 get across 意为“使(观点等)被理解或接受,讲清

20、自己的意思”,此句意为“给他们讲清巨大的成功不会轻易、快速地到来很重要。”解析:that解析 idea 与 big achievements rarely come easily and quickly 是同位语,故此空应填that,引导同位语从句。解析:in解析 in turn 意为“转而,反过来”,此旬意为“给他们讲明这些小成功成为建立声誉的基础,而且从这些小成功开始更重要的任务才能被完成。”。外语学习网解析:which解析 “声誉建立的基础”英语表达为“the foundation on which reputations ale built”,which 指代 foundations。

21、解析:from解析 keep sth. from doing sth. 意为“防止某事”,为固定短语。解析:under解析 under guidance 意为“在指导下”,为固定短语。解析:of解析 be of the same.意为“是一样”,此句意为“在正确的指导下,他们能继续学习,继续通过干许多一样复杂的工作而获得多样性。”解析:against解析 guard against 意为“防止,防范,警惕”,为固定短语,against 也可以省略。解析:being解析 avoid doing sth. 意为“避免”,avoid 后必须跟名词或动名词。be overcritical 意为“过分挑

22、剔的”。解析:to解析 revert to 意为“重想,重提”,此句意为“如果你经常提到我们以前已经试着这样做了,但是不管用就会很快地挫伤这种好问的头脑”。解析:work解析 本句意为“我们以前已经尝试过,但是不。”显然,此空处应填“奏效,起作用”,英语中表达这一含义最地道的词就是 work。解析:young解析 本文均是在讲年轻的脑力工作者,故此空所应填的用于修饰“college graduates”的词也应是“年轻的”。解析:daily解析 此句意为“但是不要使他们的工作仅仅成为一长串令人心烦的差使。”显然,此空应填“每日的,日常的”。解析:as解析 such.as 意为“这样的如”。此空

23、后为并列的三个分词短语,即“如”后跟的例举事项。解析:reference解析 这三个分词短语意为“执行日常运算、挖掘材料、操作再生产设备”。显然,“参考材料”最合适。解析:and解析 这三个分词短语是并列的,故中间的连词只能用 and。解析:promising解析 此旬意为“一家大制造公司最近采访了许多的工程师,这些工程师都已离开这家公司。”由上下句判断,此空处填“有希望的,有前景的”最合句意。解析:was解析 此空显然应是句子的谓语成分,应填动词的过去式。解析:far解析 可用于修饰“too little”的只能是 far,意为“太少,特别少”。Pollution is a “dirty“

24、word. To pollute means to contaminate-topsoil or something by introducing impurities which make 21 unfit or unclean to use. Pollution comes in many forms. We see it, smell it, 22 it, drink it, and stumble through it. We literally lived in and breathe pollution, and 23 surprisingly, it is beginning t

25、o 24 our health, our happiness, and our civilization. Once we thought of pollution 25 meaning simply the smogthe choking, stinging, dirty 26 that hovers over cities. But air pollution, while it is 27 the most dangerous, is only one type of contamination among several 28 attack the most basic life fu

26、nctions. Through the uncontrolled use of insecticides, man has polluted the land, 29 the wildlife. By 30 sewage and chemicals into rivers and lakes, we have contaminated our 31 water. We are polluting the oceans, too, killing the fish and 32 depriving ourselves 33 an invaluable food supply. Part of

27、the problem is our exploding 34 . More and more people are producing more wastes. But this problem is intensified by our “throwaway“ technology. Each year Americans 35 of 7 million autos,20 million tons of waste paper, 25 million pounds of toothpaste tubes and 48 million cans. We throw away gum wrap

28、pers, newspapers, and paper plates. It is no longer wise to 36 anything. Today almost everything is disposable. 37 of repairing a toaster or a radio, it is easier and cheaper to buy another one and discard the old, even 38 95 percent of its parts may still be functioning. Baby diapers, which used to

29、 be made of reusable cloth, are now paper throw-aways. Soon we will wear clothing made of 39 : “Wear it once and throw it away“ will be the slogan of the fashionable consciousness. Where is this all to end? Are we turning the world into a gigantic dump, or is there hope that we can solve the polluti

30、on problem? 40 , solutions are in sight. A few of them are positively ingenious.(分数:50.00)解析:it解析 本句意为污染意思是弄脏表层土或什么东西,通过引进杂质,这使不健康或不干净。”显然,此空处应指 topsoil or something,因为前面已出现,所以用 it 来代替。解析:taste解析 本句意为“我们看得见它,闻得见它,它,喝它,而且在它中间挣扎。”由常识可知,此空处只有一个“尝”较合适。解析:not解析 此空前半句意为“我们真地生活在污染中,呼吸着它”,而后半句意为“它开始我们的健康、幸福

31、和文明。”显然,这是因果关系,故中间的 surprisingly 前只能加个否定词 not。中华考试网解析:threaten解析 可以知道此空一定为“威胁”之意。解析:as解析 think of sth. as sth. 为固定短语,意为“把某物想成某物”。解析:air解析 由前面的 smog 可知,此空处应填与 smog 相应的物质,又由后面的“hovers over cities”可知,此物质只能是“脏空气”。解析:still解析 本句意为“但是空气污染,尽管它是最危险的,但也只是几种攻击最基本生活功能的污染方式之一。”显然,可知此空应填“仍然”。解析:which解析 可知此空应为一个引导

32、定语从句的词,即 which,其后的定语修饰“several(types of contamination)”。解析:killing解析 本句意为“通过无控制地使用杀虫剂,人类已经污染了土地,野生动物。”显然,此空处应填“杀害”,但不能填 kill,因为英语中无连词时不可能有两个谓语,故应填killing,killing the wildlife 是现在分词做伴随状语。解析:dumping解析 由本句句意“通过将污水和化学物质入河流和湖泊,”可知,此空处显然应为“倒”。又因为介词后只能用 dumping,而不能用 dump。解析:drinking解析 由本句句意“通过将污水和化学物质倒入河流和

33、湖泊,我们已经污染了我们的水。”显然,此空处应为“饮用”。解析:thereby解析 本句句意为“我们也正在污染海洋,杀死了鱼类,剥夺了我们那无价的食物供应。”显然,此空前后为因果关系,而且 depriving 前不能用 so 或其他表因果关系的连词,而只能用介词thereby。解析:of解析 deprive sb. of sth. 为固定短语,意为“剥夺某人的某东西(或某权利)”。解析:population解析 由下一句“越来越多的人正在制造更多的垃圾。”可知,此处应指“膨胀的人口”,即 exploding population。解析:dispose解析 由前一句“但是这个问题因为我们的“一次

34、性”技术而加剧了。”可知,此处应为“丢掉,扔掉”之意,即 dispose of。解析:reuse解析 由后一句“今天几乎每件东西都可以被扔掉。”可知,“任何东西不再明智了。”中的空处应为“再利用”,这样前后两句逻辑上才能合理。解析:Instead解析 由本句句意“修一台烤箱或一台收音机,买一台新的、扔掉旧的更容易、更便宜”可知,肯定是“不修”,又因为有介词 of,所以应填 instead。instead of 意为“不做某事”,是固定短语。解析:though解析 由本句句意“更便宜,它的 95%的部件仍可以使用。”可知,此空处应填“尽管,即使”,即 even though。解析:paper解析 由前一句“.are now paper throwaways.”可知,“不久以后我们将穿由纸制作的衣服。”解析:Fortunately解析 由本句句意“可以看到有解决办法的希望了。”可知,此空应填“幸运的是”。


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