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1、上海市中级口译第一阶段笔试分类模拟题 8及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、TRANSLATION TEST(总题数:4,分数:100.00)1.上海外语口译考试上海外语口译考试,是顺应上海改革开放需要,经上海市政府主管部门批准的高层次继续教育项目,由上海市高校浦东继续教育中心组织开发和实施,上海外语口译考试委员会进行指导和监督。中心特聘来自上海名校的外语教授组成专家组,全面负责考试的命题、阅卷、口试等各项工作,以及全套培训教材的编撰和修订。 项目于 1994年正式启动,次年举办了首次英语高级口译考试。自 1995年以来已形成英语、日语两个语种,基础、中级、高级三个等级的

2、考试。“上海外语口译”的商标 SIA,业已在国家商标局注册。 上海外语口译项目始于上海,经过 18年平稳发展,现已辐射至 9个省 15个大中城市,有 22所高等院校参与合作。项目以其特有的培训和考试模式,激发起人们学习英语和口译的兴趣,吸引了越来越多的考生,尤其是在校大学生。考生人数逐年稳步增长,截至 2011年年底,累计已超过 100万。 上海外语口译考试每年举行两次,分为笔试和口试两个阶段,笔试安排在 3月和 9月,口试则在 5月和11月。考生只有先通过笔试,才有资格参加口试。通过笔试和口试的考生可获得相应等级的证书。 英语高级口译笔试包括听力、阅读和翻译三大部分,含六个单元,考试时间为

3、180分钟。口试包括口语和口译两个部分,时间为 20分钟。英语中级口译笔试包括听力、阅读、英译汉和汉译英四部分,考试时间为 150分钟。口试也包括口语和口译两个部分,时间约 15分钟。 上海外语口译的实用性和专业性,以及获证人员所达到翻译水准,已使其成为社会上广泛认可、口碑良好的非学历继续教育项目,深受莘莘学子的青睐。项目还多次获得重要的科研成果奖、教材奖,赢得学界的普遍赞誉。 (分数:25.00)_2.国际经济司成立近日,外交部举行国际经济司成立大会。国际经济司的正式成立,是新形势下外交服务国家经济发展的一项重要举措,此举让中国的经济外交再度引起关注。 经济外交在国际关系发展中发挥着重要作用

4、,经济关系始终是国与国之间的重要关系,经济合作始终是国与国关系的重要纽带。我国历来高度重视经济外交工作,经济外交始终是我国总体外交的重要组成部分,在国家发展和外交全局中发挥着日益重要的作用。 外交部将以成立国际经济司为契机,继往开来,统筹规划,紧扣国际形势的变化,紧扣国家发展的需要,紧扣总体外交的目标,不断推进经济外交工作,努力开创经济外交工作新局面。 外交部将经济外交作为重要工作内容,积极稳妥地推进经济外交工作。成立国际经济司的目的,是为了在新形势下加强经济外交工作、为国家的发展服务。为此,国际经济司将从政治和外交角度参与国际经济合作和经济治理,落实互利共赢的对外开放战略,维护国家的发展利益

5、和经济安全,同时为推动世界经济增长、实现各国共同发展作出更大的贡献。 近年来,随着中国同世界其他国家经济交往程度的深化,国际经济纠纷与摩擦也日渐增多。专家分析,国际经济司成立之后,其工作的侧重点将是协助处理中国与他国的一些经济问题,根据国内经济形势和发展需要,加强对国际经济形势、动向的跟踪与分析,促进经济领域的合作。国际经济司对于以后中国同其他国家进行经济上的沟通,包括协调处理国际经济纠纷和摩擦肯定会发生很大的作用。 (分数:25.00)_3.亚太经济合作组织与中国亚太经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)成立于 1989年 11月,是当今亚太地区进行官方合作的一个地区性经济组织。该组织的涪动主要包括三

6、个方面,即贸易投资自由化、商业活动便利化和经济技术合作。这一组织在全球经济活动中具有举足轻重的地位。 亚太经合组织现有成员 21个。1991 年,中国大陆与香港、台湾地区同时加入该组织。亚太经合组织既为中国参与地区乃至世界经济活动提供了舞台,同时也促进了中国加快对外开放的进程。 参与亚太经合组织对中国的影响是多方面的。首先,有利于扩大中国在地区中的经济利益。亚太地区是中国对外经济利益的主要所在。中国贸易额的 80%是与亚太地区国家开展的,90%以上的外资来源于亚太地区国家。借助亚太经合组织,中国可以与其他成员共同致力于亚太地区的共同发展,从而为中国经济、也可为亚太经济的发展作出贡献。 其次,借

7、助这一地区论坛,有利于中国与其他成员进行政策交流。每年一度的领导人非正式聚会,不仅为中国加强与其他成员国的相互了解提供了一个宽松的渠道,更主要的是传递了中国的对外政策,传达中国对外开放与国内改革的信息,有力地促进了中国经济的整体发展。 作为亚太经合组织中的最大发展中国家,中国自 1991年加入该组织以来,本着平等互利、协商一致、求同存异、自主自愿的原则,坚持贸易投资自由化与经济技术合作并重的方针,全面参与了亚太经合组织的各项活动,对亚太地区合作进程发挥了积极作用。 (分数:25.00)_4.中美经贸发展与中美关系经贸关系历来是中美关系的重要组成部分,也是两国交往中最为活跃的一个方面。自 197

8、9年中美建交以来,两国经贸合作虽受两国总体关系影响,经历了一些波折,但一直保持较快发展速度。中美两国经济上的相互依存在不断加强,经贸合作已成为中美关系的稳定器。随着中国深入改革和扩大开放进程的发展,经贸合作在中美关系发展中将发挥更大的作用。 中美经贸联系十分密切,两国已经互为重要贸易伙伴。两国经贸领域的互补性很强,双方可以彼此分享巨大的市场。中美的发展水平、资源结构存在很大差异,在劳动力、资本、技术等方面具有各自的比较优势,因而加强中美经贸合作有助于各自的优势互补。 在中美经贸合作快速发展的进程中,难免出现新的问题,解决这些问题是中美双方共同的长期任务。把经贸问题政治化或采取贸易保护主义的措施

9、,只能损害双方的利益。中美两国应以发展的眼光拓展利益交汇面,实现互利共赢。 中美经贸关系与中美关系整体的发展是一种互动的关系,这就是说,经贸关系的迅速发展可促进整体关系的发展;同时,中美关系正常发展,也可为中美经贸发展创造良好的政治氛围。发展互利共赢的中美经贸关系,对增强中美两国人民的福祉,对推动新世纪中美关系全面健康发展具有重要意义。中美建交以来三十多年的历史证明,在中美关系正常发展时期,中美经贸关系就快速发展,反之,双边经贸发展就出现缓慢、停滞甚至倒退的局面。 (分数:25.00)_上海市中级口译第一阶段笔试分类模拟题 8答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、TRANSL

10、ATION TEST(总题数:4,分数:100.00)1.上海外语口译考试上海外语口译考试,是顺应上海改革开放需要,经上海市政府主管部门批准的高层次继续教育项目,由上海市高校浦东继续教育中心组织开发和实施,上海外语口译考试委员会进行指导和监督。中心特聘来自上海名校的外语教授组成专家组,全面负责考试的命题、阅卷、口试等各项工作,以及全套培训教材的编撰和修订。 项目于 1994年正式启动,次年举办了首次英语高级口译考试。自 1995年以来已形成英语、日语两个语种,基础、中级、高级三个等级的考试。“上海外语口译”的商标 SIA,业已在国家商标局注册。 上海外语口译项目始于上海,经过 18年平稳发展,

11、现已辐射至 9个省 15个大中城市,有 22所高等院校参与合作。项目以其特有的培训和考试模式,激发起人们学习英语和口译的兴趣,吸引了越来越多的考生,尤其是在校大学生。考生人数逐年稳步增长,截至 2011年年底,累计已超过 100万。 上海外语口译考试每年举行两次,分为笔试和口试两个阶段,笔试安排在 3月和 9月,口试则在 5月和11月。考生只有先通过笔试,才有资格参加口试。通过笔试和口试的考生可获得相应等级的证书。 英语高级口译笔试包括听力、阅读和翻译三大部分,含六个单元,考试时间为 180分钟。口试包括口语和口译两个部分,时间为 20分钟。英语中级口译笔试包括听力、阅读、英译汉和汉译英四部分

12、,考试时间为 150分钟。口试也包括口语和口译两个部分,时间约 15分钟。 上海外语口译的实用性和专业性,以及获证人员所达到翻译水准,已使其成为社会上广泛认可、口碑良好的非学历继续教育项目,深受莘莘学子的青睐。项目还多次获得重要的科研成果奖、教材奖,赢得学界的普遍赞誉。 (分数:25.00)_正确答案:()解析:Shanghai Interpreters Accreditation TestShanghai Interpreters Accreditation(SIA) is an interpretation qualification test of high-level continui

13、ng education approved by the competent departments of Shanghai Municipal Government to meet the needs of the reform and opening-up drive in Shanghai. It is a project developed and implemented under the organization of Shanghai Pudong Continuing Education Center of High Learning(PCEC), and its activi

14、ties are directed and supervised by Shanghai Interpreters Accreditation Board. The panel of experts for the test program consists of foreign language professors from prestigious universities in Shanghai, who are engaged by PCEC to take overall charge of various work including making out test papers,

15、 reading and marking them, and administering the oral examination. They arc also responsible for compiling and amending all the textbooks for interpreting training. The accreditation program was officially initiated in 1994, and the first English Advanced Interpretation Test was held in the followin

16、g year. Since 1995, the accreditation has evolved into a three-levelbasic, intermediate and advancedtest system for practitioners who wish to do bilingual interpreting between Chinese and English or between Chinese and Japanese. As the trademark of Shanghai Interpreters Accreditation, SIA is registe

17、red with the State Trademark Office. Launched in Shanghai, SIA has, through 18 years of steady development, expanded its operation to 15 big and medium-sized cities in 9 provinces in cooperation with 22 colleges and universities. The program, with its unique model of training and test, has aroused p

18、eople“s interest in learning English and interpretation and attracted more and more people, especially college students, to go in for the accreditation test. The number of people taking the test has kept growing year by year. By the end of 2011, the aggregate number has reached over one million. SIA

19、 test is given twice a year, comprising a written test and an oral test successively. The written test takes place in March and September, followed by the oral test in May and November. Only those who have passed the written test are eligible for the oral test. Examinees who have passed both the wri

20、tten and oral tests are issued the credentials for the corresponding level of interpreting. The English Advanced Interpretation Test (written) consists of three parts of listening, reading and translation divided into six sections. Time for the test is 180 minutes. The oral test is composed of oral

21、presentation and interpretation, which runs for 20 minutes. The English Intermediate Interpretation Test (written) is made up of four sections of listening, reading, English. Chinese translation and Chinese-English translation, which takes 120 minutes. The oral test is also composed of oral presenta

22、tion and interpretation, which lasts approximately 15 minutes. Thanks to its practicability and professional nature and the interpreting competence attained by accredited practitioners, SIA has become a well-known non-degree program of continuing education which is widely acknowledged by the society

23、 and is now a favorite with a large number of students. It has won many important awards for research achievement and textbook compilation, gaining wide acclaim in the educational circles.2.国际经济司成立近日,外交部举行国际经济司成立大会。国际经济司的正式成立,是新形势下外交服务国家经济发展的一项重要举措,此举让中国的经济外交再度引起关注。 经济外交在国际关系发展中发挥着重要作用,经济关系始终是国与国之间的

24、重要关系,经济合作始终是国与国关系的重要纽带。我国历来高度重视经济外交工作,经济外交始终是我国总体外交的重要组成部分,在国家发展和外交全局中发挥着日益重要的作用。 外交部将以成立国际经济司为契机,继往开来,统筹规划,紧扣国际形势的变化,紧扣国家发展的需要,紧扣总体外交的目标,不断推进经济外交工作,努力开创经济外交工作新局面。 外交部将经济外交作为重要工作内容,积极稳妥地推进经济外交工作。成立国际经济司的目的,是为了在新形势下加强经济外交工作、为国家的发展服务。为此,国际经济司将从政治和外交角度参与国际经济合作和经济治理,落实互利共赢的对外开放战略,维护国家的发展利益和经济安全,同时为推动世界经

25、济增长、实现各国共同发展作出更大的贡献。 近年来,随着中国同世界其他国家经济交往程度的深化,国际经济纠纷与摩擦也日渐增多。专家分析,国际经济司成立之后,其工作的侧重点将是协助处理中国与他国的一些经济问题,根据国内经济形势和发展需要,加强对国际经济形势、动向的跟踪与分析,促进经济领域的合作。国际经济司对于以后中国同其他国家进行经济上的沟通,包括协调处理国际经济纠纷和摩擦肯定会发生很大的作用。 (分数:25.00)_正确答案:()解析:The Establishment of the Department of International EconomyRecently, the Ministry

26、 of Foreign Affairs held the inaugural meeting of the Department of International Economy. The official establishment of the Department is an important measure for diplomacy to serve the economic development of the nation in the new situation, which has once again drawn public attention to China“s e

27、conomic diplomacy. Economic diplomacy plays a vital role in the development of international relations. Economic relations have all along been important relations among countries, and economic cooperation is as always a key bond for country-to-country relations. China has all along attached great im

28、portance to economic diplomacy, which constitutes an essential component of the overall diplomatic work of China and as such plays an increasingly significant role in its national development and overall diplomacy. By seizing the opportunity of establishing the Department of International Economy, t

29、he Ministry of Foreign Affairs will carry forward the diplomatic cause into the future, make overall planning, keep up closely with the developments in International situations, the needs of the nation“s development and the overall objectives of diplomacy, and constantly promote economic diplomacy s

30、o as to open up new prospects for economic diplomacy. The Foreign Ministry regards economic diplomacy as an important part of its mission and has moved forward the work of economic diplomacy in an active and steady manner. The purpose of the Ministry in establishing the Department of International E

31、conomy is to strengthen economic diplomacy to serve the development of the nation in the new situation. To achieve this purpose, the Department will participate in international economic cooperation and economic governance from the political and diplomatic perspective, implement the strategy of open

32、ing-up for mutual benefit and win-for-all, safeguard the interest of national development and economic security, and make bigger contributions to boosting world economic growth and realizing common development of all countries. In recent years, along with the deepening of China“s economic relations

33、with other countries in the world, economic disputes and frictions between China and those countries have increased dyv by day. According to analysis by experts, the Department of International Economy will, in its work, lay special emphasis on helping to address certain business issues between Chin

34、a and other countries, strengthening the tracking and analysis of the international economic situation and trends in response to the domestic economic situation and the needs of economic development, and promoting cooperation in economic fields. It will surely play a great role in helping China to c

35、onduct economic exchange with other countries, including its coordination in resolving International economic disputes and frictions.3.亚太经济合作组织与中国亚太经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)成立于 1989年 11月,是当今亚太地区进行官方合作的一个地区性经济组织。该组织的涪动主要包括三个方面,即贸易投资自由化、商业活动便利化和经济技术合作。这一组织在全球经济活动中具有举足轻重的地位。 亚太经合组织现有成员 21个。1991 年,中国大陆与香港、台湾地区同时加入

36、该组织。亚太经合组织既为中国参与地区乃至世界经济活动提供了舞台,同时也促进了中国加快对外开放的进程。 参与亚太经合组织对中国的影响是多方面的。首先,有利于扩大中国在地区中的经济利益。亚太地区是中国对外经济利益的主要所在。中国贸易额的 80%是与亚太地区国家开展的,90%以上的外资来源于亚太地区国家。借助亚太经合组织,中国可以与其他成员共同致力于亚太地区的共同发展,从而为中国经济、也可为亚太经济的发展作出贡献。 其次,借助这一地区论坛,有利于中国与其他成员进行政策交流。每年一度的领导人非正式聚会,不仅为中国加强与其他成员国的相互了解提供了一个宽松的渠道,更主要的是传递了中国的对外政策,传达中国对

37、外开放与国内改革的信息,有力地促进了中国经济的整体发展。 作为亚太经合组织中的最大发展中国家,中国自 1991年加入该组织以来,本着平等互利、协商一致、求同存异、自主自愿的原则,坚持贸易投资自由化与经济技术合作并重的方针,全面参与了亚太经合组织的各项活动,对亚太地区合作进程发挥了积极作用。 (分数:25.00)_正确答案:()解析:APEC and ChinaThe Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC), founded in November 1989, is a regional economic organization for inter-go

38、vernmental cooperation in Asia and the Pacific rim. Its activities focus on three key areas: trade and investment liberalization, business facilitation, and economic and technological cooperation. APEC occupies a pivotal position in global economic activities. APEC currently has 21 members. China(ma

39、inland), together with its Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region, joined the organization in 1991. APEC provides China with an arena in which to participate in regional and international economic activities, and also helps propel the process of China“s opening-up to the outside w

40、orld. The APEC membership has influenced China in several respects. First, it has helped China to extend its economic interests in the Asia-Pacific region. China“s foreign economic interests mainly lie in this region, for 80% of China“s trade is conducted with, and 90% of the foreign capital in Chin

41、a comes from, countries and regions in Asia and the Pacific rim. Through APEC, China is able to join hands with its fellow members in achieving common development of this region, thus making contribution to the economic development of both China and the Asia-Pacific region. This regional forum also

42、enables China to exchange ideas with the other members in policy matters. The annual informal meeting of the leaders provides not only a relaxed channel through which China and other members get to know each other better, but more importantly an opportunity for China to make known its foreign policy

43、 and disseminate information relating to its opening-up to the outside world and its domestic reform, thus vigorously promoting the overall development of China“s economy. As the largest developing country in APEC, China has, adhering to the principles of respecting equality and mutual benefit, reac

44、hing consensus through consultation, seeking common ground while reserving differences and emphasizing initiative and free will and persisting in the policy of laying equal emphasis on trade and investment liberalization and economic and technological cooperation, taken part in the various activitie

45、s organized by APEC in an all-round way and played an active role in accelerating the process of cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region since it became a member of APEC in 1991.4.中美经贸发展与中美关系经贸关系历来是中美关系的重要组成部分,也是两国交往中最为活跃的一个方面。自 1979年中美建交以来,两国经贸合作虽受两国总体关系影响,经历了一些波折,但一直保持较快发展速度。中美两国经济上的相互依存在不断加强,经贸合作已

46、成为中美关系的稳定器。随着中国深入改革和扩大开放进程的发展,经贸合作在中美关系发展中将发挥更大的作用。 中美经贸联系十分密切,两国已经互为重要贸易伙伴。两国经贸领域的互补性很强,双方可以彼此分享巨大的市场。中美的发展水平、资源结构存在很大差异,在劳动力、资本、技术等方面具有各自的比较优势,因而加强中美经贸合作有助于各自的优势互补。 在中美经贸合作快速发展的进程中,难免出现新的问题,解决这些问题是中美双方共同的长期任务。把经贸问题政治化或采取贸易保护主义的措施,只能损害双方的利益。中美两国应以发展的眼光拓展利益交汇面,实现互利共赢。 中美经贸关系与中美关系整体的发展是一种互动的关系,这就是说,经

47、贸关系的迅速发展可促进整体关系的发展;同时,中美关系正常发展,也可为中美经贸发展创造良好的政治氛围。发展互利共赢的中美经贸关系,对增强中美两国人民的福祉,对推动新世纪中美关系全面健康发展具有重要意义。中美建交以来三十多年的历史证明,在中美关系正常发展时期,中美经贸关系就快速发展,反之,双边经贸发展就出现缓慢、停滞甚至倒退的局面。 (分数:25.00)_正确答案:()解析:The Development of China-U.S. Economic and Trade Tiesand the Overall China-U.S. RelationsEconomic and trade ties have been an important component of China-U.S. relations and the most active element in the contacts between the two countries. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ch

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