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1、上海市中级口译第一阶段笔试分类模拟题 9及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、TRANSLATION TEST(总题数:4,分数:100.00)1.世界无烟日有人作过这样的预言:如果地球上有一天断了烟,天下可能会大乱。此话可能是危言耸听,但是烟害的严重性是不能低估的。 抽烟之危害,可谓大矣,而且是全球性的。目前全球约有 13亿烟民,其中的 6.5亿人会因吸烟早逝。在中国,抽烟者多达亿万。瘾君子们说,一天饭不吃可以,一个时辰不抽烟就难捱了。吸烟污染空气,损害健康,使肺癌发病率大大增加。 为了使世界各国人民关注烟草的盛行及预防吸烟导致的疾病和死亡,世界卫生组织成员国在 1987

2、创立了“世界无烟日”。现在,每年的 5月 31日被定为“世界无烟日”。吸烟有害已家喻户晓,禁止吸烟的公共场所也日益增多。社会舆论长时期开展的有针对性的宣传,以及随之而创造的一些有效的戒烟方法的推广,产生了积极效果,不少人向香烟吻别。瘾君子从戒烟中吃尽了苦头,也尝到甜头。戒烟贵在坚持,坚持下去就是收获。 但是,戒烟者终究还是少数,主要是中年以上、患疾病的人和知识分子。最令人担忧的是青年人吸烟,染上抽烟坏习惯的青年人日益增多。有关统计表明,全球 13岁至 15岁年龄段少年的吸烟率已达 20%。 烟瘾难戒,但并非不能戒。如果占全球三分之一的我国烟民能够在今天世界无烟日开始抵挡住香烟的诱惑,为了自己的

3、健康和周围亲朋好友的健康一天不吸烟,乃至尽早戒烟,那将会创造出不可估量的效益! (分数:25.00)_2.金钱与时间大多数的人永远都嫌自己不够有钱。然而社会学家发现,当人们真正有了钱之后,又会抱怨自己没有足够的时间。从很多的例子可以看出,越是有钱的人越没有时间,而穷人和那些失业的人,每天闲得难受。 人们追求财富,目的是为了让生活过得更好,可奇怪的是,人们一旦有了钱,反而更忙碌,更无法舒舒服服地过日子。 当生活不富裕的时候,很多人都幻想过“等我有了钱以后就可以怎么样怎么样”。在人们的想象中,“有钱”代表自由、独立、随心所欲;夏天可以到海边度假;冬天可以到山上去滑雪。 然而,当人们真富有了,却发现

4、自己根本无法去实现这些梦想,理由永远只有一个:“没时间!”不少高收入的人,像律师、医生、经理、会计师等等,几乎都是工作狂,平均一天工作 10到 12小时,到了周末、节假日还是要加班,生活中只有工作、工作。对于他们来说,时间就是金钱,他们有意无意地把时间都花在了赚钱上,根本没有空余时间做其他事情。 看来,“有钱”和“有闲”永远都难以两全。金钱是永远也赚不完的,而人生的时间却是有限的。难怪有人说:“当你年轻、没钱时,希望能用时间去换金钱;当你有钱后,却很难再用金钱买回时间。”金钱是要有的,但时间更值得珍惜。懂得如何处理金钱和时间的关系的人才是一个聪明人。 (分数:25.00)_3.世界兴起“汉语热

5、”随着国际社会对中国的关注度日益提升,越来越多的外国人开始对中国和中国文化感兴趣,学习汉语的人数也与日俱增。现在,很多国家和地区的高等教育机构开设了汉语专业和汉语课,也有不少中小学开设汉语课。截至 20l0年底,世界上 90多个国家和地区建立了 300多所孔子学院,教授汉语和中华文化。各种迹象表明,一股学习汉语的热潮正在世界各地兴起。 与此同时,来华留学生的人数也在逐年攀升。据统计,1991 年在华外国留学生总人数为 1.1万人,2000年增加到 2万人,2011 年在华留学生人数超过了 29万。在过去 10年里,中国的对外汉语教学也迅速发展起来。为了满足全球汉语学习者的需求,国家有关部门还向

6、世界各地的孔子学院派遣了汉语教师。 汉语是中国各民族共同使用的语言,是联合国正式语言和工作语言之一,又是世界上历史最悠久、发展水平最高的语言之一,有文字可考的历史不少于 6,000年。无论过去或现在,汉语在国内外都有很大的影响,具有很重要的地位。 当今世界出现汉语热,一是因为中华民族历史悠久,有着光辉灿烂的文化,对人类进步作出过巨大贡献;更是因为 30多年来,中国实行改革开放,综合国力大大提升,与中国打交道、对中华文化感兴趣的国家、国际组织和人员日益增多。学习汉语也就成为深入了解中国的必由之路。 任何语言都与经济和文化分不开,经济和文化发达的国家,其语言所起的作用十分重要。在过去 30年间,中

7、国的国内生产总值年均增长 9.7%,未来的中国经济还将持续增长。“汉语热”的兴起,表明世界对中国未来发展的预期越来越好。可以预言,随着中国经济的进一步发展和国际地位的日益提高,世界上学习汉语和中国文化的人数还会不断增加。 (分数:25.00)_4.日本留学生在上海一个晴朗的秋日,广冈小姐踏上了来中国留学的征途。对她来说,中国是个神秘的国度,这使她一路上产生了无穷的遐想,也产生了把在中国的所见所闻诉诸笔端的愿望。在不到一年的时间里,她先后有 15篇短文在日本朝日新闻上发表,这对于一个专修音乐的外国学生来说委实是一件不简单的事情。 两国在物质、文化上的差异,使她很容易注意到人们忽视了的东西。初到上

8、海,有一件事就引起了她的兴趣:同样是一张面皮包着肉,为何又有“饺子”、“馄饨”两种截然不同的叫法?经过一番研究她搞懂了,饺子肉多,皮厚,馄饨肉少,皮薄;馄饨有汤,饺子则无;南方人爱吃馄饨,北方人喜食饺子。最使她高兴的是她的“研究成果”能让那些对此迷惑不解的日本人顿释疑团。可有一点她至今仍不明白:为什么上海有许多商店售货员、饭店服务员和本地居民都不说普通话。对此,她不无抱怨地说,“我现在才知道原来我学的中国话只是北京话。” 在中国的日子长了,自然而然地结识了许多朋友,每一个朋友都对她说:“你有什么事需要帮助,尽管说好了。”她认为这不是日本人通常出于礼仪上的需要才说的话,而是每一个中国朋友出自内心

9、的意愿。 她深深地爱上了这片土地,这不仅因为上海这座国际大都市曾为她做媒,使她找到了心上人,更由于这里的人民让她感到是那么地亲近、友好。 (分数:25.00)_上海市中级口译第一阶段笔试分类模拟题 9答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、TRANSLATION TEST(总题数:4,分数:100.00)1.世界无烟日有人作过这样的预言:如果地球上有一天断了烟,天下可能会大乱。此话可能是危言耸听,但是烟害的严重性是不能低估的。 抽烟之危害,可谓大矣,而且是全球性的。目前全球约有 13亿烟民,其中的 6.5亿人会因吸烟早逝。在中国,抽烟者多达亿万。瘾君子们说,一天饭不吃可以,一个

10、时辰不抽烟就难捱了。吸烟污染空气,损害健康,使肺癌发病率大大增加。 为了使世界各国人民关注烟草的盛行及预防吸烟导致的疾病和死亡,世界卫生组织成员国在 1987创立了“世界无烟日”。现在,每年的 5月 31日被定为“世界无烟日”。吸烟有害已家喻户晓,禁止吸烟的公共场所也日益增多。社会舆论长时期开展的有针对性的宣传,以及随之而创造的一些有效的戒烟方法的推广,产生了积极效果,不少人向香烟吻别。瘾君子从戒烟中吃尽了苦头,也尝到甜头。戒烟贵在坚持,坚持下去就是收获。 但是,戒烟者终究还是少数,主要是中年以上、患疾病的人和知识分子。最令人担忧的是青年人吸烟,染上抽烟坏习惯的青年人日益增多。有关统计表明,全

11、球 13岁至 15岁年龄段少年的吸烟率已达 20%。 烟瘾难戒,但并非不能戒。如果占全球三分之一的我国烟民能够在今天世界无烟日开始抵挡住香烟的诱惑,为了自己的健康和周围亲朋好友的健康一天不吸烟,乃至尽早戒烟,那将会创造出不可估量的效益! (分数:25.00)_正确答案:()解析:World No Tobacco DaySomeone has prophesied that once tobacco disappears from the earth the whole world is likely to be in great disorder. This might be an exagg

12、eration, but the danger of smoking cannot be under-estimated. Smoking is a curse which affects the whole globe. Currently, there are 1.3 billion smokers cross the world, among whom 6.5 million would die earlier due to smoking. China alone has hundreds of millions of smokers. Addicted smokers say tha

13、t they can do without food for a day but cannot endure the suffering for two hours without smoking a cigarette. Smoking pollutes the air and damages the health, consequently increasing the incidence of lung cancer substantially. The member states of the World Health Organization created a World No S

14、moking Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the prevention of diseases and death it causes. Now May 31 of each year is known as the World No Tobacco Day. The harm of smoking has been proverbial, and the number of no- smoking public places are on the increase. The pertinen

15、t publicity afforded by public opinion over a long time and the popularization of effective ways of giving up smoking have produced such positive and desirable results that many addicts have kissed tobacco good-bye. They have, after suffering a lot in the process of quitting smoking, been amply rewa

16、rded by the resultant benefit. The key to quitting smoking altogether lies in perseverance, which is the surest road to success. It is to be admitted, however, that only a small number of addicts have made a clean break, mainly among middle-aged and older disease-ridden people and intellectuals. Wha

17、t causes real concern is the fact that an increasing number of young people have developed a smoking habit. According to certain statistics, 20 percent of youngsters of 13 to 15 years old worldwide are now smokers. It is difficult but not impossible to quit smoking. Beginning from todaythe World No

18、Tobacco Day, if smokers in our country, who account for one-third of the world“s smokers, can resist the temptation of tobacco to leave off smoking for one day and manage to give up smoking as early as possible for their own health and for the health of their relatives and friends, then immeasurable

19、 benefits will be created!2.金钱与时间大多数的人永远都嫌自己不够有钱。然而社会学家发现,当人们真正有了钱之后,又会抱怨自己没有足够的时间。从很多的例子可以看出,越是有钱的人越没有时间,而穷人和那些失业的人,每天闲得难受。 人们追求财富,目的是为了让生活过得更好,可奇怪的是,人们一旦有了钱,反而更忙碌,更无法舒舒服服地过日子。 当生活不富裕的时候,很多人都幻想过“等我有了钱以后就可以怎么样怎么样”。在人们的想象中,“有钱”代表自由、独立、随心所欲;夏天可以到海边度假;冬天可以到山上去滑雪。 然而,当人们真富有了,却发现自己根本无法去实现这些梦想,理由永远只有一个:“没

20、时间!”不少高收入的人,像律师、医生、经理、会计师等等,几乎都是工作狂,平均一天工作 10到 12小时,到了周末、节假日还是要加班,生活中只有工作、工作。对于他们来说,时间就是金钱,他们有意无意地把时间都花在了赚钱上,根本没有空余时间做其他事情。 看来,“有钱”和“有闲”永远都难以两全。金钱是永远也赚不完的,而人生的时间却是有限的。难怪有人说:“当你年轻、没钱时,希望能用时间去换金钱;当你有钱后,却很难再用金钱买回时间。”金钱是要有的,但时间更值得珍惜。懂得如何处理金钱和时间的关系的人才是一个聪明人。 (分数:25.00)_正确答案:()解析:Money and TimeMost people

21、 always complain that they don“t have enough money. However, sociologists have found that after people become wealthy they will complain that they don“t have enough time. As is evidenced by many an example, the more money a person has, the less time he will have, while the poor and the unemployed ar

22、e bored having nothing to do each day. In pursuit of wealth, people aim for a better life. But strangely enough once they get rich, they tend to be even busier, making it impossible for them to live in ease and comfort. At the time when they were not well off, many people dreamed that they could do

23、this and do that after they acquired enough money. In their minds, “money“ means freedom, independence and gratification of desirein summer they can go vacationing on the beach, and in winter they can go skiing in the mountains. However, when they are really prosperous, they realize that it is impos

24、sible for them to fulfill such dreams. The reason they give is always one and the same: “I“ve got no time!“ Many high-salaried professionals like lawyers, doctors, managers and accountants are almost all workaholics. They work 10 to 12 hours a day on the average and will go to work even at weekends

25、and on holidays. In their life there is nothing but work. To them time is money, and they consciously or unconsciously spend all their time making money, leaving no time for anything else. It seems that it is impossible to have money and have leisure at the same time. One can never earn enough money

26、, and the time in one“s life is limited. No wonder some people say: “When you“re young and without money, you wish to exchange time for money; by the time you have enough money, you can hardly buy time back with money.“ A person cannot do without money, but he should value his time all the more. A w

27、ise person is one who knows how to handle the relationship between time and money.3.世界兴起“汉语热”随着国际社会对中国的关注度日益提升,越来越多的外国人开始对中国和中国文化感兴趣,学习汉语的人数也与日俱增。现在,很多国家和地区的高等教育机构开设了汉语专业和汉语课,也有不少中小学开设汉语课。截至 20l0年底,世界上 90多个国家和地区建立了 300多所孔子学院,教授汉语和中华文化。各种迹象表明,一股学习汉语的热潮正在世界各地兴起。 与此同时,来华留学生的人数也在逐年攀升。据统计,1991 年在华外国留学生总人

28、数为 1.1万人,2000年增加到 2万人,2011 年在华留学生人数超过了 29万。在过去 10年里,中国的对外汉语教学也迅速发展起来。为了满足全球汉语学习者的需求,国家有关部门还向世界各地的孔子学院派遣了汉语教师。 汉语是中国各民族共同使用的语言,是联合国正式语言和工作语言之一,又是世界上历史最悠久、发展水平最高的语言之一,有文字可考的历史不少于 6,000年。无论过去或现在,汉语在国内外都有很大的影响,具有很重要的地位。 当今世界出现汉语热,一是因为中华民族历史悠久,有着光辉灿烂的文化,对人类进步作出过巨大贡献;更是因为 30多年来,中国实行改革开放,综合国力大大提升,与中国打交道、对中

29、华文化感兴趣的国家、国际组织和人员日益增多。学习汉语也就成为深入了解中国的必由之路。 任何语言都与经济和文化分不开,经济和文化发达的国家,其语言所起的作用十分重要。在过去 30年间,中国的国内生产总值年均增长 9.7%,未来的中国经济还将持续增长。“汉语热”的兴起,表明世界对中国未来发展的预期越来越好。可以预言,随着中国经济的进一步发展和国际地位的日益提高,世界上学习汉语和中国文化的人数还会不断增加。 (分数:25.00)_正确答案:()解析:Worldwide Fervor in Learning ChineseWith the increase of attention paid to C

30、hina by the international community, more and more foreigners begin to take interest in China and Chinese culture, and the number of people learning the Chinese language is growing. At present, institutions of higher learning in many countries and regions offer Chinese degree programs and courses, a

31、nd a number of elementary and middle schools also teach Chinese as a foreign language. By the end of 2010, more than 300 Confucius Institutes have been established in over 90 countries and regions to teach Chinese language and culture. There is every indication that a fervor in learning Chinese is r

32、ising around the world. At the same time, the number of international students studying in China is going up year by year. According to statistics, in 1991 the total number of international students in China was 11,000, in 2000 the number rose to 20,000, and by 2011 it climbed to over 290,000. Over

33、the past decade, the undertaking of teaching Chinese as a foreign language has been developing rapidly in China. In order to satisfy the needs of learners of Chinese worldwide, the relevant departments of the State have dispatched teachers of Chinese language to Confucius Institutes across the world

34、. Chinese is a language used by people of all the nationalities in China and is one of the official and working languages in the United Nations. It is also among the world“s most highly developed languages with the longest history, a recorded history of at least 6,000 years. Whether in the past or a

35、t present, the Chinese language has had great influence both at home and abroad and occupied a prominent position. The current worldwide interest in learning Chinese is attributable to the long history of the Chinese nation, its glorious and magnificent culture and its tremendous contribution to hum

36、an progress. More importantly, as China“s overall national strength has grown in the course of reform and opening-up over the last three decades, more and more countries, international organizations and people come into contact with China and take interest in Chinese culture. For them, learning the

37、Chinese language has become the only road to a profound understanding of China. No language is separable from its economic and cultural environment. The language of a nation which is well developed in economy and culture plays a very important role. In the past 30 years, on the average China“s GDP h

38、as increased by 9.7 percent annually, and in the years to come China“s economy will continue to grow. An upsurge of enthusiasm in learning Chinese indicates that the world is placing greater and greater expectations on the future development of China. It may well be predicted that with the further d

39、evelopment of China“s economy and the rise of its international status, an ever-increasing number of people around the world will take to studying Chinese language and culture.4.日本留学生在上海一个晴朗的秋日,广冈小姐踏上了来中国留学的征途。对她来说,中国是个神秘的国度,这使她一路上产生了无穷的遐想,也产生了把在中国的所见所闻诉诸笔端的愿望。在不到一年的时间里,她先后有 15篇短文在日本朝日新闻上发表,这对于一个专修音

40、乐的外国学生来说委实是一件不简单的事情。 两国在物质、文化上的差异,使她很容易注意到人们忽视了的东西。初到上海,有一件事就引起了她的兴趣:同样是一张面皮包着肉,为何又有“饺子”、“馄饨”两种截然不同的叫法?经过一番研究她搞懂了,饺子肉多,皮厚,馄饨肉少,皮薄;馄饨有汤,饺子则无;南方人爱吃馄饨,北方人喜食饺子。最使她高兴的是她的“研究成果”能让那些对此迷惑不解的日本人顿释疑团。可有一点她至今仍不明白:为什么上海有许多商店售货员、饭店服务员和本地居民都不说普通话。对此,她不无抱怨地说,“我现在才知道原来我学的中国话只是北京话。” 在中国的日子长了,自然而然地结识了许多朋友,每一个朋友都对她说:“

41、你有什么事需要帮助,尽管说好了。”她认为这不是日本人通常出于礼仪上的需要才说的话,而是每一个中国朋友出自内心的意愿。 她深深地爱上了这片土地,这不仅因为上海这座国际大都市曾为她做媒,使她找到了心上人,更由于这里的人民让她感到是那么地亲近、友好。 (分数:25.00)_正确答案:()解析:A Japanese Student in ShanghaiOne fine autumn day, Miss Hirooka set out on a journey to China to further her studies there. To her, China was a mysterious c

42、ountry. On the way, she indulged herself in wonderful imagination, and a desire came upon her to write articles on what she would see and hear in China. In less than a year, she has had fifteen short articles published successively in Asahi News , Japan. It is really no small achievement for a forei

43、gn student majoring in music. Differences in material and cultural life between Japan and China made it easier for her to notice what others often ignore. Shortly after arriving in Shanghai she was greatly amused at one thing. Why does the dumpling-like thing that is similarly made up of a flour wra

44、pper with meat stuffed inside have two totally different names, jiaozi and huntun ? After careful study, she learned that jiaozi is stuffed with more meat and the wrapper is thicker, while huntun is stuffed with less meat and its wrapper is thinner. Huntun has soup to go with it; jiaozi is without s

45、oup. Southern people love to eat huntun , and people in northern China prefer jiaozi . She was happy with the discovery, as she would now clear up the doubts of other puzzled Japanese. But one thing remains unclear to her. Why so many shop assistants, restaurant attendants and local residents in Sha

46、nghai do not speak putonghua ? So, she somewhat complained, “Now I realize the spoken Chinese I have learned is merely Beijing dialect.“ Having stayed in China for a long while, she has naturally made many friends. Nearly every one of them would say to her, “If you need any help, don“t hesitate to s

47、ay so.“ She believes these words are not like what the Japanese often say just for the sake of showing courtesy, but are from the heart of her Chinese friends. She now has a deep love for Shanghai, not only because it is in this international metropolis that she has found the man she loves, but more importantly because she finds the people here to be so close and friendly to her.


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