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1、托福 IBT考试 2014年真题 6及答案解析(总分:120.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSPEAKING/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BSpeaking Questi(总题数:1,分数:20.00)1.Which is better, independent learning or studying in groups? Please include specific details in your explanation. (分数:20.00)_三、BSpeaking Questi(总题数:1,分数:20.00)2.Some parents suggest children

2、should be paid to do housework. Do you agree? Include reasons and details in your explanation. (分数:20.00)_四、BSpeaking Questi(总题数:1,分数:20.00)3.Confirmation BiasProposal for Free Bus Transportation from AirportIn recent years, we have observed an increase in the number of students arriving both domest

3、ically and overseas. Taxies is the only means of transportation students can use to travel between the airport and the University, if they dont have private vehicles, and the cost of taking a taxi is quite expensive. Therefore, it is the time that the University should consider to offer students fre

4、e airport bus from the bus terminal on campus during the school breaks. Once this idea is put into effect, students would find it convenient and cost-effective to travel to the airport.Now hear a conversation about the same topic.The man expresses his opinion of the school policy on the free airport

5、 bus service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. (分数:20.00)_五、BSpeaking Questi(总题数:1,分数:20.00)4.Confirmation BiasConfirmation Bias is a tendency for people to favor information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses regardless of whether the inform

6、ation is true or not. Those with confirmation bias tend to notice and to look for what confirms their beliefs, and to ignore, not to look for, or undervalue the relevance of what contradicts their beliefs.Now hear a talk on the same subject.The professor talks about an example in the lecture. Explai

7、n how the example demonstrates the concept of confirmation bias. (分数:20.00)_六、BSpeaking Questi(总题数:1,分数:20.00)5.The speaking discusses two possible solutions to the womans problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions, then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why. (分数:20.00

8、)_七、BSpeaking Questi(总题数:1,分数:20.00)6.Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two negative effects of roads on both plants and animals in the professors lecture. (分数:20.00)_托福 IBT考试 2014年真题 6答案解析(总分:120.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSPEAKING/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BSpeaking Questi(总题数:1,分数:20.00)1.Which

9、is better, independent learning or studying in groups? Please include specific details in your explanation. (分数:20.00)_正确答案:(topic Personally, I would like to choose study independently. reason 1 The first reason is that I prefer to think and solve problems by myself. It will make me understand the

10、materials better without disturbance from others while Im studying and solving problems. Besides, I feel happy no matter when I conquer difficulties by myself. reason 2 The second reason is that, studying independently is the best way to concentrate on my weaker areas and this might not be discussed

11、 within group studies. Id make a studying plan for myself: thus, I dont need to waste my time on the material that I already get familiar with, and I can make full preparation for my test. conclusion Because of these reasons above, I prefer to study independently.)解析:三、BSpeaking Questi(总题数:1,分数:20.0

12、0)2.Some parents suggest children should be paid to do housework. Do you agree? Include reasons and details in your explanation. (分数:20.00)_正确答案:(topic In my opinion, I think that children should not be paid to take care of their home. reason 1 The first reason is that kids need to do some domestic

13、chores so as to feel that they are members of the family. They need to learn how to take care of the familys home where they were born so that they will know how to take care of their own home eventually after getting married. reason 2 Besides, we need to make children know that doing housework help

14、s cultivate both the good work ethic and their responsibility. So its unnecessary to pay them money or other kind of benefits for doing housework. conclusion In a word, I think it doesnt need to pay them for the sweeping.)解析:四、BSpeaking Questi(总题数:1,分数:20.00)3.Confirmation BiasProposal for Free Bus

15、Transportation from AirportIn recent years, we have observed an increase in the number of students arriving both domestically and overseas. Taxies is the only means of transportation students can use to travel between the airport and the University, if they dont have private vehicles, and the cost o

16、f taking a taxi is quite expensive. Therefore, it is the time that the University should consider to offer students free airport bus from the bus terminal on campus during the school breaks. Once this idea is put into effect, students would find it convenient and cost-effective to travel to the airp

17、ort.Now hear a conversation about the same topic.The man expresses his opinion of the school policy on the free airport bus service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. (分数:20.00)_正确答案:(reading The university will offer students free airport bus service so th

18、at students can easily and economically get to the airport. opinion The man is very satisfied with the policy and feel happy for two reasons as follows. reason 1 First, he says that the free bus service will save students lots of money from taking other means of transportation, especially the taxi,

19、for the school is situated far away from the airport. reason 2 Then he points out that the proposal is a good idea to make use of school buses during holidays or vacations. Generally, few students really require school buses on campus during or after the finals. These buses should transport students

20、 to the airport rather than being allotted out when they finish their school and go home during the vacations.)解析:听力原文 M: I am so happy about this new proposal of free bus service. W: It seems good to me too. Students can save some money from paying for either taxi fare or gasoline. M: For sure! The

21、 proposal will definitely save students pockets. You know, our university is located at suburb area and far from the airport. If students dont have private transportation or cant find someone for a ride, they would have to call a cab and spend a lot of cash in order to get to the airport. W: You are

22、 right. It is worthwhile to add the free bus service. M: You havent even heard the best part yet! The message will allow for the use of school buses during school break. W: What do you mean? M: Well, according to the proposal, it is a good idea to have school buses to be in charge of the free bus se

23、rvice. You know, in addition to those sitting for their finals need school buses, most students need rides to the airport when they go back home or travel elsewhere during vacation. Therefore, most of the buses being allotted out during school break can be used for this service. Isnt it great? W: Ab

24、solutely!五、BSpeaking Questi(总题数:1,分数:20.00)4.Confirmation BiasConfirmation Bias is a tendency for people to favor information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses regardless of whether the information is true or not. Those with confirmation bias tend to notice and to look for what confir

25、ms their beliefs, and to ignore, not to look for, or undervalue the relevance of what contradicts their beliefs.Now hear a talk on the same subject.The professor talks about an example in the lecture. Explain how the example demonstrates the concept of confirmation bias. (分数:20.00)_正确答案:(topic (read

26、ing) The topic of this lecture is confirmation bias. It happens when people tend to support their ideas to be right by neglecting other important information. The example the professor shows is a story of her friend. example Based on the lecture, the professors friend was wondering whether or not to

27、 buy a house several years ago. Its beneficial to consider the distance between the house and her friends office and the convenience of the transportation. However, the room size is not so big as she had thought. In the end, she bought the house for its good situation. After few years, the professor

28、 asked her feeling about the house and she answered very well in terms of the situation and transportation convenience, but she never mentioned the house was small because of confirmation bias.)解析:听力原文 W: Okay, so Ill use a case study to show you what I mean by confirmation bias. A friend of mine, a

29、 few years ago told me she wanted to buy a house. Then, she found a lovely house, the distance between which and her office was only about 1520 minutes if driving. The traffic flow had always been my friends concern whenever she moved to a new place. Although she found a house with good location, it

30、 was not as big as she expected. After struggling whether or not to make the purchase, she finally bought the house because of the location. Having been asked about the feeling of living in that house few years later, she responded very positively in terms of the location and traffic convenience, ra

31、ther than complaining about the house for being small. The confirmation bias in this case makes my friend refuse to look at both sides of the situation and ignore the size of the house.六、BSpeaking Questi(总题数:1,分数:20.00)5.The speaking discusses two possible solutions to the womans problem. Describe t

32、he problem and the two solutions, then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why. (分数:20.00)_正确答案:(problem The woman feels pressured and tired because she has been busy writing three history papers, but at the same time she is doing a part-time job in the evening solutions The man

33、offers her two methods. First, the woman can reduce the time of her part-time job. Second, she can ask her professor for several extra days writing her papers. best solution In my view, I like the second suggestion. reasons She has just set about doing her new job, so changing her original plan by c

34、utting working hours might leave the employer bad impression on her. She wouldnt like to request much more to keep the job. Maybe, its a good method to ask the professor for an extension. If she explains her situation well to the professor, he would give her more time she wants. Thus, she can also f

35、inish her history papers while taking on her part-time job without pressure.)解析:听力原文 M: How are you doing, Lisa? You look exhausted. Whats wrong? W: Youre right. My schedule is fully packed with three papers for my history class. Plus, I have a part-time job in the evening, leaving only a few hours

36、to sleep everyday. I am almost burning out. M: Take it easy! It cant be too difficult. Why dont you reduce some hours at your part-time job? Then, you will have more time on your studies and more hours to sleep. W: Hmm, Im afraid I cant, because Ive just started this new job. Asking for time off or

37、changing schedule will make my employer unhappy. M: Yes, of course. You can call your professor to ask for an extension of your papers. Basically in your particular situation, Im sure the professor will give you the time you need. W: I have talked to my professor about my history papers. He allowed

38、me a week extension. But I dont really want to take the advantage, because he will lower the grades of my papers. I am aiming to do well in these papers. So I guess I will try hard to take the challenge. Thanks anyway.七、BSpeaking Questi(总题数:1,分数:20.00)6.Using points and examples from the talk, expla

39、in the two negative effects of roads on both plants and animals in the professors lecture. (分数:20.00)_正确答案:(topic Two negative effects of roads on the environment are referred by the professor through showing two examples. example 1 First, the professor mentions that roads or highways can do harm to

40、 plants, because roads cut off water resource of plants and thus force them to move to other areas for water. For example, a plant species called Yellow Star Thistle was forced to migrate to a new environment because of the effect of roads and competed with local plants over resources. example 2 Sec

41、ondly, the professor points out that roads can also affect animals. For example, Kit-foxes hunt for mice or squirrels as their food. They worry about crossing roads and hunt less food. So their number decrease because of the lack of food resource.)解析:听力原文 M: Roads like highways help connect people f

42、rom one place to another; however, roads have two negative impacts on the environment by affecting both plants and animals living in the local area. Firstly, highways or country roads affect native plants by cutting off water sources and thus force them to migrate to other areas for water. A plant s

43、pecies such as Yellow Star Thistle that invades or takes over the area can potentially cause harm to the other native plants. These alien plants are so aggressive that they even kill off populations of native plants all together in the competition over resources. Roads can also affect animals lives

44、by blocking their territories and keeping them away from food and water, because crossing the road to follow food source could be very dangerous because of the passing vehicles. In other words, modern roads act as dangerous walls for many animal species and break their supply lines in the area. For example, kit foxes hunt small species like mice or squirrels to survive, but if there is a road in the Kit foxes path towards their food source, the foxes will starve to death and thus decreasing the number of the species in the area.

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