专业八级-112 (1)及答案解析.doc

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1、专业八级-112 (1)及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPART LISTENIN(总题数:1,分数:10.00)At present-companies and industries like to sponsor sports events. Two reasons are put forward to explain this phenomenon. The first reason is that they get (1) _ throughout the world. The second reason (1) _ is that companies an

2、d industries (2) _ money, (2) _ as they get reductions in the tax they owe if they sponsor sports or arts activities. As sponsorship is (3) _, careful thinking (3) _ is required in deciding which events to sponsor. It is important that the event to be sponsored (4) _ (4) _ the product(s) to be promo

3、ted. That is, the right (5) _ and maximum product coverage must (5) _ be guaranteed in the event. Points to be considered in sports sponsorship. BUPopularity of the event/U/B International sports events are big (6) event, (6) _ which get extensive coverage on TV and in the press. Smaller events attr

4、act fewer people. BUIdentification of the potential audience/U/B Aiming at the right audience is most important for smaller events. The right audience would attract manufacturers of other related products like (7) _, etc. (7) _ BUAdvantages of sponsorship/U/B Advantages are longer-term. People are e

5、xpected to respond (8) _ to the (8) _ products promoted and be more likely to buy them. Advertising is (9) _ the mind. (9) _ Sponsorship is better than straight advertising: a) less (10) _ b) tax-free (10) _(分数:10.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_二、BSECTION B/

6、B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(1).According to Janet, the factor that would most affect negotiations is _.(分数:1.00)A.English language proficiencyB.different cultural practicesC.different negotiation tasksD.the international Americanized style(2).Janets attitude towards the Americanized style as a model for busine

7、ss negotiations is _.(分数:1.00)A.supportiveB.negativeC.ambiguousD.cautious(3).Which of the following CANNOT be seen as a difference between Brazilian and American negotiators?(分数:1.00)A.Americans prepare more points before negotiations.B.Americans are more straightforward dung negotiations.C.Brazilia

8、ns prefer more eye contact during negotiations.D.Brazilians seek more background information.(4).Which group of people seems to be the most straightforward?(分数:1.00)A.The British.B.Germans.C.Americans.D.Not mentioned.(5).Which of the following is NOT characteristic of Japanese negotiators?(分数:1.00)A

9、.Reserved.B.Prejudiced.C.Polite.D.Prudent.三、BSECTION C/B(总题数:2,分数:5.00)(1)._ US soldiers have been killed in Iraq since President Bush declared that major combat operations in Iraq had ended.(分数:1.00)A.1170B.1530C.1668D.1669(2).Besides US, _ suffered the greatest loss of army men in Iraq.(分数:1.00)A.

10、Great BritainB.BulgariaC.ItalyD.PolandIQuestions 8 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each question. Now listen to them./I(分数:3.00)(1).According to the news item, the mason Queen Elizabeth 11 canceled hex yearly vacation in Edi

11、nburgh this summer is that _.(分数:1.00)A.there will be anti-poverty rallies there at that timeB.G8 summit meeting will be held there at that timeC.the coincidence of the two above two eventsD.hex safety will be in question there at that time(2).According to the news item, how long does the queens vac

12、ation in Edinburgh usually last?(分数:1.00)A.About 3 days.B.About a week.C.About 28 days.D.Not mentioned.(3).During the 2001 G8 summit in Genoa, Italy, _.(分数:1.00)A.protestors used water cannons against riot policeB.riot police threw homemade firebombs at demonstratorsC.some active protestors were kil

13、led by the policeD.tears gas was resorted to by police against demonstrators四、BPART READING (总题数:4,分数:4.00)1.The primary purpose of desk rearrangement is _.(分数:1.00)A.for the teacher to divide students into small groupsB.to make it possible for students to interact with each otherC.for the teacher t

14、o find out how students thinkD.to give students more opportunities to practice speaking2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?(分数:1.00)A.New kind of desks and chairs should be made.B.Many companies are trying to improve the working settings for their employees.C.Classroom inte

15、raction between students is essential to the training of critical thinking.D.A comfortable environment leads to higher working efficiency.3.Which of the following arrangements of the classroom can bring about the best teaching effect?(分数:1.00)A.Arranging the desks in straight rows and providing ever

16、y minute for the students to listen to the teacher.B.Breaking a class into small groups and letting the students find the group they prefer to stay in.C.Putting the students in a larger class and allowing them to discuss.D.Breaking a class into small groups and asking the students to stay in the fix

17、ed groups as the teacher arranges.4.The underlined expression “step back in time at least a hundred years“ ( Para. 2 ) is intended to convey the idea that _.(分数:1.00)A.college classrooms often remind people of their cortege lifeB.critical thinking was encouraged even a century agoC.a hundred years a

18、go, desk arrangement in a classroom was quite differentD.there is not much change in the college educational idea over the past hundred years五、BTEXT B/B(总题数:4,分数:4.00)5.The underlined word “good“ (Para. 3) refers to ants_ .(分数:1.00)A.co-operation in workingB.sense of responsibilityC.efficiency in wo

19、rkingD.willingness to work hard6.In what way are the ants different from other non-human societies?(分数:1.00)A.They do not need to search for food.B.They do not need to look for shelter.C.Individuals vary in social status.D.Individuals perform different functions.7.The scientists work was based on _.

20、(分数:1.00)A.occasional observationsB.systematic observationsC.observations of several nestsD.observations of undisturbed nests8.It seems that smaller ants perform more of the _.(分数:1.00)A.construction tasksB.domestic tasksC.defensive workD.heavy work六、BTEXT C/B(总题数:4,分数:4.00)9.The reason some childre

21、n are backward in speaking is most probably that _.(分数:1.00)A.they are incapable of learning language rapidlyB.they arc exposed to too much language at onceC.their mothers respond inadequately to their attempts to speakD.their mothers are not intelligent enough to help them10.Which of the following

22、CANNOT be inferred from the passage?(分数:1.00)A.The faculty of speech is inborn in man.B.Encouragement is anything but essential to a child in language learning.C.The childs brain is highly selective.D.Most children learn their language in definite stages.11.The purpose of the Frederick s experiment

23、was _.(分数:1.00)A.to prove that children are bom with the ability to speakB.to discover what language a child would speak without hearing any human speechC.to find out what role careful nursing would play in teaching a child to speakD.to prove that a child would be damaged without learning a language

24、12.What is exceptionally remarkable about a child is that _.(分数:1.00)A.he is born with the capacity to speakB.he has a brain more complex than an animalsC.he can produce his own sentencesD.he owes his speech ability to good nursing七、BTEXT D/B(总题数:4,分数:4.00)13.The author considers that a fairy story

25、is more effective when it is _.(分数:1.00)A.repeated without variationB.treated with reverenceC.adapted by the parentD.set in the present14.The advantage claimed for repeating fairy stories to young children is that it _.(分数:1.00)A.makes them come to terms with their fearsB.develops their power of mem

26、oryC.convinces them there is nothing to be afraid ofD.encourages them not tn have ridiculous beliefs15.Fairy stories are a means by which childrens impulses may be _.(分数:1.00)A.beneficially channeledB.given a destructive tendencyC.held back until maturityD.effectively suppressed16.Some people dislik

27、e fairy stories because they feel that they _.(分数:1.00)A.tempt people to be cruel to childrenB.show the primitive cruelty in childrenC.lend themselves to undesirable experiments with childrenD.increase a tendency to sadism in children八、BTEXT E/B(总题数:4,分数:4.00)17.According to the author, ladies shoul

28、d concentrate on _.(分数:1.00)A.personal groomingB.the tongueC.clothing selectionD.physical development18.The passage focuses primarily on _.(分数:1.00)A.how to develop an effective styleB.applications of styleC.the importance of styleD.certain famous figures19.Shakespeare was said to have_.(分数:1.00)A.g

29、ood ideasB.good plotsC.verbal magicD.excellent humorous touches20.Style is specifically referred to as _.(分数:1.00)A.a manner of speakingB.a habit of writingC.a method of communicationD.a way of expressing oneself九、BPART GENERAL (总题数:10,分数:10.00)21._ is recognized as the longest river in Great Britai

30、n.(分数:1.00)A.The Thames RiverB.The Amazon RiverC.The Severn RiverD.The Rhine River22.The study of language acquisition is generally known as _.(分数:1.00)A.theoretical linguisticsB.psycholinguisticsC.applied linguisticsD.historical linguistics23.The capital of Australia is _.(分数:1.00)A.SydneyB.Melbour

31、neC.CanberraD.Darwin24.Edinburgh is in _.(分数:1.00)A.WalesB.ScotlandC.Northern IrelandD.Ireland25.The settings of most novels by Hardy are found in _, the fictional primitive nn-al region that is re ally the home place he both loves and hates.(分数:1.00)A.LeedsB.WessexC.BirminghamD.Liverpool26.The read

32、ing of the first chapter of the novel Pride and Prejudice has led the reader to the understanding of Mrs Bennet as a woman of _.(分数:1.00)A.simple character and mean understandingB.intricate character and short temperC.simple character and good educationD.intricate character and outstanding talents27

33、._ is NOT a U.S. news and cable network.(分数:1.00)A.ABCB.CNNC.CBSD.BBC28.The “sing-song“ theory was put forward by the great Danish linguist _.(分数:1.00)A.Otto JespersenB.Ferdinand de SaussureC.John LyonsD.Daniel Jones29.“For a week after the commission of the impious and profane offence of asking for

34、 more, Oliver remained a close prisoner in the dark and solitary room“ (Dickens, Oliver Twist) What did Oliver ask for?(分数:1.00)A.Mom time to play.B.More book to read.C.More food to eat.D.More money to spend.30.The theory that language was a kind of song without words has been known as the _ theory.

35、(分数:1.00)A.pooh-poohB.sing-songC.bow-wowD.yo-he-ho十、BPART PROOFREA(总题数:10,分数:10.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_十一、BPART TRANSLAT(总题数:1,分数:10.00)41.凉夜,我一个人走在雨湿的街心,街灯的微光使我眼前现出一片昏黄。两个老妇的脚步声跟着背影远远地消失了。我的前面是阴暗,又似乎是空虚。 我在找寻炫目的光辉。但是四周只有几点垂死的灯光。 我的脚不感到疲倦。我不记得我已经走了若干

36、时候,也不知道还要走若干路程。 一个影子在后面紧紧跟着我。他走路没有声音。我好像听见他在我的耳边低声讲话。(分数:10.00)_十二、BSECTION B ENGLI(总题数:1,分数:10.00)42.Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment, and disposi

37、tion of business. For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best, from those that are learned. To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to ma

38、ke judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation.(分数:10.00)_十三、BPART WRITING(总题数:1,分数:20.00)43.BOn the Most

39、Essential Social Value/B In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be aw

40、arded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.(分数:20.00)_专业八级-112 (1)答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPART LISTENIN(总题数:1,分数:10.00)At present-companies and industries like

41、to sponsor sports events. Two reasons are put forward to explain this phenomenon. The first reason is that they get (1) _ throughout the world. The second reason (1) _ is that companies and industries (2) _ money, (2) _ as they get reductions in the tax they owe if they sponsor sports or arts activi

42、ties. As sponsorship is (3) _, careful thinking (3) _ is required in deciding which events to sponsor. It is important that the event to be sponsored (4) _ (4) _ the product(s) to be promoted. That is, the right (5) _ and maximum product coverage must (5) _ be guaranteed in the event. Points to be c

43、onsidered in sports sponsorship. BUPopularity of the event/U/B International sports events are big (6) event, (6) _ which get extensive coverage on TV and in the press. Smaller events attract fewer people. BUIdentification of the potential audience/U/B Aiming at the right audience is most important

44、for smaller events. The right audience would attract manufacturers of other related products like (7) _, etc. (7) _ BUAdvantages of sponsorship/U/B Advantages are longer-term. People are expected to respond (8) _ to the (8) _ products promoted and be more likely to buy them. Advertising is (9) _ the

45、 mind. (9) _ Sponsorship is better than straight advertising: a) less (10) _ b) tax-free (10) _(分数:10.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:known)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:save)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:expensive/costly)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:match)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:image)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:media)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:cosmetics/drinks)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:favorably)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:conditioning)解析:填空项 1:_ (正确答案:expensive/costly)解析:听力原文Questions-It is common nowadays for companies and industries to spot, or big s


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