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1、专业英语四级34及答案解析 (总分:46.89,做题时间:120分钟)一、PART I DICTATION (总题数:1,分数:1.00)_二、PART II LISTENING(总题数:3,分数:3.00)(1).What is the main topic of the conversation?(分数:0.25)A.The development of the automobile.B.Declining air quality.C.The structure of nitrous oxides.D.Air quality management.(2).What steps could

2、be taken to improve the air?(分数:0.25)A.Reduce the amount of nitrogen.B.Increase the release of oxygen.C.Reduce nitrous oxide emissions.D.Stop industrial activities.(3).According to the woman, what causes most of the damage to the air?(分数:0.25)A.Industrial sources.B.Automobiles.C.Nitrogen sources.D.N

3、atural activities.(4).What is the most dangerous thing about nitrous oxides?(分数:0.25)A.Stagnant air.B.Damage to concrete.C.Unfounded fears.D.Potential carcinogenic effects.(1).The party was held_.(分数:0.33)A.at Janes houseB.at Janes aunts houseC.at Janes sisters houseD.at Janes brothers house(2).Jane

4、 was nervous_.(分数:0.33)A.because she was worried about the birthday partyB.because she found this history course very challengingC.because she thought her term paper might be lateD.because she had a very hard time sleeping(3).The man say that he is unable to_.(分数:0.33)A.plan a birthday partyB.sleep

5、during the dayC.type his own term papersD.work well under pressure(1).Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?(分数:0.12)A.Teacher and student.B.Doctor and patient.C.Lawyer and client.D.Boss and secretary.(2).What is the weather usually like in November?(分数:0.12)A.Hotter than the pres

6、ent weather.B.More humid than the present weather.C.Drier than the present weather.D.Cooler than the present weather.(3).What conclusion can we draw from this conversation?(分数:0.12)A.Public buses are fast and cheap.B.Parking is becoming a big problem.C.Subway trains are even safer than taxis.D.Taxis

7、 are more convenient than buses.(4).What are the two speakers talking about?(分数:0.12)A.Fixing the womans computer.B.Ordering some new parts by Friday.C.Getting the new parts ready by Friday.D.Sending the womans computer for repair.(5).What can we learn from the conversation?(分数:0.12)A.Neither of the

8、m has a favorable opinion of the service.B.The woman is having a terrible time serving in the restaurant.C.Both agree its time for the restaurant to fire some staff.D.The man thinks the restaurant is all right, but the woman doesnt.(6).Who will pay for the call?(分数:0.12)A.The man.B.The operator.C.Th

9、e mans sister.D.The man and his sister.(7).What does the man think of the womans choice of clothing?(分数:0.12)A.He thinks her choice is good.B.He thinks her choice is terrible.C.He doesnt like the colour.D.He doesnt like the style.(8).What happened to Mr. Hunts project?(分数:0.12)A.It was fairly succes

10、sful.B.It was hard and futile.C.It failed for lack of fund.D.It stopped for lack of land.三、SECTION B PASSAGE(总题数:3,分数:3.00)(1). The museum was built in memory of those (分数:0.33)A.who died in wars.B.who worked to help victims.C.who lost their families in disasters.D.who fought in wars.(2). Henry Dura

11、nt put forward the idea because he(分数:0.33)A.had once fought in a war in Italy.B.had been wounded in a war.C.had assisted in treating the wounded.D.had seen the casualties and cruelties of war.(3). Which of the following statements about the symbols is INCORRECT?(分数:0.33)A.Both are used as the organ

12、izations official symbols.B.Both are used regardless of religious significance.C.The red cross was the organizations original symbol.D.The red crescent was later adopted for use in certain regions.(1).Which of the following statements is NOT true?(分数:0.33)A.Nathaniel Bacon and his friends fought aga

13、inst Indian raids.B.Bacon and his friends were Piedmont farmers.C.Bacon and a few farmers marched on the capital to protest the Indian raids.D.Governor Berkeley did not listen to the demands of the farmers.(2).Bacon and the farmers were able to fight off the governor in_.(分数:0.33)A.less than 1 yearB

14、.5 yearsC.10 yearsD.23 years(3).How did Nathaniel Bacon die?(分数:0.33)A.He was killed by Indians.B.Governor Berkeley had him hanged.C.He died of malaria.D.He was accidentally shot by one of the farmers.(1).The ancestors of Gypsies left their home_.(分数:0.33)A.because they liked travelingB.because they

15、 wanted to find a better place to liveC.because they were driven out of their homesD.for the reasons unknown(2).What is the attitude of some people toward Gypsies?(分数:0.33)A.Putting up with them.B.Being envious of them.C.Being unfriendly to them.D.Admiring their musical talent.(3).What measure has b

16、een taken to help Gypsy children?(分数:0.33)A.Special schools have been set up for them.B.Permanent homes have been built for them.C.They are now taught in their own language.D.They are now allowed to attend local schools.四、SECTION C NEWS BR(总题数:3,分数:3.00)(1).Who sponsored the conference on population

17、?(分数:0.33)A.Cairo.B.The United Nations.C.The World Bank.D.The World Health Organization.(2).The current rate of annual increase in the world population is about_.(分数:0.33)A.9 million.B.5.7 million.C.90 million.D.20 million.(3).Which of the following concerning the document is NOT true?(分数:0.33)A.The

18、 document will cover the next two decades.B.The document will win support from the delegates.C.The document will serve as a guideline.D.The document will be completed after the conference.(1).Belinda Stronach used to be a member of_.(分数:0.50)A.The New Democratic PartyB.the Liberal PartyC.the Conserv

19、ative PartyD.the separatist Bloc Quebecois(2).There are_ seats in Canadian Parliament.(分数:0.50)A.303B.304C.305D.306(1).Jamaile Morally was accused of all EXCEPT_.(分数:0.50)A.illegal possession of a gunB.attempted kidnapC.attempted murderD.attempted rape(2).When did the assault happen?(分数:0.50)A.May 6

20、.B.May 7.C.May 16.D.May 19.五、PART III CLOZE (总题数:1,分数:1.00)Recreational runner Carrie Johnston usually doesnt feel hungry after a good sweat. Exercise 【B1】 Johnstons appetite, but she knows she needs to 【B2】 lost calories following a workout. When I come home from a good run, I force myself 【B3】 sup

21、per, says Johnston, a dietitian at McMaster University in Hamilton. 【B4】 , Johnston says many female athletes let good eating habits go and risk health 【B5】 thinness. Johnston, who works in the bone-marrow transplant unit at McMaster, has a background in sports 【B6】 In 1997, while a student at the U

22、niversity of Guelph, she worked with Prof. Heather Keller on a study for her 【B7】 on the eating habits of female 【B8】 . The 【B9】 person with eating disorders is driven by a desire to look svelte, says Johnston. But her study focused on athletes who eat less to lower weight and body fat 【B10】 the bel

23、ief it will improve 【B11】 . The study involved 【B12】 22 elite female athletes between 【B13】 15 and 25 over three months. Years ago when we didnt know any better it was thought that being lighter meant running 【B14】 , says Johnston, adding that s still the mentality of many competitive runners, as we

24、ll as other 【B15】 like gymnasts and swimmers. Johnstions study 【B16】 _consumed 400 to 700 fewer calories daily than recommended for their 【B17】 training. Even when training more, as they got closer to competing, they failed to 【B18】 more food fuel for energy. Initially, race 【B19】 tend to improve wh

25、en a runner loses some weight, but then they hit a peak and 【B50】 , says Johnston. (分数:1.00)A.repressesB.suppressesC.depressesD.expressesA.make up toB.make up onC.make up forD.make up withA.to eatB.eatingC.eatD.ateA.ThereforeB.HoweverC.MoreoverD.FurthermoreA.in the act ofB.on the point ofC.at the ex

26、pense ofD.for the sake ofA.nutritionB.nullityC.nuisanceD.nuanceA.thesisB.objectC.targetD.objectiveA.runnersB.athletesC.studentsD.workersA.commonB.averageC.ordinaryD.popularA.based onB.basing onC.being based onD.having based onA.actB.actionC.demonstrationD.performanceA.to trackB.to have trackedC.trac

27、kingD.being trackedA.agesB.agedC.agingD.ageA.wellB.goodC.fastD.betterA.playersB.athletesC.runnersD.contestantsA.topicsB.projectsC.plansD.subjectsA.strenuousB.tediousC.lustyD.nervousA.take upB.take toC.take onD.take inA.signalsB.signsC.scoresD.symbolsA.fallB.riseC.plummetD.spring六、PART IV GRAMMAR &(总

28、题数:30,分数:30.00)2.Victor promised to keep his boss _ what was going on in the factory.(分数:1.00)A.to be informedB.informing ofC.inform aboutD.informed of3.The old couple will never_the loss of their son.(分数:1.00)A.get overB.get awayC.get offD.get across4.The republication of the poets most recent work

29、s will certainly _his national reputation.(分数:1.00)A.enhanceB.strengthenC.enlargeD.magnify5.In me he found an _ listener, who, by virtue of book-reading, knew much about the sea-life he had lived.(分数:1.00)A.appreciativeB.appreciateC.appreciatedD.appreciating6.There are nations whose lack of contact

30、with the outside world has_ poverty.(分数:1.00)A.fallen intoB.consisted inC.resulted inD.come up to7.The prisoner stood there_.(分数:1.00)A.with his hands cuffedB.with his hands cuffingC.with his cuffed handsD.with his cuffing hands8.Issues of price, place, promotion, and product are _conventional conce

31、rns in planning marketing strategies.(分数:1.00)A.these of the mostB.most of thoseC.among the mostD.among the many of9.After Mark Felt revealed himself to be Deep Throat, the breaking news _ all over the globe in a second.(分数:1.00)A.sparkledB.flashedC.shinedD.twinkled10.Sometimes children have trouble

32、 _fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist.(分数:1.00)A.to separateB.separatingC.for separatingD.of separating11.We find it impossible to _ with the latest safety regulations.(分数:1.00)A.accordB.unifyC.obeyD.comply12.The speaker attracted the audience at the very beginning of t

33、he lecture by giving a _description of his personal experience.(分数:1.00)A.globalB.graciousC.graphicD.prescriptive13.The increase in student numbers_many problems for the universities.(分数:1.00)A.forcesB.pressesC.providesD.poses14.He took me _ task for not doing it.(分数:1.00)A.intoB.uponC.toD.on15.Afte

34、r a meal in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the_.(分数:1.00)A.billB.noteC.receiptD.menu16.It is strictly_ that access to confidential documents is denied to all but a few.(分数:1.00)A.securedB.forbiddenC.regulatedD.determined17.It was _we had hoped.(分数:1.00)A.more a success thanB.a success more tha

35、nC.as much of a success asD.a success as much as18.In order to raise money, Aunt Nicola had to_with some of her most treasured possessions.(分数:1.00)A.divideB.separateC.partD.abandon19.May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five o clock tonight? Im sorry. Mr. Williams _ to a conference long befo

36、re then.(分数:1.00)A.will have goneB.had goneC.would have goneD.has gone20._for your help, we d never have been able to get over the difficulties.(分数:1.00)A.Had it notB.If it were notC.Had it not beenD.If we had not been21.Sometimes the bank manager himself is asked to _ checks ff his clerks are not s

37、ure about them.(分数:1.00)A.creditB.assureC.certifyD.access22.Then it was Jerrys duty to cautiously _ the arrow had it missed the mark.(分数:1.00)A.recoverB.regainC.refundD.retrieve23.The new edition of the encyclopedia_ many improvements, which is the result of the persistent effort of all the compiler

38、s.(分数:1.00)A.embeddedB.embodiedC.enchantedD.enclosed24.Had he worked harder, he _ the exams.(分数:1.00)A.must have got throughB.would have got throughC.would get throughD.could get through25.During the summer holiday season there are no_rooms in this seaside hotel.(分数:1.00)A.emptyB.blankC.desertedD.va

39、cant26.Mark often attempts to escape_ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.(分数:1.00)A.having been finedB.to have been finedC.being finedD.to be fined27.Children of poor health are very _ to colds in winter and should be taken care of particularly.(分数:1.00)A.willingB.readyC.reluctantD.prone28.The l

40、etter seemed _ by a child.(分数:1.00)A.to have writtenB.to writeC.to be writingD.to have been written29.The construction of the second-ring viaduct has been _ for three months.(分数:1.00)A.on the wayB.under wayC.at the wayD.to the way30.It is essential that these application forms _ back as early as pos

41、sible.(分数:1.00)A.must be sentB.will be sentC.are sentD.be sent31.A drunk man walked in, _ both in appearance and odor.(分数:1.00)A.repulsiveB.reluctantC.reproachfulD.reputed七、PART V READING C(总题数:4,分数:4.00)The human brain contains 10 thousand million cells and each of these may have a thousand connect

42、ions. Such enormous numbers used to discourage us and cause us to dismiss the possibility of making a machine with human-like ability, but now that we have grown used to moving forward at such a pace we can be less sure. Quite soon, in only 10 or 20 years perhaps, we will able to assemble a machine

43、as complex as the human brain, and if we can we will. It may then take us a long time to render it intelligent by loading in the right soft-ware or by altering the architecture but that too will happen. I think it certain that in decades, not centuries, machines of silicon will first to rival and th

44、en exceed their human ancestors. Once they exceed us they will be capable of their own design. In a real sense they will be able to reproduce themselves. Silicon will have ended carbons long control. And we will no longer be able to claim ourselves to be the finest intelligence in the known universe. As the intelligence of robots increases to match that of humans and as their cost declines through economies of scale we may use them to expand our frontiers, first on earth through their ability to withstand environments, harmful to ourselves. Thus, deserts may bloom and the ocean beds be mine


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