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1、专业英语四级-268及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、CLOZE(总题数:4,分数:100.00)Aopportunity Bslums Cproductivity Dsubsequent Ethreaten Fproceeding Gcommitment Hpriority Ipreys Jsupplying Klocality Lconference Mlooming Nconservation Ocondemns The most precious fluid on earth is not oil, but water. There are few challe

2、nges as important as conserving the worlds usable water and 1 clean drinking water and water for irrigation to those who need it. Yet this work is not getting done. Humans are depleting the earths store of us able water at a rate that will soon 2 our food supply. Poor water management already kills

3、millions of people a year and 3 hundreds of millions to hunger. The technology exists to solve these problems. Providing 4 with drinking water and sanitation, for example, is easy to do and a cost-effective way to prevent deaths and disease. But because those who suffer are poor, their access to wat

4、er is rarely a political 5 . There is now a(n) 6 for progress. More than 100 water ministers from around the world, along with thousands of water experts from villagers to scientists, have gathered in the Netherlands. The 7 will be useful if it can persuade governments and international banks to pay

5、 more attention to 8 and fair distribution of water. In 1980, the U.N. set a goal of safe drinking water for all by 1990. Because of international prodding, about two billion new people received clean drinking water over the 9 14 years. A new 10 is urgently needed to spread these healthy gains, help

6、 poor farmers and conserve the worlds precious supply of us able water.(分数:25.00)Aaccumulates Bveiled Cfascinating Dpasture Eprocedure Fbarren Gterminating Hendure Imoisture Jsecondary Kstimulates Llodged Mtexture Nbrief Omachine The forest from which man takes his timber is the tallest and most imp

7、ressive plant community on earth. In terms of mans 11 life it appears permanent and unchanging, save for the seasonal growth and fall of the leaves, but to foresters it represents the climax of a long succession of events. No wooded landscape we see today has been forest for all time. Plants have mi

8、nimum requirements for temperature and 12 and, in ages past, virtually every part of earths surface has at some time been either too dry or too cold for plants to survive. However, as soon as climatic conditions change in favor of plant life, a(n) 13 sequence of changes occurs, called a primary succ

9、ession. First to colonize the 14 lands are the lowly lichens, surviving on bare rock. Slowly, the acids produced by these organisms crack the rock surface, plant debris 15 , and mosses establish a shallow roothold. Ferns may follow and, with short grasses and shrubs, gradually form a covering of pla

10、nt life. Roots probe even deeper into the developing soil and eventually large shrubs give way to the first trees. These grow rapidly, cutting off sunlight from the smaller plants, and soon establish complete domination closing their ranks and forming a climax community which may 16 for thousands of

11、 years. Yet even this community is not everlasting. Fire may destroy it outright and settlers may cut it down to gain land for 17 or cultivation. If the land is then abandoned, a(n) 18 succession will take over, developing much faster on the more hospitable soil. Shrubs and trees are among the early

12、 invaders, their seeds carried by the wind, by birds and 19 in the coats of mammals. For as long as it stands and thrives, the forest is a vast 20 , storing energy and many elements essential for life.(分数:25.00)ALikewise Bhabitat Clunar Dtraits Esolar Fdeprives Gcultures Hsense IEspecially Jobvious

13、Kderives Lscene Mevolve Nshelter Oshelves That an ecological crisis confronts humankind is now so central to our thinking that the notion that human beings adapt to their natural environment seems 21 . But ecological interpretations of world history are surprisingly recent. Sociologists, in attempti

14、ng to classify societies, have looked increasingly to a peoples relationship with their natural environments which provide food, clothing, and 22 . Human beings meet these needs in a wide variety of environments, including deserts, rain forests, grasslands, and so on. Such environments are part of e

15、cosystem, a complex web of interdependencies among organisms, communities of organisms, and the natural 23 . Some societal variation 24 from the different demands made by different ecosystems. Customs and ways of life that would be adaptive in one ecosystem would be maladaptive in another. We confro

16、nt a habitat and 25 a mode of existence not so much as lone individuals, but cooperatively as larger social units. Social organization and technology are our chief adaptive mechanisms. Social organization develops as we create stable, ordered relationships and become infused with common cultural 26

17、. Much depends on whether or not our values, norms, beliefs and institutions favor or foreclose new avenues of adaptation. 27 , technology-the application of knowledge for practical endsallows us to harness and change aspects of our environment. In its broadest 28 , technology entails the practical

18、arts and skills of human society. As technology has become more advanced, we have gained access to greater amounts of non-human energy (animal, water, fossil fuel, 29 , and so on ). In turn, new sources of energy have allowed our 30 to expand and change. Other changes follow as well.(分数:25.00)Aoutst

19、anding BUnfortunately Cpromoting Dsauce Eorganized Fannual GOverwhelming Hinjuries Imean Jimpaired Kunwillingness Lconvince Mexcluded Nsource Oindulging About 50 years ago, the idea of disabled people doing sports was never heard of. But when the 31 games for the disabled were started at Stoke Mande

20、ville, England in 1948 by Sir Ludwig Guttmann, the situation began to change. Sir Ludwig Guttmann, who had been driven to England in 1939 from Nazi Germany, had been asked by the British government to set up a(n) 32 centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital near London. His ideas about treating injuries i

21、ncluded sports for the disabled. In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part. The next year, 1949, five teams took part. From those beginnings things developed fast. Teams now come from abroad to Stoke Mandeville every year. In 1960 the first Olympics for the Disabled were held i

22、n Rome. Now, every four years the Olympic Games for the Disabled are held, if possible, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games, although they are 33 separately. In other years Games for the Disabled are still held at Stoke Mandeville. In the 1984 Wheelchair Olympic Games, 1604 wheelchair athl

23、etes from about 40 countries took part. 34 , they were held at Stoke Mandeville and not in Los Angeles, along with the other Olympics. The Games have been a great success in 35 international friendship and understanding, and in proving that being disabled does not 36 you cant enjoy sports. One small

24、 37 of disappointment for those who organize and take part in the games, however, has been the 38 of the International Olympic Committee to include the disabled events at the Olympic Games for the able bodied. Perhaps a few more years are still needed to 39 those fortunate enough not to be disabled

25、that their disabled fellow athletes should not be 40 .(分数:25.00)专业英语四级-268答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、CLOZE(总题数:4,分数:100.00)Aopportunity Bslums Cproductivity Dsubsequent Ethreaten Fproceeding Gcommitment Hpriority Ipreys Jsupplying Klocality Lconference Mlooming Nconservation Ocondemns The most prec

26、ious fluid on earth is not oil, but water. There are few challenges as important as conserving the worlds usable water and 1 clean drinking water and water for irrigation to those who need it. Yet this work is not getting done. Humans are depleting the earths store of us able water at a rate that wi

27、ll soon 2 our food supply. Poor water management already kills millions of people a year and 3 hundreds of millions to hunger. The technology exists to solve these problems. Providing 4 with drinking water and sanitation, for example, is easy to do and a cost-effective way to prevent deaths and dise

28、ase. But because those who suffer are poor, their access to water is rarely a political 5 . There is now a(n) 6 for progress. More than 100 water ministers from around the world, along with thousands of water experts from villagers to scientists, have gathered in the Netherlands. The 7 will be usefu

29、l if it can persuade governments and international banks to pay more attention to 8 and fair distribution of water. In 1980, the U.N. set a goal of safe drinking water for all by 1990. Because of international prodding, about two billion new people received clean drinking water over the 9 14 years.

30、A new 10 is urgently needed to spread these healthy gains, help poor farmers and conserve the worlds precious supply of us able water.(分数:25.00)解析:J 考点 考查动词。 空格前为并列连词and,因此空格处应填入和conserving并列的动词现在分词。结合句意“很少有像保护世界上的可用水资源和为需要的人 -|_|-干净的饮用水和灌溉用水一样重要的挑战”和选项,可知J项最适合,supplying意为“提供”。解析:E 考点 考查动词。 空格前为副词so

31、on,再由之前的will可知,空格处应填入动词原形。结合句意“人类正在消耗地球上的可用水资源,消耗的速度非常快,不久就会 -|_|-我们的粮食供应”和选项,可知E项最适合,threaten意为“威胁”。解析:O 考点 考查动词。 空格前为并列连词and,因此空格处应填入和kills并列的第三人称单数形式的动词。结合句意“糟糕的水资源管理已经导致每年好几百万人死亡并 -|_|-无数人挨饿”和选项,可知O项condemn“使处于(某种状况、境况等)”最适合,condemn sb. to sth.为固定搭配,意为“使某人陷入(困境或不愉快的状况)”。解析:B 考点 考查名词。 空格所在句包含prov

32、ide sb. /sth. with sth.的固定搭配,由此可知,空格处应填入名词。结合下文提到的受苦的都是穷人,可知B项最适合,slums意为“贫民窟”。解析:H 考点 考查名同 空格前为形容词political,因此空格处应填入名词。结合句意“因为受苦的是穷人,所以他们能否用到水几乎不是政治上的 -|_|-”和选项,可知H项最适合,priority意为“优先解决的问题”。解析:A 考点 考查名词。 空格前为不定冠词a(n),因此空格处应填入名词。结合选项和句意“现在有一个改进的 -|_|-”以及下文提到的许多国家的水利部长和专家聚集在荷兰开会,可知A项最适合,opportunity意为“

33、机会”。解析:L 考点 考查名词。 根据上下文可知,空格处所填单词指的应该是上文提到的100多个水利部长和上千位专家聚集在荷兰这件事,显然这是一个颇具规模的国际会议,因此L项最适合,conference意为“会议”。解析:N 考点 考查名词。 空格后为并列连词and,因此空格处应填入和fair distribution并列的名词。该条件从句意为“如果能说服政府和国际银行更加重视水资源的 -|_|-和公平的分配”,再结合选项,可知N项最适合,conservation意为“保护”。解析:D 考点 考查形容词。 前文提到,“联合国在1980年提出了一个目标,即到1990年为所有人提供安全饮用水”;空

34、格所在句意为“在国际社会的努力下,约有20亿人在 -|_|- 14年间第一次得到了干净的饮用水”。综合推断可知,这14年应该是1980年联合国提出该目标之后的14年,因此D项最适合,subsequent意为“后来的”。解析:G 考点 考查名词。 空格前为形容词new,因此空格处应填入名词。结合句意“迫切需要一个新的 -|_|-来扩大这些健康成果,帮助贫困农民并保护世界珍贵的可用水资源”和选项,可知G项最适合,commitment意为“承诺”。Aaccumulates Bveiled Cfascinating Dpasture Eprocedure Fbarren Gterminating He

35、ndure Imoisture Jsecondary Kstimulates Llodged Mtexture Nbrief Omachine The forest from which man takes his timber is the tallest and most impressive plant community on earth. In terms of mans 11 life it appears permanent and unchanging, save for the seasonal growth and fall of the leaves, but to fo

36、resters it represents the climax of a long succession of events. No wooded landscape we see today has been forest for all time. Plants have minimum requirements for temperature and 12 and, in ages past, virtually every part of earths surface has at some time been either too dry or too cold for plant

37、s to survive. However, as soon as climatic conditions change in favor of plant life, a(n) 13 sequence of changes occurs, called a primary succession. First to colonize the 14 lands are the lowly lichens, surviving on bare rock. Slowly, the acids produced by these organisms crack the rock surface, pl

38、ant debris 15 , and mosses establish a shallow roothold. Ferns may follow and, with short grasses and shrubs, gradually form a covering of plant life. Roots probe even deeper into the developing soil and eventually large shrubs give way to the first trees. These grow rapidly, cutting off sunlight fr

39、om the smaller plants, and soon establish complete domination closing their ranks and forming a climax community which may 16 for thousands of years. Yet even this community is not everlasting. Fire may destroy it outright and settlers may cut it down to gain land for 17 or cultivation. If the land

40、is then abandoned, a(n) 18 succession will take over, developing much faster on the more hospitable soil. Shrubs and trees are among the early invaders, their seeds carried by the wind, by birds and 19 in the coats of mammals. For as long as it stands and thrives, the forest is a vast 20 , storing e

41、nergy and many elements essential for life.(分数:25.00)解析:N 考点 考查形容词。 空格前为形容词性物主代词mans,空格后为名词life,因此空格处应填入形容词、动词的过去分词或名词作定语。结合句意“对于人类 -|_|-生命来说,森林似乎是永恒不变的”和选项,可知N项最适合,brief意为“短暂的”。解析:I 考点 考查名词。 空格前为并列连词and,因此空格处应填入和temperature并列的名词。结合选项以及空格后紧接着提到的以前过干、过冷的土地不适合植物生存,可知I项最适合,moisture意为“湿度”。解析:C 考点 考查形容词。

42、 上文提到,以前地球上所有的地方都有不适合植物生长的时候;该句则指出,“然而,一旦气候条件发生的改变有利于植物的生长,一系列 -|_|-的改变就会发生”。结合下文对这一系列改变的描述和选项,可知C项最适合,fascinating意为“吸引人的”。解析:F 考点 考查形容词。 空格前为定冠词the,空格后为名词lands,因此空格处应填入形容词、动词的过去分词或名词作定语。结合句意“首先在 -|_|-土地大量生长的是地衣,它们在赤裸的岩石上生存”和选项,可知F项最适合 barren意为“贫瘠的“。解析:A 考点 考查动词。 空格所在分句缺少谓语,再根据分句主语plant debris可知空格处应

43、填入动词第三人称单数。结合句意“渐渐地,这些有机体产生的酸使岩石表面裂开,植物残片 -|_|-,苔藓浅浅地扎了根”和选项,可知A项最适合,accumulates意为“积聚”。解析:H 考点 考查动词。 空格前为情态动词may,因此空格处应填入动词原形。结合句意“形成一个可以 -|_|-几千年的高级生物群落”和选项,可知H项最适合,endure意为“持续”。解析:D 考点 考查名词。 空格后为并列连词or,因此空格处应填入和cultivation并列的名词。结合选项,可知D项最适合,pasture意为“牧场”。解析:J 考点 考查形容词。 空格所在句意为“如果这块土地被废弃,一个 -|_|-过程

44、就会接替进行,在更适宜的土壤上发展得更快。”上文已描述了一个发展过程,且根据第二段末尾的a primary succession“初级演替”可知此处是指第二个演替过程,因此J项最适合,secondary意为“第二的”。解析:L 考点 考查动词。 空格前为并列连词and,因此空格处应填入和carried并列的动词过去分词。结合句意“灌木丛和树木是早期的入侵者,其种子由风和鸟类携带,并 -|_|-在哺乳动物的皮毛中”和选项,可知L项最适合,lodged意为“暂存”。解析:O 考点 考查名词。 空格前为形容词vast,再由之前的不定冠词a可知,空格处应填入单数可数名词。结合句意“森林只要存在并茁壮成

45、长,就像一个巨大的 -|_|-,存储生命所必需的能源和很多成分”和选项,可知O项最适合,machine意为“机器”。ALikewise Bhabitat Clunar Dtraits Esolar Fdeprives Gcultures Hsense IEspecially Jobvious Kderives Lscene Mevolve Nshelter Oshelves That an ecological crisis confronts humankind is now so central to our thinking that the notion that human bein

46、gs adapt to their natural environment seems 21 . But ecological interpretations of world history are surprisingly recent. Sociologists, in attempting to classify societies, have looked increasingly to a peoples relationship with their natural environments which provide food, clothing, and 22 . Human

47、 beings meet these needs in a wide variety of environments, including deserts, rain forests, grasslands, and so on. Such environments are part of ecosystem, a complex web of interdependencies among organisms, communities of organisms, and the natural 23 . Some societal variation 24 from the differen

48、t demands made by different ecosystems. Customs and ways of life that would be adaptive in one ecosystem would be maladaptive in another. We confront a habitat and 25 a mode of existence not so much as lone individuals, but cooperatively as larger social units. Social organization and technology are our c


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