GB T 9649.16-1998 地质矿产术语分类代码 矿床学.pdf

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1、 GB/T 9649.16-1998 前言1985年制订GB/T9649-88系地质矿产术语分类代码国家标准,由宇宙地质学、地球物理学、火山地质、地震地质、外动力地质学、地貌学、大地构造学、构造地质学、结晶学及矿物学、岩石学、地球化学、岩矿鉴定、化学分析、地史学及地层学、古地理学、矿床学、煤地质学、石油及天然气地质学、海洋地质学、水文地质学、工程地质学、地热地学、环境地质、地质经济学、遥感地质、数学地质、区域地质调查、地球物理勘查、地球化学勘查、矿山地质与采矿、选矿与冶金、固体矿产普查与勘探、探矿工程、古生物学、测绘学三十五个部分组成。GB/T 9649-88 bearing quartz v

2、ein deposit Uranium-bearing fluorite vein deposit Uranium-phosphorite deposit Uranium-sands!one-conglomerate de-pOSlt Thorite-bearing alkaline rock deposit Skarn-thorianitic deposit Thorium-bearing carbonatite deposit 备注代码2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2401 240

3、2 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 GB/T 9649.16-1998 汉字名伟晶岩铿矿床盐湖型铿矿床绿柱石伟晶岩矿床含绿柱石交代蚀变花岗岩矿床含镀砂卡岩矿床锯钮交代蚀变花岗岩矿床含细晶石交代蚀变花岗岩矿床统钮伟晶岩矿床烧绿石碳酸岩矿床错矿床砂卡岩棚矿床火山沉积型棚矿床盐湖型棚矿床绿柱石石英脉矿床铺矿床镣矿床锢矿床铠矿床铺矿床晒矿床磅矿床腆矿床镰矿床绑矿床绝矿床锐矿床铀矿床金属矿床开阳式磷矿床昆阳式磷矿床什那式磷矿床凤台式磷矿床富11式磷

4、矿床孤峰式磷矿床浏阳式磷矿床矿床学英译名Spodumene-lepidolite-pegmatite deposit Salt-lake-type lithium deposit Beryl pegmatite deposit Beryl-bearing metagranite deposit Beryllium-bearing skarn deposit Niobium and tantalum deposit in al tered granite Microtite-bearing metagranite deposit Niobium-and tantalum-bearing peg

5、matite deposit Pyrochlore-bearin噶carbonatitedeposit Zirconium deposit Boron-bearing skarn depo唱1tVocano-sedimentary-type boron d也poslt Salt -lake-type boron dep臼,ltBeryl-quartz vein deposit Germanium deposit Gallium deposit Indium deposit Thallium deposit Cadmium deposit Selenium deposit Tellurium d

6、eposit Iodine deposit l RhemumdePM Rubidium deposit I Cesium deposit I Scandium deposit 1 Hafnium deposit Metallic mineral d啤positKaiyan也typephosphate deposit Kunyang-type phosphate deposit Shifang-type ph咀sphatedeposit Fengta-type phosphate deposit Fuchuan-type phosphate deposit Gufeng-type phospha

7、te deposit l Liuya 备注147 代码2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2801 2802 2803 2804 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 148 GB/T 9649.16-1998 汉字名东海式磷矿床丰宁式磷矿床麻山式磷矿床温中式磷矿床马营式磷矿床兴和式磷矿床西霞式磷矿床德保式磷矿床马龙式磷矿床东方式磷

8、矿床西沙式磷矿床磷灰石矿床海相沉积磷块岩矿床自然硫矿床碳酸盐岩及砂页中硫铁矿床火山岩系中硫铁矿床沉积变质硫铁矿床砂卡岩型硫铁矿床煤系沉积硫铁矿床脉状硫铁矿床何盐矿床海绿石矿床硝酸岩矿床棚酸岩矿床天然碱矿床澳矿床破矿床盐湖明矶石矿床重晶石矿床漂白土矿床硅藻土矿床石墨矿床金刚石矿床晶质鳞片状)石墨矿床隐品质(土状石墨矿床白云母矿床金云母矿床矿床学英译名Donghai-type phosphate deposit Fengning-type phosphate deposite Mashan-type phosphate deposit Huangzhong-type phosphate depos

9、it Maying-type phosphate deposit Xinghe-type phosphate deposit Xixia一typephosphate deposit Debao-type phosphate deposit Malong-type phosphate deposit Dongfang-type phosphate deposit Xisha-type phosphate deposit Apatite deposit Marine sedimentary phosphorite de pOSlt Native sulphur deposit Pyrite dep

10、osit in carbonate rock and sandstoneshale Pyrite deposit in volcanic series Sedimentary-metamorphosed pyrite de poslt Skarn-type pyrite deposit Sedimentary pyrite aeposit in coal se nes Vein type pyrite deposit Potash salt deposit 1 Glauconite deposit Nitrate deposit Borate deposit Trona deposit Bro

11、mine deposit Iodine deposit Salt lake Alunite deposit Barite deposit Fuller s earth deposit Diatomite deposit Graphite deposit Diamond deposit Crystalline (flaky) graphte deposit Aphanitic (earthy) graphite deposit Muscovite deposit Phlogopite deposit 备注海外|式磷矿床代码2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 30

12、01 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3301 3302 3303 3304 汉字名云母矿床蜓石矿床石棉矿床蛇纹石石棉矿床蓝石棉矿床滑石绿泥片岩矿床瓦板岩矿床压电水晶矿床电气石矿床水晶矿床方解石矿床冰洲石矿床石膏矿床石灰岩矿床萤石矿床白云岩矿床耐火粘土矿床菱镇矿矿床冰晶石矿床粘土矿床高岭土矿床叶蜡石矿床硅线石矿床红柱石矿床蓝晶石矿床长石矿床石英砂矿床砂岩矿床石

13、英岩矿床硬质高岭土矿床软质高岭土矿床砂质高岭土矿床凹凸棒石粘土矿床累托石矿床硅灰石矿床花岗岩矿床大理岩矿床板岩矿床珍珠岩矿床GB!T 9649.16-1998 矿床学英译名Mica deposit Vermiculite deposit Asbestos deposit Chrysotile-asbestos deposit Crocidolite-asbestos deposit Talc-chlorite schist deposit Roofing slate deposit Piezo-electric monutain crystal depost Tourmaline deposi

14、t Mountain crystal depost Calcite deposit Iceland spar deposit Gypsum deposit Limestone deposit Fluorite deposit Dolomite deposit Fite clay deposit Magneste deposit Cryolite deposit Clay deposit Kaolin deposit Pyrophyllite deposit Sillimanite deposit Andlusite deposit Kyanite deposit ! Feldspar depo

15、sit Quartz sand deposit Sandstone deposit Qranite deposit Hard kaolin deposit Soft kaolin deposit Sandy kaolin deposit Attapulgite clay deposit Rectorite deposit Wollastonte deposit Granite deposit Marble deposit Slate deposit Perlite deposit 备注149 GB/T 9649. 16-1998 矿床学代码t. 字名英译名备注3305 泥灰岩矿床I ar de

16、osit 3307 砂砾矿床i d nd g:a vel depost 3308 硬石膏矿床Anhydrite depost 3401 自矿床Chalk depost 3402 滑石矿床Talc depost 3403 皂石矿床Saponite deposit 3404 橄榄岩矿床Peridotte deposit 3501 宝石矿床Precious stone deposit 3502 玉石矿床Jade depost 3503 蓝宝石矿床Sapphire deposit 3504 红蓝宝石矿床Ruby-sapphire deposit 3505 绿松右矿床Turquoise deposit

17、3506 尖晶石矿床Spinel deposit 3507 蔷薇辉石矿床Rhodnte depost 3601 石榴子石矿床Garnet depost 3602 刚玉矿床Corundum deposit 3603 浮岩矿床Pumice deposit 3701 海泡石矿床Sepiolite deposit 3702 膨润土矿床Bentonite deposit 3703 非金属矿床Nonmetallic mineral deposit 3809 伴生金矿床Accompanying gold deposit KCC 矿种1001 煤Coal 1002 泊页岩Oil shale 1003 石油Pe

18、troleum 1004 天然气:-Jatural gas 1006 煤成气Gas from coal 1009 石煤Stone coal 2001 铁lron 2002 健岛1anganese2003 铅Chromium 2004 铁Ttanium 2005 饥Vanadium 2006 铜Copper 2007 铅Lead 2008 铸Zinc 2009 铝土矿Boxites 2011 模Magnesium 2012 镇:Ickel 150 GB/T 9649. 16 -1998 矿床学代码汉字名英译名备注2013 钻Cobalt 2014 鸽Tungsten 2015 锡Tin 2016

19、 钻Bismuth 2017 锢Molybdenum 2018 亲Mercury 2019 锦Antimony 2101 铅Platinum 2102 钮Palladium 2103 依Iridium 2104 姥Rhodium 2105 饿Osmium 2106 钉Ruthenium 2201 金Gold 2202 银Silver 2301 镜Niobium 2302 钮Tantalum 2401 镀Beryllium 2402 铿Lithium 2403 错Zirconium 错英石2404 德Strontium 2405 伽Rubidium 2406 铠Cesium 2501 纪Yttr

20、ium 2502 锐Gadolinium 2503 钝Terbium 2504 铺Dysprosium 2505 钦Holmium 2506 饵Erbium 2507 锯Thulium 2508 德Ytterbium 2509 懵Lutetium 2601 钳Cerium 2602 拥Lanthanum 2603 错Praseodymium 2604 敏Neodymium 2605 鲁多Samarium 2606 销Europium 巴701错Germanium 151 GB/T 9649.16-1998 矿床学代码汉字名英译名备f主2702 |镣1 Gallium 2703 1锢1 Tndi

21、um 2704 l钝1 Thallium 2705 |给1 Hafnium 2706 |镰1. Rhenium 2707 |锯I Cadmium 2708 |锐1 Scandium 2709 |晒I Selenium 2711 |碑I Tellurium 2712 |铀I Uranium 2713 |仕I Thorium 3010 |金刚石1 Diamond 3020 |石墨I Graphite 3030 |自然硫Native sulfur 3070 |硫铁矿Pyrite 3100 |水晶Quarty crystal 3101 |压电水晶Piegocrystal 3102 i熔炼水晶Smelt

22、ting crystal 3103 |光学水晶Optic冠1crystal 3104 l工艺水晶Technique crystal 3110 |刚玉Corundum 3200 |蓝晶石Kganite 3210 |硅线石Sillimanite 3220 |红柱右I Andalusite 3230 |硅灰石Wollastonite 3240 |销硝石Nitre 3250 !滑石I Talc 3260 |石棉Asbestos 3270 |蓝石棉i Blue asbestos 3280 |云母I Mica 3290 l长石Falaspar 3300 |电气石Tourmaline 3310 i石榴子石I

23、 Garnet 3320 |黄玉Topag 3330 1叶腊石Pyrophyllite 3340 透辉石Vermiculite diopside 3350 援右Vermiculite 3360 |沸石Zeolite 3370 I :透闪石Tremotite 152 代码3500 3510 3520 3530 3600 3610 3620 3630 3640 3700 3701 3702 3750 3800 3850 3870 3871 3872 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3920 3930 3940 3941 3942

24、3943 3944 3950 3951 3952 3953 汉字名明矶石芒硝(含钙芒硝石膏(含硬石膏)重晶石毒重石天然碱方解石冰洲石菱筷矿萤石普通萤石光学萤石宝石玉石玛稍颜料矿物蒲石颜料黄土石灰岩电石用灰岩制碱用灰岩化肥用灰岩熔剂用灰岩玻璃用灰岩水泥用灰岩建筑石料用灰岩饰面用灰岩制灰用灰岩泥灰岩臼噩白云岩冶金用白云岩化肥用白云岩玻璃用白云岩建筑用白云岩石英岩冶金用石英岩玻璃用石英岩化肥用石英岩GB/T 9649.16-1998 矿床学Aluminilite Mirabilite Gypsum Barite Wtherte Trona Calcte 英Iceland spar Magnesite

25、 Fluorite Ordinary fluorite Optical fluorite Jamstone Jadestone Agate 译Mineral for pigment Ochreous iron ore Pigment loess Limestone 名Limestone for carbide Limestone for alkali ndustry Limestone for chemical firtiliger Limestone for flux Limestone for glass Limestone for cement Limestone for constru

26、ction Limestone for ornament Limestone for Iime industry Marl Chalk Dolomite crystal Dolomite for metaUurgical use Dolomite for chemical firtiliger Dolomite for glass Dolomite for cast stone Quartzite Quartzite for metallurgical use Quartzite for glass Quartzite for chemical firtilizer 备注153 GB!T 96

27、49. 16-1998 矿床学代码汉字名英译名备注3970 砂岩Sandstone 3971 冶金用砂岩Sandstone for metall urgical use 3972 玻璃用砂岩Sandstone for glass 3973 水泥配料用砂岩Sandstone for cement burden 3974 砖瓦用砂岩Sandstone for bricktile 3975 化肥用砂岩Sandstone for fertilizer 3976 铸型用砂岩Sandstone for cast 3977 陶瓷用砂岩Sandstone for ceramic 3990 天然石英砂Quart

28、z sand 3991 玻璃用砂Sand for glass 3992 铸型用砂Sand for foundry 3993 建筑用砂Sand for construction 3994 水泥配料用砂Sand for cement burden 3995 水泥标准砂Standard sand for cement 3996 砖瓦用砂I Sand for bricktile 4030 脉石英Vein quartz 4031 冶金用脉石英Vein quartz for metallurgical use 4032 玻璃用脉石英Vein q uartz for glass 4050 粉石英Konili

29、te 4070 天然泊石Native oistone 4080 含仰岩石Potassiumbearing rock 4090 含仰砂页岩Kbearing sandstone and shale 4110 硅藻土Tripolite 4130 页岩Shale 4131 陶粒页岩C盯amisiteshale 4132 砖瓦用页岩Shale for brick tile 4133 水泥配料用页岩Shale for cement burden 4150 高岭土Kaolin 4170 陶瓷土Ceramic clay 4190 耐火粘土Refractory cla y 4210 凹凸棒石粘土Attapulg

30、ite clay 4230 海泡右粘士Sepiolite clay 4250 伊利石粘土Illite clay 4270 累托石粘土Rectorite clay 4290 膨润土Bentonite 4310 铁矶土Bauxite 4410 其他粘土Other clay 4411 铸型用粘土(Clay for foundry 4412 砖瓦用粘士Clay for bricktile 154 代码4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 4418 4510 4512 4513 4530 4531 4532 4533 4550 4551 4552 4570 4571 4572 4573 45

31、74 4590 4591 4592 4593 4610 4611 4612 4710 4711 4712 4730 4750 4770 4790 4810 4811 4812 4830 GB/T 9649.16-1998 汉字名陶粒用粘土水泥配料用粘土水泥配料用红土水泥配料用黄土水泥配料用泥岩保温材料用粘土橄榄岩化肥用橄榄岩建筑用橄榄岩蛇纹岩熔剂用蛇纹岩化肥用蛇纹岩饰面用蛇纹岩玄武岩铸石用玄武岩岩棉用玄武岩辉绿岩水泥用辉绿岩铸石用辉绿岩饰面用辉绿岩建筑用辉绿岩安山岩饰面用安山岩建筑用安山岩水泥混合材用安山琦岩闪t主岩建筑用肉长岩水泥混合材用闪长螃岩花岗岩建筑用花岗岩饰面用花岗岩珍珠岩黑砸岩松脂

32、岩浮石粗面岩水泥用粗面岩铸石用粗面岩霞石正长岩矿床学英译名Ceramisite clay Clay for cement burden Latemite for cement burden Loess for cement burden Mudstone for cement burden Clay for keeping temperature material Peridotite Peridotite for chemical firtilizer Refractory peridotite Serpentinite Serpentinite for flux Serpentinite

33、for chemical firtilizer Serpentinite for ornament Basalt Basalt for cast stone Basalt for rock-asbestos Diabase Diabase for cement Diabase for cast stone Diabase for ornament D姐basefor build Andesite Andeste for ornament Andeste for build Andeste porphyrite for mater皿lDiorite Diorite for build cemen

34、t mlX-Diorite porphyrite for cement mix-ma terial Granite Granite for build Granite for ornament Pearlite Obsidian Pitchstone Pumice Trachyte Trachyte for cement Trachyte for cast stone Nepheline syenite 备注浮岩155 G/T 9649.16-1998 矿床学代码字名英译名备注4850 I Tuff 4851 1玻璃用凝灰岩Tuff for glass 4852 l水泥用凝灰岩Tuff for

35、 cement 4853 i建筑用凝灰岩I Tuff for construction 4870 |火山灰I Volcanc ash 4890 l火山渣I Scora 4910 l大理岩I Marble 4911 |饰面用大理岩I Marble for decoration 4912 |建筑用大理岩I Marble for construction 4913 !水泥用大理岩I Marble for cement 4914 !玻璃用大理岩Marble for glass 4920 l 板岩Slate 4921 1饰面用板岩Slate for ornament 4922 |水泥配料用板岩Slate

36、 for cement burden 4930 i片麻岩Gneiss 4940 l角闪岩I Hornblendite 4950 |泥炭I Peat 4970 |天然沥青I Native p山h5510 |矿盐I Saline ores 5511 I 1胡盐I Lake salt 5512 |岩盐I Rock salt 5513 !天然卤水I Natural brne 5530 i模盐Magnesium salt 5550 i饵盐Sylvite 5610 |礁Zodine 5630 I j莫I Bromine 5650 |呻Arsenic 5670 !砌I Boron 5690 |磷Phosphorus 7010 i矿泉水Mineralized spring 7030 i地下水Ground water 7050 |地热! Geotherm 7070 !二氧化碳气Carbon dioxide gas 7090 |硫化氢气Sulfurated hydrogen gas 7110 I :氨气Helium gas 7130 |氧气 Radon gas 156


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