GB 50049-2011 小型火力发电厂设计规范.pdf

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1、GIB 中华人民共和国国家标准UDC GB 50049 - 2011 小型火力发电厂设计规范Code for design of small fossil fired power plant 实施小型火力发电厂设计规范命!因计划生版社P 2011 -12 -01 发布2010 -12 -04 S/N:1580177.683 联合发布中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 统一书号:1580177 683 定价:55.00元r 一一一一-、崎-叮_.奄叩?啊呀轩苍苍.、一9 111 5 8 0 1 7 117 6 8 3 ll 中华人民共和国国家标准小型火力发电厂设

2、计规范Code for design of small fossil fired power plant GB 50049 - 2011 主编部门:中国电力企业联合会批准部门:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部施行日期:2 0 1 1 年1 2 月1 日中国计划出版社2011北京中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部公告第881号关于发布国家标准小型火力发电厂设计规范的公告中华人民共和国国家标准小型火力发电厂设计规范GB 50049-2011 1(建标(2006J136号)的要求,由河南省电力勘测设计院会同有关单位在原小型火力发电厂设计规范GB50049-94的基础上修订完成的。本规范共分24章和1个附录


4、须严格执行。本规范由住房和城乡建设部负责管理和对强制性条文的解释,由中国电力企业联合会负责日常管理,河南省电力勘测设计院负责具体技术内容的解释。在执行过程中如有意见或建议,请寄送河南省电力勘测设计院(地址:河南省郑州市中原西路212号,邮政编码:450007)。本规范主编单位、参编单位、主要起草人和主要审查人:主编单位:河南省电力勘测设计院 1 1总则(1 ) 2术语(2 ) 3 基本规定( 4 ) 4 热(冷)电负荷( 6 ) 4.1 热(冷)负荷和热(冷)介质( 6 ) 4.2 电负荷u.( 9 ) 5 厂址选择门的6 总体规划(1 4 ) 6. 1 一般规定(1 4 ) 6. 2 厂区内

5、部规划(1日6.3 厂区外部规划(23) 7 主厂房布置 (25) 7.1 一般规定( 2日7.2 主厂房布置( 2日7.3 检修设施的7.4 综合设施9 ) 8 运煤系统 8. 1 一般规定门门8.2 卸煤设施及厂外运输门8. 3 带式输送机系统(3 2 ) 8.4 贮煤场及其设备(33)8. 5 筛、碎煤设备门的8.6 石灰石贮存与制备(3日8. 7 控制方式( 3日 2 葵民君嘉来亚文明曦抒睁生成军怡予瑞东发团连王张刘楼王刘黄蔡陈林陈马侯平山力伟坊丽荣彪勤林社军生海俊自亚蓉振维献同晓燕司钱宋刘许于郭田王金周徐王张公限立涛柏素勇平京波蔚波琳蓉元东农院有成战本云志语小江剑丽正向效计院王张陈崔

6、周何王李胡付陈黄徐李邹设院询测计咨可新平灵建良德瑾建钟平莉秋强军勘设程宇西卫爱宝焕和莉明华开力力工庞王郭张周唐黄王程李曹汤刘胡张电电力省省电旗旭兵伟晓栋克勇彬莎敏福如战升南江东金迎红柯士口晓云维四家洁湘东湖浙山委韦郭李陈张郭苏陈何葛甘王尉汤位人人单草喳编亩主要参主主目次8.8 运煤辅助设施及附属建筑( 3 5 ) 9 锅炉设备及系统( 37) 9.1 锅炉设备 (37) 9.2 煤粉制备 (37) 9.3 烟风系统u 9.4 点火及助燃油系统(44)9.5 锅炉辅助系统及其设备(46)9. 6 启动锅炉 (47) 10 除灰渣系统10.1 一般规定忖们10. 2 水力除灰渣系统 (49) 10

7、.3 机械除渣系统(5 1 ) 10.4 干式除灰系统(52) 10.5 灰渣外运系统(53) 10. 6 控制及检修设施 (54) 10. 7 循环流化床锅炉除灰渣系统(54) 11 脱硫系统(5 5 ) 12 脱硝系统(5 9 ) 13 汽轮机设备及系统(6 1 ) 13.1 汽轮机设备13.2 主蒸汽及供热蒸汽系统(62) 13.3 给水系统及给水泵( 63) 13.4 除氧器及给水箱( 64) 13. 5 凝结水系统及凝结水泵(6 6 ) 13.6 低压加热器疏水泵( 67) 13.7 疏水扩容器、疏水箱、疏水泵与低位水箱、低位水泵(68) 13.8 工业水系统(68) 13.9 热网

8、加热器及其系统(70)13. 10 减温减压装置(7 3 ) 2 l3.11 蒸汽热力网的凝结水回收设备(73) 13. 12 凝汽器及其辅助设施(74) 14 水处理设备及系统(7日14.1 水的预处理(7日14.2 水的预除盐(77) 14. 3 锅炉补给水处理 (78) 14.4 热力系统的化学加药和水汽取样( 80) 14.5 冷却水处理14. 6 热网补给水及生产回水处理(82)14. 7 药品贮存和溶液箱( 82) 14. 8 箱、槽、管道、阀门设计及其防腐(82) 14.9 化验室及仪器(83) 15 信息系统15. 1 一般规定(84) 15.2 全厂信息系统的总体规划(84)

9、 15.3 管理信息系统(MIS)(8日15.4 报价系统15.5 视频监视系统(86) 15. 6 门禁管理系统仔们15. 7 布线门15.8 信息安全(87)16 仪表与控制(88) 16.1 一般规定川的16. 2 控制方式及自动化水平(88) 16.3 控制室和电子设备间布置(89 ) 16.4 测量与仪表16.5 模拟量控制16.6 开关量控制及联锁 16.7 报警 3 16.8 保护U16.9 控制系统(95) 16.10 控制电源们16.11 电缆、仪表导管和就地设备布置 (96) 16.12 仪表与控制实验室刊7) 17 电气设备及系统9) 17.1 发电机与主变压器( 99)

10、 17.2 电气主接线(100)17.3 交流厂用电系统(四川17.4 高压配电装置(10的17.5 直流电源系统及交流不间断电源(凹的17.6 电气监测与控制(106) 17.7 电气测量仪表(刊的17.8 元件继电保护和安全自动装置(凹的17.9 照明系统(凹的17.10 电缆选择与敷设(110)17.11 过电压保护与接地(110)17.12 电气实验室(111)17.四爆炸火灾危险环境的电气装置(111)17.14 厂内通信(111) 17.四系统保护(112) 17.四系统通信(112) 17.17 系统远动. (113) 17.四电能量计量(113)18 水工设施及系统(114)1

11、8. 1 水源和水务管理(114) 18.2 供水系统(口5)18.3 取水构筑物和水泵房(117)18.4 输配水管道及沟渠(118) 4 18. 5 冷却设施(119)18. 6 外部除灰渣系统及贮灰场(121)18. 7 给水排水(124)18.8 水工建(构)筑物(125) 四辅助及附属设施(山门20 建筑与结构(口的20. 1 一般规定(130)20. 2 抗震设计(131)20. 3 主厂房结构(132)20.4 地基与基础(132)20. 5 采光和自然通风. (1 33) 20. 6 建筑热工及噪声控制(134)20. 7 防排水(134)20. 8 室内外装修(135)20.

12、 9 门和窗(135)20. 10 生活设施(136) 20.11 烟囱.,.(136) 20. 12 运煤构筑物(136)20. 13 空冷凝汽器支承结构(137)20. 14 活荷载. (137) 21 采暖通风与空气调节(143)21. 1 一般规定(143)21. 2 主厂房(145)21. 3 电气建筑与电气设备(146)21. 4 运煤建筑(147)21. 5 化学建筑(148)21. 6 其他辅助及附属建筑(149)21. 7 厂区制冷、加热站及管网 (49) 22 环境保护和水土保持(152) 5 22. 1 一般规定(152)22.2 环境保护和水土保持设计要求(152)22

13、.3 各类污染源治理原则.(153) 22.4 环境管理和监测(155) 22. 5 水土保持(155)23 劳动安全与职业卫生(15的23.1 一般规定(156)23.2 劳动安全(15的23.3 职业卫生(157)24消防(159)附录A水质全分析报告(160)本规范用词说明(161)引用标准名录(162)附:条文说明(165) 6 Contents 1 General provisions ( 1 ) 2 Terms ( 2 ) 3 Basic requirement . ( 4 ) 4 Heating(cooling) and electricalload ( 6 ) 4.1 Heat

14、ing(cooling) load and heating(cooling) medium ( 6 ) 4. 2 Electrical load . ( 9 ) 5 Site selection (1 0) 6 Overall planning (1 4 ) 6. 1 General requirement (1 4 ) 6. 2 Plant area planning (1 5 ) 6. 3 Off-site facilities planning . (23) 7 Main power building arrangem巳nt( 25) 7. 1 General requirement (

15、 25) 7. 2 Main power building arra丑gement(25) 7.3 Maintenance and repair facilities ( 28) 7. 4 Integrated facilities ( 2 9 ) 8 Coal handling system ( 3 1 ) 8. 1 General requirement ( 3 1 ) 8. 2 Coal unloading facilities and off-site transport ( 3 1 ) 8. 3 Belt conveyor system ,. (32) 8. 4 Coal stora

16、ge yard and its equipments (33) 8. 5 Coal screening a丑dcrushing equipment (34) 8. 6 Limestone storage and limestone pulverizing system ( 35) 8. 7 Coal handling control mode ( 3 5 ) 7 8. 8 Coal handling auxiliary facilities and ancillary buildings ( 3 5 ) 9 Boil巳requipment and system ( 37) 9.1 Boiler

17、 equipment ( 3 7 ) 9. 2 Pulverized coal making ( 3 7 ) 9. 3 Flue gas and air system . (42) 9.4 Fuel oil system or 19nition a口dcombustion stabilization ( 44) 9. 5 Boiler auxiliary system and its equipments ( 46) 9. 6 Auxiliary boiler ( 47) 10 Fly ash and bottom ash removed system ( 4 9 ) 10. 1 Genera

18、l requirement ( 4 9 ) 10. 2 Fly ash and bottom ash remov巳dhydraulic system (49) 10.3 Bottom ash removed mechanical system . (5 1 ) 10.4 Dry ash removed system ( 5 2 ) 10. 5 Fly ash and bottom ash transportation system ( 5 3 ) 10.6 Control mode and maintenance facilities ( 54) 10.7 Fly ash and bottom

19、 ash removed system of CFB boiler (54) 口Desulfurationsystem ( 5日12 Denitration system . (59) 13 Steam turbine equipment and system ( 6 1) 13. 1 Steam turbine equipm巳nt(6 1 ) 13.2 Main steam system and heat supplying steam system ( 62) 13.3 Feedwater system and feedwater pump ( 63) 13.4 Deaerator and

20、 feedwater tank ( 64) 13. 5 Condensate syst巳mand condensate pump ( 6 6 ) 13.6 Water draining pump of low pressure heater ( 67) 13.7 Water draining expandor, water draining tank, water draining pump and low tank, low pump ( 6 8 ) 8 13. 8 Service water cooling system ( 68) 13.9 Thermal network heater

21、and its systems ( 70) 13. 10 Desuperheating and reducing device ( 7 3 ) 13. 11 Condensate water return device of steam network (73) 13. 12 Condenser and its auxiliary facilities (74) 14 Wat巳rtreatment equipment and system (75) 14.1 Water pretreatment system (75) 14.2 Water pre-desalination system (7

22、 7) 14.3 Boiler make-up water treatment system . (78) 14.4 Chemical dosing and water-steam sampling of thermal system ., . . . . . . . . . . (80) 14.5 Cooling water treatment syst巳m(8 1 ) 14.6 Water treatment system for thermal network make- up water and industrial return water (82) 14. 7 Chemical s

23、torage and solution tank . (82) 14.8 Tank, slot, pipe, valve design and corrosion resistant (82) 14. 9 Chemicallaboratory and instrument ( 83) 15 Information system . (84) 15. 1 General requirement (84) 15.2 Overall plan of whole plant information system ( 84) 15. 3 Management information system ( 8

24、5) 15.4 Price proposing system ( 86) 15.5 Video monitoring system ( 8 6 ) 15. 6 Entrance guarding management system (86) 15. 7 Wire layout ( 87) 15. 8 Information safety . (8 7) 16 Instrument and control (88) 16.1 General requirement (88) 9 16. 2 Control mode and level of automation (88) 16. 3 Contr

25、ol room and electric equipment room ( 8 9 ) 16.4 Measurement and instrument (90) 16. 5 Analog control (92) 16.6 Binary control and interlocking ( 93) 16.7 Alarm . (93) 16. 8 Protection ( 94) 16.9 Control system ( 95) 16.10 On-off control . (96) 16. 11 Cable and instrument tube and arrangement of loc

26、al巳qUlpment(96) 16.12 Instrument and controllaboratory ( 97) 17 Electrical equipment and system ( 99) 17. 1 Generator and main transformer ( 99) 17. 2 Main electrical connection scheme (100) 17.3 AC auxiliary power system (102) 17.4 High voltage switchgear arrangement (104) 17. 5 DC system and AC un

27、interruptible power supply (104) 17.6 Electrical monitoring and control (106) 17.7 Electrical measurement and instrument (109) 17.8 Component protection and security automatic equipment (凹的17. 9 Lighting system(10的17.10 Cable selection and cable laying . (110) 17.11 Overvoltage protection and ground

28、ing system (110) 17. 12 Electrical laboratory (111) 17. 13 Electrical equipment in the explosive and fire danger area (111) 17.14 In-plant communication (111) 10 17. 15 Electric power system protection (112) 17.16 Electric power system communication (112) 17. 17 Electric power system automation (113

29、) 17.18 Electric energy measurement system (113) 18 Water supply facilities and system (114) 18.1 Water source and water management (114) 18.2 Water supply system (115) 18.3 Water intake structure and pump house (117) 18.4 Piping and culvert (118) 18. 5 Cooling facilities (119) 18. 6 Off-site fly as

30、h and bottom ash removed system and ash storage yard (121) 18.7 Water supply and water drainage (124) 18.8 Water supply system buildings (125) 19 Auxiliary and ancillary facilities (127) 20 Architechure and structure (130) 20. 1 General requirement (130) 20. 2 Seismic resistant design (131) 20. 3 Ma

31、in power building structure (132) 20. 4 Founding base and foundation (132) 20. 5 Daylighting and natural ventilation (133) 20. 6 Thermal engine巳ringand noise control in building (134) 20.7 Water proof and drainage (134) 20. 8 Indoor and outdoor decoration (135) 20. 9 Door and window (135) 20. 10 Lif

32、e facilities (136) 20. 11 Chimney (136) 20. 12 Coal conveying building (136) 20. 13 Supporting structure of air cooling condenser (137) 11 22. 2 Design requirements of environmental protection and water-soil conservation (152) 1总JHH丁4日只20. 14 Live load (137) 21 Heating, ventilation and air condition

33、ing (143) 21. 1 General requirement (143) 21. 2 Main power building (145) 21. 3 Electrical buildings and electrical巳qUlpments(146)21. 4 Coal handling building (147) 21. 5 Chemical buildings (148) 21. 6 Other auxiliary and ancillary buildings (149) 21. 7 Plant cooling and heating station and pipe net

34、work (149) 22 Environmental protection and water-soil conservatlon (152) 22. 1 General requirement (152) 1. 0.1 为了使小型火力发电厂(以下简称发电厂)在设计方面满足安全可靠、技术先进、经济适用、节约能源、保护环境的要求,制定本规范。1. O. 2 本规范适用于高温高压及以下参数、单机容量在125MW以下、采用直接燃烧方式、主要燃用固体化石燃料的新建、扩建和改建火力发电厂的设计。1. O. 3 小型火力发电厂的设计除应符合本规范外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准的规定。22.3 Variou

35、s pollution control principle (153) 22. 4 Management and monitoring of environmental protectlOn (155) 22.5 Water-soil conservation (155) 23 Labor safety and occupational health (156) 23. 1 General requirement (156) 23. 2 Labor safety (156) 23. 3 Occupational health (157) 24 Fire fighting (159) Appendix A Water quality analysis report (160) Explanation of wording in this code . (161) List of quoted standards (162) Addition: Explanation of provisions (165) 12 1 2术语2.0.1 热化系数thermalization coeffic


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