1、Designation: A1037/A1037M 05 (Reapproved 2012)Standard Specification forSteel Line Pipe, Black, Furnace-Butt-Welded1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A1037/A1037M; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear of original adoption or, in the case of revision, t
2、he year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers furnace-butt-welded, black,plain-end or threaded-end, steel pipe for use in the c
3、onveyanceof fluids under pressure. Pipe in sizes NPS12 to 4, inclusive,with nominal wall thickness 0.350 in. 8.9 mm or less, asgiven in ASME B36.10M is included. Pipe having otherdimensions, in this size range, may be furnished provided suchpipe complies with all other requirements of this specifica
4、tion.1.2 For plain-end pipe, it is intended that the pipe be capableof being circumferentially welded in the field when weldingprocedures in accordance with the requirements of the appli-cable pipeline construction code are used.1.3 The values stated in either inch-pound units or in SIunits are to b
5、e regarded separately as standard. Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets. The values in each systemare not exact equivalents; therefore, each system is to be usedindependently of the other.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A450/A450M Specification for General Requirements forCa
6、rbon and Low Alloy Steel TubesA530/A530M Specification for General Requirements forSpecialized Carbon and Alloy Steel PipeA751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemi-cal Analysis of Steel ProductsA941 Terminology Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, RelatedAlloys, and Ferroalloys2.2 ASME
7、Standard:ASME B36.10M Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe32.3 API Standards:5L Specification for Line Pipe45B Specification for Threading, Gauging, and Thread In-spection of Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Threads43. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor terminology used in this specification,refer to Term
8、inology A941.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 furnace-butt-welded pipe, npipe produced in mul-tiple lengths from coiled skelp and subsequently cut intoindividual lengths, having its longitudinal butt joint forgewelded by the mechanical pressure developed in rolling thehot-for
9、med skelp through a set of round pass welding rolls.3.2.2 lot, na quantity of pipe of the same ordereddiameter, heat, wall thickness, and grade as given in Table specified outside diameter (OD), n the outsidediameter specified in the purchase order or the outside diameterlisted inASME B36.10
10、M for the nominal pipe size specified inthe purchase order.4. General Requirements4.1 Pipe furnished under this specification shall conform tothe applicable requirements of Specification A530/A530Munless otherwise provided herein.5. Ordering Information5.1 It is the purchasers responsibility to spec
11、ify in thepurchase order all information necessary to purchase theneeded material. Examples of such information include, but arenot limited to, the following:5.1.1 Specification designation and year-date,5.1.2 Quantity (feet or metres),5.1.3 Grade (A or B),5.1.4 Size (either nominal (NPS) or outside
12、 diameter, andwall thickness),5.1.5 Length,5.1.6 End finish (plain-end, special plain-end, or threaded-end, see 15.1),5.1.7 End use of the pipe,1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloysand is the direct responsibility of Subcommit
13、teeA01.09 on Carbon Steel Tubular Products.Current edition approved March 1, 2012. Published November 2012. Originallyapproved in 2005. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as A1037/A1037M05.DOI: 10.1520/A1037_A1037M-05R12.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcon
14、tact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASMEInternational Headquarters, Three Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-599
15、0.4Available from The American Petroleum Institute (API), 1220 L. St., NW,Washington, DC 20005.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesNOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
16、Contact ASTM International (www.astm.org) for the latest information15.1.8 Special requirements, and5.1.9 Bar coding (see 18.3).6. Materials and Manufacture6.1 The steel shall be made by one or more of the followingprocesses: basic-oxygen, electric-furnace, or open-hearth.6.2 The pipe shall be made
17、by the furnace-butt-weldingprocess.7. Chemical Composition7.1 The steel shall contain, by heat and product analyses, nomore than 0.25 % carbon, 1.20 % manganese, 0.045 % sulfur,and 0.045 % phosphorus.7.2 As a minimum, the required analysis shall contain thefollowing elements: carbon, manganese, phos
18、phorus, sulfur,chromium, columbium, copper, molybdenum, nickel, silicon,and vanadium.7.3 Product analyses shall be made on at least two samplesfrom each heat of steel.7.4 All analyses shall be in accordance with Test Methods,Practices, and Terminology A751.7.5 If one or both of the product analyses
19、representing a heatfails to conform to the specified requirements, the heat shall berejected, or analyses shall be made on double the originalnumber of test samples that failed, each of which shall conformto the specified requirements.8. Tensile Requirements8.1 The material shall conform to the requ
20、irements fortensile properties given in Table 2 and in The yield strength corresponding to a total extensionunder load of 0.5 % of the gage length shall be determined.8.3 Longitudinal tests shall be performed for all pipe. Suchtests shall be either strip specimens taken 90 from the weld orfu
21、ll section specimens, at the option of the manufacturer.8.4 The minimum elongation in 2 in. 50 mm for eachgrade shall be that determined by the following equation:e 5 CA0.2/U0.9(1)where:e = minimum elongation in percent, rounded to the nearestpercent,C = constant = 625 000 1940,A = cross-sectional a
22、rea of the tensile test specimen inin.2mm2, based upon the specified outside diameteror the nominal specimen width and the specified wallthickness, rounded to the nearest 0.01 in.21 mm2. Ifthe area thus calculated is greater than 0.75 in.2485mm2, the value of 0.75 in.2485 mm2 shall be used,andU = sp
23、ecified minimum tensile strength, psi MPa.9. Flattening Test9.1 Atest specimen at least 4 in. 100 mm in length shall beflattened cold between parallel plates in three steps, with theweld located either 0 or 90 from the line of direction of force,as required in 9.2.1. Except as allowed by 9.3, during
24、 the firststep, which is a test for ductility of the weld, no cracks orbreaks on the inside, outside, or end surfaces at the weld shallbe present before the distance between the plates is less thantwo thirds of the specified diameter of the pipe. As a secondstep, the flattening shall be continued as
25、 a test for ductilityaway from the weld. During the second step, no cracks orbreaks on the inside, outside, or end surfaces away from theweld, shall be present before the distance between the plates isless than one third of the specified outside diameter of the pipebut is not less than five times th
26、e wall thickness of the pipe.During the third step, which is a test for soundness, theflattening shall be continued until the test specimen breaks orthe opposite walls of the test specimen meet. Evidence oflaminated or unsound material or of incomplete weld that isrevealed by the flattening test sha
27、ll be cause for rejection.9.2 The flattening test specified in 9.1 shall be made asfollows:9.2.1 Test specimens taken from the front end of the firstpipe intended to be supplied from each coil and the back endof the last pipe intended to be supplied from each coil shall beflattened with the weld loc
28、ated at 90 from the line of directionof force.9.2.2 Test specimens taken from pipe at any two locationsintermediate to the front end of the first pipe and the back endof the last pipe intended to be supplied from each coil shall beflattened with the weld located at 0 from the line of directionof for
29、ce.9.3 When low D-to-t ratio pipe is tested, because the strainimposed due to geometry is unreasonably high on the insidesurface at the six and twelve oclock locations, cracks at theselocations shall not be cause for rejection if the D-to-t ratio isless than 10.10. Hydrostatic Test10.1 Each length o
30、f pipe shall be subjected to the hydro-static test without leakage through the weld seam or the pipebody.10.2 Each length of pipe NPS 2 or larger shall be tested, bythe manufacturer, to a minimum hydrostatic pressure calcu-lated from the following relationship:TABLE 1 Lot Size and Sample Size for Me
31、chanical TestingSizeDesignationLot SizeSampleSizeNPS 2 25 tons 23 Mg or fraction thereof 1NPS 2 throughNPS 450 tons 45 Mg or 500 lengths,or fraction thereof1TABLE 2 Tensile RequirementsGradeYield Strength, min Tensile Strength, minpsi MPa psi MPaA 30 000 205 48 000 330B 35 000 240 60 000 415A1037/A1
32、037M 05 (2012)2Inch-Pound Units:P 5 2 St/D 3 C (2)SI Units:P 5 2000 St/D 3 C (3)where:P = minimum hydrostatic test pressure, psi kPa,S = specified minimum yield strength, psi MPa,t = specified wall thickness, in. mm,D = specified outside diameter, in. mm, andC = For pipe sizes smaller than
33、 NPS 2, the test pressuresshall be as given in Table 3. For pipe in sizes smaller than NPS2 with wall thicknesses lighter than those listed, the testpressure for the next heavier listed specified wall thicknessshall be used. For intermediate specified outside diameterssmaller than NPS 2, the test pr
34、essures given for the nextsmaller specified outside diameter shall be used.10.4 When computed test pressures are not an exact mul-tiple of 10 psi 100 kPa, they shall be rounded to the nearest10 psi 100 kPa.10.5 The minimum hydrostatic test pressure required tosatisfy these requirements need not exce
35、ed 3000 psi 20 700kPa. This does not prohibit testing at a higher pressure at themanufacturers option. The hydrostatic test pressure shall bemaintained for not less than 5 s for all pipe sizes.11. Nondestructive Testing11.1 The weld seam of each length of pipe NPS 2 DN 50or larger shall be tested wi
36、th a nondestructive electric test asfollows:11.1.1 Ultrasonic or Electromagnetic InspectionAnyequipment utilizing the ultrasonic or electromagnetic principlesand capable of continuous and uninterrupted inspection of theweld seam shall be used. The equipment shall be checked withan applicable referen
37、ce standard as described in 11.2 at leastonce every8hofinspection to demonstrate the effectiveness ofthe inspection procedures. The equipment shall be adjusted toproduce well-defined indications when the reference standardis scanned by the inspection unit in a manner simulating theinspection of the
38、product. The location of the equipment shallbe at the manufacturers option.11.2 Reference StandardsReference standards shall haveboth the outside diameter and wall thickness within thetolerances specified for the production pipe to be inspected andmay be of any convenient length as determined by the
39、 pipemanufacturer. Reference standards shall be either full sectionsor coupons taken from the pipe. Reference standards shallcontain machined notches as shown in Fig. 1, one on the insidesurface and one on the outside surface, or a drilled hole asshown in Fig. 1, at the option of the pipe manufactur
40、er. Thenotches shall be parallel to the weld seam, and shall beseparated by a distance sufficient to produce two separate anddistinguishable signals. The18-in. 3-mm drilled hole shall bedrilled through the wall and perpendicular to the surface of thereference standard as shown in Fig. 1. Care should
41、 be taken inthe preparation of the standard to ensure freedom from fins,other edge roughness, and distortion of the pipe.NOTE 1The calibration standards shown in Fig. 1 are convenientstandards for calibration of nondestructive testing equipment. The dimen-sions of such standards should not be constr
42、ued as the minimum sizeimperfection detectable by such equipment.11.3 Acceptance LimitsTable 4 gives the height of accep-tance limit signals in percent of the height of signals producedby the calibration standards. Imperfections in the weld seamthat produce a signal greater than the acceptance limit
43、 given inTable 4 shall be considered defects unless the pipe manufac-turer can demonstrate that the imperfection does not reduce theeffective wall thickness to below 87.5 % of the specified wallthickness.11.4 Surface condition, operator qualification, extent ofexamination, and standardization proced
44、ure shall be in accor-dance with the provisions of Specification A450/A450M.12. Number of Tests12.1 Tension testing shall be performed on a lot basis, withthe lot size and sample sizes as given in Table 1.13. Retests13.1 If the results of the tension test for any lot fails toconform to the applicabl
45、e requirements given in Table 2,retests are permitted to be made on additional pipe of doublethe original number from the same lot, each of which shallconform to the specified requirements.13.2 If any flattening test fails to conform to the require-ments specified in 9.1, each length in the failed m
46、ultiple shallbe rejected or flattening tests shall be made using test speci-mens taken from each end of each individual length in thefailed multiple. Such tests shall be made with the weldalternately at 0 and 90 from the line of direction of force.14. Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations14.1
47、 The dimensions and masses per unit length of some ofthe pipe sizes included in this specification are given in ASMEB36.10M. The mass per unit length of pipe having an inter-mediate specified outside diameter, or intermediate specifiedwall thickness, or both, shall be calculated using the equationin
48、 14.2.TABLE 3 Hydrostatic Test PressureNPSDesignatorOutsideDiameterWallThicknessTestPressure, minin. mm in. mm psi kPa12 0.840 21.3 0.109 2.8 700 48000.147 3.7 850 590034 1.050 26.7 0.113 2.9 700 48000.154 3.9 850 59001 1.315 33.4 0.133 3.4 700 48000.179 4.6 850 59000.250 6.4 950 6500114 1.660 42.2
49、0.140 3.6 1300 90000.191 4.9 1900 13 1000.250 6.4 2000 13 800112 1.900 48.3 0.145 3.7 1300 90000.200 5.1 1900 13 1000.281 7.1 2050 14 100A1037/A1037M 05 (2012)314.2 MassThe mass of a single length of pipe shall notvary more than +10 %, 5.0 % from its theoretical mass, ascalculated using its mass per unit length and its measuredlength. Pipe masses per unit length not listed in ASMEB36.10M shall be calculated using the following equation:Inch-Pound Units:M 5 tD 2 t! 310.69 (4)SI Units:M 5 tD 2 t! 30