ASTM D6213-17 Standard Practice for Tests to Evaluate the Chemical Resistance of Geogrids to Liquids.pdf

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1、Designation: D6213 17Standard Practice forTests to Evaluate the Chemical Resistance of Geogrids toLiquids1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6213; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last r

2、evision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers the procedures for testing ofgeogrids for chemical resistance to liquids.1.2 This practice describes me

3、thods for measuring changesin physical and mechanical properties caused by immersion intest solutions that may be representative of anticipated end-useconditions.1.3 This practice describes procedures for required andrecommended testing of geogrids.1.4 Evaluation or interpretation of test data is be

4、yond thescope of this practice.1.5 This practice is intended to be used in conjunction withPractice D5322 or Practice D5496, or both. The scope of thispractice is limited to testing and reporting procedures forunexposed and exposed geogrid coupons.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of

5、 thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precau-tionary statements are given in Section 7.1.7 This

6、 international standard was developed in accor-dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-ization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recom-mendations issued by the World Trade Organization TechnicalBarriers to Trade (

7、TBT) Committee.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D16 Terminology for Paint, Related Coatings, Materials, andApplicationsD76 Specification for Tensile Testing Machines for TextilesD123 Terminology Relating to TextilesD883 Terminology Relating to PlasticsD1238 Test Method for Melt Flow Rates

8、of Thermoplasticsby Extrusion PlastometerD1695 Terminology of Cellulose and Cellulose DerivativesD4439 Terminology for GeosyntheticsD4595 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Geotextiles bythe Wide-Width Strip MethodD4603 Test Method for Determining Inherent Viscosity ofPoly(Ethylene Terephthalate)

9、 (PET) by Glass CapillaryViscometerD5322 Practice for Laboratory Immersion Procedures forEvaluating the Chemical Resistance of Geosynthetics toLiquidsD5496 Practice for In Field Immersion Testing of Geosyn-theticsD5747 Practice for Tests to Evaluate the Chemical Resis-tance of Geomembranes to Liquid

10、sE375 Definitions of Terms Relating to Resinography (With-drawn 1992)33. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 For definitions of terms used in this practice, refer toTerminologies D16, D123, D883, D1695, D4439, and E375.4. Summary of Practice4.1 This practice defines test methods and procedures forevalu

11、ating the resistance of geogrids to liquid exposure bymonitoring physical and chemical properties of geogrid cou-pons after immersion in a test liquid. The physical condition ofthe geogrid is monitored as a function of cumulative exposuretime by means of visual observations, and mechanical andchemic

12、al property tests.5. Significance and Use5.1 This practice is intended to provide a list of standardprocedures for test programs investigating the chemical resis-tance of a geogrid to a liquid. This practice should be used in1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D35 on Geosyn-th

13、etics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D35.02 on EnduranceProperties.Current edition approved July 1, 2017. Published July 2017. Originally approvedin 1997. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as D6213 97 (2009). DOI:10.1520/D6213-17.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM

14、website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced ASTM Internati

15、onal, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guid

16、es and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.1the absence of other specifications required for the particularsituation being addressed.5.2 This practice is intended to provide a basis of standard-ization for those wishing to compare or inv

17、estigate the chemi-cal resistance of a geogrid. It should be recognized thatchemical resistance is a user judgment evaluation and that thispractice does not offer procedures for interpreting the resultsobtained from test procedures contained in this practice. As apractice, this does not produce a te

18、st result.5.3 This practice is for the chemical resistance assessmentof geogrids and is written in parallel to similar practices forgeomembranes, geotextiles, geonets, and geopipes. Each prac-tice is to be considered individually for the geosynthetic underinvestigation and collectively for all geosy

19、nthetics exposed tothe potentially harsh chemical environment under consider-ation.6. Apparatus6.1 Tensile Testing MachineA constant-rate-of-extension(CRE) or constant-rate-of-traverse (CRT) type with auto-graphic recorder conforming to the requirements of Specifica-tion D76 shall be used.6.2 Testin

20、g ClampsThese clamps shall be sufficientlywide to grip the entire rib specimen and with appropriateclamping power to prevent slipping or crushing (damage). Thesuggested style of clamp is wedge action type, commonlyavailable from the manufacturer of the tensile testing machine.6.3 All other required

21、equipment is specified in the refer-enced test method standards. Refer to the appropriate standardsfor a description of the apparatus necessary to perform thosetests.7. Hazards7.1 Geogrids may be exposed to liquids that may containhazardous chemicals. Appropriate precautions must be takenwhen handli

22、ng hazardous waste, chemicals, and the immersionsolutions. Protective equipment suitable for the chemicalsbeing used must be worn by all personnel handling or exposedto the chemicals. Particular care should be taken when openingstorage vessels at elevated temperatures due to the increasedvolatility

23、of organics and the increased activity of acids andbases. Care must also be taken to prevent the spilling ofhazardous materials and provisions must be made to clean upany accidental spills that do occur.7.2 Before carrying out any test, safety precautions anddisposal procedures for hazardous waste,

24、chemicals or immer-sion liquids, and any contaminated geogrid materials should beidentified and implemented to provide full protection to allpersonnel and to comply with applicable disposal regulations.8. Sample Preparation8.1 Sample product as received.9. Sampling9.1 Geogrid:9.1.1 Determine the num

25、ber and dimensions of the testspecimens according to the requirements of property testslisted in Section 14 to be performed, the duration of theimmersion, and the number of test intervals.9.1.2 SampleSample in accordance with the respectivetest methods selected for the geogrid.9.1.3 CouponsCut coupo

26、ns from geogrid sample repre-sentative of the geogrids being evaluated so as to provide asufficient number of specimens for each chosen property testand test interval. Discard any coupons that contain scratches orother imperfections that might affect the test results, and cutreplacement coupons.9.1.

27、4 Mix the selected coupons in a random fashion andre-select coupons for the immersion and baseline testing.9.1.5 SpecimensAfter exposure, test specimens are cutfrom the coupons.9.1.6 Interrelationship between product, sample, coupon,and specimen is illustrated in Fig. 1.9.2 Test LiquidFollow procedu

28、res established in Section 6of Practice D5322.10. Conditioning Before Immersion10.1 GeogridsCondition samples at 21 6 2 C (70 64 F) and a relative humidity between 50 and 70 % for not lessthan 40 h prior to weighing or baseline testing and immersion,or all of these.10.2 Test LiquidCondition the test

29、 liquid (that is, immer-sion liquid) in the exposure tank, with stirring, for a period ofnot less than 24 h at a recommended immersion temperature inPractice D5322 or Practice D5496, or both.11. Procedure11.1 Geogrid:11.1.1 Immerse a sufficient number of coupons in the testsolution as specified in P

30、ractice D5322 or Practice D5496,orboth, to perform the required statistical testing for eachimmersion period called for in Immerse additional coupons for weight changes andvolatile loss during each immersion period. Record the weightof the coupon to an accuracy of at least 0.1 % of the c

31、ouponsweight.11.1.3 Remove the required and recommended number ofcoupons for testing at the prescribed test period. Elevatedtemperature coupons should be allowed to cool to roomtemperature in a sample of the immersion fluid. Rinse eachcoupon with deionized water and remove any visible liquidresidue

32、on the coupon surface by blotting lightly with water-absorbent, lint-free paper towels. Coupons should be stored ina sealed container with minimum void volume so as tominimize moisture or volatile(s) loss, or both.NOTE 1The prescribed test period is to be determined by the partiesinvolved.NOTE 2Coup

33、ons sealed in a zip-lock polyethylene bag and thenplaced within a container to shield against ultraviolet exposure has been anacceptable practice.11.2 Test LiquidMaintain test liquid chemistry and con-centration as established in Practice D5322 or Practice D5496,or both.D6213 17211.3 Test Specimen P

34、reparation:11.3.1 Remove coupons, one at a time, from storage in thesame order that they entered storage; that is, first in becomesfirst out.11.3.2 Cut test specimens from coupons.11.3.3 Between tests, specimens should be kept in anairtight container.11.4 The tests to be performed on a geogrid are l

35、isted inSection 16. All tests should be completed on the exposedspecimens after each test period. Only one set of tests must becompleted on the unexposed specimens to establish a baselineof data. For the initial data base, twice as many specimens aslisted below should be tested on the unexposed mate

36、rial inorder to produce a statistical base.11.5 Testing of the material exposed to the leachate must bedone within 24 h of removal from the test solution.12. Required Product Testing12.1 Visual ObservationsWritten description of thesamples before and after immersion. Visual appearance canhelp in the

37、 interpretation of the data and may explain anoma-lous test results. Appearance items to be considered mayinclude change from original color, including any mottling,change in surface gloss, change in surface roughness, swellingor other change at the edges of the specimen, scratches,scoring, fracture

38、 initiation or splitting of specimen into sepa-rate parts, and gross specimen changes such as wrinkling,dimensions, or noticeable curling.12.2 Tensile Testing Options:12.2.1 Rib Tensile Test (Option 1): Calibrate and balance the tensile testing system. Mount the specimen centrally in

39、 the clamps andtighten sufficiently to prevent damage to the specimen. Set the CRE to be 50 mm/min (2 in./min.). Rebalance the test system and initiate the test bystarting the testing machine and continue running until ruptureoccurs. Record and report the tensile versus elongation re

40、-sponse up to, and including failure. Repeat until ten acceptablebreaks have been obtained.NOTE 3If a specimen slips in the jaws, breaks at the edge of, or withinthe jaws, or if for any reason attributed to faulty operation, the results fallmarkedly below the average of the

41、 set of specimens, discard the result andtest another specimen. See 14.1 for calculating rib tensile strength.12.2.2 Wide-Width Tensile Test (Option 2)Use TestMethod D4595, but modify for geogrids (that is, adjusted forwidth and gage length).12.3 Resin Properties:12.3.1 Polyolefin Geogrids:1

42、 Melt Index: PolyethyleneUse Test Method D1238 Condition190/ PolypropyleneUse Test Method D1238 Condi-tion 230/ Polyester Geogrids: Inherent ViscosityUse Test Method D4603 toevaluate the fibrous polyester substrate.13. Recommended Product Testing13.1 Vi

43、sual ObservationsPhotographic record.13.2 Record additional properties, such as stress and strainat peak and failure, as agreed upon between the partiesinvolved.14. Calculation14.1 Rib Tensile Strength:NOTE 1Roll product is supplied by the manufacturer. Samples are cut from the roll product. Coupons

44、 are cut from samples and immersed in liquid.Specimens are cut from coupons for testing.FIG. 1 Relationship Between Roll, Sample, Coupon, and SpecimenD6213 17314.1.1 From the test data generated in 12.2, the averageultimate rib tensile strength, Trib, is calculated as:Trib5(i51nTi/n (1)where:Trib= a

45、verage ultimate rib strength in kN (lb),Ti= ultimate test strength for each rib in kN (lb), andn = total number of test specimens (minimum of ten).14.1.2 From the test data generated in 12.2, the averageultimate rib elongation, Erib, is calculated as:Erib5(i51nEi/n (2)where:Erib= the average ultimat

46、e elongation in mm (in.),Ei= ultimate test elongation for each rib in mm (in.), andn = total number of test specimens (minimum of ten).15. Report15.1 State that the immersion procedure was performed asdirected in Practice D5322 or Practice D5496.15.2 Geogrid:15.2.1 Describe the geogrid and its condi

47、tion (for example,any imperfections such as scratches) prior to its immersion inthe test liquid.15.2.2 Describe the method used to sample the geogrid forevaluating chemical resistance to a test liquid.15.3 ConditioningDescribe the conditioning of samplesand test liquid.15.4 Test Liquid:15.4.1 Identi

48、fy the chemistry of the test liquid (that is,immersion solution) and its concentration.15.4.2 Describe the procedure for maintaining the chemistryand uniformity in concentration of the test liquid.15.5 Report which test procedures, and any deviations fromthe procedures, that were used for evaluating

49、 the geogrid.15.6 Report all raw data, averages, and standard deviations.16. Test Summary16.1 Table 1 summarizes the testing program outlined inthis practice. Shading indicates required testing; non shadingindicates recommended testing.17. Keywords17.1 chemical resistance; geogrids; geosynthetics; liquidwasteASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such


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