1、Designation: D8102 17Standard Practice forManufacturing Quality Control of Geotextiles1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D8102; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number i
2、n parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers the manufacturing quality controlof geotextiles, describing types of tests, the proper testmethods, minimum testing freque
3、ncies, and best practices forsampling.1.2 This practice does not address manufacturing qualityassurance, product acceptance testing, or conformance testing.These are independent activities taken by organizations otherthan the geotextiles manufacturer.1.3 This practice is intended to aid manufacturer
4、s, suppliers,purchasers, installers, and end users of geotextiles in establish-ing a minimum level of effort for maintaining quality control.1.4 This practice covers procedures for sampling geotextilesfor the purpose of manufacturing quality control (MQC). Theseprocedures are designed to ensure that
5、 the correct number ofrepresentative samples are obtained and properly reported bythe manufacturer.1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard. The values given in parentheses are for informationonly.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if
6、any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D123 Terminology Relating to TextilesD4354 Pract
7、ice for Sampling of Geosynthetics and RolledErosion Control Products (RECPs) for TestingD4355 Test Method for Deterioration of Geotextiles byExposure to Light, Moisture and Heat in a Xenon ArcType ApparatusD4491 Test Methods for Water Permeability of Geotextilesby PermittivityD4533 Test Method for T
8、rapezoid Tearing Strength of Geo-textilesD4595 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Geotextiles bythe Wide-Width Strip MethodD4632 Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongationof GeotextilesD4751 Test Methods for Determining Apparent OpeningSize of a GeotextileD5261 Test Method for Measuring Ma
9、ss per Unit Area ofGeotextilesD6241 Test Method for Static Puncture Strength of Geotex-tiles and Geotextile-Related Products Using a 50-mmProbe2.2 American National Standard:3ANSI/ASQ Z1.9-2008 Sampling Procedures and Tables forInspection by Variables for Percent Nonconforming3. Terminology3.1 Defin
10、itions:3.1.1 For definitions of other textile terms used in thisstandard, refer to Terminology D123.3.2 Organizational Definitions:3.2.1 installer, nparty who installs, or facilitates installa-tion of, any materials purchased from manufacturers or sup-pliers.3.2.2 manufacturer, ngroup, corporation,
11、partnership, orindividual that manufactures a product.3.2.3 purchaser, nperson, company, or organization thatpurchases any materials or work to be performed.3.2.4 supplier, nparty who supplies materials or services.3.3 Sampling Definitions:3.3.1 lot (geotextile lot), nthe amount of geotextile pro-du
12、ced per style type under the same standard operatingconditions during a specific period of time not to exceed twelveconsecutive months.3.3.2 lot summary, na lot-specific report that shows allsequential sample roll test results and the associated lot1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Co
13、mmittee D35 on Geosyn-thetics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D35.01 on MechanicalProperties.Current edition approved Feb. 15, 2017. Published March 2017. Originallyapproved in 2017. DOI: 10.1520/D8102-17.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontac
14、t ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American Society for Quality (ASQ), 600 N. Plankinton Ave.,Milwaukee, WI 53203, http:/www.asq.org.Copyright ASTM Internatio
15、nal, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guide
16、s and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.1statistics, including the following information: typical value(mean) minimum, maximum, standard deviation, and MARVfor each test property.3.3.3 MARV, nthe minimum average roll value (MARV)for th
17、e geosynthetic, defined as the average value minus two(2) standard deviations from documented quality control testresults for a defined lot of production, sampled in accordancewith Table 1 of Practice D4354.3.3.4 maximum test value, nthe maximum test value forthe geosynthetic, defined as the highest
18、 average roll value fromdocumented quality control test results for a defined lot ofproduction, sampled in accordance with Table 1 of PracticeD4354.3.3.5 sublot, na smaller portion or subset of a lot producedunder same standard operating conditions per style. Combinedconsecutive sublots become the l
19、ot.4. Significance and Use4.1 Geotextiles are to be properly manufactured in amanner consistent with a minimum level of quality control asdetermined by in-house testing of the final product. Thispractice sets forth the types of tests, the methods of the testing,and the minimum testing frequencies ap
20、propriate for geotextilemanufacturing quality control.4.2 It should be clearly recognized that manufacturers mayperform additional tests or at a greater frequency than set forthin this practice, or both. In this case the manufacturers qualitycontrol plan will take precedence over this practice.4.3 I
21、t should also be recognized that purchasers andinstallers of geotextiles may require additional tests or at agreater frequency than called for in this practice, or both. Theorganization(s) producing such project-specific specification orquality assurance plan should recognize that such requirementsa
22、re beyond the current state of this practice. If such a requestis made by the purchasers or installers, they should clearlycommunicate the requirements to the manufacturer or supplierduring the contract decisions in order that disputes do not ariseat a subsequent time.4.4 This practice provides guid
23、ance for sampling and testingas well as proper management of test data and certifications.5. Sampling Procedure for Manufacturers QualityControl (MQC) Testing5.1 Divisions into LotsConsider as a lot any portion ofproduction that represents the planned production quantity notto exceed twelve consecut
24、ive months that differs from otherportions in the specifications, style, or physical characteristics.If portions that are billed or designated as separate lots areshipped from different production plants, treat each separateportion as a separate lot.5.2 Determination of Lot Sample Size:5.2.1 Determi
25、ne the lot sample size for quality controltesting in accordance with Table 1 of Practice D4354.5.2.2 Time-intensive tests, such as ultraviolet degradation(Test Method D4355), are not used for quality control but arerather indicators of performance, thus the frequency of testingis determined by the p
26、urchaser.5.2.3 If a sample is required during manufacture, select theunits for the lot sample at uniformly spaced or predeterminedtime intervals throughout the production period.6. Procedure for Recommended Quality Control Testsand Requirements6.1 The recommended quality control tests for the manufa
27、c-ture of geotextiles are included in Table 1. It is recommendedthat testing be done on the finished product.6.2 Other manufacturing quality assurance or conformancetests may be requested by the purchaser or installer. These testsshould be contracted separately and all parties involved shouldagree t
28、o the method to be used, as well as to the frequency oftesting.6.3 Quality Control Sampling of Each Lot:6.3.1 Material produced during a start-up phase is notconsidered part of the produced lot for the purposes ofcalculating MARV. A limited number of tests may be done onthese samples to verify that
29、the line is within standardoperating conditions and producing first-quality material.These start-up test results are not considered part of thestatistical evaluation, but are to be maintained in the databaseor on record at such time sampling for the purpose of MQC isinitiated. The frequency of sampl
30、ing and comprehensive test-ing for a given lot is not to be less than that required by Table1 of Practice D4354.TABLE 1 Recommended Tests and Requirements for MQC of GeotextilesNOTE 1Different tests and test requirements other than what is stated within this table may be required on a project basis.
31、Test Designation ASTM Standard Reported Value Test FrequencyMass Per Unit Area Test Method D5261 TypicalAPractice D4354, Table 1Grab Tensile Strength Test Method D4632 MARV Practice D4354, Table 1Trapezoid Tearing Strength Test Method D4533 MARV Practice D4354, Table 1Static Puncture Strength Test M
32、ethod D6241 MARV Practice D4354, Table 1Permittivity Test Methods D4491 Minimum Test ValueBPractice D4354, Table 1Apparent Opening Size Test Methods D4751 Maximum Test ValueBPractice D4354, Table 1Wide WidthCTest Method D4595 MARV Practice D4354, Table 1AMARV certification may be required on a proje
33、ct basis.BThe precision data stated in these methods for repeatability (CV % r,CV%Sr) and reproducibility (CV % SR,CV%R) suggest that test method variability and materialvariability cannot be reliably differentiated; therefore statistical use of the data for calculating MARV is not appropriate.CFor
34、geotextiles used in reinforcement applications.D8102 1726.4 Quality Control Testing of Each Sample:6.4.1 Each quality control sample is sent to the qualitycontrol lab immediately upon production. Full identification ofthe sampled roll is to be provided with the sample.6.4.2 The results for each roll
35、 sampled and tested are givenas average roll values. The average roll value, which is alsocalled the sampling average, is the average of all the specimenstested in the same orientation (that is, machine direction orcross-machine direction, also referred to as MD or CD) from asample using a specific
36、test method. Regardless of the indi-vidual specimen results, it is the average of all specimenstheaverage roll valuewhich characterizes the sample.6.5 Quality Control Test Results:6.5.1 All quality control test results are maintained with thecorresponding roll identification.6.5.2 Lot testing summar
37、ies are to be available upon requestdetailing the test results and typical value (aggregate mean),minimum, maximum, standard deviations, and MARV of eachtest property required for the lot under consideration.6.6 Failing Test Results:6.6.1 Test results falling below published values do notalways defi
38、ne failing production. Duplicate tests should be runon material from the same sample roll to determine if theproblem is in the application of the test procedure.6.6.2 If the retest shows failing results, then an additionalsample from subsequent production (rolls) is required.6.6.3 If this additional
39、 testing shows similarly failingresults, then further subsequent rolls are to be sampled andtested until acceptable test results are achieved. All materialfrom all failing rolls and associated rolls (if not tested andbetween failed tested rolls) will be removed from first-qualityproduction.6.6.4 If
40、the testing of additional rolls produces satisfactorytest results, then the additional test results are to become datawithin the lot summary. If the test results fall below publishedlimits, then all material from all associated rolls are to beremoved from first quality. Material may be downgraded.6.
41、6.5 If no assignable cause is determined for the failingproduction, then the test values associated with the failing rollsare to be maintained in the database to characterize futureproduction within that lot. If the cause is not identified anddocumented, then the material is to be considered charact
42、eristicof the general production lot and the corresponding data kept inthe MARV calculation within the lot summary.6.6.6 If an assignable cause is identified for the failingproduction, it is to be documented along with a correctiveaction. If this is accomplished and all associated rolls areremoved f
43、rom first-quality status for the style being produced,then all record of failed production may be removed from thelot summary but is to be maintained in the database or onrecord within files.6.7 Minimum Average Roll Values (MARVs) and Release ofLots:6.7.1 MARV is to be calculated for each lot for ea
44、ch testproperty required. MARV can then be calculated using Eq 1:MARV 5 x 2 2s! (1)where:x = typical (mean), ands = standard deviation (roll data).NOTE 1Two (2) is a reasonable t-value for use in the above equation.Other t-values may be used based on sample size.6.7.2 A lot may consist of consecutiv
45、e runs or sublots,where all sublots are characterized by production of the sameproduct style manufactured under the same standard operatingconditions and using raw materials meeting the same specifi-cations.6.7.3 It is important when using this statistical evaluation touse a large enough body of dat
46、a, including data from rejectedrolls without an identifiable cause, to confirm that a reasonablynormal distribution of data exists.6.7.4 Consecutive sublots may be combined to calculateMARV as long as the shipped rolls are within these sublots.These sublots will be produced within twelve consecutive
47、months. See example in Appendix X1.6.7.5 A sublot(s) may be shipped once the sublot data hasbeen added to the MARV calculation for the lot.6.8 Certifications:6.8.1 All certifications are to be fully supported by availabletest data.6.8.2 Lot summary statistics (typical value, standarddeviation, minim
48、um value, maximum value, calculatedMARV) will be provided upon request.6.8.3 No order should be confirmed until quality controlrequirements are met indicating that shipment rolls fromacceptable lots are available.7. Report7.1 All activities on product acceptance should be recordedon a suitable datas
49、heet or in a database.7.1.1 Manufacturers letter of certification or MQC data, orboth;7.1.2 Description or title of product acceptance activity, orboth;7.1.3 Location, date, and time of acceptance activity;7.1.4 Procedure used for acceptance activity;7.1.5 Roll and lot numbers, brand names, and other product-specific information;7.1.6 Results of acceptance activity;7.1.7 Company of involved personnel;7.1.8 Name of acceptance inspector;7.1.9 Summarized test results of acceptance activities;7.1.10 Roll number of rejected rolls.8. Keywords8.1 geotextiles; M