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1、2015学年江苏江阴长泾片八年级上期末英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 任务型阅读 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空限填一词。 (本大题共 5分,每小题 1分 ) Have you ever asked your relatives or friends if there is Wi-Fi in their houses Have you ever searched for Wi-Fi when you are at restaurants or hotels The answers will probably be “Yes”. In fact, things at pre

2、sent are like this: Most of us want Wi-Fi everywhere as if we cant live without it. But we can only use free Wi-Fi in some places. And most of the time, we still have to spend some money getting into the Internet. Here is a piece of good news. A rich organization in the USA called MDIF has decided t

3、o change the age of online computing (计算 ) completely by giving free Wi-Fi to each person on Earth. This is because they have found out that only 60% people around the world are able to get information on the Internet. And this is also because many countries are not able to offer people something ne

4、cessary to get into the web. Luckily, we may use free Wi-Fi at any place in the near future. 阅读以上信息,用恰当的词完成下面的表格,每空一词。 Present 【小题 1】 Many of us want Wi-Fi everywhere as if we cant live without it. Getting into the Internet 【小题 2】 us some money. What the organization will do MDIF has planned to chan

5、ge the age of online computing (计算 ) completely by giving free Wi-Fi to everyone in the 【小题 3】 . Reasons Only 60% people around the world can get information on the Internet. Many countries cant 【小题 4】 people with something necessary to get into the web. What we may do Use Free Wi-Fi 【小题 5】 in the n

6、ear future. 答案:【小题 1】 situation 【小题 2】 costs 【小题 3】 world 【小题 4】 provide 【小题 5】 anywhere/everywhere 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了你有没有问过你的亲戚或朋友在他们的房子里是否有 Wi-Fi,事实上我们大多数的人们希望 Wi-Fi 无处不在,生活中不能没有它。 【小题 1】考查名词。根据短文第二段可知在当前的情况中,大部分人们需要Wi-Fi,并且上网是需要花费钱的。根据题意可知故填 situation 【小题 2】考查动词。根据文中第二段可知并且上网是需要花费钱的。根据语境接表格的内容故填 cost

7、s 【小题 3】考查动词。根据文中第三段可知这个组织将为我们地球上每个人提供免费的 Wi-Fi。 In the world表示全世界;根据表格内容及语境可知故填 world 【小题 4】考查动词的形式。根据表格内容这个公司提供免费的 Wi-Fi的原因是许多国家不能提供给人们一些必要的上网的东西;结 合语境及表格内容提示故填 provide ; provide sb with sth 表示提供给某人某物; 【小题 5】考查动词。根据表格的内容可知我们将来可能在任何地方都能免费的使用 Wi-Fi;结合语境及表格内容提示故填 anywhere/everywhere 考点:短文填空。 单项选择 * T

8、he man reached _a small village _ a cold morning. A in; on B不填 ; in C at; in D不填 ; on 答案: D 试题分析:根据 reach+地点名词; on+具体的上、下、午、和晚上。根据句意 ; 这个人在一个寒冷的早上到达了一个小村庄。根据句意故选 D 考点:考查介词的辨析。 Id like to take five days off, Mr. Smith. _ . Dont you know were very busy these days A Never mind B Its OK C Dont worry D F

9、orget it 答案: D 试题分析: Never mind 没关系; B. Its OK好的; C. Dont worry别担心; D. Forget it忘记他;根据句意 ; -妈妈你正在做什么那?闻起来这么香。根据句意故选 D 考点:考查交际用语。 We only live once, but if we live a wonderful life, once is enough. _ I agree. A In some ways B On the way C In the way D In this way 答案: A 试题分析: In some ways用一些方式; B. On

10、the way在路上 ; C. In the way 挡路,妨碍; D. In this way 用这种方法;根据句意 ; -我们只活一次,但是如果我们有一个更精彩的生活,一次就足够。 -在某中方面,我同意。根据句意故选 A 考点:考查短语的辨析。 As we all know, great changes _ in China in the past thirty years. A took place B have taken place C happened D have happened 答案: B 试题分析: take place 表示有计划,有安排的发生, happen是偶然的发生

11、;家乡发生了变化是在计划之中的。根据句意 ; 中所周知,过去的 30年中中国发生了伟大的变化在。根据语境可知用现在完成时;根据句意故选 B 考点:考查动词的时态。 The old man lived _ in a small house, but he didnt feel _. A alone; lonely B alone; alone C lonely; lonely D lonely; alone 答案: A 试题分析:句意:那个老人独自居住在小房子里,但是他不感觉孤独。 alone是“单独 ”的意思,是指身体上的孤独,一个人; lonely“孤单 ”的意思,是指心灵的孤独,故选择 A

12、。 考点:考查单词辨析。 I _ my mum cook dinner in the kitchen when the telephone _. A helped; was ringing B helped; rang C was helping; rang D was helping; was ringing 答案: C 试题分析:句意:我正在厨房帮妈妈做饭这时电话铃声响了。表示过去某时正在进行的动作使用过去进行时。表示某一动作发生在过去用一般过去时。所以选 C。 考点:考查动词时态。 It will be _ next week and there will also be a lot o

13、f _. A windy; rain B wind ; rainy C windy ; rainy D wind; rain 答案: A 试题分析:根据题意可知第一个空是做表语的故用形容词;根据 there will be +主语中主语应用名词;根据句意 ; 下周将是多风的,也将有大量的雨。根据句意故选 A 考点:考查单词词性的辨析。 Which sentence structure is “S+V+P” A Farmers harvest crops. B Autumn leaves turn brown. C We have four seasons. D We call the boy

14、Tommy. 答案: B 试题分析:根据主语用 S来表示 ,谓语动词可用 V来表示; P表示表语;根据题意可知 B是正确的 S+V+P;根据句意故选 B 考点:考查句子的结构。 Jiangyin, our hometown, _ an area of 987 square kilometers. A covers B takes C includes D Gets 答案: A 试题分析: A. Covers覆盖; B. Takes花费; C. Includes包括; D. Gets得到;根据句意 ; -江阴,我们的家乡,覆盖面积 987平方公里 。根据句意故选 A 考点:考查动词的辨析。 Ar

15、e Grace and Joe coming to “Happy Camp” by plane Im not sure. It is said that their father _ drive them here. A must B need C may D have to 答案: C 试题分析: must 必须; B. need 需要; C. may 可能; D. have to不得不;根据“Im not sure.”可知, “我 ”不确定,故用 might“可能 ”。根据句意 ; -Grace 和 Joe打算乘飞机来参加 Happy Camp-我不确定,据说他们的父亲可能开车送他们到这来

16、。根据句意故选 C 考点:考查情态动词的辨析。 How many workers are there in your factory, Mr Brown _ workers in our factory _2000. A The number of; are B The number of; is C A number of; are D A number of; is 答案: B 试题分析:表示 的数量用 the number of,且作为主语时,相当于单数形式,根据句意:布朗先生在你的工厂有多少工人? -在我们工厂的工人的数目是 2000人。故选答案:为 B 考点:考查主谓一致的用法。 _

17、 time went by, Cindy and the other kids became good friends. A When B While C With D As 答案: D 试题分析: A. When当 .时候 ;B. While 当 .时候 ;C. With 带有,具有 ;D. As当时候 ;根据句意 ; -随着时间的流逝,辛迪和其他的孩子变成了好朋友。根据句意故选 D 考点:考查连词的辨析。 Hearing the bell , all the students stopped to_ their books , ready to go back home. A put do

18、wn B put up C put out D put away 答案: D 试题分析: A. put down 放下; B. put up张贴 ; C. put out 熄灭; D. put away把 .收起来;根据 stop to do表示停下来去做某事;根据句意 ; 听到铃响,所有的学生停下来收起他们的书,准备回家。根据句意故选 D 考点:考查动词短语的辨析。 I think the film Lost in Thailand is more wonderful than Life of Pi. No, I think Life of Pi is _ Lost in Thailand.

19、 A not so wonderful as B less wonderful than C as wonderful as D the most wonderful of 答案: C 试题分析:根据题意可知用同级比较 as+形容词或副词的原级 as ;根据句意 ; -我认为这个电影 Lost in Thailand比这个电影 Life of Pi更精彩 -不,我不这样认为,我认为 Life of Pi和 Lost in Thailand.一样的好。根据句意故选 C 考点:考查同级比较。 Are you _ that you ca n fix the bike _ Sure, Im good

20、at DIY. A certain; yourselves B certain; yourself C sure; yourselves D uncertain; yourself 答案: B 试题分析: be certain+that从句表示确定做某事;根据语境可知是某人自己,故用反身代词 yourself;根据句意 ; -你确定你能自己修理这辆自行车吗? -当然,我擅长自己动手 .。根据句意故选 D 考点:考查形容词及反身代词的用法。 完型填空 、完形填空(本大题共 10分,每小题 1分) In Shanghai, the Bund(外滩 ) is one of the most popu

21、lar places of interest. With a light show set to begin at around the Bund, a large crowd of people got together for an New Years Eve. They became . “We were just trying to up the steps to see the light show, and then people at the top pushing their way down,” said a young man glasses. “Then I heard

22、someone scream, and people began to cry in .” The man, who spoke waiting a friend at Shanghai No. 1 Peoples Hospital, said, “Some of us fell over.” By Thursday afternoon, at thirty-six people had died in the accident and forty-seven were hurt. It was one of the most terrible public accidents. Its a

23、pity that people didnt know how to themselves. Remember the easiest but best way to shout “go back” together with people around. 【小A morning B noon C afternoon D midnight 题1】 A indoor B outdoor C inside D outside A bored B boring C excited D exciting A walk B jump C run D ride A remembered B forgot

24、C began D stopped A wears B wearing C wear D wore A surprise B hurry C fear D danger A after B before C if D while A last B first C least D most A protect B improve C teach D understand 答案:【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 A 试题分析:这篇短文讲述了上海外滩是最著名

25、的名胜之一,在除夕之夜人们聚在一起欣赏美景,造成了踩踏事件,造成许多人死亡和受伤,所以我们要学会如何保护好自己。 【小题 1】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:在外滩周围伴随着午夜的灯光嘹亮。A. morning 早上; B. noon 中午; C. Afternoon下午; D. midnight 午夜。根据在午夜用 at midnight ,故选 D。 【小题 2】考查介词及语境的理解。句意:许多人聚集在户外一起为庆祝除夕。A. Indoor在室内; B. Outdoor在户外; C. Inside在里面; D. Outside在外面。结合语境故选 B。 【小题 3】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意

26、:他们变得很激动。 A. bored 无聊的,人作主语; B. Boring无聊的,物作主语 ; C. Excited激动的;人作主语; D. Exciting激动的,物作主语 。根据 become+形容词表示变得 。结合语境故选 C。 【小题 4】考查动词及语境的理解。句意我们仅仅是设法走上前去看灯光的显示。 A. Walk走; B. Jump跳; C. Run跑; D. Ride骑车; 根据 try to do表示设法去做某事。故选 A。 【小题 5】考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:然后在顶部的人开始向下推。 A. Remembered记住; B. Forgot忘记; C. Began开始

27、; D. Stopped停止;根据begin doing表示开始做某事。故选 C。 【小题 6】考查现在分词及语境的理解。本题考查现在分词做后置定语;句意:一个戴着眼睛的男人说。结合语境故选 B。 【小题 7】考查名词及语境的理解。 A. Surprise吃惊; B. Hurry匆忙; C. Fear害怕; D. Danger危险;句 意:然后听到某人在尖叫,人们开始害怕的哭。 in Fear 表示害怕地;介词短语做伴随状语;故选 C。 【小题 8】考查连词及语境的理解。句意:正在上海第一人民医院的等朋友的那个男人说,我们当中的一些人倒下了。 A. After在 之后 B. before 在

28、之前 C. if 如果 D. While当 时候。 本题考查 while引导的时间状语从句;结合语境故选 D。 【小题 9】考查介词短语及语境的理解。句意:星期四下午,至少有三十六人在事故中死亡四十七人受伤。 A. Last最后; B. first 第一; C. Least至少; D. Most至多;根据 at least 至少; at most至多。故选 C。 【小题 10】考查疑问词 +to do及语境的理解。句意:遗憾的是,人们不知道如何保护自己。 A. Protect保护; B. Improve提高; C. Teach教; D. Understand理解,本题考查疑问词 +to do;

29、 Protec oneself表示保护某人自己;故选 A。 考点:日常生活类短文。 阅读理解 Very few people enjoy exams. I dont, either. And although I tell myself not to worry about them, I always do! So I am not surprised that my students worry about them, too, even though they usually dont need to. Because they are afraid of failing. Howeve

30、r, since it is hard not to worry at all, we all must try not to worry too much. Why Because worrying makes exams worse! How to do this Ask the teacher about how to revise and about exam skills- how to work when you are in the exam. Good students dont wait until the week before an exam. They study al

31、l through the year. It is not possible to learn everything at the last minute. So dont leave it till then! If you start planning and working for each exam early and you make sure that you understand what you are studying , then, when it is over, youll be able to say, “What a good exam that was!” Tak

32、e a short rest during your time of work and revision(复习 ). If your mind is tired, it will not remember well. Work at the time when you know you will work at your best. If you are studying in the evening, dont go straight to bed afterwards. Your mind will still be “going round and round”-thinking tha

33、t will relax you, and make you think of other things. If you feel bad, talk to someone about your worries. But dont be too relaxed! Some stress over exams makes you work hard for them. 【小题 1】 Why are the students afraid of exams according to the passage A Because they are afraid of failing. B Becaus

34、e they want to get full marks. C Because exams are usually hard. D Because their teachers will be angry if they fail exams. 【小题 2】 Which is NOT mentioned in the passage A Good students dont wait until the week before an exam. B Start planning and working for each exam early C If you dont know how to

35、 work for an exam, ask the teacher about it. D You shouldnt sleep well before the exam. 【小题 3】 According to the passage, if you feel bad, youd better _. A take a short rest B tell someone about your worries C walk or get exercise D keep busy working and forget your worries 【小题 4】 The writer of the p

36、assage may be a _. A student B teacher C reporter D Doctor 答案: If there is an “Olympics for Eating”, the days from Halloween in October to Super Bowl Sunday in January are it. Kids always get at least 7 pounds heavier over these holidays. Well, what do we have in the “Olympic for eating” The first a

37、ctivity is the Halloween Candy. You can try any way to collect candies. Next is the Thanksgiving food. You have dinner around a turkey with family and friends on Thanksgiving Day. Eat the delicious food as much as you can. About one month later there is Christmas and then the New Years celebration.

38、Go on eating delicious porridge(粥 ) and peas. You are so lucky to have so many holidays and get so close to each other. At last, the game ends with Super Bowl Sunday. On this day, you dont have dinner. You have mountains of snacks! Who wins the game Those who dont get heavier! Start practising now!

39、You must be more careful about what you can eat! 【小题 1】 “Olympics for Eating” is _. A a festival B not the real Olympic Games C from Thanksgiving to Super Bowl Sunday D a game for kids exercising 【小题 2】 Whats the special food for Thanksgiving Day A Candies. B Snacks. C Turkeys. D Porridge. 【小题 3】 Wh

40、ich of the following is TRUE A If the kid eats the most food, he wins the game. B If the kid gets the heaviest, he wins the game. C If the kid is heavier after the eating game, he cant win. D If the kid doesnt eat the food during the game, he wins. 答案: Heres the weather report for some main cities f

41、rom four continents(大洲 ). City Weather City Weather Beijing 2935 cloudy Paris 1529 windy London 1327 foggy Singapore 2530 shower Moscow 1122 cloudy Sydney 712 sunny New York 2226 cloudy Tokyo 2327 rainy 【小题 1】 Which city was the hottest on that day A Beijing. B London. C Paris. D Singapore. 【小题 2】 H

42、ow many kinds of weather were shown A Four. B Five. C Six. D Seven. 【小题 3】 It is winter in _. A Sydney B Paris C London D Tokyo 答案: 书面表达 书面表达(本大题共 5分) 近年来雾霾天气( haze)越来越严重。请就此话题写一篇 80词左右的短文。 内容提示: 因为雾霾天气,学生的户外活动比以前少了; 人们不得不戴面罩( mask)出行 , 道路上也发生了更多交通事故; 空气污染问题严重,不利于健康; 每个人都应该采取措施来保护环境。例如 注意: 短文须包括所有要点

43、,不必逐句翻译,要求语句通顺、意思连贯; 第 4个要点的内容须适当发挥; 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 These years the haze weather appears more and more often. _ 答案: These years the haze weather appears more and more often. Because of the haze weather, students have fewer outdoor activities than before. People have to wear masks when they go out.

44、Also, there are more traffic accidents on the road. Air pollution has become a serious problem. It is bad for our health. Everyone should take action to protect the environment. For example, we can change our life style. We can ride bikes or take buses when we go out. I plan to plant more trees in t

45、he future. 单词拼写 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。 【小题 1】 This years Spring Festival is on the _ (十九 ) of February. 【小题 2】 I got a big surprise at Christmas and it was really hard to _(描述) myjoy in words. 【小题 3】 Mike, if you eat too many sweets, you may get a _ (牙疼 ). 【小题 4】 Dont worry about your son. His tempera

46、ture _ (下降 ) back to37 just now. 答案: 【小题 1】 nineteenth 【小题 2】 describe 【小题 3】 toothache 【小题 4】 dropped 试题分析: 【小题 1】根据 句意:今年的春节是在 2月 19日。根据题意可知要用序数词。可知故填 nineteenth 【小题 2】句意:我在圣诞节有一个大的吃惊,真的很难用语言来描述我的高兴。根据 Its+形容词 +to do表示做某事 ;结合语境故填 describe 。 【小题 3】句意 : 麦克,如果你吃太多的糖,可能会牙疼。 get a toothache 固定词组表示牙疼; 结

47、合语境故填 toothache 。 【小题 4】句意 : 不要担心你的儿子,刚才他的体温降到 37度了。根据题意可知用一般过去式;结合语境故填 dropped 。 考点:单词拼写。 补充句子 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 【小题 1】 It is clear that most of the _ (tourist) bags are full of souvenirs. 【小题 2】 After a nights work without sleep, he looked very _ ( sleep). 【小题 3】 More and more people have realized the _ (important) of wetlands. 【小题 4】 The old man looked _ (sad) at his grandson with tears in his eyes. 答案: 【小题 1】 tourists 【小题 2】 sleepy 【小题 3】 importance 【小题 4】 sadly 试题分析: 【小题 1】根据 句意:很清晰大部分游客的包都充满了纪念品。根据题意可知用名词所有格。可知用


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