ASTM E2128-17 Standard Guide for Evaluating Water Leakage of Building Walls.pdf

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1、Designation: E2128 17Standard Guide forEvaluating Water Leakage of Building Walls1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2128; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in par

2、entheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide describes methods for determining andevaluating causes of water leakage of exterior walls. For thispurpose, water penetration is consider

3、ed leakage, and thereforeproblematic, if it exceeds the planned resistance or temporaryretention and drainage capacity of the wall, is causing or islikely to cause premature deterioration of a building or itscontents, or is adversely affecting the performance of othercomponents. A wall is considered

4、 a system including itsexterior and interior finishes, fenestration, structuralcomponents, and components for maintaining the buildinginterior environment.1.2 Investigative techniques discussed may be intrusive,disruptive, or destructive. It is the responsibility of the inves-tigator to establish th

5、e limitations of use, to anticipate andadvise of the destructive nature of some procedures, and toplan for patching and selective reconstruction as necessary.1.3 This practice does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. Establishappropriate safety, health,

6、 and environmental practices anddetermine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior touse. Awareness of safety and familiarity with safe proceduresare particularly important for above-ground operations on theexterior of a building and destructive investigative procedureswhich typically are a

7、ssociated with the work described in thisguide.1.4 This international standard was developed in accor-dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-ization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recom-mendations issued by th

8、e World Trade Organization TechnicalBarriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C1601 Test Method for Field Determination of Water Pen-etration of Masonry Wall SurfacesC1715/C1715M Test Method for Evaluation of Water Leak-age Performance of Masonry Wall Drainage Syst

9、emsE331 Test Method for Water Penetration of ExteriorWindows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uni-form Static Air Pressure DifferenceE547 Test Method for Water Penetration of ExteriorWindows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by CyclicStatic Air Pressure DifferenceE631 Terminology of Buildi

10、ng ConstructionsE860 Practice for Examining And Preparing Items That AreOr May Become Involved In Criminal or Civil LitigationE1105 Test Method for Field Determination of Water Pen-etration of Installed Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors,and Curtain Walls, by Uniform or Cyclic Static AirPressure Dif

11、ferenceE1188 Practice for Collection and Preservation of Informa-tion and Physical Items by a Technical Investigator2.2 AAMA Standards:3AAMA 501.2 Quality Assurance and Diagnostic WaterLeakage Field Check of Installed Storefronts, CurtainWalls and Sloped Glazing SystemsAAMA 511 Voluntary Guideline f

12、or Forensic Water Pen-etration Testing of Fenestration Products, Article Sill Dam Test (This test method previouslyappeared in AAMA 502.)3. Terminology3.1 DefintionsRefer to Terminology E631.1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on Performanceof Buildings and

13、is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.55 on Perfor-mance of Building Enclosures.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2017. Published December 2017. Originallyapproved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as E2128 12. DOI:10.1520/E2128-17.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the AS

14、TM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA),1827 Walden Office Square, Suite

15、550, Schaumburg, IL 60173-4268, http:/ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in

16、the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.13.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 incidental waterunplanned water infiltration thatpenetrate

17、s beyond the primary barrier and the flashing orsecondary barrier system, of such limited volume that it canescape or evaporate without causing adverse consequences.3.2.2 water absorptiona process in which a material takesin water through its pores and interstices and retains it whollywithout transm

18、ission.3.2.3 water infiltrationa process in which water passesthrough a material or between materials in a system andreaches a space that is not directly or intentionally exposed tothe water source.3.2.4 water leakagewater that is uncontrolled; exceeds theresistance, retention, or discharge capacity

19、 of the system; orcauses subsequent damage or premature deterioration.3.2.5 water penetrationa process in which water gainsaccess into a material or system by passing through the surfaceexposed to the water source.3.2.6 water permeationa process in which water enters,flows, and spreads within and di

20、scharges from a material.4. Significance and Use4.1 This guide is intended to provide building professionalswith a comprehensive methodology for evaluating water leak-age through walls. It addresses the performance expectationsand service history of a wall, the various components of a wall,and the i

21、nteraction between these components and adjacentconstruction. It is not intended as a construction quality controlprocedure, nor as a preconstruction qualification procedure. Itis intended for evaluating buildings that exhibit water leakage.4.1.1 QualificationsThis guide requires the evaluator topos

22、sess a knowledge of basic physics and of construction andwall design principles and practices.4.1.2 ApplicationThe sequential activities describedherein are intended to produce a complete and comprehensiveevaluation program, but all activities may not be applicable ornecessary for a particular evalu

23、ation program. It is the respon-sibility of the professional using this guide to determine theactivities and sequence necessary to properly perform anappropriate leakage evaluation for a specific building.4.1.3 Preliminary AssessmentA preliminary assessmentmay indicate that water leakage problems ar

24、e limited to aspecific element or portion of a wall. The preliminary assess-ment may also indicate that the wall is not the source of a leakeven though it is perceived as such by the building occupant.The presence of water might result from a roofing problem, acondensation problem, a plumbing proble

25、m, operable windowsor doors left opened or unlatched or some other condition notdirectly related to water leakage through the building wall andis outside the scope of this guide. The evaluation of causes maylikewise be limited in scope, and the procedures recommendedherein abridged according to the

26、professional judgement of theevaluator.Astatement stipulating the limits of the investigationshould be included in the report.4.1.4 ExpectationsExpectations about the overall effec-tiveness of an evaluation program must be reasonable and inproportion to a defined scope of work and the effort andreso

27、urces applied to the task. The objective is to be ascomprehensive as possible within a defined scope of work. Themethodology in this guide is intended to address intrinsicleakage behavior properties of a wall system, leading toconclusions that generally apply to similar locations on thebuilding. Sin

28、ce every possible location is not included in anevaluation program, it is probable that every leak source willnot be identified. Leakage sources that are localized and uniquemay remain and may require additional localized evaluationeffort. The potential results and benefits of the evaluationprogram

29、should not be over-represented.4.2 This guide is not intended as a design guide or as a guidespecification. Reference is made to design features of a wallonly for the purpose of identifying items of interest forconsideration in the evaluation process.4.3 This guide does not address leakage through r

30、oofs,leakage below grade, or water that accumulates due to watervapor migration and condensation. It is not intended for usewith structures designed to retain water, such as pools andfountains.SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO AN EVALUATION5. Overview5.1 The methodology presented in this guide is a systematica

31、pproach to evaluating wall leaks and is applicable to any wallsystem or material. It differs from other approaches that arematerial specific or component specific and which are basicallyadaptations of quality control procedures. The sequence ofactivities is intended to lead to an accumulation of inf

32、ormationin an orderly and efficient manner, so that each step enhancesand supplements the information gathered in the precedingstep.5.1.1 Sequence of ActivitiesThe recommended sequenceof activities, discussed in individual sections below, are: Review of project documents. Evaluation of

33、 design concept. Determination of service history. Inspection. Investigative testing. Analysis. Report preparation.5.1.2 The first four recommended activities, and their de-scriptions in the body of the guide, are: 6. Review of ProjectDocuments; 7. Evaluation of De

34、sign Concept; 8. Determina-tion of Service History; and 9. Inspection. These activitiesintentionally precede 10. Investigative Testing because theyfacilitate a rational determination of the spectrum ofconditions, and are the basis for a rational selection ofinvestigative test locations and procedure

35、s.5.2 The protocol in this guide is not based on conventionalhypothesis testing and quantitative random sampling.4Thestarting premise for the application of this guide is that thebuilding is suspected or known to leak. The objective of this4Haughton, L.L., and Murphy, C.R., “Qualitative Sampling of

36、the BuildingEnvelope for Water Leakage,” Journal of ASTM International, Vol 4, No. 9, paperID JAI100815, 2007.E2128 172guide is qualitative, purposeful, and intended to address thequestion of why, how and to what extent a building leaks. Astatement stipulating the limits of the investigation and the

37、starting premise of the investigative program should be in-cluded in the report.5.3 Scope of InvestigationIt is not assumed or expectedthat all locations with similar design, construction and servicecharacteristics will be currently performing in precisely thesame manner. Likewise, it is not necessa

38、ry to establish such inorder to reach technically valid conclusions about why andhow a building leaks. The evaluation of water leakage ofbuilding walls is a cognitive process in which technically validconclusions are reached by the application of knowledge,experience and a rational methodology to de

39、termine thefollowing:5.3.1 The intrinsic properties of the wall.5.3.2 The cause(s) and mechanism(s) of leakage.5.3.3 The applicability of findings to similar un-inspected orun-tested locations on the building.5.3.4 And, if within the scope of the evaluation, to acquireand report sufficient informati

40、on to permit an assessment,within a reasonable degree of scientific certainty, of thelikelihood of additional water leakage to occur arising from theconditions identified and the conclusions reached as a result ofthe evaluation.5.4 SamplingThe recommended sampling method for theapplication of this g

41、uide is to consider the spectrum of wallconditions from apparently performing to apparently non-performing areas, and from un-deteriorated or un-damagedareas to deteriorated or damaged areas. It is also important todistinguish between varying conditions which may result fromprior modifications or at

42、tempted repairs, and to determine theextent of sampling necessary to address and evaluate thesevariations in conditions.5.5 Analysis and InterpretationThe information system-atically gathered during a leakage evaluation is analyzed as itis acquired. The sequential activities described in this guide

43、arenot intended to imply that analysis and interpretation of theinformation occurs only at the completion of all activities.6. Review of Project Documents6.1 Ideally, project documents including wall componentshop drawings will be available and accessible for review. Thediscussion in this section as

44、sumes that a project was organizedon a conventional Owner/Architect/Contractor model. Build-ing projects can be delivered in a variety of ways, and theactual method used will dictate the appropriate organization ofthe project documents. Regardless of how a project is orga-nized and administered, the

45、 information discussed belowshould be available for review somewhere in the projectdocuments.6.1.1 Design, Bidding, and Contract DocumentsThesedocuments include architectural and engineering drawings andspecifications and may also include calculations, wind tunnelreports, correspondence, meeting min

46、utes, addenda, substitu-tion proposals, product literature, test reports, etc. They containthe information necessary to understand the performancecriteria, the design intent, the required materials, and relation-ships among wall components. Documents may be revised or supplemented overthe cou

47、rse of construction. Revisions to drawings are typicallyrecorded by number and date with a cross reference to otheraccompanying documents. Reviewing all revisions and issu-ances of the documents, and understanding the differencesbetween them and the reason for the differences, is part of acomprehens

48、ive evaluation. Documents with the most recent issue date and thehighest revision number establish the requirements for theproject. Ideally, a set of documents marked “as-built” or“record set” intended to show the actual construction will beavailable.6.2 Referenced Codes and StandardsProject

49、documentsusually contain references to regulatory codes and industrystandards. Standards and referenced codes often contain de-fault or minimum criteria that might have been relied upon toestablish the performance criteria for the wall. Conflictingrequirements between referenced standards and codes, andthose explicitly stated in the project documents, should not beassumed to be a cause of leakage without further investigation.6.2.1 Regulatory codes and industry standards change overtime. The version of regulatory codes and industry standardsexamined as pa


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