1、Designation: B47 95a (Reapproved 2017)Standard Specification forCopper Trolley Wire1This standard is issued under the fixed designation B47; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in par
2、entheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscriptepsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers round and grooved hard-drawncopper and silver-bearing copper trolley wire.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to
3、 be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.3 This international standard was developed in accor-dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-ization establish
4、ed in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recom-mendations issued by the World Trade Organization TechnicalBarriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2B49 Specification for Copper Rod for Electrical PurposesB193 Test M
5、ethod for Resistivity of Electrical ConductorMaterials3. Ordering Information3.1 Orders for material under this specification shall includethe following information:3.1.1 Quantity of each size and section,3.1.2 Wire size: diameter in inches (see 6.1 and Table 1)orarea in circular mils (see 10.1 and
6、Fig. 1),3.1.3 Shape of section (Section 1),3.1.4 Type of copper, if the addition of silver of 25 troyoz./short ton minimum, is required (see Section 4 and Explana-tory Note 1),3.1.5 Package size (see 18.3),3.1.6 Lagging, if required (see 18.1),3.1.7 Relation between vertical axis of grooved wire and
7、axis of reel (see 18.1),3.1.8 Size of arbor hole, if special (see 18.2),3.1.9 Special package marking, if required (see 18.4), and3.1.10 Place of inspection (Section 16).4. Materials and Manufacture4.1 The material shall be copper of such quality and puritythat the finished product shall have the pr
8、operties and charac-teristics prescribed in this specification.NOTE 1Specification B49 defines the materials suitable for use.4.2 Copper redraw rod of special qualities, forms, or types,as may be agreed upon between the manufacturer and thepurchaser, and that will conform to the requirements prescri
9、bedin this specification may also be used.4.3 Either oxygen-free or tough pitch copper may be sup-plied. Tests for oxygen content of the copper are not arequirement of this specification.ROUND WIRE5. Tensile Properties5.1 Round wire shall conform to the requirements as totensile properties specified
10、 in Table 1.5.2 Tests on a specimen of round wire containing a jointshall show at least 95 % of the tensile strength specified inTable 1. Elongation tests shall not be made on specimenscontaining joints.5.3 Tension tests shall be made on representative samples.The elongation shall be determined as t
11、he permanent increasein length, due to the breaking of the wire in tension, measuredbetween gage marks placed originally 10 in. apart upon the testspecimen (Explanatory Note 2). The fracture shall be betweenthe gage marks and not closer than 1 in. to either gage mark.6. Dimensions and Permissible Va
12、riations6.1 The size of round trolley wire shall be expressed as thediameter of the wire in decimal fractions of an inch, to thenearest 0.1 mil (0.0001 in.).6.2 Wire shall be truly cylindrical in form. The diametershall not vary more than plus and minus 1 % from thatspecified.1This specification is
13、under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B01 onElectrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of B01.04 on Conductors ofCopper and Copper Alloys.Current edition approved April 1, 2017. April 2017. Originally approved in 1923to replace portions of B1. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as
14、 B47 95a(2012). DOI: 10.1520/B0047-95AR17.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM Inte
15、rnational, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards,
16、 Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.17. Twist Test7.1 For the purpose of determining and developing defectswhich may be prejudicial to the life of trolley wire, owing to itspeculiar service as compared to that of wire for oth
17、er purposes,round wire shall be subjected to the twist test described in 7.2.Round wire that does not withstand at least 9 twists withoutbreaking shall not be considered satisfactory.7.2 Three twist tests shall be made on specimens 10 in. (254mm) in length between the holders of the testing machine.
18、 Thetwisting machine shall be so constructed that there is a linearmotion of the tail stock with respect to the head. The twist shallbe applied not faster than 10 turns/min. All three specimensshall be twisted to destruction and shall not reveal under testany seams, pits, slivers, or surface imperfe
19、ctions of sufficientmagnitude to indicate inherent defects or imperfections in thewire. At the time of fracture, the wire shall twist withreasonable uniformity.GROOVED WIRE8. Tensile Properties8.1 Grooved wire shall conform to the requirements as totensile properties specified in Table 2.8.2 Tests o
20、n a specimen of grooved wire containing a jointshall show at least 95 % of the tensile strength specified inTable 2. Elongation tests shall not be made on specimenscontaining joints.8.3 The tension and elongation tests for grooved wire shallbe made in the same manner as those on round wire asdescrib
21、ed in 5.3.9. Sections9.1 Standard sections of grooved trolley wire shall be thoseknown as the “American Standard Grooved Trolley WireSections” (the Standard Design of the American Transit Engi-neering Association) shown in Fig. 1.10. Dimensions and Permissible Variations10.1 The size of grooved trol
22、ley wire shall be expressed asthe nominal area of cross section in circular mils, the standardsizes being as specified in Fig. 1.10.2 The weight in pounds per mile of grooved trolley wirecalculated from the weight of a specimen not less than 18 in. inlength shall not vary more than plus and minus 4
23、% from thatspecified in Fig. 1.10.3 Conformance of the trolley wire to the specifieddimensions shall be determined by taking the measurementsshown in Fig. 1 under the heading, “Dimensions for Inspection,in.” The shape of the groove shall be checked with theappropriate “go” and “no-go” slip gages des
24、cribed in Fig. 2.The gages shall be applied to the ends of the samples takenfrom each reel. Samples shall be clean and ends free fromburrs. The groove shall be considered as conforming to thesespecifications if the “go” gage can be pushed on the straight-ened wire by hand and the “no-go” gage cannot
25、 be pushed onthe wire.11. Twist Test11.1 The twist test shall be omitted.ROUND AND GROOVED WIRE12. Resistivity12.1 Electrical resistivity shall be determined on represen-tative samples by resistance measurements (Explanatory Note4). At a temperature of 20C the resistivity shall not exceed900.77 lb/m
26、ile2.12.2 Electrical resistivity shall be determined in accordancewith Test Method B193.13. Density13.1 For the purpose of calculating weights, cross sections,etc., the density of the copper shall be taken as 8.89 g/cm3(0.32117 lb/in.3) at 20C (Explanatory Note 5).14. Joints14.1 No joints shall be m
27、ade in the completed wire. Joints inthe wire and rods made prior to final drawings shall be inaccordance with the best commercial practice, and shall becapable of meeting the tensile strength requirements in 5.2 or8.2.15. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance15.1 The wire shall be of uniform size, sha
28、pe, and qualitythroughout, and shall be free from all scale, flaws, splits andscratches not consistent with the best commercial practice.16. Inspection16.1 All tests governing the acceptance or rejection of thewire, unless otherwise specified, shall be made at the place ofmanufacture with apparatus
29、furnished by the manufacturer andin the presence of the purchaser or his representative, who shallbe furnished a copy of the tests. The manufacturer shall affordthe inspector representing the purchaser all reasonablefacilities, without charge, to satisfy him as to the reliability ofthe results befor
30、e the wire is delivered. If the purchaser waivesinspection, and if he so elects at that time, he shall be furnishedwith a certified copy of tests made by the manufacturer.17. Rejection17.1 Any reel of wire that fails to conform to the require-ments prescribed in this specification may be rejected. F
31、ailureTABLE 1 Tensile Requirements (See Explanatory Note 2)Diameter,in.Area,cmilsTensile Strength, min. psiElongationin 10 in.,min, %No silveradded25 troy oz.min./shortton added0.5477 300 000 46 400 48 500 4.500.4600 211 600 49 000 51 500 3.750.4096 167 800 51 000 53 000 3.250.3648 133 100 52 800 54
32、 000 2.800.3249 105 600 54 500 55 000 2.40B47 95a (2017)2of 30 % of the number of reels ready for inspection at one timeshall be deemed sufficient cause for the rejection of the wholelot.18. Packaging and Package Marking18.1 All wire shall be shipped on substantial reels, suitablefor the weight of t
33、he wire handled, and shall be well protectedfrom injury. The diameter of the reel drums shall be sufficientlylarge, not less than 30 in., (762 mm) to eliminate difficulty withwaves or kinks when the wire is strung. If reels are to belagged, it shall be so specified by the purchaser. The wire shallbe
34、 reeled with turns tightly together, in uniform layers, freefrom kinks and crosses. The relationship between the verticalaxis of grooved wire as finally strung and the axis of the reelshall be as specified by the purchaser and shall be approxi-mately constant.18.2 The ends of the wire shall be secur
35、ely fastened to thesides of the reel with no less than six staples. The staples shallbe at least 2 in. (50 mm) in length and made from wire not lessthan 0.145 in. (3.7 mm) in diameter. Care shall be exercised instapling so that there is no damage to the surface of the exposedlayer of wire. All reels
36、 shall have the arbor holes reinforcedwith steel plate at least12 in. in thickness. Unless otherwisespecified, round arbor holes shall be for a 212-in. (63.5-mm)shaft. Unless otherwise specified, shipments to railroads shallbe made on reels having an arbor hole 4-in. (102-mm) square.18.3 The length
37、or weight of wire to be wound upon eachreel shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and thepurchaser in placing individual orders.Nominal size, cmils 133 100 167 800 211 600 300 000 350 000Area, in.2(Explanatory Note 6) 0 .1083 0 .1314 0 .1665 0 .2355 0 .2758Area, cmils (Explanatory Note 6) 13
38、7 900 167 300 212 000 299 800 351 200Weight, lb/mile (Explanatory Note 6) 2205 2674 3389 4792 5612Dimensions for Inspection, in.A 0.388 + 0.006 0.429 + 0.006 0.482 + 0.006 0.574 + 0.010 0.620 + 0.010 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.020 0.020B 0.392 0.007 0.430 0.008 0.482 0.009 0.574 0.011 0.620 0.012C 0.318 0.
39、007 0.340 0.007 0.376 0.007 0.376 0.007 0.376 0.007Dimensions for Reference, in.Dradius 0.196 0.215 0.241 0.287 0.310E 0.217 + 0.005 0.237 + 0.005 0.267 0.010 0.267 0.010 0.267 0.010 0.010 0.010F 0.200 0.220 0.250 0.250 0.250G 0.031 0.047 0.063 0.127 0.156H 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005J 272 272 272
40、 272 272K 512 512 512 512 512L 78 78 78 78 78Mradius 0.015 + 0.010 0.015 + 0.010 0.015 + 0.010 0.015 + 0.010 0.015 + 0.010 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005NOTE 1Dimension H is defined by two center lines, of which the upper is the center line of the radius of the groove and the lower is the center line
41、of the groove.FIG. 1 Standard Sections Grooved Trolley WireTABLE 2 Tensile Requirements (See Explanatory Note 2)NominalArea,cmilsTensile Strength, min. psiElongationin 10 in.,min, %No silveradded25 troy oz min./short ton added350 000 42 800 44 600 4.50300 000 44 200 48 000 4.50211 600 46 600 51 300
42、3.75167 800 48 500 52 700 3.25133 100 50 200 53 000 2.80B47 95a (2017)318.4 Reels shall be marked legibly and indelibly with aserial number, size, kind, length, and weight of wire, and suchother information as is specified by the purchaser.DimensionDimensions of Gage, in. (Except as Indicated)For Tr
43、olley Wire of Nominal Size133 100 cmilFor Trolley Wire of Nominal Size167 800 cmilFor Trolley Wire ofNominal Sizes 211 600, 300 000,and 350 000 cmilGo No-Go Go No-Go Go No-GoD516516516516516516E 0.223 0.00050.20720.00010.0010.243 0.00050.22720.00110.0010.278 0.00050.25720.00010.000F 0.212 0.200 0.23
44、5 0.220 0.268 0.248G 0.031 0.031 0.047 0.047 0.063 0.063J 25 29 25 29 25 29K 53 53 53 53 53 53L 78 82 78 82 78 82Mradius 0.010 0.002 0.010 0.002 0.010 0.002 0.010 0.002 0.010 0.002 0.010 0.002Nradius516516516516516516V121212121212X1Y1 11 11 1FIG. 2 Slip Gage for Testing Groove of Trolley WireB47 95a
45、 (2017)4EXPLANATORY NOTESNOTE 1Silver added to copper in the minimum amount of 25 troyoz./short ton substantially increases its resistance to softening (partialannealing) at elevated temperatures. For copper trolley wire, this meansthat it can be operated at a higher temperature for longer periods o
46、f timewithout losing its initial tensile strength. For specific conditions of currentcarrying capacity and corresponding expected temperature rise, refer tothe manufacturer for engineering data.NOTE 2It is known that the rapidity with which load is applied to asample during tension testing affects t
47、he performance of the sample to agreater or lesser extent, depending upon many factors. In general, testedvalues of tensile strength are increased and elongation values are reducedwith increase of speed of the moving head of the testing machine.However, there are speeds below which no practical chan
48、ge is observable.It is suggested that tests be made at speeds of moving head which, underno-load conditions, are not greater than 3 in./min, (76 mm/min) but in nocase at a speed greater than that at which correct readings can be made. Nominimum restriction on speed of testing seems necessary.NOTE 3I
49、t is not the intention of this specification to imply that silverbearing copper has greater mechanical properties than non silver bearing.In fact, the addition of silver has no significant effect on the tensilestrength of the alloy. The capability to achieve the higher tensile propertiesrequired for silver bearing copper is strictly a function of the manufac-turers process.NOTE 4“Resistivity” is used in place of“ percen