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1、2014年山东省青岛市网上阅卷模拟练习英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * man in a black hat is my PE teacher. He often plays football with us. A A; the B The; a C The; / D A; / 答案: C 试题分析:句意:这个戴黑色帽子的男子是我的体育老师。他经常和我们一起踢足球。分析:特指这个人是我的体育教师,因此用定冠词 the; 考查 play + 球类,中间没有冠词,因此第三项符合。故选 C 考点:考查冠词的用法。 Are you sure you can do well in todays t

2、est, Lucy . Ive got everything ready. A Its hard to say B Im afraid not C I think so D I hope not 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -露西,你确信在今天的考试中你能做得很好吗? -我是这样认为的。我已经准备好一切了。联系下文,一切都准备好了,因此说明她是这样认为的。故选 C 考点:考查日常用语的用法。 Oh, no! Its raining. We cant go skating on the square. _! A What a shame B Well done C What a surpris

3、e D How wonderful 答案: A 试题分析:句意:噢,不!天正在下雨。我们不能去广场上滑冰了。多可惜呀!分析选项:第一项:多可惜呀!第二项:做得好!第三项:多可怕呀!第四项:多么精彩啊!联系上文,对于不能外出活动,而表示可惜。故选 A 考点 :考查感叹句。 Who helped Betty tidy up the bedroom just now _. She cleaned it all by herself. A Somebody B Nobody C Everybody D Anybody 答案: B 试题分析:句意: -刚才,是谁帮助贝蒂打扫这间卧室了。 -没有人。她是自

4、己打扫的。分析:答语中明确说明她自己打扫的,因此表示并没有人帮忙。因此选择第二项。故选 B 考点:考查代词的用法。 Linda felt very_ after the long way, so she stopped to have a rest. A surprised B shy C tired D excited 答案: C 试题分析:句意:在行走很长的路之后,琳达感觉非常累。因此她停下来休息。分析:经过很长距离的行走之后,一定会很累,因此选择形容词 tired累的。故选 C 考点:考查形容词的用法。 The people who are more confident have mor

5、e_ to make themselves successful. A education B chances C pride D excuses 答案: B 试题分析:句意:更有自信的人有更多的机会去使他们取得成功。分析选项:education教育; chance 机会; pride骄傲; excuse借口。联系实际,一定是有自信的人成功机率越大。故选 B 考点:考查名词的用法。 The traffic rules say drivers mustnt drive if they are drunk, _they will be punished. A or B but C and D so

6、 答案: C 试题分析:句意:交通法规提到:司机们禁止酒驾,如果他们喝酒了,他们将会被惩罚。分析:考查并列句的用法,题文中两句的关系为递近关系,因此选择并列连词 and.故选 C 考点:考查连词的用法。 I carried the bowl with both hands_, so that I wouldnt break it. A carefully B happily C quickly D carelessly 答案: A 试题分析:句意:我用两只手小心地拿着这个碗,以便我不会打坏它。分析选项: carefully小心地; happily高兴地; quickly迅速地; careles

7、sly粗心地。联系下文:目的是不打坏这个碗,说明我是小心地拿着碗。故选 A 考点:考查副词的用法。 Which of the following can we NOT see at the Olympic Games 答案: D 试题分析:句意:下列哪一幅图,我们在奥运会上不能看到。分析:结合现实中奥运会的比赛项目,四 幅图的比赛项目分别为:网球、乒乓球、自行车、钓鱼。明确在奥运会中并没有设立钓鱼这一比赛项目。故选 D 考点:考查日常生活的常识。 The runner, Bolt broke the 100-meter and 200-meter records, he became one

8、of the _man in the world. A fastest B heaviest C tallest D slowest 答案: A 试题分析:句意:这名短跑运动员,博尔特打破 100米和 200米的记录,他成为世界上最快的人之一。分析:考查固定句型: one of +形容词最高级 +可数名词复数。打破了世界记录,说明他是跑步最快的人。故选 A 考点:考查形容词的用法。 You dont have to make so much noise, do you _. A Not at all B Never mind C Im sorry D Better not 答案: C 试题分析

9、:句意: -你不需要制造如此多的噪音,对吗? -对不起。分析:通过上文体现出对噪音提出意见,因此对方对自己的行为表示歉意。结合选项第三项符合。故选 C 考点:考查日常用语的用法。 _, the Internet was only used by the government. But now its widely used in every field. A As usual B At first C After all D So far 答案: B 试题分析:句意:首先,网络仅仅是被政府使用。但是,现在它被广泛地应用在每一个领域。分析选 项: as usual通常; at first首先;

10、after all毕竟; so far到目前为止。联系实际就用首先之意。故选 B 考点:考查固定短语的用法。 Hi, Bruce. Here is a letter for you. Thanks. I wonder . A who the letter was from B who was from the letter C who was the letter from D who from the letter was 答案: A 试题分析:句意: -嗨,布鲁斯。这有你一封信。 -谢谢。我想知道这封信是谁寄来的。分析:考查宾语从句的用法,从句用陈述语顺,结合选项第一项符合。故选 A 考点

11、:考查宾语从句的用法。 I know a little about Thailand, as I there three years ago. A have been B have gone C will go D went 答案: D 试题分析:句意:我知道一些关于泰国的事,因为我在三年前去过泰国。分析:时间状语 three years ago三年前,体现为一般过去 时,因此选择第四项。故选 D 考点:考查动词时态。 Do you think the of this skirt suits me Of course! You always look beautiful in red. A s

12、ize B design C price D color 答案: D 试题分析:句意: -你认为这条裙子套装的颜色适合我吗? -当然!穿红色,你一直看起漂亮。分析:下文提到衣服的颜色,因此是在询问衣服的颜色是否适合。故选 D 考点:考查名词的用法。 Its reported that President Xi Jinping arrived Moscow March 22nd pay a three-day visit to Russia. A at; on B in ; on C at; in D in; in 答案: B 试题分析:句意:据报道,习近平主席在三月二十二日到达莫斯科,进行为期

13、三天的访问。分析:考查固定短语 arrive in/at,大地点用 in,小地点用 at.在具体的某一天用介词 on.故选 B 考点:考查介词的用法。 Diaoyu Island belon gs to China. Surely it does! We Chinese will never it up. A cut B fix C give D set 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -钓鱼岛属于中国。 -这是事实!我们中国人从不会放弃它。分析:考查固定短语: give up 放弃。故选 C 考点:考查固定短语的用法。 Which of the two T -shirts will you t

14、ake Ill take . One is for my brother and the other is for myself. A either B both C neither D all 答案: B 试题分析:句意: -这两件 T 恤你将买哪一件? -我两件都买。一件给我的兄弟,另一件给我自己。分析选项: either两者之一; both 两者都; neither两者都不;all三者以上都。结合原文:两件衣服都买,因此选择 both.故选 B 考点:考查代词的用法。 do you know so much about the UFO I usually get the informat

15、ion by surfing the Internet. A How B What C Which D Where 答案: A 试题分析:句意: -你是如何知道如此多的关于 UFO的事情? -我经常从网络上得到信息。分析选项: how如何; what什么; which哪一个; where在哪。联系句意:询问得到相关信息的方式,因此用疑问词 how.故选 A 考点:考查疑问词的用法。 More and more people have a low-C life and the air is getting much _ than a few years ago. A clean B cleane

16、st C cleaner D the cleanest 答案: C 试题分析:句意:越来越多的人们拥有低碳的生活,空气比几年前变得更加清新了。通过关键词 than体现为比较级,因此选择第三项。故选 C 考点:考查形容词的用法。 Li Na is famous all the tennis fans in China know her. A too; to B enough; to C as; as D so; that 答案: D 试题分析:句意:李娜是如此的著名以到于中国所有的球迷都知道她。分析:考查 sothat 引导的结果状语从句, that后面接从句,表示如此 以至于。故选 D 考点:

17、考查连词的用法。 Its difficult to get to the other side of the river. I think a bridge over the river. A should be built B should build C will build D has built 答案: A 试题分析:句意: -到达河 的对岸是有困难的。 -我认为这条河上应该修一座桥。分析:考查被动语态的用法,本句为情态动词的被动语态,构成 should be done(动词的过去分词)。结合选项第一项正确。故选 A 考点:考查被动语态的用法。 Most students like t

18、he teachers understand them well. A which B who C where D when 答案: B 试题分析:句意:绝大多数的学生都喜欢能够很好理解他们的老师。分析:考查定语从句的用法,先行词是 the teacher,先行词在从句中作主语,因此引导词用 who.故选 B 考点:考查定语从句的用法。 Would you like camping with me Id like to. But Im busy my homework. A to go; to do B to go; doing C going; to do D going; doing 答案

19、: B 试题分析:句意: -你想和我一起去野营吗? -我愿意。但是,我正忙于做我的作业。分析:考查固定短语 would you like to do sth.想要做 某事; be busy doing sth.忙于做某事。故选 B 考点:考查固定短语的用法。 So many problems! Im tired. You should try to them by yourself. You are not a child any longer. A get into B get off C get on D get over 答案: D 试题分析:句意: -如此多的问题!我太累了。 -你应该

20、尽力地克服它们。你已经不再是一个孩子了。分析选项 : get into进入; get off下车; get on上车; get over克服。联系上文为克服之意。故选 D 考点:考查词组的用法。 阅读理解 There is a Chinese saying:Time and tidy wait for no man. Have too many things to do in too little time Well, if you make a good plan, everything will be in order. This chart will certainly help. If

21、 you can do all this, every your single day will be productive(高效率的 ). Make a list It all begins with listing. If you dont have a list, create one. Worst first We often have one thing on the list, which is hanging over our heads and makes us worried. Work on it first and make the rest of your day ea

22、sier. Just do it Those small thing are easier to deal with. Complete them and cross them off the list. Make things enjoyable Have small breaks, enjoy music, or even a snack when you are tired. 【小题 1】 _ Pack times Which part of your time is most productive 【小题 2】 _ Re-list a. Sometimes you will not c

23、omplete everything on your list. This is okay. Add them to tomorrows list with a star so that you will know they should be done first the next day. b. By the days end you will have a rough (粗略的 )idea of things you need to do tomorrow. Go ahead and list them. Tomorrow when you start fresh, you will n

24、ot forget to do them. 【小题 3】请把划线部分的句子译成汉语。 (2分 ) _ 【小题 4】 What should you do if you are tired according to the passage (1分 ) _ 【小题 5】从 A、 B、 C中为 选出两个适当的选项,并将其字母标号分别填入在下面横线上。 (2分 ) A. Replay all the e-mail at a time and make all the phone calls at another time. This will help keep your mind and your

25、job clear. B. When this time comes around, close your door so that it is just you and your work. C. Life is short. Enjoy your work. _ _ 【小题 6】 What should you do if you can not finish todays work (1分 ) _ 【小题 7】 Give a title(标题 )in the passage. (1分 ) _ 答案:【小题 1】 【小题 2】 Have small breaks, enjoy music,

26、 or even a snack. 【小题 3】 C, B. 【小题 4】 Add them to tomorrows list with a star (so that you will know they should be done first the next day.) 【小题 5】 How to make your work in order. 试题分析:如果你做好计划,那么所有的事情都会井然有序。下面这些将会帮助你。如果你能做好这些,你的每一天都是高效率的。接下来 短文介绍了六种方法来提高时间的利用率。 【小题 1】细节理解题。问题:请把划线部分的句子译成汉语。联系原文: if

27、you make a good plan, everything will be in order.分析: if引导的条件状语从句,make a good plan做好一个计划; be in order井然有序。故填:如果你做好计划,那么所有的事情都会井然有序。 【小题 2】细节理解题。问题:根据短文,如果你是累的,你应该做什么?联系原文: Have small breaks, enjoy music, or even a snack when you are tired. 句意:当你累了,休息一会儿,听一听音乐,或者吃小食品。明确了答案:。故填:Have small breaks, enjo

28、y music, or even a snack. 【小题 3】细节理解题。第一题:前面提到 :当你累了,休息一会儿,听一听音乐,或者吃小食品。因为生命是短暂的要享受你的工作。第二题:分析总题目Pack times包装起的时间。结合选项只有第二项,当这个时间来了,关上你的门目的是这个时间只给你和你的工作。故选: C, B. 【小题 4】细节理解题。问题:如果你不完成你的工作,你应该做什么?联系原文: Add them to tomorrows list with a star so that you will know they should be done first the next da

29、y.句意:将今天没完成的任务添加到明天的任务列表中,并添加上一颗星,以便你能知道它们在明天必须被完成。故填: Add them to tomorrows list with a star (so that you will know they should be done first the next day.) 【小题 5】细节理解题。问题:给短文一个标题?分析短文中的第一段提到了中心句: if you make a good plan, everything will be in order. 句意:如果你做好计划,那么所有的事情都会井然有序。因此是讲解如何使工作坦然有序。故填:How t

30、o make your work in order. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。 Para 1 “Green” is more than just a color. It means that you should live to protect the environment. the water, the land and the air. You can be a green kid by following these steps. _Para 2_ When you use less of something, you do a good thing for the Earth .

31、For example, a shorter shower means you use less water. Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth. _Para 3_ Many times, even if you dont need something, someone else might just need it. For example, if your younger sister doesnt play with her bear toy , you can give it to your neighbour. T

32、ry to change books, toys, even clothes with friends . _Para 4_ It s true that pollution is a great problem now, _ the Earth is still a beautiful and interesting place to explore ( 探索 ) . Go for a hike ( 远足 ) , visit nature centres, and gardens , climb mountains and take a boat in the rivers . Outdoo

33、r activities are good for you. You can also plant trees ,collect reusable (可重复使用的) things . Being a green kid is so easy. 【小题 1】阅读短文将下列词句与相应的段落匹配,将答案:的字母代号填写在答题卡相应的横线上。 A Enjoy it. B Reduce( 减少 ) it. C Reuse it. D Be a green kid. Para 1 _ Para 2 _ Para 3 _ Para 4 _ 根据短文和要求,完成下面任务。(每小题 1分,共 4分) 【小题 2

34、】回答问题: How many steps ( to be a green kid ) are mentioned in the passage _ 【小题 3】文中划线的 “it”指代的是什么? _. 【小题 4】在文中划线部分的 空白处填上一个恰当的连词使句子通顺完整,符合逻辑。 _ 【小题 5】从文中找一个句子与所给句子意思相同的句子。 It is so easy to be a great kid . _。 答案:【小题 1】 D, B, C, A 【小题 2】 Three 【小题 3】 the bear toy 【小题 4】 but 【小题 5】 Being a green kid

35、is so easy. 试题分析: “绿色 ”不仅仅是一个颜色。这意味着你应该做到保护环境。 水、土地和空气。你可以是一个环保的孩子通过以下的三个步骤,分别为减少用水、循环利用物品、感受大自然的美好。总之成为一个环保的孩子很容易。 【小题 1】细节理解题。问题:选择正确的段意?分 析:第一段,主要描述关于环保的孩子;第二段,节约用水;第三段,对物品进得循环利用;第四段,感受大自然的美好。故选 D, B, C, A 【小题 2】细节理解题。问题:在短文中对于如何成为环保的孩子有几步?结合原文,第二到第四段是具体的做法。因此全文提到三个步骤。故填: Three 【小题 3】细节理解题。问题:文中划

36、线 【小题 3】的 “it”指代的是什么?联系句意:提到物品要循环利用,前面提到了熊玩具,将它送给邻居。因此它代替the bear toy.故填: the bear toy 【小题 4】细节理解题。问题:在文 中划线部分 【小题 4】的 空白处填上一个恰当的连词使句子通顺完整,符合逻辑。分析原文:现在污染是一个真的难题。地球依然是一个值得探索的漂亮的和有趣的地方。两句的关系为转折关系。故填: but 【小题 5】细节理解题。问题:从文中找一个与所给句子意思相同的句子。 It is so easy to be a great kid .结合原文:短文重点是描述如何成为一名环保孩子。因此短文的中心

37、句在最后一句话。故填: Being a green kid is so easy. 考点:人物传记类短文阅读。 请阅读下面这篇文章, 根据所提供的信息,完成下面表格。(每空 1分,共 5分) BBC World Have Your Say: “ Life in China”Every day, BBC News on TV, radio and online brings you stories from across the world. But what we want to hear are the stories that matter to you. Have got a story

38、 about life in China today If you do, please put your stories here. I like traveling and I have traveled a lot around China. During the trip, I often find that a number of Chinese dont have good public manners(举止 ). They always loudly on the phone and smoke everywhere. The worst is that they often b

39、reak the rules in public. For example, when I traveled in HongKong in January this year, I saw a kid eating noodles on the underground , which is against the rules. However, the kids mother didnt think he did wrong. Can you believe it Lets improve our public manners. (Mike, Shenzhen) I am a 14-year-

40、old boy from a poor village in Fuyang, Anhui Province. Like many other left-behind children(留守儿童 )in China, l live with my grandparents now. my father went to work inn Shanghai several years ago. Last year, my mother went there to care for him because his health is not as good as before. They tell m

41、e to listen to my grandparents and call me about twice a month to ask about my study. I really miss my parents and I hope I can afford to go to school in Shanghai. I think every child needs parents love and care. (Wu Peigen, Anhui Province) Information card The topic of BBC. World Have Your Say toda

42、y 【小题 1】 The thing that the kid did on the underground 【小题 2】 The time when Mike traveled in HongKong 【小题 3】 Wu Peigens age 【小题 4】 People who live with Wu Peigen now 【小题 5】 答案:【小题 1】 Life in China 【小题 2】 Eating noodles 【小题 3】 This January 【小题 4】 14 【小题 5】 His grandparent 试题分析:短文以三个信息栏的方式,分别展示出三个新闻点,

43、第一栏信息关于 BBC电台的征集有关中国生活的故事;第二栏信息迈克在香港旅行时所见所闻的 描述;第三栏信息关于留守儿童的情况描述。通过三个信息来提到了相关问题。 【小题 1】细节理解题。问题:今天 BBC电台的谈世界节目中是谈论关于什么的?联系原文: BBC World Have Your Say: “ Life in China”句意: BBC电台谈世界中是在讲述中国的生活。明确答案:为 Life in China.故填: Life in China 【小题 2】细节理解题。问题:这个孩子在地铁上做什么了?联系原文: I saw a kid eating noodles on the und

44、erground. 句意:我看见一个小孩在地铁上吃面条。故填: Eating noodles 【小题 3】细节理解题。问题:迈克什么时候去香港旅行的?联系原文: I traveled in HongKong in January this year 句意:在今年的一月我去香港旅行。明确时间为一月。故填: This January 【小题 4】细节理解题。问题:吴培根的年龄是多少?联系原文第三栏提供的信息: I am a 14-year-old boy from a poor village in Fuyang, Anhui Province. 句意:我是一个 14岁的男孩,来自安徽省的阜阳的一

45、个贫穷的村庄。故填: 14 【小题 5】细节理解题。问题:吴培根现在与谁居住在一起?联系原文: l live with my grandparents now. 句意:我现在和我的祖父母住在一起。故填: His grandparents 考点:新闻报道类短文阅读。 AirlineRoute China MaiLuang Prabang Day 2,3,5,7 Flight QV 645 Dep. 15: 05 Arr, 16: 05 Airfare (机票费用 )5,090THB AirlineRoute Chiang MaiPhuket Day 2,3,5,7 Flight TC 129 D

46、ep. 12:35 Arr. 14: 30 Airfare 3,590 THB AirlineRoute Chiang MaiKoh Samui Day Daily Flight PG 242 Dep. 9:55 Arr. 11:40 Airfare 5,090 THB AirlineRoute PhuketBali Day Daily Flight FD 3942 Dep. 6:30 Arr. 11:10 Airfare 11,391 THB Note: The days of the week are: 1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday (Dep.=departure 出发 Arr.=arrival 到达 ) 【小题 1】 How long does it take to fly from Chiang Mai to Phuket A less than 1 hour. B About 1 hour. C One and a half hours. D About 2 hours. 【小题 2】 Lao Airlines has a


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