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1、2015届江苏泰州济川中学九年级 10月阶段检测英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 Hobo, _ wake me up _ you finish building another house for me. A doesnt, until B not, till C dont, until D not, until 答案: C 试题分析:句意:户博,直到你为我建造成另一所房子再叫醒我。 not , until.,直到 才 。根据该句是否定祈使句,所以开头用 dont,故选 C。 考点:考查连词的用法。 单项选择 * -Have you seen _ film where are we going

2、, Dad -Yes, its quite _ interesting film so that I have seen it twice. A a , the B the, an C a, an D the, the 答案: B 试题分析:句意:你看过电影爸爸,我们去哪里吗?是的,它是一部相当有趣的电影,所以我们看了两次。不定冠词 a/an表示某一类人或某事物中的任何一个 ,经常用在第一次提到某人或某物时 ,用不定冠词起介绍作用,表示一个。 a用于辅音音素前 an用于元音因素前。定冠词特指某 (些 )人或某 (些 )事物 , 以区别于同类中其他的人或事物,特指前文出现过的事物或说话双方都知道

3、的事物。序数词和最高级前要加冠词 the如果名词后有介词短语,分词短语及定语从句修饰经常表示特指,加冠词 the。根据句意可知第一句子中的电影是特指电影where are we going, Dad;第二个句子中指类别,因为 interesting以元音因素开头,故选 B。 考点 :考查冠词的用法。 _ blue _ good for your mind and you look good _ blue. A Wear, is, on B Wearing, are, in C Wearing, is, in D Wear, is, on 答案: C 试题分析:句意:穿着蓝色的衣服对你的心情有好

4、处,你穿着蓝色看起来不错。动名词做主语看做单数, in加颜色,表示穿着 颜色的衣服。故选 C。 考点:考查动名词的用法。 Can I give you a cup of tea -_. A Yes, Id love to B Yes, please C No, please D No problem 答案: B 试题分析:句意:我能给你一杯茶吗?好的。 would you like to do 肯定回答用Yes, Id love to。 No problem,没问题。 Yes, please 好的,可以。根据句意,故选 B。 考点:考查情景交际。 Im not sure _ red and w

5、hite are a good match. A weather B that C if D how 答案: C 试题分析:句意:我不确信红色和白色是否是很好的搭配。 A weather 天气;B that 宾语从句的连接词,没有意义; C if 是否; D how怎样。根据句意,故选 C。 考点:考查连词的用法。 The born artist devoted all the time he had _ for something better or different. A search B searched C to search D to searching 答案: D 试题分析:句意

6、:这个天生的艺术家奉献了他的全部时间以搜索更好的或不同的东西。 he had做 time的定语从句。 devote to sth 奉献于 , to是介词后加名词或动名词,故选 D。 考点:考查固定结构的用法。 _ you were sleeping, Hack was practicing playing football. A While B As C After D Since 答案: A 试题分析:句意:当你在睡觉时 Hack一直在练习踢足球。 when从句的谓语动词可以在主句谓语动作之前、之后或同时发生; while从句的谓语动作必须是和主句谓语动作同时发生。当主句、从句动作同时进行,

7、从句动作的时间概念淡化,而主要表示主句动作发生的背景或条件时,只能用 as。这时, as常表示 “随着 ” ; “一边 ,一边 ” 之意。 After 在 之后。 since,自从 。根据该句的动作是同时发生的,故选 A。 考点:考查连词的用法。 Im very sorry I broke your cup. -_. A Youd better not B It doesnt matter C Its too bad of you D Not at all 答案: B 试题分析:句意:非常对不起,我打碎了你的杯子。没关系。 A Youd better not 最好不要; B It doesnt

8、 matter没关系,回答道歉的答语; C Its too bad of you 你太坏了; D Not at all一点也不。根据句意,故选 B. 考点:考查情景交际。 Could you tell me _ a concert in Nanjing next week A if there was going to be B if there is going to be C whether is there going to be D whether there is going to have 答案: B 试题分析:句意:你能告诉我是否下周南京将有一场音乐会吗?宾语从句的结构:主语 +

9、谓语 +连接词 +从句。从句在句中作宾语。从句要用陈述句的语序。故排除 C,如果主句是一般现在时,从句根据需要选择时态,根据句意可知应该用将来时态,故排除 A。 There be句型表示 “某地 (或某时 )存在有某人 (或某物 ),而并非某地 (某人、某物或某时 )拥有什么东西 ”, have一般表示某人有某物。将来时态 there will be 或 there is/are going to be,故选 B. 考点:考查宾语从句及 there be 句型的用法。 Excuse me, sir Smoking _ in the hospital. -Oh, Im really sorry.

10、 A isnt allowed B doesnt allowed C isnt allowing D doesnt allowed 答案: A 试题分析:句意:先生,打扰一下。在医院不允许吸烟。喔,真的很抱歉。被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。被动语态由 “助动词 be及物动词的过去分词 ”构成。根据该句动作的承受者是 smoking,故用被动结构。故选 A. 考点:考查被动语态的用法。 Many people think life _ a race Its full of up and down. A likes B is like C like D does like 答案

11、: B 试题分析:句意:许多人认为人生就像一场比赛。它充满了起起伏伏。 like,喜欢,动词。 be like像 , like像,介词。根据句意,故选 B。 考点:考查词义辨析。 Im afraid the price of the house is too high for me. -Yes, fewer and fewer common people can _ to buy one. A expect B choose C afford D offer 答案: C 试题分析:句意:恐怕这个房子的价格对于我太高了。 -是的,越来越少的人能买的起一栋房子了。 A expect期望; B ch

12、oose选择; C afford 买得起;付得起; afford sth ,afford to do sth,负担的起 。 D offer提供。根据句意及结构,故选 C. 考点:考查动词辨析。 Your washing machine doesnt work Is there _ with it A wrong something B something wrong C wrong anything D anything wrong 答案: D 试题分析:句意:你的洗衣机不工作了。它出了什么毛病吗?句式 There is something wrong with. 表示 出毛病了或出故障了,形

13、容词修饰不定代词要后置所以 something wrong,不定代词 anything用于否定句和一般疑问句中,everything为一切事物, nothing表示否定。该句是疑问句,故选 D。 考点:考查不定代词的用法。 I feel stressed because Father is always strict _ me _ my studies. A to, with B with, about C in, about D with, in 答案: D 试题分析:句意:我感到焦虑,因为父亲总是在我的学习方面对我要求严格。be strick with sb in sth对某人在某方面要求

14、严格。故选 D。 考点:考查介词的用法。 Many students _ our age have the same feeling-Growing up is hard. A of B at C in D for 答案: A 试题分析:句意:我们这个年龄的许多学生有相同的感觉 -成长是困难的。of, 的。表示所有格。根据句意,故选 A. 考点:考查介词的用法。 Youd better _ up late to complete your homework Its bad for your health. A stay B to stay C not stay D not to stay 答案

15、: C 试题分析:句意:你最好不要为了完成作业熬夜太晚。那对你的健康有害处。youd better not do sth,最好不要做某事。根据后文 Its bad for your health.可知在劝告他不要熬夜,故选 C. 考点:考查固定句式的用法。 Finish your homework, _ you cant play computer games, Jim. -All right, Mum. A or B but C till D and 答案: A 试题分析: but但是,可是; till直到; and 和,并且; or或者,否则。句意:完成你的作业,否则你就不能玩电脑游戏,吉

16、姆。 好吧,妈妈。结合语境可知前后位选择关系,故选 A。 考点:考查连词的用法。 Many old people prefer _ in a countryside _ in modern cities. A staying, to living B to stay, living C to stay, to live D staying, to live 答案: A 试题分析:句意:许多的老人更喜欢呆在乡下而不喜欢住在现代化的城市里。prefer A to B.与 B相比更喜欢 A。 to 是介词, AB为动名词或名词。根据句意及结构,故选 A. 考点:考查动词短语。 Its too har

17、d for me to learn English well. -Believe in yourself! You can do almost anything if you never _. A put up B hurry up C give up D look up 答案: C 试题分析:句意:学好英语对于我太难了。相信你自己。如果你不放弃,你几乎能做任何事情。 A put up举起; B hurry up快点; C give up 放弃;D look up查阅。根据句意,故选 C。 考点:考查动词词组的用法。 He speaks _ English _ French Instead,

18、he speaks German. A either, or B not only, but also C both, and D neither, nor 答案: D 试题分析:句意:他既不说英语也不说法语,相反,他说德语。 A either, or 或者 或者 ; B not only, but also 不仅 而且 ; C both, and 和 都; D neither, nor既不也不。根据句意,故选 D. 根据后文他说德语,可知他两种语言都不说。故选 D。 考点:考查固定词组的用法。 完型填空 I used to watch a little girl basketball eve

19、ry day from my kitchen window One day I asked her why she practised so She said: “I would like to go to college The only way is A scholarship I like basketball and I want to be the player in college My dad told me: If the dream is big enough, the facts dont count. ” She changed her mind I watched he

20、r through those junior high years and into senior high school One day before she graduated high school, I saw her sitting on the grass I asked her what was wrong She told me her coach said she was such a girl that she couldnt be a good basketball player, so she should dreaming about going to college

21、 She was heartbroken and it made me feel sad Then she smiled and told me her father said that coach was wrong He did not understand the power of dream Her father said to her: “If you really want to the scholarship of a good college, nothing but you can stop your dream.” The next year, she and her te

22、am went to a big game She by a coach of a famous college team and was offered a scholarship to the basketball team of their college She was about to get the college education that she had dreamed And worked towards for all those years “If the dream is big enough, the facts dont count.” It is true 【小

23、题1】 A to play B plays C play D player A many B much C little D few A to get B to give C to provide D to offer A most B good C best D better A never B ever C always D already A in B to C from D into A sad B sadly C happily D happy A tall B short C strong D creative A stop B forget C go on D come on A

24、 as well B also C too D so A play for B play with C play against D play A your B yourself C own D yours A was taught B was refused C was seen D was trained A womens B womans C womans D woman A to B on C of D for 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 B 【小题 9】 A 【小题

25、10】 B 【小题 11】 A 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 C 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了一个女孩努力实现自己的梦想的故事。作者想通过这个告诉告诉我们在实现梦想的路上,除了你自己没有任何事情能阻止你成功。 【小题 1】考查动词及语境的理解。过去我从我的厨房的窗户里每天都能看到一个小女孩正在打篮球。 watch sb do/ doing sth.根据句意及结构,故选 C。 【小题 2】考查副词及语境的理解。 A many修饰可数名词; B much 修饰不可数名词 C little 修饰不可数名词; D few修饰可数名词。根据上下文可知作者问她

26、为什么她那么努力的练习, much指练习的量多,故选 B。 【小题 3】考查动词及语境的理解。这是唯一获得奖学金的方式。 A to get获得; B to give 给予; C to provide提供; D to offer提供。动词不定式做表语,故选 A 【小题 4】考查形容词及语境的理解。我喜欢篮球并且我想成为最好的篮球运动员,根据句意,故用 C。 【小题 5】考查副词及语境的理解。他从来没有改变过他 的想法。根据上下文,故选 A,从不。 【小题 6】考查介词及语境的理解。根据句意,一天在她高中毕业之前,graduate from .从 毕业。故选 C. 【小题 7】考查副词及语境的理解

27、。根据后文 I asked her what was wrong.可知她悲伤的坐在草地上。 sad,形容词; sadly,副词。副词修饰动词,故选 B。 【小题 8】考查形容词及语境的理解。 A tall 高的; B short矮的; C strong强壮的; D creative 有创造力的。根据后文她不可能成为一个好的篮球运动员,可知教练说她 个子矮,故选 B。 【小题 9】考查动词及语境的理解。 A stop停止; B forget 忘记 C go on 继续; D come on加油,继续。根据上文可知句意是她应该停止上大学的梦想。故选 A。 stop doing sth停止做某事。

28、【小题 10】考查副词及语境的理解。根据上下文可知这也使我感到悲伤。 as well = too 用于句末; also 用于句中,故选 B。 【小题 11】考查动词及语境的理解。如果你真的想为好大学的奖学金而打球,除了你之外没有什么能阻止你的梦想。根据句意,故选 A,为 效力。 【小题 12】考查反身代词及语境的理解。根据语境的含义可知如果你自己想成为一名好队员,只有你自己能打破您的梦想。故选 B,你自己。 【小题 13】考查动词及语境的理解。 A was taught 被教; B was refused 被拒绝; C was seen被看到; D was trained被训练。根据后文可知她

29、被一个著名的大学的教练看上,故选 C。 【小题 14】考查名词所有格及语境的理解,提供给她去他们大学的女子篮球队的奖学金。女子篮球队的表示是 womens basketball team,故选 A。 【小题 15】 考查名词及语境的理解。她就要上她梦想的大学了。 that she had dreamed of 做前面名词的定语从句, dream of 梦想 ,故选 C 考点:情感故事类短文。 阅读理解 【小题 1】 Post 1 is aimed at people who want to _ A make their moms happy B enjoy eating hamburgers

30、C have cheap meals outside D eat chicken and sea food 【小题 2】 The underlined word“REWARD”in Post 2 most probably means _ A招聘 B海报 C悬赏 D求职 A OCT Test B SST Test C ISS Exams D HSC Exams 【小题 4】 Oak Street Coaching School helps students _ A become the best in class B improve their marks C perform well at

31、parties D face the teachers bravely 【小题 5】 According to the passage, which is TRUE A Nobody will like Sambos restaurant B The food in Sambos restaurant is very expensive. C Jennifer kesse is lost . D Oak Street Coaching School is an online school. 答案:【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 试题分析

32、:这篇短文主要介绍了三篇广告。一,餐馆广告;二,悬赏寻人广告;三。校外辅导广告。 【小题 1】主旨大意题。根据广告内容可知海报 1的主旨就是使母亲高兴。 【小题 2】词汇理解题。根据广告内容中的钱数可以推测单词 REWARD的意思为 “悬赏 ”。故选 C 【小题 3】细节理解题。根据广告 3可知应该选 D。 【小题 4】细节理解题。从广告的最后一句 Through face-to-face teaching students are taught to perform well under examination conditions可知。 【小题 5】归纳理解题。根据三个广告 if you

33、know anything about, 可知Jennifer kesse找不到了,及丢失了,故选 C。 考点:广告类短文阅读。 One day, there was a blind man called John sitting on the bench with a hat by his feet and a sign that read, “I am blind Please help me ” A creative publicist(广告员 )named Tom was walking by the blind man and stopped to see that the man

34、only had a few coins in his hat He put a few of his own coins in the hat Without asking for permission(允许 ), took the sign, turned it around and wrote a new message Then he put the sign by the feet of the blind man and left Later that afternoon the publicist returned to the blind man and noticed tha

35、t his hat was almost full of bills and coins The blind man recognized(识别 )his footsteps and asked if it was he who had changed his sign He also wanted to know what the man wrote on it The publicist said, “I just wrote the message a little differently ”He smiled and went on his way The new sign read,

36、 “Spring has come, but I cant see anything ” 【小题 1】 Whats the blind mans name A Tom B John C Tony D Sorry, I dont know 【小题 2】 Who wrote a new message A The blind man B The teacher C The publicist D The farmer 【小题 3】 How did the blind man recognize the publicist A By his sign B By his footsteps C By

37、his voice D By his coins 【小题 4】 When did the story happen A In spring B In summer C In autumn D In winter 【小题 5】 What can we learn from the passage A Publicists are always friendly and helpful B We can get more money by changing a sign C The blind man is not clever, so he has little money D The powe

38、r of language is great 答案:【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 D 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了一个叫约翰的人因为眼睛看不见而乞讨。一个广告员给他改动了一下标语,使他讨到了更多的钱。由此可见语言的魅力。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据短文第一段 One day, there was a blind man called John sitting on the bench with a hat by his feet and a sign that read,,可知男人的名字叫 John,故选 B。 【小题 2】细节理解题。

39、根据第二段 Without asking for permission(许可) , he took the sign, turned it around and wrote a new message.可知是广告员该写了他的信息,故选 C. 【小题 3】细节理解题。根据第四段 The blind man recognized(识别 ) his footsteps可知盲人是通过他的脚步声辨别出广告员的,故选 B 【小题 4】推理判断题。根据第五段 The new sign read, “ Spring has come, but I cant see anything “可知这个季节是春天,故选

40、 A 【小题 5】归纳理解题。根据短文描述可知因为广告员的语言会使人产生更多的同情,可知语言的魅力巨大的,故选 D。 考点:故事类短文阅读。 The word “shanzhai” originally means “mountain village”, but it means“copy”in Chinese now I started to research this topic and found a whole new shanzhai world There are shanzhai products(产品 ) and online games, even shanzhai cult

41、ure It is so popular that some people say to each other “have you shanzhaied today” Like it or not,shanzhai has become part of our life in China I even met a famous engineer recently who has just had his shanzhai mobile phone He was so proud of it and would not stop talking about all the functions w

42、hile showing off the look of his phone I could hardly see the back cover as he had stuck fake logos(假冒标记 )“iPhone”, “No-kia”&“LG”on it But why has shanzhai become so popular in China Why do over 50 percent of the people surveyed by CCTV support it Firstly, many may not realize it but for Chinese peo

43、ple, the word “shanzhai” also reminds us of“ the heroes of Liangshan” Secondly, there would be no shanzhai without the Internet Shanzhai has caught the interest of millions of Chinese online There are also shanzhai celebrities Many shanzhai singers can be seen performing in some remote places where

44、people cannot see performances by the actual“real”stars These events are very successful, even though people know that they are not getting the“real”thing 【小题 1】 Shanzhai means _ today A copy B mountain village C terrible accident D the heroes of Liangshan 【小题 2】 Shanzhai is a popular word in _ A Ja

45、pan B America C China D England 【小题 3】 Shanzhai appears because of _ A the telephone B the television C the radio D the Internet 【小题 4】 Whats the meaning of the underlined word “remote” A modern B faraway C real D nearby 【小题 5】 Which statement is NOT true according to the passage A Many people are i

46、nterested in shanzhai B Shanzhi has become popular on the Internet these days C Some shanzhai singers perform well and people love their performance D People who watch shanzhai clelebrities didnt know they are not real. 答案:【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了 “山寨 ”这个词原来的意思是 “山

47、村 ”,但在中国现在这意味着 “复制 ”。现在有山寨产品 (产品 )和在线游戏 ,甚至山寨文化。不管你喜欢不喜欢一个全新的山寨 的世界出现了。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据短文第一段 The word “shanzhai” originally means “mountain village”, but it means“copy”in Chinese now可知山寨现在意味着复制,故选 A。 【小题 2】细节理解题。根据第二段 Like it or not, shanzhai has become part of our life in China可知在中国流行,故选 C。 【小题 3】推理判断题。根据第四段 Secondly, there would be no shanzhai without the Internet可知没有


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