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1、2015届江苏盐城响水实验初中九年级上第一次质检英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 根据句子意思,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 【小题 1】 My bicycle requires _( repair). 【小题 2】 The scarf _ (make) of silk. It feels very comfortable. 【小题 3】 My father likes_(sit) better than jogging. 【小题 4】 He is active and good at _(play) footable. 【小题 5】 All the people in the town r

2、espect her, because she _(devote) most of her time to her work. 答案:【小题 1】 repairing 【小题 2】 is made 【小题 3】 sitting 【小题 4】 playing 【小题 5】 has devoted 试题分析: 【小题 1】句意:我的自行车需要修理。 “require doing sth.”需要 做某事,主动形式表示被动意义。 【小题 2】句意:这个围巾是由丝绸制成的,感觉非常舒服。 “ 制成 ”be made of ,主语是三单,所以填 is made。 【小题 3】句意:和慢跑相比,我爸爸更喜欢

3、静坐。喜欢做某事用 “like to do或like doing sth.”而后面用的是 jogging所以此处用 sitting。 【小题 4】句意:他很积极而且足球踢得很好。 be good at后面加名词,代词或动名词,所以用 playing。 【小题 5】句意:城镇里所有的人都尊敬她,因为她把所有的时间都奉献给了工作 。根据句意可知这里应该用现在完成时,所以填 has devoted。 考点:词汇运用 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 【小题 1】 Do you think the story _(it) is very interesting. 【小题 2】 Sandy

4、 is a student of _(wise) and changes his classmates a lot. 【小题 3】 Millie is still not used to the _(hot) in summer here. 【小题 4】 You are the most _(suit) person to work for the old. 【小题 5】 This book is of great _(help) to me. 答案:【小题 1】 itself 【小题 2】 wisdom 【小题 3】 heat 【小题 4】 suitable 【小题 5】 hel 试题分析:

5、 【小题 1】句意:你认为这个故事本身非常有趣吗?根据句意可知这里说的是故事本身,所以用反身代词 itself 【小题 2】句意: Sandy 是一个有智慧的学生,而且她改变了同学很多。因为 of 是介词,所以后面用名词 wisdom 【小题 3】句意:米莉仍然不习惯这里夏天的炎热。此处在定冠词 the之后,所以用名词 heat 【小题 4】句意:你是为老人工作的最合适的人。这里表示 “最合适的 ”,要用形容词 suitable 【小题 5】句意:这本书对我有很大帮助。此处用的是名词 help 考点:词汇运用 单项选择 * He is _ unusual writer. He can writ

6、e _ useful book. A a; the B an; an C the; an D an; a 答案: D 试题分析:句意:他是一位与众不同的作家。他可以写出有用的书。不定冠词有 a和 an,表示某一类人或某事物中的任何一个 ,经常用在第一次提到某人或某物时 ,用不定冠词起介绍作用,表示一个。第一空 unusual以元音因素 / /开头,故用前面用 an; useful以辅音音素 / j /开头,故第二空填 a。故选 D。 考点:考查冠词的用法。 Dont eat meat any more. You are fat now. A too much; much too B too m

7、any; many too C much too; too much D many too; too many 答案: A 试题分析:句意:不要再吃太多肉了。你现在太胖了。 too much太多(修饰不可数名词) ; too many太多(修饰可数名词) ;much too太 (修饰形容词或副词,表示程度)。故选 A。 考点:考查短语辨析。 I have _ much homework to do every day that I can spend no time watching TV. A so B such C very D too 答案: A 试题分析:句意:我明天有太多的作业要做,

8、以至于我没有时间看电视。so that“ 如此 以至于 ” ,故选 A。 考点:考查连词的用法。 The red coat reminded Lily _ the days when she was a student. A with B by C at D of 答案: D 试题分析:句意:这件红色外套使莉莉想起了她的学生时光。使某人想起 “remind sb. of ” 。故选 D。 考点:考查介词的用法。 Ill have an English exam about star sign next Monday. _. A Bad luck B Thats great C Glad to

9、hear that D Good luck to you 答案: D 试题分析:句意: -下周我有一个关于星座的英语考试。 -祝你好运。 A. Bad luck真倒霉; B. Thats great那太好了; C. Glad to hear that听到这个消息我很高兴; D. Good luck to you祝你好运。根据句意可知选 D。 考点:考查交际用语的用法。 Jack _. Now he can go to school by bike. A has had his bike repaired B will repair his bike C has had repaired his

10、 bike D has his bike repaired 答案: A 试题分析:句意:杰克已经修好了他的自行车。现在他可以骑自行车去上学了 。根据第二句可知他的自行车已经修好了,所以第一句用现在完成时,而表示 “使某物 ” 用 “have sth. done”。故选 A。 考点:考查现在完成时的用法。 This pair of jeans looks nice_ Sandy because she looks very nice_ blue. A on; in B in; on C for; on D to; in 答案: A 试题分析:句意: Sandy穿这条牛仔裤看起来很漂亮,因为她穿蓝

11、色好看。表示穿在某人身上,用介词 on,而表示穿某种颜色,用介词 in。故选 A。 考点:考查介词的用法。 If I free next Sunday, I to the farm with you. A will be; will go B am; will go C am; go D will be; go 答案: B 试题分析:句意:如果我下周日有空,我将和你一起去农场。本句中 if引导条件状语从句,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。故选 B。 考点:考查动词时态。 Mum, may I have some cakes -Sorry, theres _ left in the box. I

12、ll go and buy some for you tonight. A nothing B no one C no D none 答案: D 试题分析:句意: -妈妈,我可以吃一些蛋糕吗? -对不起,箱子里没有了。今天晚上我去给你买一些。 A. nothing什么也没有,(此处只是说没有蛋糕了,但不一定是什么都没有,故 A不能选); B. no one没有人; C. no 不,不是,没有; D. none 一点也没有了。故选 D。 考点:考查不定代词的用法。 “How many students are there in your school ” “ the students in ou

13、r school _over two thousand.” A The number of; is B The number of; are C A number of; is D A number of; are 答案: A 试题分析:句意: “你们学校有多少学生? ”“我们学校的学生数是 2000多。 ”The number of后加名词复数,表示 的数量,做主语谓语动词用三单 ; A number of加名词复数,表示许多 ,做主语谓语动词用复数。故选 A。 考点:考查主谓一致。 I really dont know _ . A what to do it B how shall I d

14、o it C how to do it D what shall I do it 答案: C 试题分析:句意:我真的不知道怎么做。此处缺少宾语,如填从句应该用陈述语序,但 B和 D都是疑问语序,故不能选;所以这里用疑问词 +不定式代替宾语 从句,根据句意故选 C。 考点:考查疑问词加不定式的用法。 The workers were made _ the whole day. A work B to work C worked D working 答案: B 试题分析:句意:工人们每天都要工作。 make sb. do sth.使 /让某人做某事,此结构变被动语态时, make后面的省略 to的

15、不定式,要把 to加上,故选 B。 考点:考查不定式的用法。 The policeman asked him_. A what did his car look like B what was his car C his car looked like what D what his car looked like 答案: D 试题分析:句意:警察问他他的车什么样子。此处缺少宾语,而疑问词引导的宾语从句要把疑问词放在前面,从句用陈述语序。故选 D。 考点:考查宾语从句的用法。 About films were shown during the 5th Shanghai internationa

16、l film festival . A two hundred of B two hundreds of C two hundred D two hundreds 答案: C 试题分析:句意:在第五届上海国际电影节上,大约有 200部电影上映。hundred, thousand, million, billion等词前若有具体数字,该词用单数;若没有具体数字,则该词用复数,且后面接 of,故选 C。 考点:考查数词的用法。 Is your mother badly ill No, , only a little cold. A serious anything B serious nothin

17、g C nothing serious D anything serious 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -你妈妈的病严重吗? -不,不严重,只是有点感冒。形容词修饰不定代词,放在不定代词之后,故排除 A和 B,再根据句意可知选 C。 考点:考查不定代词的用法。 完型填空 完型填空。( 15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案:。 Tomb of Hai Rui is in the western outskirts of Haikou City, it is 5 kilometers from the center of _ . It was orig

18、inally built in 1589 _ the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and some of the buildings in the tomb garden are still _ . It has an area of over 4,000 square meters. Today it is a famous _ in Hainan Province. Hai Rui was born in 1514 in Hainan Province . He was an offical (官员 ) in the Ming Dynasty . He his ho

19、nesty and performance of his duty as well as his clean life. One day , an offical was sentenced (判决 ) to death . _ the emperor liked him very much .He was going to set him _ . Hearing this , Hai Rui had a coffin (棺材 ) for himself and said to his wife . Then he went to the emperor. _ _ he advised him

20、 but the emperor didnt agree . Then he argued with him . That made the emperor very _ _ . He sent Hai Rui into the prison (监狱 ) . _ he didnt succeed , other people praised him highly and thought he was very _ _ . After he came out of prison , he _ _ to his hometown and helped with irrigation (灌溉 ) p

21、rojects . At the age of 72 , he became an official _ _ and worked in Nanjing , and passed away in the third year of his service . On the day of his funeral (葬礼 ) , people stopped their own matters to _ _ it and most of them cried . All of them felt very sad . 【小题1】 A the village B the city C the tow

22、n D the country A between B during C among D with A good B well C bad D badly A museum B garden C city D attraction A paid attention to B took pride in C was famous for D care for A But B And C Or D Then A quiet B famous C busy D free A goodbye B hello C sorry D thanks A Together with B Instead of C

23、 At first D At last A happy B angry C sad D confident A Because B Though C If D When A shy B foolish C brave D terrible A returned B went C left D ran A alone B finally C first D again A see B take part in C watch D have 答案:【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 A 【小题

24、9】 C 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 C 【小题 13】 A 【小题 14】 D 【小题 15】 B 试题分析:本文讲述的是明朝官员海瑞的一生。海瑞之墓位于海口市西郊,现在是海南省著名陵园。海瑞为人正直清廉。文章还讲述了他勇于向皇上纳谏,并因此而受罚的故事。 【小题 1】考查名词及语境的理解。 A. the village村庄; B. the city城市; C. the town城镇; D. the country乡村。句意:海瑞之墓坐落于海口市西郊,距离市中5千米。根据前半句 in the western outskirts of Haikou City ,可知

25、选 B。 【小题 2】考查介词及语境的理解。 A. between在 和 (二者)之间; B. during在 期间; C. among 在 中间; D. with和 在一起。句意:它始建于 1589年明朝期间。根据句意可知 选 B。 【小题 3】考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. good好的; B. well很好地; C. bad坏的; D. badly恶劣地。句意:陵园中的一些建筑还很完好。此空在系动词 be之后,所以填形容词,故选 A 【小题 4】考查名词及语境的理解。 A. museum博物馆; B. garden园林; C. city城市; D. attraction 吸引(人的事物)

26、。句意:今天它是海南省的一个著名景点。海瑞的园林是吸引人的地方,而不是博物馆之类的。故选 D 【小题 5】考查固定词组及语境的理解。 A. paid attention to注意,重视; B. took pride in以 为骄傲; C. was famous for 以 而著名; D. care for关心,照顾,喜欢。句意:他以正直和任职时的绩效以及清廉的一生而出名。根据句意可知选 C 【小题 6】考查连词及语境的理解。 A.But 但是, B. And 和,而且; C.Or 或者;D. Then然后。句意:有一天,一名官员被判处死刑,但是皇帝非常喜欢他。根据句意可知这里是转折关系,故选

27、A 【小题 7】考查形容词及语境的理解。 A.quiet安静的; B. famous著名的;C.busy 繁忙的; D.free 空闲的。句意:他想给他自由。根据前面说皇帝喜欢他,可知想给赦免他。故答案:选 D 【小题 8】考查交际用语及语境的理解。 A. goodbye 再见; B. hello喂(表问候); C. sorry 对不起; D. thanks谢谢。句意:海瑞买了一口棺材然后给妻子告别。根据下一句他去找皇帝可知,他先跟妻子告别。故选 A 【小题 9】考查词组及语境的理解。 A.Together with和,连同; B. Instead of 代替,而不是 ; C. At firs

28、t首先,起初; D. At last最 后,终于。句意:起初他先劝皇上,但皇上不同意。根据下一句他和皇上吵了起来,可知起初他是先劝告的。故选 C 【小题 10】考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. happy幸福的,高兴的; B. angry愤怒的; C. sad难过的; D. confident自信的。句意:他使皇帝非常生气。根据下一句他把海瑞送进监狱,可知他很气愤故选 B 【小题 11】考查连词及语境的理解。 A. Because因为; B. Though虽然,尽管;C. If如果,是否; D. When当 时候。句意:尽管他没有成功,但其他人都高度赞扬他并且认 为他非常勇敢。根据句意可知这里是

29、转折关系,故选 B。 【小题 12】考查形容词及语境的理解。 A.shy害羞的; B. foolish愚蠢的; C. brave 勇敢的; D. terrible可怕的,很糟的。句意:尽管他没有成功,但其他人都高度赞扬他并且认为他非常勇敢。他敢为了正义跟皇上争吵,可见他很勇敢。故选 C。 【小题 13】考查动词及语境的理解。 A.returned 归来; B.went 去; C.left 离开;D. ran跑。句意:他从监狱出来之后,回到家乡并且帮忙灌溉工程。根据句意可知选 A。 【小题 14】考查副 词及语境的理解。 A.alone独自地,单独的; B.finally最后;C.first 第

30、一,首先; D. again再一次,又。句意: 72岁时,他再次为官,就职于南京。根据上文他本来就是官,可知这里是再次就职,故选 D。 【小题 15】考查词组及语境的理解。 A.see看见; B.take part in参加; C.watch观看; D.have有。句意:在他葬礼那天,人们都放下自己的事情去参加他的葬礼,大多数人都哭了。根据句意可知选 B。 考点:人物类短文阅读 阅读理解 任务型阅读。 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中 所缺信息,每空一词。(共 10题,每题 1分,计 10分) Height is just one of the thousands of things yo

31、ur genes(基因) decide.In fact,because you have two parents,your genes provide you a height that usually lands somewhere between the height of each parent.If both your parents are tall,then most probably you will be tall too, but if you have questions about how tall youre going be,ask your doctor if he

32、 or she can help you find it out. But genes dont decide everything. For example, eating an unhealthy diet can keep you from growing to your full potential(潜力) .Getting plenty of sleep and enough exercise will help you grow to the expected height. No doubt youre wondering how fast you should grow. It

33、 depends(看情况而定) .Theres no perfect or right answer.Generally speaking,kids grow about 2 inches(6 centimetres) a year between age 3 and the time when they start puberty(when your body starts changing and becoming more grown-up). Your doctor will know how your growth has been going over the years.Two

34、centimetres here and 2 inches there are not nearly as important as the height youre at now,how youve been growing up to this point,and what other changes your body may be going through. Dont be scared if you seem to have grown a lot in a very short time. Everyone has a growth spurt(高峰 ).during puber

35、ty(青春期 ).The age for starting puberty is about 10 for girls and about 11for boys. But it can be earlier or later-between 7 and 13 for girls and 9 and 15 for boys. Youll usually begin to notice that during puberty youre growing faster about a year or so after your body starts to show the first change

36、s of puberty. Do you want to know your height Do you want to know you height How tall will you be Genes _【小题 1】 _your height mostly. Usually youll be _【小题 2】 _ the height of your father and mother. Diet,_ 【小题 3】 _ and exercise also effect your growth. How fast should you grow Its_【小题 4】 _ to answer

37、this question. Children grow about two inches a year before they begin to _【小题 5】 _ up During your puberty You grow _【小题 6】 _ during puberty. Your puberty may start _【小题 7】 _ 7 or 9.It depends. Your body begin to _【小题 8】 _ some differences from before during puberty. What will your doctor help you H

38、elp you _【小题 9】 _ out how tall you will be. Tell you _【小题 10】 _ your growth has been going over the years. 答案:【小题 1】 decide 【小题 2】 between 【小题 3】 sleep 【小题 4】 hard/difficult 【小题 5】 grow 【小题 6】 fast/faster 【小题 7】 at 【小题 8】 have/show 【小题 9】 find 【小题 10】 how 试题分析:本文叙述了影响你身高的各种因素。通常你的基因决定身高,但是基因不能决定一切,例

39、如饮食睡眠和足够的锻炼都能帮你长到期望的高度。至于你长得多快,这要视情况而定。还有青春期会有快速地生长。 【小题 1】根据 Height is just one of the thousands of things your genes(基因)decide可知基因通常决定你的身高,故填 decide 【小题 2】根据 your genes provide you a height that usually lands somewhere between the height of each parent. 可知通常你的身高介于父母之间,故填 between 【小题 3】根据 Getting p

40、lenty of sleep and enough exercise will help you grow to the expected height.可知除了饮食,睡眠和锻炼也影响你的生长。所以填 sleep 【小题 4】根据 It depends(看情况而定) .Theres no perfect or right answer.可知回答 “你长得多快? ”这个问题很难,故填 hard/difficult 【小题 5】根据 Generally speaking,kids grow about 2 inches(6 centimetres) a year between age 3 and

41、 the time when they start puberty(when your body starts changing and becoming more grown-up).可知此处填 grow 【小题 6】根据 Everyone has a growth spurt(高峰) .during puberty 可知你在青春期长得更快,故填 fast/faster 【小题 7】根据 But it can be earlier or later-between 7 and 13 for girls and 9 and 15 for boys.可知此处填 at 【小题 8】根据 Youll

42、 usually begin to notice that during puberty youre growing faster about a year or so after your body starts to show the first changes of puberty.你通常会注意到青春期期间,在你的身体开始出现第一次变化之后,你有一年会长得更快。可知此处填 have/show 【小题 9】 根据 if you have questions about how tall youre going be,ask your doctor if he or she can help

43、 you find it out.如果你对自己能长多高有疑问你要去问医生能够帮助你。可知此处填 find 【小题 10】根据 Your doctor will know how your growth has been going over the years可知医生将会告诉你多年来你的生长情况是怎样的,故此处填 how 考点:科学类 短文 We have always been interested in the moon. 2000 years ago people already knew it moved around the earth and where it would be i

44、n the sky at different times of the year. At that time, everything about the moon was learned by watching it carefully in the sky. When scientists could use telescopes(望远镜 ) to study the moon more closely, their ideas began to change. They could see the moon was made of rocks. Most scientists though

45、t moon rocks would be different from those on Earth. This was because they believed the moon had once been a planet that had been caught in the earths gravity millions of years earlier. In 1969 moon rocks were finally brought to the earth and studied. Much to their surprise, scientists found that, e

46、xcept for water, the moon and the earth were made of the same things. Once again new ideas were needed for this new information. After years of study, most scientists now think that the moon was once part of Earth. They believe very early in its history, maybe 4 million years ago, something about th

47、e size of Mars hit Earth. This sent billions of rocks into space around our planet. These rocks slowly joined together and after many years became the moon. In the future, even though our ideas about the moon may change again, we will still be interested in it. 【小题 1】 From the passage we know the mo

48、on was made of_. A earth B rocks C water D metal 【小题 2】 In the passage the writer wants to tell us _. A why people are interested in the moon B how ideas about the moon have changed over time C where the moon came from in the past D that people have finally learned the truth about the moon. 【小题 3】 Before 1969 most s


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