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1、2015届河北保定第二十六中学九年级上期中英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * Do you play _ piano in your free time -No, I like sports. I often play _ chess with my classmates. A /;the B the;/ C a;the D the;the 答案: B 试题分析: 句意: 你业余时间弹钢琴吗? 不,我喜欢运动。我经常与同学一起下象棋。乐器前加定冠词 the,棋类或球类名词前不加冠词。故选 B。 考点 :考查冠词的用法。 He kept writing the book _ he was i

2、n great pain. A because B if C unless D even though 答案: D 试题分析: 句意:尽管在巨大的痛苦中,他一直坚持写书。 A.because因为; B.if如果 C.unless除非,如果不; D.even though即使,尽管。故选 D。 考点 :考查连词的用法。 _ on the light, Tony. It is too dark in the room. A Turning B To turn C Dont turn D Turn 答案: D 试题分析: 句意:托尼,打开灯。房间里太黑了。祈使句用动词原形,故选 D。 考点 :考查祈

3、使句。 Susan is so worried because she _ her ticket, then she cant go to England on time. A lose B lost C losing D will lose 答案: B 试题分析: 句意:苏珊很焦虑,因为她丢了车票,然后她不能按时去英国。故选B。 考点 :考查动词时态的用法。 Bill Grates is one of _ people in the world. A the richer B richest C richer D the richest 答案: D 试题分析: 句意:比尔盖茨是世界上最富有的

4、人之一。 one of+the+最高级 +名词复数, 之一。故选 D。 考点 :考查形容词最高级的用法。 Why didnt you go to see the Breakup Buddies(心花路放 ) with us yesterday -Because I _ twice. A have seen B will see C am seeing D see 答案: A 试题分析: 句意: 你昨天为什么不和我们一起去看心花路放? 因为我已经看过两次。故选 A。 考点 :考查现在完成时的用法。 Many trees _ along the streets every year. So the

5、 air is very fresh now. A plant B are planted C planted D were planted 答案: B 试题分析: 句意:每年沿着这些街道都会种上许多树,所以现在空气很新鲜。主语是被执行着,所以此句用被动语态, AC排除 根据 every year 可知用一般现在时。故选 B。 考点 :考查被动语态和一般现在时的用法。 Alice _ in the street when a thief stole her bag and ran away. A walks B is walking C was walking D has walked 答案:

6、 C 试题分析: 句意:爱丽丝正在街上散步时,小偷偷了她的包,然后跑了。 When当 时候,可知是同时发生的,用进行时;根据后面 stole和 ran可知是已经发生的事情;故用过去进行时。故选 C。 考点 :考查过去进行时的用法。 Did Mr. Green tell you _ -Yes. He said he went there in 2012. A when he travelled to Paris. B how he went to Hangzhou C where he spent his holiday D why did he visit Kunming. 答案: A 试题分

7、析: 句意: 格林先生告诉你他什么时间去巴黎旅行的吗? 是的。他说他 2012年去的那儿。宾语从句的三个要素:关联词、时态和陈述语序。根据答句可知应该对时间提问,用 when,结合语境应该用过去时态。故选 A。 考点 :考查宾语从句的用法。 Sam, could you please turn down the radio Your sister _ in her room. -OK, Mum. A sleeps B slept C is sleeping D was sleeping 答案: C 试题分析: 句意: 萨姆,你能调小点收音机吗?你妹妹正在房间里睡觉。 好的,妈妈。故选 C。 考

8、点 :考查现在进行时的用法。 Davids dream is to go to the west of China and _ an early childhood school there. A clean up B look up C give up D set up 答案: D 试题分析: 句意:大卫的梦想是去中国西部,并在那里建一所儿童早期学校。 A. clean up打扫; B.look up查阅; C.give up放弃; D.set up建立。故选 D。 考点 :考查动词短语的辨析。 Dont throw litter around. It _ terrible in summe

9、r. -Sorry, I wont. A smells B tastes C sounds D feels 答案: A 试题分析: 句意: 不要乱扔垃圾。夏天闻起来很糟糕。 对不起,我不会扔了。A. smells闻起来; B.tastes尝起来; C.sounds听起来; D.feels感觉。故选 A。 考点 :考查连系动词的辨析。 They often watch some English movies to relax _ after school. A it B them C they D themselves 答案: D 试题分析: 句意:他们放学后经常看英语电影来放松自己。 rela

10、x oneself放松自己。故选 D。 考点 :考查 人称代词的用法。 Do you learn maths _ asking the teacher _ help -Oh, yes. It helps a lot. A for; by B to; by C by;for D by;to 答案: C 试题分析: 句意: 你经常通过向老师寻求帮助来学习数学吗? 哦,是的。这样帮助很大。 by+doing通过做某事; ask sb for help向某人寻求帮助。故选 C。 考点 :考查介词的用法。 There is _ with my car. Will you give me a hand -

11、Certainly. A something wrong B wrong something C anything wrong D wrong anything 答案: A 试题分析: 句意: 我的车有些问题。你能帮我一下吗? 当然。不定代词修饰形容词,放在形容词前面;一般 something 用于肯定句, anything用于否定句或疑问句。故选 A。 考点 :考查不定代词的用法。 They doubted my _ to solve problems, but I proved that they were all wrong. A strength B talent C ability

12、D skill 答案: C 试题分析: 句意:他们怀疑我解决问题的能力,但是我证明了他们是错的。 A. strength强项; B.talent天赋; C.ability能力; D.skill技能。故选 C。 考点 :考查名词的辨析。 How will she deal with the work -She doesnt want to do it by herself. She wants to ask someone else to do it_. A yet B instead C too D either 答案: B 试题分析: 句意: 她将怎么处理工作? 她不想自己做,想要某人代替做

13、。 A. yet还,仍; B.instead代替,反而; C.too也,用于肯定句句末; D.either也,用于否定句句末。根据语境选 B。 考点 :考查副词的用法。 Ill offer some bread to Li Ming. Li Ming, _ , may not want it. A but B and C so D however 答案: D 试题分析: 句意:我将给李明提供一些面包,然而,他可能不想要。 A.but但是;B.and和; C.so所以; D.however然而,但是,使用时要在后面加 “, ”。故选 D。 考点 :考查副词的用法。 Mr.White always

14、 expects his son _ an active part at school. A taking B take C takes D to take 答案: D 试题分析: 句意:怀特先生总是期望他的儿子在学校积极参与。 expect sb to do sth期望某人做某事。故选 D。 考点 :考查非谓语动词的用法。 Mum, must I stay there the whole day -No, you _. You _ come back after lunch, if you like. A mustnt; can B neednt; must C neednt; may D

15、cant;must 答案: C 试题分析: 句意: 妈妈,我必须在那 儿待一整天吗? 不,你不必。如果你喜欢,你可以午饭后回来。以 must 开头的问句,否定回答用 neednt; must 一定,may可能,可以。故选 C。 考点 :考查情态动词的用法。 完型填空 完形填空 (共 10小题,每小题 1分,计 10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 One morning a fox was searching for his breakfast. He went down to the lake to _ some fish. Suddenly he

16、saw a rabbit digging a hole on the bank of the lake and decided to eat it instead. Not wanting the rabbit to discover him, the fox moved _ towards his meal. As he got closer, he stepped on some dry leaves. The rabbit then _ in fear. When he saw the box, he started to shout. “Quiet! Why do you rabbit

17、s shout so much ” asked the fox, slightly annoyed(气恼 ) that he had lost his_ “ I am sorry, but you scared me. Your sharp teeth make me _” ,replied the rabbit. “ But I dont want to eat you”. Lied the fox, “ I am only here to help with your _.I will be back tomorrow and help you dig your hole.” The ne

18、xt day, the fox returned to the _. There he saw a group of rabbits busily digging holes on the bank. He thought about catching one. At that moment the rabbit he had met the day before started jumping up and down, making a _ noise to warn his friends. All the rabbits and even the fish quickly _. The

19、poor fox could not find anything to catch for food and ended up _ fruit. 【小题1】 A catch B buy C smell D cook A noisily B quietly C confidently D angrily A looked down B looked away C turned off D turned around A time B place C meal D fish A sad B excited C nervous D happy A food B work C story D frie

20、nds A breakfast B house C lake D mountain A loud B low C usual D dangerous A returned B shouted C entered D disappeared A growing B eating C picking D selling 答案:【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 B 试题分析:一直狐狸走到湖边去抓鱼,发现一只兔子在岸上挖洞,决定吃了它作为早餐。被兔子发现后说:

21、 “我不想吃你,只想帮你工作。 ”第二天,狐狸返回湖边。他前一天遇到的那只兔子发出很大的声音来警告他的朋友。所有的兔子,甚至鱼都很快消失了。可怜的狐狸什么都抓不到,最后只能吃水果。 【小题 1】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。他走到湖边去抓鱼。 A.catch抓;B.buy买; C.smell闻起来; D.cook烹调。故选 A。 【小题 2】考查副词辨析及对语境的理解。不想要兔子发现他,狐狸悄悄地走向他的猎物。 A.noisily吵闹 地; B.quietly安静地,悄悄地; C.confidently自信地; D.angrily生气地。故选 B。 【小题 3】考查动词词组辨析及对语境的理解。兔

22、子在恐惧中转过身来。A.looked down俯视,跌价; B.looked away不再看(某人或某物); C.turned off关掉; D.turned around转身。故选 D。 【小题 4】考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。狐狸失去了他的饭有点生气。 A.time时间; B.place地点; C.meal饭; D.fish鱼。根据第一段可知,狐狸想吃了这只兔子作为早饭 。故选 C。 【小题 5】考查形容词辨析及对语境的理解。你锋利的牙齿让我感到很紧张。 A. sad悲哀的; B.excited振奋人心的; C.nervous焦虑的,紧张的; D.happy快乐的。故选 C。 【小题 6】

23、考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。我只是来这儿帮助你工作。 A.food食物; B.work工作; C.story故事; D.friends朋友。根据下文,我明天会回来帮你挖洞,可知选 B。 【小题 7】考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。第二天,狐狸返回湖边。 A.breakfast早饭; B.house房子; C.lake湖; D.mountain山。根据文章第一段可知,这个故事发生在湖边。故选 C。 【小题 8】考查形容词辨析及对语境的理解。在那时他前一天遇到的那只兔子开始上串下跳发出很大的声音来警告他的朋友。 A. loud大声的; B.low低的;C.usual普通的; D.dangerous危险

24、的。故选 A。 【小题 9】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。所有的兔子,甚至鱼都很快消失了。A.returned返回; B.shouted叫; C.entered进入; D.disappeared消失。故选 D。 【小题 10】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。可怜的狐狸 什么都抓不到,最后只能吃水果。 A. growing种植; B.eating吃; C.picking捡; D.selling卖。故选 B。 考点:故事类阅读。 阅读理解 任务型阅读(共 5小题,每小题 2分,计 10分) Chria Hass invented a basketball training tool for childr

25、en . At that time , he was only 9 years old. One day, when Chris was playing basketball with his friends, he saw them miss many easy shots(投篮 )。 Chris was the son of a basketball coach and he knew much about the best way of shooting. After showing it to his friends, he came up with a good idea. He t

26、hought that he could invent a tool for his friends. In this way, they could practice shooting in a right way. After he went home, he told his father the idea. With his fathers help, Chris started to carry out his plan. He took a basketball and painted two hands on it. The hands showed people the bes

27、t way to hold a _ while trying to shoot. Then he joined in an invention competition at his school with the invention, but he didnt win. He was sad but didnt give up. With the help of his parents, he patented ( 获得专利权 ) the invention and tried to sell it. Sadly, Chris couldnt sell his invention until

28、one year and a half later, a sports company bought it. The company brought the invention to market and a lot of people could practice shooting with its help. 1题完成句子; 2题简略回答问题; 3题将文中横线处空缺的一个单词写在下面的横线上; 4题找出并写下全文的主题句; 5题将 文中划线句子译成中文。 【小题 1】 After showing how to shoot to his friends, Chris _ the good i

29、dea of inventing a tool for his friends. 【小题 2】 How long did it take Chris before he sold his invention _ 【小题 3】_. 【小题 4】_ 【小题 5】_ 答案:【小题 1】 came up with 【小题 2】 One year and a half./ One and a half year. 【小题 3】 basketball 【小题 4】 Chris Hass invented a basketball training tool for children. 【小题 5】这家公司

30、把这个发明投入市场,从而很多人能够在它的帮助下练习投篮。 试题分析: Chris九岁时发明了篮球训练工具。在父母的帮助下,他获得了专利权,不过直到一年后他才卖出这项发明。那家公司把这个发明投入市场,从而很多人能够在它的帮助下练习投篮。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三句, 可知 Chris向朋友展示如何投篮后,提出了一个好主意。故填 came up with,提出。 【小题 2】细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第一句,可知 Chris直到一年半后才可以卖他的发明。故答案:为 One year and a half.或者也可写作 One and a half year. 【小题 3】单词推

31、理题。根据前一句 “他拿出一个篮球并在上面画上两只手 ”,可推知本句想表达的意思是,手展示给人们想要投篮时握住篮球的最好方式。故这里应该填的是 “basketball”,篮球。 【小题 4】主旨大意题。本文主要讲的是 Chris发明篮球训练工具,故主题句是文章第一句 “Chris Hass invented a basketball training tool for children”。 【小题 5】句子翻译题。 Market投入市场, practice shooting练习投篮,故本句翻译为 “这家公司把这个发明投入市场,从而很多人能够在它的帮助下练习投篮 ”。 考点:社会类阅读。 Wha

32、t do you think of a “ talking kitchen” A French Digital Kitchen has been developed at Newcastle University in the UK. It teaches students how to cook French food and speak French at the same time. For the first time, students can learn a language by the following cooking steps. All grammar and _ hav

33、e been carefully chosen to make sure the users can understand French well. After learning for some time, the users can test themselves by doing a short test on the computer. The kitchen project was started by Professor Paul Seedhouse. He became interested in the idea after he visited another kind of

34、 talking kitchen. He said, “ The purpose of the French Digital Kitchen is to make learning a language more interesting and more educational.” How does the kitchen work There is a computer in the kitchen. With this computer, the users can first choose a French recipe( 食谱) that they want to follow. Us

35、ing information in the computer, the kitchen starts to guide the users how to make a French dish. If you follow the instructions on the computer, it moves on to the next. If you go wrong, the program goes back and repeats the recipe or information. At any time, the users can also ask the kitchen to

36、repeat the recipe or any information. The new kitchen can be used in school, universities and even peoples homes. The researchers will also be developing the European Digital Kitchen, for the next three years. 【小题 1】 After reading the passage, we know the Digital Kitchen _. A is a “talking kitchen”.

37、 B teaches students English. C was developed in France. D cooks all food for people 【小题 2】 Which of the following can be properly put in “_” A food B vocabulary C recipe D instructions 【小题 3】 Paragraph 3 mainly tells us that _. A how the kitchen works. B where the kitchen can be used C when the kitc

38、hen can be bought D why the kitchen project was started. 【小题 4】 If the users dont follow the instructions on the computer, the kitchen _. A chooses another recipe. B goes on to the next step. C repeats the recipe or information D stops working at once. 【小题 5】 The passage is written to_ A show you ho

39、w the computer works. B introduce a French Digital Kitchen C teach you how to cook French food D tell you the importance of language learning. 答案:【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 B 试题分析:本文主要是介绍 “会说话的厨房 ”。这是一 款法语数字厨房,该厨房可以在教使用者做饭的同时教授法语。文章同时还介绍了该厨房的工作原理以及发明该厨房的原因。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据 What do yo

40、think of a “talking kitchen” A French Digital Kitchen has been developed at Newcastle University in the UK.可知电子厨房实际上是一个可以说话的厨房。故选 A。 【小题 2】单词推理题。根据前 and 的单词是 grammar,而与 grammar(语法) 同类型的单词应该是单词。故选 B。 【小题 3】细节理解题。根据 The purpose of the French Digital Kitchen is to make learning a language more interest

41、ing and more educational.可知本段主要讲的是发明电子厨房的原因。故选 D. 【小题 4】细节理解题。根据 If you go wrong,the program goes back and repeats the recipe or information.可 知,一旦出现错误的话,程序会返回去,重复之前的菜单或信息。故选 C。 【小题 5】主旨归纳题。文章主要介绍了电子厨房的工作原理、发明电子厨房的原因以及使用领域。故本文主要是介绍法语电子厨房。故选 B。 考点:知识类阅读。 Better Time for Teenagers to Keep Healthy Thin

42、gs to do Brushing teeth Drinking milk Going to bed Eating fruits Common time After getting up or before sleeping During breakfast Around 23:00 After meals Time from experts suggestions 3 minutes after meals Before sleeping Around 21:00 An hour before meals Advantages To reduce germs(细菌) in the mouth

43、 To keep bones strong and help sleep well To be good for a deep sleep To keep the body strong Warm tips Brush the tongue while brushing teeth Avoid drinking it when having a stomach-ache Sleep for at least 8 hours every night Wash carefully before eating them 【小题 1】 Teengers are used to drinking mil

44、k_ according to the information above. A before sleeping B during breakfast C 3 minutes after meals D around 21:00 【小题 2】 Teenagers often go to bed _hour(s) later than the time the experts suggest. A one B two C three D four 【小题 3】 _ and _ are helpful to keep teenagers strong according to the inform

45、ation above. A Drinking milk ; eating fruits B Going to bed ; brushing teeth C Eating fruits ; reducing germs D Drinking milk ; brushing teeth 【小题 4】 If a teenager goes to bed at the time based on the experts suggestion, the earliest time for him to get up will be_ in the morning. A 5:00 B 6:00 C 7:

46、00 D 8:00 【小题 5】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above A Some experts suggest washing fruits carelessly an hour before meals. B To brush the tongue after meals is good for a deep sleep. C People should sleep for at least 9 hours every night. D Teenagers with a stomachache had better avoid drinking milk. 答案:【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 D 试题分析:文中介绍了青少年平时刷牙、休息、喝牛奶喝吃水果的时间,及专家建议的时间。并介绍了按照专家建议做的优点及一些温馨提示。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据 Common time行 Drinking milk列表格,可知青少年习惯早餐期间喝牛奶。故选 B。 【小题 2】细节推断题。根据第四列第二个和第三个表格,可知青少年习惯 23点左右上床睡觉,而专家建议 21点左右,相差两个小时。故选 B。 【小题 3】细节理解题。根据 Ad


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