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1、2014年湖北省老河口市中考适应性考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 Your brain (大脑 ) is faster than a supercomputer. Your cat is in the k_73_. Shes going to step onto a hot oven. You have a very short time to act. When your brain r_74_ the message coming from your eyes, it quickly calculates when, where and at what speed you will n

2、eed to stop her. Then it orders your body to move. Neurons (神经系统 ) send messages to your brain at more than 150 miles an hour. A bee lands on your f_75_. The neurons in your skin send this message to your brain at a speed of more than 150 miles an hour. Your brain then passes the message to your foo

3、t to shake the bee off q_76_. When you learn, you change the structure of your brain. Riding a bike seems i_77_ at first. But soon you learn it. How As you practice, your brain sends “bike riding” messages along certain pathways (路径 ) of neurons over and over, forming new connections (关联 ). In fact,

4、 the structure of your brain changes every time you learn. It changes too whenever you have a new t_78_. Exercise helps make you s_79_. It is well known that exercises like r_80_ or playing basketball are great for your body. Scientists have recently learned that a short time after youve exercised,

5、your body produces something that makes your brain more w_81_ to learn. So if you have trouble s_82_ a math problem, go out and do exercise, then try the problem again. You might d_83_ that youre able to solve it. 答案: 【小题 1】 kitchen 【小题 2】 receives 【小题 3】 foot 【小题 4】 quickly 【小题 5】 impossible 【小题 6】

6、 thought 【小题 7】 smarter 【小题 8】 .running 【小题 9】 willing 【小题 10】 solving 【小题 11】 discover 试题分析:这篇文章主要讲述了大脑比超级电脑反应速度更快,神经元(神经系统)发送消息到您的脑子 ,时速超过 150英里,当我们学东西的时候大脑改变我们的结构,做锻炼也使我们更聪明。 【小题 1】句意:根据后文这只猫打算走上热的火炉,可知上文应填在厨房里。结合语境及所给字母提示,可知填名词 kitchen 【 小题 2】句意:当你的大脑从你的眼睛看到的收到消息的时候,根据所字母及语境,可知填动词 receives 【小题 3

7、】句意:一只蜜蜂落在你的脚上,你皮肤紧张的快速地反映到你的大脑上。根据句意可知填 foot 【小题 4】句意:你的大脑快速的把消息传到你的大脑上,像蜜蜂快速的的摇摆。结合语境和字母可知填 quickly 【小题 5】句意:骑自行车起初不可能一下学会,但是很快你就会学会,结合语境及所给字母提示,可知填 impossible 【小题 6】句意:事实上,每次你学习你的大脑结构的变化。它也改变了当你有一个新的想法。结合语境和字母提示。故填 thought名词想法。 【小题 7】句意:练习帮你跟聪明 , Make+宾语 +形容词表示使 怎么样 ,根据所给字母及语境提示,可知填 smarter 【小题 8

8、】句意:众所周知锻炼就像是跑步和打篮球一样对我们的身体有极大的益处,结合语境及所给字母提示可知填 .running介词 like+doing. 【小题 9】句意:你的身体产生一些东西是你的大脑跟愿意去学, 结合语境故填 willing 【小题 10】句意:如果你在解 决一道数学题上又困难, have trouble doing sth表示解决什么事有困难。根据所给字母及语境,填 solving。 【小题 11】句意:你可能会发现你能解决它,根据 miaht 情态动词加动词原形,根据所给字母提示及语境,填 discover 考点:单词填空。 单项选择 * -We are flying to Fr

9、ance on vacation. We will arrive _ Paris _ the morning of May 20th. -Have a good time. A at; in B in; in C in; on D at; on 答案: C 试题分析: arrive in +大地方; on+具体的日期。根据题意 : -我们将飞往法国去度假 -我们将在 5月 20日的上午到达巴黎 -祝你玩的开心。根据题意故选C 考点:考查用法介词的。 - Miss Lee, I didnt catch what you said just now. Could you tell me _ aga

10、in -OK. A what should we take B where shall we meet C when we would start D how we will get there 答案: D 试题分析:本题是考查宾语从句的用法,主意时态和语态要和原句保持一致,时态用一般时,过用一般将来时。句意 : -李老师,我刚才不能跟上你所讲的,请你再告诉我我们将怎样到达那好吗?根据题意故选 D 考点:考查宾语从句的用法。 -Joe _ from the top of the house and was badly hurt. -Im sorry to hear that. A droppe

11、d B walked C moved D returned 答案: A 试题分析: A、 dropped 落下; B、 walked 走; C、 moved移动; D、 returned归还;句意 : - Joe从从房顶摔下来伤的很严重 -我听到这感到很难过。根据题意故选 A 考点:考查动词辨析。 -_ place it is! -Yes. Every day lots of people come here. A How beautiful B What beautiful C What a beautiful D How a beautiful 答案: C 试题分析:本题考查感叹句 wha

12、t a/an形容词名词主语谓语 主要修饰名词。 eg:what a fine day it is!。句意 : -它是多么漂亮的一个地方呀 -是的,每天许多人们来这。根据题意故选 C. 考点:考查感叹句。 -My sister Sally had a bad cold. _, she went to work as usual. -She should go to see a doctor. A Though B Although C Because D However 答案: D 试题分析: A、 Though 尽管,虽然; B、 Although 尽管; C、 Because 因为 ; D、

13、However然而;根据语境可知表示转折关系。句意 : -我的妹妹萨里感冒了,然而她还照常去工作 -她应该去看医生。根据题意故选 D 考点:考查连词短语辨析。 - Not only my friend but also I _ interested in football. What about you - I like playing basketball. A be B is C am D are 答案: C 试题分析: Not only. but also. 表示不仅 而且 当连接两个主语是谓语动词采用就近原则。句意 : -不仅我的朋友而且我对足球感兴趣,你那? -我喜欢打篮球。根据题意

14、故选 C. 考点:考查动词的形式。 -At present, one of the best ways to study is working in groups. -More chances _ to students to learn from each other. A offer B are offered C have offered D are offering 答案: B 试题分析:根据语境可知用被动语态。 Be done的结构句意 : -目前,做好的学习方式之一就是小组合作,给学生们提供更多的的学习的机会。根据题意故选 B. 考点:考查动词的语态。 -Havent I told

15、 you that you should get home earlier -Yes, but I _ home earlier than I usually do. A was coming B will come C came D had come 答案: C 试题分析:根据语境可知用一般过去式,表示今天比以往回家早。根据题意 : -我没有告诉你你应该早点到家吗? -是的,但是比我平时回家早点。根据题意故选 C. 考点:考查动词的时态。 -Look at these stamps. I _ them for five years. -Wow, they are wonderful. A k

16、ept B have kept C have bought D bought 答案: B 试题分析:根据语境可知用现在完成时, for+一段时间要求这句子的谓语动词用持续的故用 have kept。句意 : -看这些邮票,我已经买了他们五年了。 -他们太完美了。根据题意故选 B. 考点:考查动词的时态。 - What are you doing -Im _ the Internet. A looking at B looking through C looking up D look after 答案: B 试题分析: A、 looking at 看 ;B 、 looking through浏

17、览; C、 looking up 查字典: D、 look after照看、照顾。句意 : -你正在做什么? -我正在上网。根据题意故选 B. 考点:考查动词短语辨析。 -My dream is to be a teacher. -Really You must _ children, I think. A be good at B be good for C be afraid of D be good with 答案: D 试题分析: A、 be good at 擅长 ; B、 be good for对什么有益; C、 be afraid of 害怕 ; D、 be good with对

18、好;句意 : -我的梦想是成为一名老师。 -真的吗?我认为你必须对孩子们好。根据题意故选 D 考点:考查短 语辨析。 - Why are you so , Helen -I thought I had lost my purse, but I didnt. I found it in my study! A angry B happy C sad D nervous 答案: B 试题分析: A、 angry 生气的; B、 happy高兴的; C、 sad悲伤的; D、 nervous紧张的;句意 : -你为什么如此的高兴,海伦 -我原以为我已经丢了我的钱包,但是我没丢,我发现它在我的书房。根

19、据题意故选 B. 考点:考查形容词的语辨析。 - Does Mary work carefully -Yes. I think she works _ in our class. A much carefully B more carefully C most carefully D much more carefully 答案: C 试题分析:在有范围的比较级中如 of或 in的短语中用做高级。根据题意 : -玛丽工作认真吗? -是的,我认为她在我们班工作是做努力的。修饰动词副词故用 carefully的最高级借助 most来构成。根据题意故选 C 考点:考查副词最高级。 -Daddy, s

20、hall we go swimming now -Sorry. Its not the right _. Im too tired. A way B weather C place D moment 答案: D 试题分析: A、 way 方式; B、 weather 天气; C、 place 地方; D、 moment 此刻,现在;根据题意 : -爸爸,我现在能去游泳吗? -对不起,现在不是时候,我太累了。根据题意故选 D 考点:考查名词的辨析。 -The books are so nice. Which one can I take -Oh, you can take _ of them.

21、Ill keep none. A both B all C neither D either 答案: B 试题分析: A、 both of 表示两者都; B、 all of 表示三者或三者以上都; C、neither of 表示两者都不; D、 either of表示两者中的一个。根据题意 : -这些书是如此的漂亮,我能带走那本? -你可以把他们全部带走,我将一本不留。根据题意故选 B. 考点:考查代词的辨析。 阅读理解 February has long been a month of romance. With the sweet smell of roses in the air, ro

22、mantic films hit cinemas and love stories fill newspapers and magazines. On the 14th day, it is a custom for a boy to take his girlfriend out to dinner, buy her flowers and chocolates, write poems, sing to her or even spell out her name with rose petals! This is what you see on Valentines Day, a day

23、 named after Valentine who was a priest in the third century Rome. When the emperor decided that single men could become better soldiers than those with wives, he didnt allow marriage. But Valentine continued to perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers secretly. When his actions were discovered,

24、 the emperor sentenced (宣判 ) him to death. While in prison (监狱 ), it is said that Valentine fell in love with the daughter of his prison guard. Before his death, he wrote her a letter, which he signed “From your Valentine”, an expression that is still in use today. Valentine died for what he believe

25、d in and so he was made a Saint (圣徒 ), as well as becoming one of historys most romantic characters. Nowadays, Valentines Day is also popular among Chinese young people. Some students are planning to make Valentines cards for parents, teachers and friends. Others want to hold parties at which they w

26、ill exchange small gifts and eat heart-shaped cakes. The idea is to have fun and encourage people to share in the spirit of St. Valentine. 【小题 1】 Why did the emperor in Rome not allow marriage in his country A Because there were few women in his country at that time. B Because he thought men without

27、 wives could be better soldiers. C Because there wasnt enough food for so many people. D Because he wanted to control the birth rate. 【小题 2】 Valentine was put into prison because _. A he killed one of the soldiers B he stole a lot of food C he didnt obey the emperors order D he didnt want to be a so

28、ldier 【小题 3】 The last paragraph mainly tells us _. A students in China send cards to their teachers B it is a good idea to celebrate (庆祝 )Valentines Day in China C it is interesting to celebrate Valentines Day in China D Valentines Day is also popular in China now 【小题 4】 The best title for this pass

29、age should be_. A Valentines Day B A Brave Priest C Valentines Day in China D A Romantic Man 答案: Qi Haoran, a Junior Grade One student at a High School Attached to Harbin Institute of Technology, was quite busy over the past winter holiday and not just with homework. Qi, together with 10 other class

30、mates made a volunteer group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign(光盘行动) . These students went to many restaurants and told people the importance of saving food. “Excuse me, do you know that 950 million people around the world still havent got enough to eat Please dont waste food.”

31、 They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day. The Clean Your Plate Campaign began on the Internet in January. It calls on people to reduce food waste. China in recent years has experienced serious problems with wasted food. CCTV reported in January that the food Chinese people wast

32、e every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year. Chinese people are well-known for being hospitable(好客的) and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food. Luckily, the campaign has got a lot of support. In a restaurant in Xinjiang, the owner gives

33、 the guests who have eaten up all that they ordered a sticker. People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10 stickers. More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers home. To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time. It

34、s important that everyone does their bit, just like Qi. Did you finish your meals today 【小题 1】 The Clean Your Plate Campaign started _ in January. A in a big restaurant B in a CCTV programme C in a high school D on the Internet 【小题 2】 The restaurant owner in Xinjiang _ to support the campaign. A gav

35、e the guests a sticker if they ate up the food B offered the guests 10 stickers if they ordered a lot C offered smaller dishes to the guests D encouraged customers to take leftovers home 【小题 3】 You can probably read this passage _. A in a science book B in a newspaper C in a tourist guide D in an ad

36、vertisement 答案: London used to be “foggy”( 有雾的) for the same reason that cities like Beijing or Chongqing are “foggy” today. The “fog” was in fact smog(烟雾) , a mixture of smoke and fog In other words, it was made by air pollution. In London, some of this pollution came from factories, but much of it

37、 came from the coal(煤 )that people burnt in their houses to keep warm during the winter. By the 1950s, Londons smog problem had become so bad that the government decided to do something to clean the air. A new law was made and nobody could burn coal in any British city. In a few years, the air becam

38、e much cleaner. There were no more “pea-soupers”. Many Chinese cities now face the same sort of problem with air pollution that London faced 40 or 50 years ago. However, this problem is more difficult for Chinese cities to solve. One reason is that more of the pollution comes from the factories, rat

39、her than from coal burnt in peoples houses. If these factories were closed, this would harm the economy and lots of people would lose their jobs. Another reason is that changing from coal to cleaner fuel(燃料 ), like gas, is quite expensive. However, the air in many Chinese cities is becoming cleaner

40、and cleaner, as the government and people pay more and more attention to cutting down pollution. As a result, there are fewer “pea-soupers” in Beijing than there used to be. 【小题 1】 What was the main reason for air pollution in London A There was too much smoke in the sky B There were too many factor

41、ies in the city C People burnt too much coal in the houses D The city was too big for the cleaners to clean 【小题 2】 What does the underlined word “pea-soupers” refer to A Smog B Smoke C Gas D Coal 【小题 3】 Which sentence is Not true A Air pollution is serious in Beijing and Chongqing B Using coal is mu

42、ch more expensive than using gas C Factories made much more pollution in China D The reasons of air pollution in London and Beijing are different 答案: I had the meanest (最吝啬的 ) mother in the whole world. While other kids were_ candy for breakfast, I had to have porridge, eggs or toast. _ others had C

43、okes and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich. But at least I wasnt_ when I was sad. My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did. My mother _ to know where we were all the time. She knew who our friends were and where we were going. We had to wear clean clothes and take a bath e

44、very day. While the other kids could wear the same _ for days. We could not lie in bed sick in order to miss school. The worst is yet to come. We had to be in bed by nine each night and get up at six the next morning. We couldnt sleep _ noon like our friends. So while they slept, my mother was brave

45、 to _ the Child Labour Law (儿童劳动法 ). She made us work. We had to wash dishes, make beds, and learn to cook and all kinds of things at home. I believe she lay awake _ all things for us to do. But my mother was successful as a mother. All of _ children received further education. She forced us to grow

46、 up into educated and honest adults. I am trying to keep my three children this way. I am filled with _ when my children call me mean. Because I had the meanest mother in the world, and yet she gave me a happy life. 【小题 1】 A selling B buying C making D eating 【小题 2】 A Until B Before C When D After 【

47、小题 3】 A alone B excited C tired D worried 【小题 4】 A wanted B seemed C asked D preferred 【小题 5】 A clothes B hats C glasses D shoes 【小题 6】 A by B on C at D in 【小题 7】 A follow B break C obey D make 【小题 8】 A thinking of B thinking over C thinking about D thinking up 【小题 9】 A her B his C your D my 【小题 10】 A sadness B pride C fear D surprise 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】


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