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1、2013-2014学年辽宁省丹东市第七中学八年级下期中英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 Once there was a boy in New York. His name is Sam. He started painting at the age of four, and when he was five, he was already very good at it. He painted many beautiful pictures, and a lot of people bought his pictures .Sams pictures were different from o

2、ther peoples because he never painted on all of paper. He painted on half of it, and the other half was always empty. “ Thats very clever,” everybody said, “ No other painters have ever done that !” One day somebody asked him ,” Please tell me this, Sam .Why do you paint on the bottom(底部) half of yo

3、ur pictures , but not on the top half ” “ Because Im short,” Sam said, “ and my brushes cant reach very high.” 【小题 1】 Which country did Sam live in _ 【 小题 2】 Was Sam good at painting when he was five _ 【小题 3】 What did Sam do with his pictures _ 【小题 4】 Were Sams pictures the same as others _ 【小题 5】 W

4、hy didnt Sam paint on all of the paper _ 答案: 【小题 1】 In the US 【小题 2】 Yes, he was. 【小题 3】 He sold them to people. 【小题 4】 No,they wont 【小题 5】 Because he wasnt tall enough. 试题分析:曾经纽约有一个小男孩叫山姆。他四岁开始画画,五岁擅长画画。他的画非常漂亮,许多人买他的画。他的画与众不同之处在于他从不画满整张画纸,只是一半。大家都说这个做法很聪明,没有画家这么做过。有人问他为什么这么做,他说是因为不够高。 【小题 1】根据 Onc

5、e there was a boy in New York. 可以判断他住在纽约,所以是美国。 【小题 2】根据 and when he was five, he was already very good at it.可以判断他五岁擅长画画。 【小题 3】根据 He painted many beautiful pictures, and a lot of people bought his pictures .可以判断他画的画都卖出去了。 【小题 4】根据 Sams pictures were different from other peoples because he never pa

6、inted on all of paper. He painted on half of it, and the other half was always empty.可以判断他的画与众不同。 【小题 5】根据 “ Because Im short,” Sam said, “ and my brushes cant reach very high.”可知是因为它不够高。 考点:阅读表达。 A: Hey, Peter, whats wrong B: I had a fight with my best friend. What _【小题 1】 _ I do A: Well, you could

7、 write him a letter. B: I dont think so, although its a good _【小题 2】 _. I m just not very good at writing. A: Maybe you should _【小题 3】 _him up. B: No, I dont want to talk it on the phone. A: But you _【小题 4】 _ should talk to him so that you can say youre sorry. B: Yes, I know I should I should, but i

8、ts not _【小题 5】 _. 答案: 【小题 1】 should 【小题 2】 idea 【小题 3】 call 【小题 4】 really 【小题 5】 easy 试题分析:对话讲述了 B向 A说了他遇到的一个困难,他和朋友打架了,他应该做什么。 A给 B的建议是写信,但是 B不擅长写作。 A让 B给他的朋 友打电话和他好好谈谈。 B认为他应该这么做,但是这么做起来真的不容易。 【小题 1】 B 向 A 阐述了他和朋友打架的问题,所以他在向 A 求救,所以问的是他应该怎么做。填 should。 【小题 2】 A向 B提出了一个写信的建议,所以 B的回答的是那时一个好的主意。所以填 id

9、ea。 【小题 3】根据下一句 B: No, I dont want to talk it on the phone.可知 A给 B的第二个建议是让他打电话。所以填 call。 【小题 4】 B不想打电话, A要说服 B真的需要打个电话,强调语气程度,所以用 really。 【小题 5】 B认为自己的确需要打个电话,但是他又克服不了自己的心理,所以他说这是不容易的。所以填 easy。 考点:对话填空。 A: Hi, Jim. How was your weekend B: Wonderful. _【小题 1】 _ A: Not bad . I phoned you at five oclock

10、 yesterday afternoon . 【小题 2】 B: I was playing ping_pong with my friend at that time. 【小题 3】 A: I was chatting with my friends on the Internet. We talked a lot about the ways of learning English. B: Sounds great ! A: Yes. I phoned you and wanted you to join us. B:【小题 4】 . What did they say about tha

11、t A: One of my friends thinks: First , we should practice listening to English a lot. Then we should speak it out. B: I quite agree . Please let me know next time. A: 【小题 5】 . Bye . B : Bye . A: What a pity! B: What about yours C: But nobody answered. D: What did you do yesterday afternoon . E: What

12、 were you doing yesterday afternoon . F: Thats great! G: No problem . 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 E 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 G 试题分析:本对话主要讲述了 A和 B之间的对话。首先 A问了 B周末的情况, B在打乒乓球。 A在周末和他的朋友在网上网上聊天。他们谈论了许多关于学习英语的方法。 A的一个朋友认为首先他们应该经常联系听英语。然后他们应该勇敢地说出来。 B非常赞成 A说的观点,打算以后那么做。 【小题 1】根据 A的答语 Not bad可知,上一句是 B问 A假期过的怎么样,简

13、便说话就是 What about yours?故选 B。 【小题 2】根据答语 I was playing ping_pong with my friend at that time.可知 B没有接 A的电话。故选 C。 【小题 3】根据下文 I was chatting with my friends on the Internet. 是在问过去那时在做什么。故选 E。 【小题 4】根据上文 B错过了一次好的机会,所以表示遗憾。故选A。 【小题 5】根据上文 Please let me know next time.可知是请人帮忙,所以用 No problem回答。 考点:情景交际 单项选择

14、 * The radio is too noisy. Would you please _ a little A turn it down B turn it up C turn it on D turn it off 答案: A 试题分析:句意:收音机太吵闹了,你可以关小点吗? A调小 B调大 C打开(电器) D关闭(电器);因为前半句是声音太吵闹了,并且后一句中有 a little,可以判断句子的意思是调小一点。 Turn off 不与 a little连用。故选 A. 考点:考查固定短语的用法。 I was surfing the Internet my brother was doin

15、g his homework. A after B because C while D When 答案: C 试题分析:句意:当我的弟弟在做作业的时候,我在上网。 A在 之后 B因为 C当 时候(同时进行) D当 .时候,就在这时;此题中两个动作同时进行,而且连词后是进行时态。所以要用while。故选 C. 考点:考查时间状语从句的用法。 - Were you at home at 9:00 pm yesterday - Yes, I for a call from Paris at that time. A was waiting B am waiting C will wait D Wai

16、ted 答案: A 试题分析:句意: -昨天下午 9点你在家吗? -是的那时我正在等来自巴黎的电话。昨天九点钟发生的事情,所以要用过去进行时。故选 A. 考点:考查过去进行时的用法。 David. we _ sugar. Could you go and buy some A. have been run out of B. have run out of C have been run out D. have run out 答案: B 试题分析:句意:我们的糖已经用光了。你能再去买些吗? Run out of 的意思是用光。这里强调的是糖用光了的结果,而不是时间所以要用现在完成时。主语是

17、we,所以不需要用被动语态。故选 B. 考点:考查固定短语的用法。 I enjoy playing computer games, but I cant _ too much time _that. A take; doing B spend; doing C spend; on doing D take; to do 答案: B 试题分析:句意:我喜欢玩电子游戏,但是我不能在那上面花费太多的时间。花费时间做某事, spend.(in)doing sth。故选 B. 考点:考查固定短语的用法。 【小题 1】 Jeff was busy _( sweep) the floor yesterday

18、. 【小题 2】 We planned _( spend) our holiday in Qingdao. 【小题 3】 Shirley _(help)her mother when the bell rang. 【小题 4】 The children enjoyed _(they) in the museum last Sunday. 【小题 5】 Theres no need for Lily _(have) so many after_school classes. 答案: 【小题 1】 sweeping 【小题 2】 to spend 【小题 3】 was helping 【小题 4】

19、 themselves 【小题 5】 to have 试题分析: 【小题 1】句意,昨天 Jeff正在忙着扫地。 Be busy doing 。所以填写 sweeping。 【小题 2】句意,我们打算在青岛度假。 Plan to do,计划做某事。所以填 to spend。 【小题 3】句意,当电话响了的时候, Shirley正在帮她的妈妈。过去一点时间正在做某事要用过去进行时态。 【小题 4】句意, 上周日,孩子们在博物馆里玩的很愉快。 Enjoy oneself玩的愉快。 【小题 5】句意,对于 lily来说没必要上这么多的课后辅导课。Theres no need for sb to do

20、. 对于某人来说做某事是不必要的。 考点:语法填空。 There is with my computer, so I cant finish the work on time today. A wrong anything B wrong something C something wrong D nothing wrong 答案: C 试题分析:句意:我的电脑坏了,因此我今天不能按时完成工作。根据第二句不能按时完成工作,可知是坏了。修饰不定代词的词后置, there is something wrong with sth,某物坏了。故选 C. 考点:考查不定代词的用法。 I _my scho

21、ol ID card at home. May I go home and get it A forgot B remembered C left D missed 答案: C 试题分析:句意:我把我的校园卡落到了家里。我可 以回家去拿吗? A忘记 B记住 C离开,落下 D思念,错过;把某物落到某地要用 leave。故选 C. 考点:考查动词的用法。 The children are _ in studying. A interest B interesting C interests D Interested 答案: D 试题分析:句意:孩子们对学习感兴趣。 A兴趣(名词) B有趣的 C兴趣

22、 D感兴趣的;这里考查的是固定短语 be interested in。故选D. 考点:考查固定短语的用法。 - Could you do _ for me, please Yes, with pleasure A something B anything C nothing D Everything 答案: A 试题分析:句意:请你为我做点事好吗?好的,很高兴。 A某物,某事 B任何事情 C什么没有 D一切;一般情况下,在一般疑问句中和否定句中要用 any不用 some,这里是希望得到肯定回答。所以用something。故选 A. 考点:考查不定代词的用法 Would you like to

23、go fishing with me Sorry. I have lots of homework _ A to do B do C doing D Did 答案: A 试题分析:句意:你想要和我一起钓鱼吗?对不起,我又许多的作业要做。此题考查的是动词不定式做定语。 To do做 homework的定语。故选 A. 考点:考查动词不定式的用法。 - My dream is to be a scientist. - Sounds good. I hope it will . A come on B come in C come true D come out 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -我的

24、梦想是成为一名科学家。 -听起来很棒。我希望它会实现。 A快点 B进来 C实现 D出版,开放;题中的意思是梦想实现,因此用 come true。故选 C. 考点:考查固定短语的用法。 ou could ask the teacher for help. _ Teachers are always helpful. A I think so. B I disagree. C I am afraid not. D I dont think so. 答案: A 试题分析:句意:你可以向老师寻求帮助。我也是这么认为的。老师们经常是非常有帮助的。 A我是这么认为的 B我不同意 C恐怕不行 D 我不是这么

25、认为的;根据答语中后一句,可以判断回答的人同意上面的观点。故选 A. 考点:考查交际用语的用法。 Clean-Up Day is coming. How to let more people know it We could _ advertisements after school. A call up B put off C hand out D think up 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -清理日要来了。如何让更多的人了解它? -我们可以再放学后分发广告。 A召集,召唤 B延迟 C分发 D想出,设计出;根据题意,分发广告让大家知道。故选 C. 考点:考查固定短语的用法。 _ Davy

26、 called me, I was sleeping. A Until B When C While D Because 答案: B 试题分析:句意:当 Davy给我打电话的时候,我正在睡觉。 A知道 B当 时候 C当 时 候(后接进行时) D因为;根据题意,是时间状语从句,因为从句部分是一般过去时。所以不能用 while。故选 B. 考点:考查连词的用法。 Linda used _long hair. Now she has short hair. A having B to have C has D Had 答案: B 试题分析:句意: Linda曾经留着长发。现在她是短发。这里考查的是固

27、定短语 used to do 曾经做某事。故选 B. 考点:考查固定短语的用法。 完型填空 Dear Dad. Happy birthday to you ! On this special day Id like to talk to you a special way. I dont think Im good at you my thoughts face to face. so Im writing to you to express my love for you. Youre neither rich nor famous, but in my heart, you are one

28、 of the greatest in the world. Im you. You have been interested in fame and wealth (财富 ). You always work hard to get your work . The smile on your face shows youre pleased with the family. You take good care of my grandparents. You help me with my schoolwork and go shopping with Mom on Sundays. In

29、the past , I dont care you were with me or not. Now I am sorry to say I you my respect ( 尊重 ) before. But I am thankful for what you have done for me. I am quite lucky that I have a good father. I am happy that now I can let you how much I love you. You arc successful as a son, a husband. a father a

30、nd a friend. I hope youll be happy forever Yours , David 【小题1】 A in B at C by D on 【小题2】 A talking B saying C speaking D telling 【小题3】 A businessmen B man C men D worker 【小题4】 A worried about B proud of C afraid of D sorry for 【小题5】 A always B ever C already D never 【小题6】 A done B doing C does D did

31、 【小题7】 A whether B that C what D where 【小A will show B dont show C didnt show D have shown 题8】 【小题9】 A too B so C very D such 【小题10】 A to know B know C knew D Knowing 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 B 试题分析:这是大卫给爸爸写的一封信,大卫不擅长与父亲面对面交谈,所以要写信表

32、达。大卫认为爸爸是世界上最伟大的人之一。他的爸爸总是努力地工作。他爸爸脸上的微笑显示了她对家庭很满意。他照顾爷爷奶奶,帮助大卫学习。大卫表达了之前没有向爸爸表示尊重而感到抱歉。为爸爸以前为自己做的事而感谢。为现在能够让爸爸知道自己多么爱他而感到高兴。 【小题 1】 . 考查介词及语境的理解。句意,在这特殊的日子里,我要以特殊的方式和你谈话。 A. in 在 里 B. at 在 ( 时间点,地点) C. By直到,通过(方式) D. On在 上面;在某一天;这里是以一种特殊的方式, in 和 way(方式)连用。故选 A。 【小题 2】 . 考查动名词及语境的理解。句意,我不认为我擅长面对面告诉

33、你我的想法。 A. Talking谈论 B. saying 说(后面是说的话)C. Speaking讲(语言) D. Telling告诉;根据句意,告诉想法。故选D。 【小题 3】 . 考查名词及语境的理解。句意,你不富有也不出名,但是在我心里,你是最伟大的人之一。 A. businessmen 商人 B. man 男人(单数) C.men 人,男人(复数) D. worker工人;根据文章内容是写给爸爸的信,又因为是 one of,后面接复数,所以可以判断是men。故选 C。 【小题 4】 . 考查固定短语及语境的理解。句意,我以你为自豪。 A. worried about 担心 B. pr

34、oud of 以 为骄傲,自豪 C. afraid of 害怕 D. sorry for 为 感到伤心,抱歉 ; 根据上文, David认为他的爸爸是世界上最伟大的人之一,可以判断是以有这样的爸爸感到自豪。故选 B。 【小题 5】 .考查副词及语境的理解。句意,你从不对名气和财富感兴趣。 A. always总是 B. ever 曾经 C. already已经 D. never从不;根据上下文可以判断, David的爸爸是一个勤勤恳恳工作的人,可以判断不是一个对名利感兴趣的人。故选 D。 【小题 6】 . 考查非谓语动词及语境的理解。句意,你总是努力工作去完成工作。 A. done do 的过去

35、分词 B. doing do的现在分词 C. does do的单三形式 D. did do的过去式;本题考查的是短语 get sth done,故选 A。 【小题 7】 . 考查宾语从句和语境的理解。句意,我不介意你是否能陪我。 A. whether是否 B. that 那个 C. what 什么 D. where哪里;因为句末有 or not,可以判断前面要用 whether。故选 A。 【小题 8】 . 考查一般过去时及语境的理解。句意,很抱歉的说我以前没有尊重你。 A. will show将要展示 B. dont show不展示(一般现在时) C. didnt show 没有展示(一般过

36、去时) D. have shown已经展示(现在完成时);根据后面的 before,可以判断是一般过去时。故选 C。 【小题 9】 . 考查副词及语境的理解。句意,我有如 此好的一个爸爸感到非常幸运。 A. too 太 B. so 如此 C. very 非常 D. such如此; such的用法是 such a/an adj n(可数名词单数)。故选 D。 【小题 10】 . 考查非谓语动词及语境的理解。句意,我很高兴能够让你知道我多么的爱你。 A. to know 知道 B. know 知道 C. knew 知道(过去式) D. Knowing知道(现在分词); let sb do,故选 B

37、。 考点:日常生活类短文。 阅读理解 Surveys show that about 90% of junior high school students use QQ. Their QQ spaces(空间 ) tell a lot about their personalities. Three students are showing off their QQ spaces here. Lets see how different their QQ spaces are! Cool and popular 12, Shenzhen: “Being cool” is my lifestyl

38、e. You can find only two colors in my QQ space: black and white. 来源 :学科网 ZXXK You can also find lots of cool things in my zone like magic tricks (魔术 ). I find popular magic trick videos on the Internet and put them on my QQ zone. Magic trick fans leave messages in my zone. We can discuss a trick and

39、 find out how it works. I also do magic tricks myself. It makes me popular with girls. dreamy poet 13, Beijing: I like dreams(梦 ) and poems (诗歌 ). Ive made my QQ zone a dreamy place. My QQ zone is pink, the color of a dream. You can read beautiful stories there. I collected them from other peoples Q

40、Q zones. I also put touching (感人的 ) poems there. I hope my zone can give visitors a warm feeling. Call me an adventurer 13, Anhui: I love adventures (冒险 ). Id like to live a different kind of life. In reality (现实 ), it seems I cant. But in my QQ zone, I make my dreams come true by playing games like

41、 QQ Farm. Im so happy when the vegetables and animals in my farm grow bigger. Its also exciting to “steal”(偷 ) vegetables from my friends farms. 【小题 1】 From the passage, we can guess “dreamy poet” must be a _person. A. wild B. cool C. emotional(感情丰富的 ) 【小题 2】 If you like magic tricks, you can visit

42、_QQ space. A. Cool and populars B. dreamy poets C. Call me an adventurers 【小题 3】 “Call me an adventurer” wants a _life. A. dangerous B. different C. relaxing 【小题 4】 The underlined word “personalities” may mean _. A. 外貌 B. 性格 C.表情 【小题 5】 The best title(题目 )of the passage may be _. A. I want to be coo

43、l B. My dream C. My QQ space 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 试题分析:文章主要讲述了一项调查显示了 90%的初中生使用QQ。他们的 QQ空间显示除了他们的个性。文中举出三个例子。一个学生的空间主要是黑白的,里面有从网络中搜索来的魔术视频。第二个学生的空间被主人称作是梦的地方,她的 QQ空间是粉色的。里面主要是感人的诗歌。第三个空间主人喜欢冒险,他的空间主要是玩例如 QQ农场的小游戏。 【小题 1】 推理判断题。根据原文 I hope my zone can give visitors a warm

44、feeling.可以推断 是感情丰富的。故选 C。 【小题 2】细节理解题。根据原文内容第一位学生的空间是关于魔术的。故选 A。 【小题 3】细节理解题。根据题干可以推测是第三个学生的空间。根据原文 Id like to live a different kind of life.可知选 B。 【小题 4】词义猜测题。文章主要讲述了三个初中生的 QQ空间的不同特点,可以推测, personality的意思是性格,个性。故选 B。 【小题 5】标题归纳题。文章主要讲述的是 QQ空间。故选 C。 考点:社会现象类阅读。 Jane was not a good student. Her head w

45、as in the clouds(处于幻想之中 ) most of the time. She wanted to listen in class, but other things seemed more important: her clothes, her hairstyle, films and television. Many times she tried to work hard at her lessons, but soon she became absent-minded. One day, her math teacher gave the class an import

46、ant lesson and told her students that there would be a test the next week. She helped them review all the week. Jane seemed to listen in class, but her mind went away again. The day of the test arrived. Jane couldnt answer many of the questions on the exam. Mike, a very hard-working student, sat nex

47、t to Jane. So Jane decided to copy his. Mike was very angry when he found Jane was copying his answers. He changed all his answers so that they were not right. Before the bell rang, Mike quickly changed his answers back into right ones. After the test, Mike turned to Jane and said, “ All those answers you copied from my paper are wrong.” 【小题 1】 Jane thought a lot of things except _. A. her clothes B. her study C. films and television 【小题 2】 The math teacher helped her students review for a weekbecause _. A. there would be an English te


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