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1、2011-2012学年安徽桐城黄岗初中初二上期阶段检测(二)英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * Tom is tall, but his sisters, Mary and Kathy, short. A are both B all are C are all D both are 答案: A 试题分析:根据英语中副词应放在助动词之后,实意动词之前的用法,可将BD排除;又根据前面的 Mary and Kathy可知,应该是两者,故用 both。所以本题选 A。 考点:本题考查副词。 点评:做本题时,需要注意两点,一是副词的位置(如 all both、 never、 ever等);一是注意

2、 both和 all的用法。 All是指三者或三者以上,而 both是指两者。 Mum, can I have something Oh, dear.You can only drink some water.There is in the kitchen. A to drink; nothing else B drink; something else C to eat; something else D eating; nothing else 答案: A 试题分析:根据修饰不定代词应该用动词不定式的用法,可将 BD排除;根据后面的 water可知,本空应该是喝的东西,故用 drink;另

3、外根据前面 only drink some water可知,厨房中应该是没有其他东西了,故 nothing else。所以本题选A 考点:本题考查不定代词。 点评:本题考查不定代词的两个方面,一是动词不定式修饰不定代词;一个是根据语境区分 something和 nothing。 When you to learn to skate Five years ago. A do; start B will; start C had; started D did; start 答案: D 试题分析:根据答语 Five years ago可知,本句应该是一般过去时,本句的意思是 “你什么时候开始学滑冰的

4、? ”故本题应该选 D, 考点:本题考查的时态。 点评:对于考查时态的题目,应该看动作发生的时间,根据时间确定应用的时态。 I saw Mr Li into the school library just now. A went B goes C going D go 答案: D 试题分析:根据 see sb do/doing的用法,将 AB排除; see sb doing表示看到某人正在做某事,是表示看到动作发生的一部分;而 see sb do表示看到某人经常做某事或看到动作发生的整个过程。根据题意可知,题干表示看到进入房间的整个过程,故用 come。所以本题选 D。 考点:本题考查动词。

5、点评:做本题需要正确区分 see后面跟 do和 doing的情况,像这样的词还有notice、 watch、 hear等。本题有一定的难度。 Did they the English speaking competition A join B joined in C take part in D make part in 答案: C 试题分析:根据 did后面跟动词原形的用法,可将 B排除;根据题干,本句的意思是 “他们参加了英语演讲比赛吗? ”“参加 ”是 join和 take part in。 Join表示参加一种组织, take part in表示参加某项活动, competition是

6、活动,故 take part in。所以本题选 C 。 考点:本题考查动词。 点评:本题的关键在于区分 join和 take part in的用法。只有正确区分两者的用法,才能选出正确的选项。 did he play soccer About 15 years. A How often B How many C How long D How much 答案: C 试题分析:根据 About 15 years“大约 15年 ”可知,本句应该是问时间段的,故用 how long。所以本题选 C。 考点:本题考查特殊疑问词。 点评:做本题时,应该根据答语选择特殊疑问词。 How often“多久一次

7、 ” 问频率;How many“多少 ”提问数量(可数名词); How much“多少钱 ”或 “多少 ”(不可数名词)。 He could hum when he was only four years old. A many music B many piece of music C a lot music D many pieces of music 答案: D 试题分析: music“音乐 ”是不可数名词,要表示音乐的数量应该用量词 piece“首 ”,是可数名词。表示 “许多首音乐 ”应该用 many pieces of music。所以本题选 D。 考点:本题考查不可数名词。 点评

8、:本题的关键在于 music是不可数名词,不能用 many修饰,而 a lot是副词短语,不能修饰名词,另外,量词是可数名词。 Michael learned basketball his father. A playing; from B to play; from C playing; with D to play; with 答案: B 试题分析:根据 learn to do sth“学习做某事 ”可知,应该排除 AC;根据learn from “ 向某人学习 ”可知,本题 应该选择 B。 考点:本题考查短语。 点评:本题实际上是考查的 learn to do sth from sb“向

9、某人学习做某事 ”,只要掌握这一短语,本题就很容易了。 She is looking after a . A five-month-old baby B five month old baby C five-months-old baby D five-years-old baby 答案: A 试题分析:英语中的复合形容词的结构是 “数字 +量词 /单位 +形容词 ”,中间用连字符,量词或单位应用单数,根据这一用法,本题应该选 A。 考点:本题考查符合形容词。 点评:完成本题需要熟练掌握复合形容词,其一般用于名词前作定语,如 a two-meter-long desk。 Tiger Woods

10、 is good at playing golf and Richard plays _ piano well. A the; the B /; / C the; / D / ; the 答案: D 试题分析:根据 play与球类连用时,不能用 the,而与乐器连用时应该加上 the的用法以及 golf“高尔夫 ”piano“钢琴 ”可知,本题应该选 D。 考点:本题考查冠词。 点评:本题是考查球类和乐器与定冠词 the连用的情况,应该熟练掌握,不能混淆。 Im going to stay in my uncles for . A one day or two days B one or tw

11、o days C one day or two D one and two 答案: B 试题分析:根据题干,本句的意思是 “我将呆在叔叔家一两天。 ”“一两天 ”应是one or two days,所以本题选 B。 考点:本题考查时间的表达法。 点评:本题考查对时间掌握的情况,运用时可以根据我们平时的说话习惯进行表达。 There a math test tomorrow. A will have B is going to have C has D is going to be 答案: D 试题分析:根据题干,本句应是 there be句型,其将来时是在中间加上 will或be going

12、to变成 There will/is going to be。所以本题选 D。 考点:本题考查时态。 点评: there be句型是初中阶段的重要句型,特别是其将来时更应注意,就是在be动词前加上 will或 is going to。本句型比较容易考的是: There will/is going to be a football match on the playground tomorrow.本句中有些同学很容易受以前学的 have a match的影响,而不用 be动词。 Lets buy some cards for our teachers on Teachers Day. W hy

13、not make some by hand Its much . A.interesting B.more interesting C.the most interesting 答案: B 试题分析:根据 much放在比较级前面的用法,故选 B, much more interesting表示 “更有趣的多 ”。所以本题选 B。 考点:本题考查比较级。 点评:本题可以从两个方面入手,一个是从句型的意思上,句中是买和自己做相比较,故用比较级;一个是根据 much放在比较级的前面的用法。 Her best friend likes to do the same things as she . A

14、is B does C isnt D doesnt 答案: B 试题分析:根据题干,本句的意思是 “她最好的朋友喜欢和她做同样的事情 ”,故本句应是肯定结构,故排除 AB;另外,此处应该是代替前面的 do,故用does来代替前面的动作,所以本题选 B。 考点:本题考查动词。 点评:本题实际上是考查 do或 does做代词的用法,当一个句子中有两个或两个以上的表示同一个动作的词时,后面的动词可以用 do/does/did代替。 Why dont you like winter in Beijing Because it is winter in Guangzhou. A as cold as B

15、 much colder than C not so clod as D not colder than 答案: B 试题分析:根据题干,本句的意思是 “因为它比广州的冬天冷的多。 ”A选项的意思是说北京和广州一样冷,很明显不正确; CD选项的意思是北京不如广州冷,也是错误的;所以本题选 B。 考点:本题考查比较级。 点评:对于形容词的比 较级,需要弄清比较级的结构以及所表达是意义;就本题而言,需要弄清题干的意思,然后根据常识加以选择。 Do you enjoy in this city Yes, I do. A to live B living C lived D to living 答案:

16、 B 试题分析:根据 enjoy doing“喜欢做某事 ”,故用 living。本句的意思是 “你喜欢住在城市吗? ”所以本题选 B。 考点:本题考查动词。 点评:本题如果能熟练掌握 enjoy的用法,就比较简单。所以平时的学习中应注意总结这类词,如 finish、 practice等后面都要跟动名词。 I like to play with children are active. A.which B.whose C.yours C.who 答案: D 试题分析:根据题干,本句的意思是 “我喜欢与积极的孩子玩耍。 ”本句是一个定语从句,先行词是人,故引导词应用 who。所以本题选 C。 考

17、点:本题考查引导词。 点评:做本题时,注意分析本句的句式,后面的句子是修饰前面的 children 的,故后面的句子应该是一个定语从句。如果不能正确理解这一点,本题就很容易做错。 His shoes are cheaper than . A you B your C yours D your one 答案: C 试题分析:根据题意,本句的意思是 “他的鞋比你的便宜。 ”在本句中比较的是两个人的鞋,故应该将 A排除,鞋是复数,故排除 D; your是形容词性物主代词,其后应该跟名词,而本空后没有名词,故排除 B,而 yours是名词性物主代词,后面不能跟名词,所以本题选 C。 考点:本题考查代词

18、。 点评:在做本题时,应弄明白形容词性的物主代词和名词性物主代词的不同用法,还要弄清比较的对象是什么。 Taking buses in Beijing is than taking a taxi. A more cheap B much cheaper C a little cheap D less cheaper 答案: B 试题分析:根据 than可知,本句是比较级,故排除 AC;根据常识,乘公共汽车要比乘出租车便宜。本句的意思 “在北京乘公共汽车要比乘出租车便宜的多。 ”所以本题选 B。 考点:本题考查比较级。 点评:完成本题首先需要明白比较级的结构,然后应该明白题干所表达的意思,方能得

19、出正确答案:。 Do you look Sam A the same as B same as C the same D the same so 答案: A 试题分析:根据固定短语 look the same as“与 看上去相似 ”,是固定用法。所以本题选 A。 考点:本题考查短语。 点评:做题时,对于固定短语,需要在平时的学习中注意积累,没有什么捷径可走。 Lily is of the two. A taller B tallest C the taller D tall 答案: C 试题分析:根据题干中的 two可知,本句应该是比较级,故排除 BD;在有 of引导的两者比较中,应该在比较

20、级的前面加上 the。所以本题选 C。 考点:本题考查比较级。 点评:对于比较级的用法,一般的用法比较容易掌握,应该注意特别的用法,如本题中,如果单纯是比较级,就很容易选 A。 She isnt her sister Tina. A more smarter than B so smarter as C more smart than D as smart as 答案: D 试题分析:形容词 smart的比较级是 smarter,故排除 C; A选项中 more不能放在比较级前面,而 soas 中间应该用形容词的原级,故应排除 B。所以本题选D。 考点:本题考查比较级。 点评:注意单音节的形容

21、词的比较级应该加 er,多音节的形容词的比较级前加more, soas 表示同级比较,中间加原级。 My father makes me every morning. A exercise B exercises C to exercise D on exercise 答案: A 试题分析:根据 make sb do“让某人做某事 ”的用法可知,本题应填 exercise。本句的意思是 “爸爸让我每天锻炼身体。 ”所以本题选 A。 考点:本题考查动词。 点评:完成本题的关键在于掌握 make 后面应跟动词原形,像这样的词还有 let、have等。 Is your school far from

22、 your home Yes.It me an hour home. A takes; to walk B take; walking C took; to walk D is taking; walk 答案: A 试题分析:根据固定句型 It takes sb +时间 to do sth“做某事花费某人多少时间。 ”可知,本题应该选 A。 考点:本题考查动词。 点评:本题实际上是考查固定句型的用法,本句型是我们常考的句型,所以应该熟练掌握。 Im going to Lindas party tomorrow. . A Great! Id like to. B Thats all right.

23、 C Best wishes. D Have a good time 答案: D 试题分析:在英语中,当我们听到别人将要去某地时,我们应该表示祝福祝愿说: Have a good time。所以本题选 D. 考点:本题考查日常用语。 点评:在英语的日常用语中与汉语有很大的不同,但有礼貌是它们的共同之处,所以在完成本题是应该选最有礼貌的。 完型填空 When I was in the middle school, my 1 did an exchange(交流 ) with a French school.Some of my classmates and I went to 2 in Fran

24、ce.The school was in a small and beautiful town.One of my 3 , Robin, was staying with a family.The family had a yard of 4 .One evening, Robins host mother asked him which his 5 chicken was.Robin looked at the chickens, and 6 a lovely one.So he pointed(指 ) at it. 7 that evening, dinner was ready, and

25、 it was a roast chicken(烤鸡) .The host mother was very proud(骄傲的 ) and asked.“ 8 do you like your chicken ” At that time, Robin 9 what “favorite” meant.Oh, my poor chicken! After that, Robin felt 10 for days because he thought he made the chicken die(死 ).He also thought it was very delicious, though.

26、 【小题1】 A teacher B school C parents D house A study B work C live D play A sisters B classmates C students D cousins A dogs B cats C chickens D ducks A favorite B famous C own D best A took B saw C made D had A Later B After C Before D Ago A What B Which C How D Why A said B knew C heard D spoke A h

27、appy B excited C surprised D sorry 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 B 【小题 10】 D 试题分析:本文讲述了在一次交换生活动中,由于罗伯特对寄宿家庭女主人所说的话理解出错,导致了将自己认为最好的一只鸡给杀掉的事情。 【小题 1】根据后面的 school 可知,这个交换生的活动应该是学校之间进行的。所以本题选 B。 【小题 2】根据作者是学生这一身份,以及参加的是交换生的活动可知,作者和同学是去学习的。故用 study。所以本

28、题选 A。 【小题 3】根据文章我们知道作者是在交换的学校中,故此处应该是说他的一个同学,故用 classmates。所以本题选 B。 【小题 4】根据下文中的 chicken可知,这个家庭有一院 子小鸡。所以本题选 C。 【小题 5】根据下文中的 a lovely one以及 favorite可知,本题应该填 favourite。所以本题选 A。 【小题 6】根据文章,本句的意思是 “罗伯逊看着这些鸡,看到一只可爱的。 ”故用 saw、所以本题选 B。 【小题 7】 Later that evening 是 “那天晚上 ”的意思,是固定用法。所以本题选 A。 【小题 8】 How do yo

29、u like sth ?是一个固定句型。本句的意思是 “你觉得你的鸡怎样? ”所以本题选 C。 【小题 9】根据题干,本句的意思是 “在那时,罗伯特才知道 favourite 的意思 ”。所以本题选 B。 【小题 10】根据 because he thought he made the chicken die可推知,罗伯特应该很抱歉,所以本题选 D。 考点:本题考查故事阅读类文章。 点评:阅读本文时,注意体会女主人和罗伯特对所说的话的理解,注意事情的来龙去脉。就本题而言,在这十个小题中,考查语法的并不多,大部分题目需要我们读懂文章的意思方能正确做出。 阅读理解 Wang Ling, a mid

30、dle school girl, felt angry with her parents after getting a boys phone call.“A classmate called me to discuss homework.We talked 1 just a few minutes before my parents got mad,” said the girl.“They asked whether I liked the boy.I said I didnt, 2 they wouldnt believe me.” Wangs trouble is not strang

31、e at all because puppy love(早恋 ) becomes a big headache for 3 parents and schools.They worry that puppy love will be bad for 4 .Her school makes it a rule not to allow any talk or any physical contact(身体接触 ) 5 one boy and one girl alone. Many students say they understand 6 parents and teachers are s

32、o nervous about puppy love.But some think they are going too far.“We have our own thoughts and we know what to 7 with it,” said Wang Ling. Another girl, Jiang Ting, liked making friends with boys.” Boys and girls can learn from each other,” she said.” My mother asks me to study hard.However, she 8 s

33、tops me from making friends with boys.“once Jiang told her mother she might fall in love with a boy.Her mother let Jiang make 9 own decision.Soon Jiang found that she didnt like him any more because the boy was not as 10 as what she had thought before.And she did wrose and worse in her subjects beca

34、use she spent much on it.At last she understood the worry form schools and most parents about puppy love. 【小题1】 A for B in C with D to A because B if C but D and A both B none C either D neither A game B study C match D housework A during B between C around D about A how B what C who D why A play B

35、live C do D fill A never B already C ever D just A its B my C his D her A good B bad C heavy D thin 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 A 试题分析:本文是通过两个女孩讲述了父母和学习对待早恋的两种截然不同的态度,以及孩子对早恋的看法。 【小题 1】根据题干,本句的意思是 “在我父母生气前,我们只谈了几分钟。 ”根据 just a few minu

36、tes是时间段可知,前面应该用 for。所以本题选 A。 【小题 2】根据前后句的关系,后面一句表示转折,故用 but,所以本题选 C。 【小题 3】根据后面的 and可知,本空应该用 both。 bothand 表示两者都,本句表示父母和学校都。所以本题选 A。 【小题 4】根据题干,本句的意思是 “他们担心早恋对他们的学习有害。 ”所以本题选选 B。 【小题 5】根据后面的 and可知,本空应该用 between, betweenand 表示在两者之间。本句是说在男孩和女孩之间的接触。所以本题选 B。 【小题 6】根据题干,本句的意思是 “许多学生说 他们理解家长为什么对早恋这么紧张。 ”

37、“为什么 ”是 why。所以本题选 D。 【小题 7】根据题干,本句的意思是 “我们有我们的思想,我们知道怎样处理。 ”根据后面的 with可知,本处应用 do, do with表示 “处理,处置 ”。所以本题选 C。 【小题 8】根据下文可知,本句的意思是 “她从不阻止我与男孩交朋友。 ”“从不 ”是 never。所以本题选 A。 【小题 9】根据题干可知,这里是指张婷做自己的决定。故用 her。所以本题选D。 【小题 10】根据题干,本句的意思是 “因为这个男孩并不像她以前想的那么好。 ”故用 good。所以本题选 A 考点:本题考查教育类文体。 点评:阅读本文时,需要注意比较文中的两种态

38、度的不同之处,可以结合生活中的观察和体会加以理解。做题时,应注意根据文章的意思以及固定用法进行选择正确答案:。 补全对话 A.When is Anns birthday B.Ill pick you up at 9:00. C.When are you free D.Im not sure. E.Im sorry, but I have anothing thing to do tomorrow. F.Im thinking about going to buy a gift for her. G.I think there will be twenty people at her party

39、. B: Sure we will. 答案: 【小题 1】 F 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 E 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 试题分析: 【小题 1】根据 Lets go to buy gifts together可知,上文应该是提到买礼物,所以本题选 F。 【小题 2】根据下句可知,本句应该是问什么时间有空,所以本题选C。 【小题 3】根据 what about the day after tomorrow 可知,前面一句应该先说明天,再说后天。而且,说明明天不可以。所以本题选 E。 【小题 4】根据问句 What time shall we meet 可知,本句应该回答时间,只有

40、 B选项。所以本题选 B。 【小题 5】根据 Maybe thirty or forty.中的 maybe可知,应该是不确定。所以本题选 D。 考点:本题考查日常用语。 点评:对于情景交际题,需要学生必须结合一定的语境,联系上下文进行选择。一般是根据问句选答语,或是根据答语选问句。 Last winter vacation, our class went to Xiangshan for a trip.Though the weather was a little cold, it was sunny. At six in the morning we met at the school ga

41、te.We took a bus there.On the bus, our monitor told us an interesting story.The story was about an interesting man.Then three girls in our class sang songs.We were very happy. At about seven thirty we got there.It was a beautiful mountain.There were many visitors.Then we started to climb the mountai

42、n.The boys had a climbing race(比赛 ).Li Ming won the first prize.He got a blue hat.At about nine oclock we met a famous singer.Qi Hui and Ma Yan even got his autographs.They were very excited. We had lunch in the mountain.We brought food from home and ate together. After lunch we went to the zoo, bec

43、ause the was a new member(成员 ) in the zoo.It was a cheetah(猎豹 ).It came from Africa. Finally, we took the bus back to school.Although we were tired, we really had fun. 【小题 1】 How was the weather on that day A It was warm and sunny. B It was hot and sunny. C It was cold, but sunny. D It was cold and

44、cloudy. 【小题 2】 They went to the mountain . A by bike B by bus C on foot D by car 【小题 3】 It took them about to get to he mountain. A one and a half hours B an hour C forty minutes D half an hour 【小题 4】 They had lunch . A at home B at school C in a restaurant D in the mountain 【小题 5】 Which of the foll

45、owing is TRUE according to the passage A They were quiet on the bus. B Two students got the singers autographs. C They bought food in the mountain. D The cheetah came from America. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 B 试题分析:本文讲述了作者和他的同学一起去香山旅游,在路上、山上以及动物园中的所见所为,以及他们的感受。 【小题 1】根据 Though th

46、e weather was a little cold, it was sunny可知,本题应该选 C。 【小题 2】根据 We took a bus there可知,他们是乘公共汽车去的。所以本题选 B。 【小题 3】根据 At six in the morning和 At about seven thirty we got there可知,共花了一个半小时到那里。所以本题选 A。 【小题 4】根据 We had lunch in the mountain可知,他们在山上吃的午饭。所以本题选 D。 【小题 5】通过阅读全文,可知在车上,他们讲故事、唱歌,故不会很安静,排除 A;根据 We b

47、rought food from home 可将 C排除;根据It came from Africa可将 D排除; 根据 Qi Hui and Ma Yan even got his autographs可知,本题 应该选 B。 考点:本题考查记叙文。 点评:阅读本文时,注意文中提到的天气以及他们在路上、山上的所见所做所感。本题除了第 3小题需要稍加推测之外,其他题目都能在文中找到答案:,难度都不是很大。对于第 5小题,可以将每个选项在文中找到相近的话进行比较就可以, One afternoon, Kate and her brother Bob went out to play.Kate w

48、as eight, and Bob was ten.“Lets go to the bridge and we can see fish in the river.” said Kate. “I dont know” Bob said.“Mum told us, dont go on the bridge. She said its dangerous.” Kate said, “I am not afraid.Are you ” They walked onto the bridge and began looking for fish in the river.The bridge was a train bridge.Trains went over the bridge three times a day. The children were standing in the middle of the bridge when they


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