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1、2011-2012学年山东省宁津县实验中学初二第二次月考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 A:Excuse me,1 is the way to the Childrens Hospital B:2 ,I dont know. Youd 3 ask that policeman. A:Excuse me,4 can I get to the Childrens Hospital C:Oh,go along Huanghe Street,and 5 the second turning on your left. Then 6 No.3 bus and 7 off 8 the third stop

2、. Youll see a white building 9 the post office and the police station. You 10 miss it. A:Thank you very much. C:You are welcome. 答案: 【小题 1】 which 【小题 2】 Sorry 【小题 3】 better 【小题 4】 how 【小题 5】 take 【小题 6】 catch 【小题 7】 get 【小题 8】 at 【小题 9】 between 【小题 10】 cant 【小题 1】考查交际用语: which is the way to 去 地方怎么走?

3、 【小题 2】从前面的 I dont know 可知是填 Sorry 【小题 3】考查词组: had better最好 【小题 4】考查交际用语: how can I get to the Childrens Hospital 去儿童医院怎么走? 【小题 5】考查动词: take the second turning on your left在第二个拐弯处向左拐。 【小题 6】考查动词:赶公共汽车用 catch 【小题 7】考查词组: get off下车 【小题 8】考查介词: at the third stop.在第三个汽车站。 【小题 9】考查词组: betweenand 在 ; 之间 【

4、小题 10】考查情态动词,你不会错过的。 cant 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加助动词或情态动词) The largest problem among teenagers is that they are too stressed. Mary, a 26-year-old girl, 1.(worry) about her exams very often. Although she 2.(study) English for three years, and is good at it, she is still afraid of English exams.

5、Last night, after 3.(come) back home, she 4.(begin) to get ready for her English exam. While she 5.(read) English books, her mother said to her, “Come on, dear! Its time 6.(.have) supper!” But Mary 7.(not listen) to her mother. She went on reading. Her mother went on, “Mary, I believe you. You can p

6、ass your exam tomorrow.” But Mary still went on studying. At 11:30 the light in her room 8. ( be )still on. Her mother said to her, “I think teenagers 9.(go) to bed earlier before exams than usual.” Mary agreed, but she 10.(not fall)asleep. She was too nervous. Maybe it is time to solve the teenager

7、s problems. 答案: 【小题 1】 worries 【小题 2】 has studied 【小题 3】 coming 【小题 4】 began 【小题 5】 was reading 【小题 6】 to have 【小题 7】 didnt listen 【小题 8】 was 【小题 9】 should go 【小题 10】 couldnt fall 【小题 1】主语是 a 26-year-old girl谓语是第三人称单数: worries 【小题 2】和一段时间连用: for three years可知用现在 完成时: has studied 【小题 3】介词 after后面接动名词

8、: coming 【小题 4】时间是 Last night后面的动作是过去时: began 【小题 5】 While后面接过去进行时: was reading表示:当过去正在做 , 的时候。 【小题 6】考查句型: Its time to do该做 了,填 to have 【小题 7】考查过去时的否定,用助动词 didnt listen 【小题 8】考查 be动词的过去时: the light in her room后面用单数 was 【小题 9】年轻人应该子考试前早些 睡觉: should go 【小题 10】玛丽同意了,但是睡不着: couldnt fall 根据句意及首字母提示完成短文

9、An old woman o 1.her window and looks out of it. The sun shines b .Theres a man in the g 3. in front of her house. The old woman looks at him and says, “He is eating g .!” .and asks the man, “Why are you eating grass Are you h 6. ”The man says, “Yes, I am very poor. I have n .for my breakfast today

10、and I am hungry now.”lls him to go to the b 8.door of her house, and she goes in again. The man s 9.and goes to the back door of the house. Then the old woman opens the door and says to the man,“The grass here is l .”答案: 【小题 1】 opens 【小题 2】 brightly 【小题 3】 garden 【小题 4】 grass 【小题 5】 out 【小题 6】 hungr

11、y 【小题 7】 nothing 【小题 8】 back 【小题 9】 smiles 【小题 10】 longer 【小题 1】本句的含义为一个老太太打开窗户,并且向窗外看,故本句空格处填打开的动词 opens。 【小题 2】本句的含义为太阳明亮地照耀着,修饰动词应该使用副词,故本句空格处填副词明亮地 brightly。 【小题 3】本句的含义为在花园里有一个男人,故本句空格处填花园的名词形式 garden。 【小题 4】本句的含义为老人看着他并且说他正在吃草,故本句空格处填草的单词 grass。 【小题 5】本句的含义为老太太出去问那个男人你为什么吃草, go out表示出去的含义,故本句空

12、格处填 out。 【小题 6】本句的含义为你为什么吃草,你饿了吗?故本句空格处填饥饿的单词 hungry。 【小题 7】本句的含义为男人回 答我很穷,早餐我没有东西可吃,故本句空格处填没东西的单词 nothing。 【小题 8】本句的含义为老人叫那个男的到房子的后门去,故本句空格处填后面的单词 back。 【小题 9】本句的含义为男的微笑着走到后门,以为老太太给他东西吃,故本句空格处填微笑的单词 smiles。 【小题 10】本句的含义为老太太打开后门,对那个男的说,这儿的草更长,故本句空格处填更长的单词 longer。 单项选择 * - Have you heard the song “TA

13、KE ME TO YOUR HEART” -Yes, it _ terrible. A smells B sounds C looks D tastes 答案: B _ is better than to receive. A To give B Give C Have given D Giving 答案: A May I speak to John -Sorry, he Japan. But he in two days. A has been to; will come back B has gone to; will come back C has been in; would come

14、 back D has gone to; come back 答案: B You had better finish _ your homework. A do B doing C to do D done 答案: B He had a visit to Amecia last year. A ten days B ten-day C ten-days D ten day 答案: B My parents told me _ lies(谎言) . A not to tell B to not tell C no tell D not tell 答案: A I dont know what ma

15、de you so. A thinking B to think C think D thought 答案: C Beijing Opera is very and I am in it. A interest; interest B interesting; interested C interested; interesting D interested; interested 答案: B Camels can walk a long way without _ . A to drink B drinks C drinking D drank 答案: C It Yang Liwei abo

16、ut 21 hours the earth 14 times in his spaceship. A spent; circling B took; traveling C spent; to travel D took; to circle 答案: D Bob, its getting cold. take a jacket with you -All right, Dad. A Why not B What about C How about D Why not to 答案: A Thanks for _ my friend to your party. A invite B to inv

17、ite C invites D inviting 答案: D What _ interesting subject it is! A an B the C a D / 答案: A She has been to Shanghai, has she A never B ever C already D yet 答案: A I like classical music, because it sounds _. A smart B beautiful C tight D soft 答案: B - Sally, you must introduce your friend _ me. - OK, I

18、 will. A for B to C at D in 答案: B - _ you _ breakfast - Yes, I had it at 6:30. A Had; had B Have; had C Are; having D Were; having 答案: B -What do you think of Beijing Opera - . A Its about the story of Beijing. B Very much. C Its interesting. D I like. 答案: C What does the lady look like _ A Shes tal

19、l and thin. B Shes really a nice lady. C Shes fine and well. D She likes wearing skirts. 答案: A Xiaoli hasnt her parents for a month. What happened A heard of B heard from C heard about D heard 答案: B 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,根据要求完成下列题目。 Miss Wen is my favourite teacher. (A)She began to teach us Chinese three year

20、s ago. She is a young girl with long, black hair and a beautiful smile. When she came to our school, I was not a good student in our class. I always failed(没有通过) the tests. Miss Wen spent a lot of time with our class, but I never had a chance to talk to her. I thought I was just nobody in my class a

21、nd Miss Wen didnt like me. But I knew I was wrong later. One day, Miss Wen asked me to meet her at the school gate. When I got there, she was waiting for me already. Then we went to the park in the school together. (B)Talking alone with my teacher made me excited. She smiled at me and told me that I

22、 was quiet but I could write wonderful stories. She told me that I could be a good student. Today, Miss Wen doesnt teach us any more, but I still want to say that she taught me the most important lesson of my life: to believe in myself. 【小题 1】将文中 A处画线句子用现在完成时改写。 _ 【小题 2】写出文中 B处画线句子的同义句。 It made me e

23、xcited _with my teacher. 【小题 3】 The underlined word “nobody” may mean _. A an important person B an interesting person C an unimportant person D a boring person 【小题 4】 What does Miss Wen look like _ 【小题 5】 What did Miss Wen say the writer was good at _ 答案: 【小题 1】 She has taught us Chinese since thre

24、e years ago. 【小题 2】 to talk alone 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 She is a young girl with long black hair and a beautiful smile. 【小题 5】 The writer was good at writing wonderful stories. 【小题 1】此题考查现在完成时和一般过去时在结构和意义上的区别,前者表示过去的动作对现在的影响和结果;后者只强调过去发生的动作。 【小题 2】 it 做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定时。 【小题 3】词义理解题,根据语境理解可知。 【小题 4】细节理解

25、题,根据文中的语句 “She is a young girl with long, black hair and a beautiful smile.”理解可知。 【小题 5】细节理解题,根据文中的语句 “She smiled at me and told me that I was quiet but I could write wonderful stories.”理解可知。 In China , more and more middle school students are getting shorter sleeping time than before. Most students

26、 sleep less than nine hours every night, because they have much homework to do. Some homework is given by their teachers, and some by their parents. Also, some students dont know how to save time. They are not careful enough while they do their homework, so it takes them a lot of time. Some students

27、 spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games. They stay up (熬夜 ) very late. Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or by bike. It can be a long way from home to school. Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so tha

28、t our children can enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night for their health. For children, we should make best use of our time. When we have enough time for sleeping, we will find it much better for both our study and health. 【小题 1】 What makes most students sleep less than nine hours every n

29、ight A Watching TV. B Playing computer games. CDoingtheirhomework. D Doing housework. 【小题 2】 Who else gives children some homework to do except their teachers A Their parents. B Other students. C The children themselves. D Nobody else. 【小题 3】 How many hours of sleep is good for students health A Les

30、s than 9 hours. B Over 9 hours. C Only 9 hours. D 8 hours. 【小题 4】 What would happen to a student who often goes to bed late and gets up early A He would fall asleep in class. B He would do well in study. CHewould finishhishomeworkfast. D He would have good health. 【小题 5】 Which of the following is NO

31、T true A Some students are so careless that they spend lots of time on their homework. B All the students stay up late for their homework. CChildrenshouldbegivenlesshomework. D Schools and parents should take care of children. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 A 【小题 1】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Most

32、 students sleep less than nine hours every night, because they have much homework to do.”理解可知。 【小题 2】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Some homework is given by their teachers, and some by their parents.”理解可知。 【小题 3】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that our children can enjoy mo

33、re than nine hours of sleep every night for their health.”理解可知。 【小题 4】理解归纳题,根据文中语句理解可知。 【小题 5】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Some students spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games. They stay up (熬夜 ) very late.”理解可知。 【小题 1】 _ is a member of the horse family. A The cow B The zebra C The kangaroo D Th

34、e polar bear 【小题 2】 The kangaroo cant walk with its legs, but can_. A fly B swim C jump D run 【小题 3】 If you walk in the street, you can meet a cow in_. A China B Australia C Africa D India 【小题 4】 The polar bear lives on _. A sea animals B grass C beef D gum trees 【小题 5】 “In return” in the sentence “

35、It gives so much but asks nothing in return” means _in Chinese. A归还 B回报 C轮流 D要求 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 B 【小题 1】细节理解题,根据表格中第二行的语句理解可知。 【小题 2】细节理解题,根据表格中第三行的语句理解可知。 【小题 3】细节理解题,根据表格中第一行的语句理解可知。 【小题 4】细节理解题,根据表格中第四行的语句理解可知。 【小题 5】词义理解推断题,根据表格中第一行的语句理解可知。 Mr. Green worked in an o

36、ffice in London, but he lived in the country and came to work by train every day. The station was not very far from his office, and he always went on foot from the station to his office and back from his office to the station. Every evening he walked past a poor man near a bridge. The man sat at the

37、 road and sold matches, and there was a dog near him. There was a piece of wood round the dogs neck, and the words “I AM BLIND” were on the piece of wood. Mr.Green was a kind man. He always stopped and gave a penny to the man, but he did not take any of his matches. One day, Mr.Green had a lot of wo

38、rk in his office and left the office very late. He came to the man and his dog, but he did not stop. The poor man stood up quickly, ran after him and said, “Youre always very kind to me. Give me a penny today. Im a poor man.” Mr.Green stopped and he was surprised. Then he said, “Youre a blind man. H

39、ow did you see me ” The poor man said, “No, Im not blind. My dog is.” 【小题 1】 Mr.Green lived in _. A London B the city near London C the country near London D the country not far from his office 【小题 2】 Mr.Green went to his office _. A by train B first by train and then on foot C on foot D first on fo

40、ot and then by train 【小题 3】 Every evening Mr.Green passed a poor man near a bridge_. A on his way to work B on the way to his office C on his way home by train D on his way to the station 【小题 4】 One day Mr.Green did not stop and give the poor man a penny because_. A he did not like the man B he was

41、afraid of the dog C he worked too late D he hurried to catch the train 【小题 5】 - What is the Chinese for “blind” - _. A看见的 B聋的 C瞎的 D哑的 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 C 【小题 1】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Mr.Green worked in an office in London, but he lived in the country and came to work by train eve

42、ry day.”理解可知。 【小题 2】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “he lived in the country and came to work by train every day. The station was not very far from his office, and he always went on foot from the station to his office and back from his office to the station.”理解可知。 【小题 3】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Every evening he walked past a poo

43、r man near a bridge.”理解可知。 【小题 4】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Mr.Green had a lot of work in his office and left the office very late.”理解可知。 【小题 5】词义理解题,根据文中语句 “Youre a blind man. How did you see me ”理解可知。 John is my best friend. We live in the same building. We study in the same school but not in the same class. W

44、e often play football together after school. We have been good friends for two years. John is tall and strong with black hair. He has a round face, a small nose and big, brown eyes. I like his eyes because they are always bright and smiling. John is always friendly and helpful. When I feel bored or

45、unhappy, he tells me funny jokes and makes me laugh. Hell give me help when I need. John is very smart. He reads a lot of books. He is good at singing and acts very well. He would like to make people happy with his songs and performance when he grows up. I believe that he can become as popular as Ja

46、ckie Chan and travel around the world in the future. 【小题 1】 The writer and John are _. A classmates B friends C brothers D sisters 【小题 2】 When did they became good friends A Long ago. B Two years ago. C In 2006. D In 2007. 【小题 3】 What is John like A Hes tall and strong with black hair. B Hes very sm

47、art. C Hes helpful and polite. D Hes friendly and helpful. 【小题 4】 What does John want to be when he grows up A An actor. B An English teacher. C A doctor. D A policeman. 【小题 5】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage A They often play basketball. B The writer has big eyes. C John can tell funny jokes. D John can dance well. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 C 【小题 1】细节理解题 ,根据文中语句 “John is my best friend.”理解可知。 【小题 2】细节理解题 ,根据文中语句


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