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1、2011-2012学年浙江省衢州地区初二第二学期教学检测英语试卷与答案 单项选择 * Johan didnt review(复习) the lesson, _ he couldnt answer the teachers question. A as a result B such as C because of D as well as 答案: A A: Thank you for taking us around the Radio Beijing. B:_. A OK B All right C Thanks D Dont mention it 答案: D May I ask you _

2、questions A any B some C much D little 答案: B Do you know where _ now? A he lives B does he live C he lived D did he live 答案: A Could you tell me _ the bookshop is? A what B how C when D where 答案: D The plane from Shanghai will _ in an hour. A take up B take away C take out D take off 答案: D Shes feel

3、ing _ tired. A a bit B a bit of C lots of D a few 答案: A I have some _ friends here. A closed B close C near D nearly 答案: B Youd better _ others. A make a friend with B to make friends with C make friends with D make friends 答案: C I collect stamps, I collect tickets, _. A in fact B too C as well as D

4、 either 答案: B Youve spent too much time _football. A play B playing C played D to play 答案: B She lives _ and often feels _. alone, lonely B. alone, alone C. lonely, lonely D. lonely, alone 答案: A The smile from the boy made me _ happy. A feel B to feel C feeling D felt 答案: A This book is very _ and I

5、 am _ in it. A interest; interest B interesting; interested C interested; interesting D interested; interested 答案: B He likes to play _ violin and I listen to _ music. A the, the B /, the C the, / D / , / 答案: C 完型填空 Yesterday I was tidying up my room. I found 31 old box of my fathers .He gave 32 to

6、me two years ago. It was really interesting to discover some of my fathers childhood 33 .He once told me 34 he wrote to people all over the world, 35 they sent him 36 ,too. As a result, he had a book of interesting stamps. People also gave him things from different 37 ,such as a silk from Japan, a l

7、ittle doll from England, and a small model ship from Australia. My father even 38 the ticket from his first football match! It made me think about looking 39 my collection of 40 pictures books and magazines. 【小题1A a B an C the D / 】 A it B box C them D its A pictures B photos C hobbies D friendships

8、 A who B which C that D what A but B so C then D and A books B letters C boxes D stamps A countries B schools C childhoods D years A took B kept C brought D gave A for B after C up D down A new B old C interesting D different 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】

9、B 【小题 9】 B 【小题 10】 D 【小题 1】本句的含义为在整理房间的时候,发现了我爸爸的一个旧箱子,表示类别用不定冠词,元音因素前用 an,故本题选 B。 【小题 2】本句的含义为两年前,我的爸爸把它给我的,代替单数箱子用 it,故本题选 A。 【小题 3】本句的含义为我发现我父亲儿童时期的照片很有趣, photos表示照片的含义,故本题选 B。 【小题 4】 tell后跟的是一个表示陈述的宾语从句,可用关系词 that来连接,故本题选 C。 【小题 5】本句的含义表示并列用连词 and,故本题选 D。 【小题 6】本句的含义为他把他所写的信件寄给 了他, letter表示信件的含义

10、,故本题选 B。 【小题 7】本句的含义为人们给他不同国家的东西, country表示国家的含义,故本题选 A。 【小题 8】本句的含义为我的爸爸甚至把第一张足球票都保留着, keep表示保留的含义,故本题选 B。 【小题 9】本句的含义为这使我想好好的保管我的收藏品, look after可以表示保管的含义,故本题选 B。 【小题 10】保管的东西是不同的图片书和杂志, different表示不同的含义,故本题选 D。 阅读理解 Bob was cutting a branch(树枝) off a tree in his garden. While he was sawing(锯) , an

11、other man passed in the street. He stopped and said, “ Excuse me, but if you continue (继续 )to saw(锯) that branch like that, you will fall down with it.” He said this because Bob was sitting on the branch and cutting it at a place between himself and the trunk(树干) of the tree. Bob said nothing. He th

12、ought, “ This is some foolish(愚笨的) person who has no work to do and goes about telling other people what to do and what not to do.” The man continued on his way. Of course, after a few minutes. The branch fell and Bob fell with it. “My God!” he cried. “That man knows the future!” and he ran after hi

13、m to ask how long he was going to live. But the man had gone. 【小题 1】 One day Bob was cutting a branch_a tree in his garden. A on B in C at D off 【小题 2】 While Bob was sawing, another man_. A told him to stop working B told him he would fall down C would borrow something from him D would help him saw

14、that branch 【小题 3】 After hearing the mans words, Bob thought that_. A that was a foolish person. B that was a wise person C that was a proud person D that fellow cheated him 【小题 4】 What happened to Bob after a few minutes A. The branch fell. B. Bob fell down to the ground. C. Bob was hurt himself. D

15、. Both A and B. 【小题 5】 This story is about _. A a foolish man B a wise man C cutting a tree D that we need to take good advice 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 D 【小题 1】根据本文的第一段可知鲍勃是在树上锯树枝,表示某人在树上用介词 in,故本题选 B。 【小题 2】根据本文第一段可知当鲍勃在锯树枝的时候,另一个人叫他不要锯,故本 题选 A。 【小题 3】本文第二段第一句为 Bob said nothin

16、g. He thought, “ This is some foolish(愚笨的) person所表示的含义为鲍勃认为那个人是一个愚蠢的人,故本题选 A。 【小题 4】本文第二段最后一句为 after a few minutes. The branch fell and Bob fell with it.所表示的含义为几分钟之后,树枝断了,鲍勃从树上摔了下来,摔到了地上,故本题选 D。 【小题 5】本文主要谈论了鲍勃不听从那个人建议,而伤了自己,告 诉我们应该听取别人的建议,故本题选 D。 This story is about a young man. He worked hard at

17、his lessons. He was too busy. He didnt have time to rest, so he was ill. Every night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep(睡觉) . But he couldnt. He thought: “I must go to see the doctor.” He said to the doctor. “I cant go to sleep at night.” “Try counting numbers. When you reac

18、h one thousand, youll be asleep.” The next day the man came back to the doctors office. “Well,” said the doctor, “How are you today ” “Yes, he said,” I tried counting one, two, three. . . up to (直到) one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy (感到困倦 ). I had t

19、o get up and drank some tea. Then I went on counting up to one thousand. But I still couldnt fall asleep. 【小题 1】 The young man couldnt go to sleep because _ . A he didnt finish his lessons B he worked too hard and was ill C he was worried about his homework D there was a lot of housework to do and h

20、e couldnt have a good rest 【小题 2】 The doctor asked the young man _ . A to count numbers before he went to bed B to put all numbers from 1 to 1000 together C to count numbers while he was lying in bed D to go to bed earlier 【小题 3】 The young man came back to the doctors office the next day because _ .

21、 A he wanted to thank the doctor B he was better C he wanted to ask the doctor how to count the numbers D he still couldnt go to sleep at night 【小题 4】 The young man _ . A counted from 569 to 1000 B counted from 1 to 569 and fell asleep C counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some tea D counted f

22、rom 1 to 1000 and fell asleep 【小题 5】 The young man _ in fact. A didnt understand the doctors words. B couldnt count numbers C didnt try to sleep D wasnt ill at all 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】根据 He worked hard at his lessons. He was too busy. He didnt have time to rest, so

23、 he was ill. 描述,可知选 B。 【小题 1】根据 ry counting numbers. When you reach one thousand, youll be asleep.”描述,可知选 C。 【小题 1】根据第二段 But I still couldnt fall asleep. 描述,可知选 D。 【小题 1】根据第二段 But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy (感到困倦 ). I had to get up and drank some tea.描述,可知选 C。

24、 【小题 1】通过第二段可知这个年轻根本没有听懂医生的话,医生并不是要他一定得数到一千在睡觉,只是为了让他发困,故选 A。 书面表达 五位同学遇到了学习或生活上的问题,请你为他们选出相对应的建议 。 Problem Suggestions(建议 ) 71 Lily thinks that all the problems that may happen to her tomorrow, next week, next year A Revise for your test; make sure you will work harder. 72 I feel lonely and it seem

25、s people around dont want me. B Sit down, and write down the money you spend on different things, over a week. It will surprise you. 73 Im afraid that I will not pass the exam. C Sometimes, the fear(恐惧 ) of something is worse than the thing itself! Perhaps tomorrow, the problem may seem less! 74 Dic

26、k has the money problem. He cant buy what he wants. D Make a “To Do List”: “A” must be done today. “B” can be left until tomorrow. “C” can be left for some days. “D” is it really necessary 75 Lisa worries about her work a lot. E To be wanted and needed, is a big answer to loneliness.(孤独 ) 答案: 【小题 1】

27、 C 【小题 2】 E 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 【小题 1】本题的含义为莉莉认为将来会发生所有的问题,含义一致的为 C选项,意思为对某事的恐惧比某事本身更可怕,未来的问题可能会更少,故本题选 C。 【小题 2】本题的含义为我感到孤独,似乎我周围的人都不需要我,所表示的建议为 E选项,意思为需要才是孤独的答案:,故本题选 E。 【小题 3】本题的含义为我恐怕我将不能通过考试,提出的建议为 A项,所表示的含义为 为你的考试而复习,要务必努力,故本题选 A。 【小题 4】本题的含义为迪克有缺钱的问题,他不能买他想要的东西,提出的建议为 B项,所表示的含义为写下在一周内在

28、不同的东西上你所花费的钱,故本题选 B。 【小题 5】本题的含义为丽莎担心她的工作,提出的建议为 D项,所表示的含义是为所做的事情列出清单,按不同需求列出来,故本题选 D。 假如你叫小明,你现在给刚认识的笔友 Tony写一封信。在信中你介绍自己的情况:八年级学生,家住衢州龙游;你的爱好是:收集赛车模型,喜欢运动,尤其是各种球类运动,对学习英语感兴趣,也会唱很多英文歌 ;将来想去英国参观、旅游或学习。 要求:字数 70左右,表达要简洁、清晰、流畅 Dear Tony, I am so glad to introduce myself to you._ _ _ Yours Xiaoming 答案:

29、 试题分析:这是一篇书信类作文,首先一定要注意写信的格式。假如你叫小明,你现在给刚认识的笔友 Tony写一封信,所以要用第一人称来写。需要写的内容已经给出,但是写作时不要仅仅对要点进行生硬的翻译,而是要添加些内容,使文章看起来更充实,要组成一篇通顺连贯的文章。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词、词组及句型,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显 得更有档次。同时注意要求的字数 70左右,不要太多也不要太少。 考点:书信作文 点评:本文属于书信类作文,动笔前,一定要认真分析要

30、点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。 单词拼写 【小题 1】 You cant _ (相信 ) him, he is always telling lies. 【小题 2】 Every time I heard the other students talking and_(笑 ). 【小题 3】 He likes _ (搜集 ) stamps. 【小题 4】 Im going to ask you some _ (个人的 ) questions. 【小题 5】 We know

31、that _ (外国人 ) find China very different from their own countries. 【小题 6】 She was too l_,so she couldnt pass the exam. 【小题 7】 Welcome to our school,Amy!Say hello to our new c_ , everyone! Shes from Australia. 【小题 8】 Our country is d_ very fast. 【小题 9】 I asked your secretary w_ she could come or not.

32、【小题 10】 Yao Ming plays basketball very well, he has many f_. 答案: 【小题 1】 believe 【小题 2】 laughing 【小题 3】 collecting 【小题 4】 personal 【小题 5】 foreigners 【小题 6】 lazy 【小题 7】 classmates 【小题 8】 developing 【小题 9】 whether 【小题 10】 fans 【小题 1】本题的含义为你不要相信他,他总是说谎,故本句空格处填相信的单词 believe。 【小题 2】 hear sb doing sth表示听到某

33、人正在做某事,故本句空格处填笑的现在分词 laughing。 【小题 3】 like doing sth表示喜欢做某事,故本句空格处填收集的动名词形式collecting。 【小题 4】修饰名词问题使用形容词个人的单词 personal。 【小题 5】本题的含义为我们知道外国人发现他们中国与他们自己的国家不同,故本句空格处填外国人的复数形式 foreigners。 【小题 6】本题的含义为她是懒惰的,所以她没有通过考试,故本句空格处填懒惰的单词 lazy。 【小题 7】本题的含义为向我们的新同班同学问好,故本句空格处填同班同学的复数形式 classmates。 【小题 8】本题的含义为我们的国

34、家正在快 速的发展,本题为现在进行时的结构,故本句空格处填发展的现在分词 developing。 【小题 9】本题的含义为我问你的秘书她是否回来,故本句空格处填是否的单词 whether。 【小题 10】本题的含义为姚明有许多的粉丝,故本句空格处填粉丝的复数形式fans。 happen use success imagine play My hobby is table tennis._61_ table tennis is an energetic activity. I know it isnt very _62_.but I find it very interesting .I am

35、good at table tennis and I enjoy my_63_ when I win a game. In my free time, I like reading. I like to sit down with a book. When I read, I 64 whats_65_,and how the people feel. 答案: 【小题 1】 playing 【小题 2】 useful 【小题 3】 success 【小题 4】 imagine 【小题 5】 happening 【小题 1】考查动名词作主语。本句缺少主语。故填 playing。 【小题 2】考查形

36、容词作表语。 useful“有用的 ”。这里表示转折含义。故填useful。 【小题 3】考查名词。 success“成功 ”,是名词。故填 success。 【小题 4】考查动词。 imagine“想象 ”,故填 imagine。 【小题 5】考查时态。根据 is 可知,用进行时。故填 happening。 补充句子 A. Can I take a message B. can I help you C. whos calling D. Can I speak to Alice Roberts, please E. Could you tell her that Ill be free tomorrow B: Bye. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 E 【小题 1】打电话用语的第一句可以为有什么可以为你帮忙的吗,故本句空格处选 B。 【小题 2】打电话用语中同某人通话可用 Can I speak to ?故本句空格处选 D。 【小题 3】下句的含义 为我就是简,所以本句的含义为你是谁,故本句空格处选 C。 【小题 4】上句的含义为爱丽丝正在开会,所以本句的含义可以为我可以捎口信吗,故本句空格处选 A。 【小题 5】上句的含义为当然可以,所以本句的含义为你能告诉她我明天有空吗,故本句空格处选 E。


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