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1、2011-2012学年重庆市育才成功学校初二下学期第一次月考英语试卷与答案 单项选择 * - Look at _ book on the desk . Is it _ useful one -Yes, it is . In the book there is much advice on how to learn math well. A a, the B the, a C the, an D a, an 答案: B When he _ home, he saw his mother the room. A got back; clean B got on; cleaning C got at

2、; clean D got back; cleaning 答案: D -You are smoking a lot . - Yes. Its not good for my health. I will try to _ the hobby. A give up B give away C give out D give 答案: A It was too cold and windy , so we could see _ people walking in the street . A a little B little C few D quite a few 答案: C Do you th

3、ink a monkey is _ or _ than a panda A heavy, light B heavier, lighter C heavier, light D heavy, lighter 答案: B Vera had to go to see her dentist ,for there was something wrong her _. A. tooth B. arms D. hair D. feet 答案: A -Must I hand in my exercise book now, Mr. Zhao -No, you _. You may give it to m

4、e tomorrow. A mustnt B cant C neednt D dont 答案: C The doctor _ the crying baby but couldnt find out what was wrong with it. A looked after B looked over C looked for D looked out 答案: B -It seems that the kid is good at singing Beijing Opera. - _. A All right B Thats all right C You are right D Youre

5、 welcome 答案: C -Would you like _ basketball with us - Id love to, but I feel like _ something first. A to play ,to eat B play, eat C playing, eating D to play, eating 答案: A Could you tell us _ We want to give her a call. A what is her phone number B what her phone number is C her phone number is wha

6、t D what phone number is her 答案: B -Does Tom know anything about the accident that happened to his father? - No. We _ him anything about it. A dont tell B arent telling C havent told D arent going to tell 答案: C -Where_ you _ these days I havent seen you long. -To Britain. I left for London two month

7、s ago and returned last week . A do, go B will, go C have, gone D have, been 答案: D They never gave up _ hard to achieve their dream . A working B work C worked D to work 答案: A -Do you mean he _ lots of money on books -Yes. They _ him plenty of money. A pays, takes B spent, cost C spent , buy D takes

8、, cost 答案: B It is _ hark work for her that she isnt able to do it _. A such, lonely B such a, alone C such, alone D so, lonely 答案: C Though the old lady used _ her dog for a walk after supper ,now she has become used _ at home. A to take ,to staying B taking, to stay C to take, for staying D for ta

9、king, to stay 答案: A -Did you get to school on time yesterday - No. An unexpected heavy rain _ the bus _the station on time. A allowed, reaching B stopped, reaching C stopped, to reach D kept, reaching 答案: B A thief went into the house the window. A across B through C past D though 答案: B - Can you te

10、ll me when _ play with me - I can play with you when my homework _. A you will, is finished B will you , finishes C will you, is finished D you will, will finished 答案: A 完型填空 There are many ways for us to reduce (减少 ) waste. For example, we can reuse paper and plastic bags. We can also recycle newsp

11、apers, glass, and cans (易拉罐 ) 1 new things. Here are some useful 2 to reduce waste. Write on both sides of paper Many people write on only one side of their paper. Why not try using both sides Some students only use half the pages of their 3 before getting new ones. Try to use up all the paper. Peop

12、le often give cards on birthdays or festivals. How about trying to 4 e-cards (电子贺卡 ) instead Dont throw away your old batteries (电池 ) Maybe you do not know that old batteries make the soil 5 . This is because they have poisonous (有毒的 ) parts in 6 . So, dont throw away batteries. 7 them together. Try

13、 to use rechargeable (充电的 ) batteries for your games and CD players. Give 8 all your unwanted clothes There are many poor families in China. You may ask your mother to keep your unwanted clothes. Then you can pass them on to those poor children. You will feel happy that you are 9 someone else. Also,

14、 you can see 10 your friends or relatives (亲戚 ) want them before throwing them away. 【小题1】 A make B to make C making D be made A plans B helps C ways D things A exercises B schoolbags C notebooks D papers A send B buy C receive D waste A dry B rich C clean D dirty A those B it C them D much A Throw

15、B Keep C Try D Lose A away B in C off D up A helping B giving C enjoying D interesting A unless B if C though D but 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 B 【小题 1】回收废品的目的是为了制作出新的东西,故用不定式作目的状语,选 B。 【小题 2】下面介绍几种有用的回收废品的方法,故选 C。 【小题 3】此处指学生应该写完作业本的所

16、有纸张,故选 C。 【小题 4】发邮件、贺卡用 send. 【小题 5】废旧电池会污染土壤,故选 D。 【小题 6】旧电池里有有害物质, batteries是复数,故用 them. 【小题 7】应把废旧电池收集在一起,故用 keep,即 keep them together. 【小题 8】自己不 再穿的衣服可以送给那些需要的人穿,故选 A。 give away:赠送 【小题 9】送衣物给他人是做好人好事,是助人为乐,故选 A。 【小题 10】当然在送衣服之前得看你要送的人是否需要这些衣服,故用 if引导宾语从句,表 “是否 ”之意。 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 Sav

17、e water, save lives A BOTTLE of water may not seem like much to you, but it can save the day for people who live in drought-hit (遭受旱灾 ) areas in China. In the past few months, some places in southwest China experienced a serious drought. In Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and Chongqing, there has

18、been very little rain since last autumn. Crops died, the land cracked, and wells (井 ) and rivers dried up. More than 20 million people are having difficulty finding safe drinking water. After learning about the drought, many people around the country helped by giving water, money and other resources

19、. Last week, China asked every member of the Communist Youth League (团员 ) and Young Pioneers (少先队员 ) to give one bottle of water to the drought-hit area. Students in primary schools and middle schools quickly joined the activity. “A bottle of water isnt much, but thousands of bottles will be of grea

20、t use,” said Zhang Zihao, a middle school student at Tongling No 1 Middle School in Anhui. In Yuhua Primary School in Xian, 900 students bought over 100 bottles of water with their pocket money. They also wrote their wishes on the bottles. The serious drought has also made students realize the impor

21、tance of saving water. Students from Nanshan Middle School in Huizhou in Guangdong went on the street to tell people to take part in water-saving activities. “I heard that some children in drought-hit areas dont have enough drinking water. They have to drink muddy (泥泞的 ) water. I feel really sad abo

22、ut that,” said one student. “I decided to take a shower twice a week instead of every day to save water.” he said. 【小题 1】 Why did a serious drought happen in Southwest China 【小题 2】 What does the underlined(划线的) word “cracked” probably mean in Chinese 【小题 3】 What did people do after learning about th

23、e drought 【小题 4】 Is a bottle of water helpful for the people in drought-hit areas 【小题 5】 What can you learn from the passage 答案: 【小题 1】 Because there has been very little rain since last autumn. 【小题 2】裂开、裂缝 【小题 3】 They helped by giving water, money and other things. 【小题 4】 A bottle of water isnt muc

24、h, but thousands will be of great use. 【小题 5】 Its time for us to save water. 【小题 1】根据文章第二段前两句 “In the past few months, some places in southwest China experienced a serious drought. In Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and Chongqing, there has been very little rain since last autumn.”说 “在过去的几个月里,中国西南

25、部的一些地方遭受了旱灾。在云南,广西,四川,贵州,重庆从去年秋天开始降雨 很少。 ”可知该题答案:为 Because there has been very little rain since last autumn. 【小题 2】猜测词义,根据句子 Crops died, the land cracked, and wells (井 ) and rivers dried up.为三个并列句,该词和 died, dried up属于并列关系的词语属于同类词。 庄稼死亡,河流干涸,土地裂开、裂缝。 【小题 3】问在人们了解干旱情况后做了什么,根据第二段最后一句话 “After learning

26、about the drought, many people around the country helped by giving water, money and other resources.”可知答案:为 They helped by giving water, money and other things. 【小题 4】问一瓶水对于干旱地区的人们来说有没有帮助,根据第四段第一句话 “A bottle of water isnt much, but thousands of bottles will be of great use,” said Zhang Zihao, a midd

27、le school student at Tongling No 1 Middle School in Anhui.可知答案: A bottle of water isnt much, but thousands will be of great use. 【小题 5】考察学生对全篇文章的理解,文章要求人们从一滴水,一瓶水做起节约用水,支援灾区人民所以答案:为 Its time for us to save water. J.K. Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter, which is now one of the bestsellers in the

28、world. J.K. Rowling was born in Bristol on July 31st, 1965. She has one sister who is two years younger than her. Both girls loved listening to their father reading bedtime stories to them. They especially loved stories about magical worlds. Rowling wrote her first story, called Rabbit, at the age o

29、f six. After she graduated from the university, Rowling worked as a translator (翻译者 ) in London. During this time, on a long train trip in the summer of 1990, the idea came to her of a boy who has magic but doesnt know it. In 1992 Rowling began to teach English. She lived with her baby daughter, Jes

30、sica, and spent much time finishing the first Harry Potter book for young readers. It appeared in June 1997. To her surprise, the book was greatly successful. The film came out in November 2001. Now Harry Potter series (系列 ) is popular with people of all ages and about 60 million books were sold in

31、200 countries. Why has the series been so successful There are a few things. Many other magical stories take place in faraway lands or in past or future times. But Harry lives in modern (现代的 ) England. Hes also a very normal (平常的 ) boy: polite, friendly, brave and clever. So when other children read

32、 about Harry, they can imagine being like him. J.K. Rowling is very happy with the success, and she is now busy finishing the whole series of seven books. Shes writing full time and shes really enjoying life. She says she will go on living a normal life with her daughter and writing childrens books.

33、 【小题 1】 From the passage, we know _. A J.K. Rowling met a boy named Harry on a long train trip B J.K. Rowling loved listening to stories when she was very young C J.K. Rowling is two years younger than her sister D Harry Potter is J.K. Rowlings first story 【小题 2】 The Harry Potter series is _. A writ

34、ten for young people B only enjoyed by children C only sold in England D about a young inspector 【小题 3】 J.K. Rowling has been successful, and she _. A likes to travel all over the world with her daughter B is too busy to enjoy her life C is excited about her success every day D is still writing stor

35、ies for children 【小题 4】 How is Harry Potter series different from other magical stories A There are magical things. B The stories happened in the modern world. C It has seven books. D It took much time to finish. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 1】根据 Both girls loved listening to their fa

36、ther reading bedtime stories to them.可知选 B。 【小题 2】根据 and spent much time finishing the first Harry Potter book for young readers. 描述可知选 A。 【小题 3】根据 She says she will go on living a normal life with her daughter and writing childrens books.及上文描述可知选 D。 【小题 4】根据 But Harry lives in modern (现代的 ) England

37、. Hes also a very normal (平常的 ) boy:及下文描述可知选 B。 Sometimes we feel good, such as when we get good grades or when something good happens. Sometimes we feel bad, such as when we argue(争吵) with our classmates or when the teachers criticize(批评 )us. Both kinds of feelings are normal(普通的 ). Of course, we a

38、ll enjoy good feelings, but when we feel unhappy, sometimes we dont know what to do about it. Here is a plan that will help you when your feelings are bothering you. 1. ACCEPT your feelings. Say to yourself, I am sad. I am scared. I am angry. I am embarrassed(尴尬) . Its all right to have these feelin

39、gs. 2. RELAX and have a rest before you act. Take slow deep breaths (呼吸 )and relax your body. Imagine that you are in a safe place. You could listen to some music or sing a beautiful song! 3. THINK about ways to help yourself. Thinking helps you do something smart instead of hurting yourself or maki

40、ng things worse. 4. DO something to help yourself. Maybe you can talk to someone, or do something you enjoy. If it doesnt work, go back to step 3. 【小题 1】 If you want to relax yourself, you can _. A say to yourself, I am sad. B listen to some music or sing a beautiful song C think about ways to help

41、yourself D watch thrillers 【小题 2】 If you are feeling bad, you can say to yourself that _. A I dont want the bad feeling. B I want to be happy. C Its too bad to have bad feeling. D Its nothing to have all these bad feelings. 【小题 3】 If you cant talk to someone, or do anything you enjoy, you can _. A a

42、ccept your feelings B relax and have a rest before you act C think about ways to help yourself D do nothing 【小题 4】 The passage tells us _. A what we can do when we feel happy B we can do nothing when we feel bad C We all enjoy good feelings, but bad feeling is unusual to us D what we can do when we

43、feel unhappy 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D 【小题 1】在情绪不好的时候,本文中第二条建议提出可以通过听音乐的方式来放松自己一下,故本题选 B。 【小题 2】在情绪不好的时候,本文中第一条建议提出接受不好的情绪,可以对你自己说一切的不良情绪都没关系,故本题选 D。 【小题 3】在情绪不好的时候,本文中第三条建议提出如果你不能享受生活,与人交谈,你可以好好想想一下 解决你自己问题的办法,而不是伤害自己或使自己的情绪变得更糟,故本题选 C。 【小题 4】本文谈论的主要的是在我们感到不开心的时候,提出了四点解决问题的方式,故本题选 D。

44、Today Chinese people can enjoy longer and more holidays, such as the two“Gold Week Holidays” the Spring Festival, National Day and Mid -autumn Festival and so on. They have more time to travel. Rising incomes(收入 )also make it possible for ordinary(普通的 ) Chinese people to travel abroad . Zhang Haitao

45、, a middle school student in Shanghai will go to Japan with his parents during the Spring Festival. “Overseas(海外 ) touring has always been a dream of mine ,”Zhang Haitao said. “ How will you go to Japan, by air or by ship ” I asked him. “By ship. Traveling by ship is more enjoyable than a rushed tri

46、p by air.”“But a plane is much faster than a ship. ”“Yes. but you cant see much during the flight while a sea trip will make you happier, because you can see waves, islands and even big fish.” Will you travel at your own expense(费用 ) Certainly. Though my fathers job is to recycle rubbish, Im very pr

47、oud of him. He has saved lots of money in the last three years. Whats more, he has made a contribution(贡献) to protecting our environment.” 【小题 1】 Now it is possible for the Chinese people to travel abroad(国外)because of _ A less time B more money C shorter holiday D more work 【小题 2】 Zhang Haitao will

48、 go to Japan _. A with his father and mother B with me C with his friends D with classmates 【小题 3】 Zhang Haitao is_. A a middle school teacher B a Japanese student C a tour guide D a middle school student 【小题 4】 Zhao Haitao is proud of his father because his father _. A only helps him make his dream come true B gave him so much money C did a g


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