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1、2012-2013学年江苏省扬州市邗江区八年级下学期期末质量检测英语卷(带解析) 单项选择 * What do you like doing in your free time I like playing cards and Chinese chess. A a; a B /; a C /; / D the; the 答案: C 试题分析:句意 :在你的空闲时间你喜欢做什么? 我喜欢打扑克和下中国象棋。结合语境可知下文两空都是表示泛指,前文 cards是复数名词,故不用冠词。下文 chess前有限定性修饰语,故也不用冠词,选 C。 考点:冠词 点评:冠词是一种虚词,一般用于名词前面表示特指或

2、者泛指某一个。冠词的应用都用一定规则,熟记这些规则是解题的关键。不定冠词用在名词前,表示泛指任何一个。定冠词用在名词前表示特指某一个。在专有名词及表示泛指的复数名词前一般不要冠词,叫做零冠词。 Im a little bit nervous because I dont know how to speak in front of so many people. _. A Im sorry to hear that. Let me help you. B Take it easy. Ill help you. C Dont say that again. You neednt any help.

3、 D Thats all right. Do you need my help 答案: B 试题分析: Im sorry to hear that. Let me help you.很遗憾听到这个消息。让我帮助你吧; Take it easy. Ill help you.放松点,我会帮助你; Dont say that again. You neednt any help.不要再那么说了,你不需要任何帮助; Thats all right. Do you need my help 没关系,你需要我的帮助吗?根据上文,我有一点紧张,因为我不知道如何在这么多人面前说话。结合语境可知选 B。 考点:

4、情景交际 点评:情景交际的考查是英语考试的重点,做此类题型首先要理解各个选项中句子的含义,然后结合具体语境选择合适答语。回答时一般要遵从以下几个原则:礼貌原则,利他原则和英语文化习惯。平时应注意积累各种习 惯用语,了解英美文化的区别,尤其注意不能以中式思维思考英语问题。平时应加强英语阅读,增强语感,多了解一些英语文化方面的知识。 What will you do when someone is _ the leaflets to you on the streets I will say No, thanks! politely. A giving up B giving in C givin

5、g out D giving away 答案: C 试题分析: give up放弃,交出; give in屈服,让步; give out 分发,公布; give away放弃,泄露。句意:当有人在街上向你发传单时,你会做什么? 我会礼貌地说 “不,谢谢 ”。结合语境可知选。 考点:短语辨析 点评:解答此类题型的要点是了解各个短语的基本含义及用法的不同,同时注意其表示多个含义的现象,然后结合语境选择合适答案:。注意当短语由动词 +介词构成时,此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。如果短语由动词( vt.) +副词构成,此类短语可以带宾语,宾语若是名词

6、,放在副词前后皆可; 宾语若是人称代词,只能放在副词的前面。由动词( vi) +副词。构成的短语属于不及物动词,不可以带宾语。 Did you go to Jacks birthday party No, I _. A am not invited B wasnt invited C havent invited D didnt invite 答案: B 试题分析:句意:你参加杰克的生日聚会了吗? 没有,没有邀请我。结合语境可知下文描述的是过去发生的动作,故用一般过去时态。主语是动作对象,故用被动语态。选 B。 考点:时态及语态 点评:英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解

7、答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。语态的判断主要是确定句子主语与谓语动词的关系。如果是主动关系则用主动语态,反之如果是动宾关系,则用被动语态,尤其要注意一些特殊动词的用法。 By local farmers, we hope them improve their lives. I think its a good idea. A train; help B training; helping C training; to help D train; helping 答案: C 试题分析:句意:通过培训当地的农民,我们希望能帮助他们提高

8、他们的生活水平。 我认为这是个好主意。:本句中 by是介词,后面接名词或者动名词作宾语。动词不定式做宾语表示具体的将要进行的动作,结合语境可知选 C。 考点:非谓语动词 点评:不定式作句子成分表示具体的将要进行的动作,一般不用于介词后面。动名词作句子成分往往表示抽象的,反复发生的动作。介词后面一般接动名词作宾语,也有部分动词后接动名 词做宾语,注意和不定式作宾语表达含义的不同。 Have you written anything on Chinese traditional medicine so far _, but I have a plan for it. A Ever since B

9、Later on C Not yet D From now on 答案: C 试题分析: Ever since从那时到现在; Later on后来,稍后; Not yet还没有;From now on从现在开始。句意:到目前为止,你写了一些关于中国医药的什么东西吗?根据下文,但是我有一个写的计划。结合语境可知选 C。 考点:短语辨析 点评:解答此类题型的要点是了解各个短语的基本含义及用法的不同,同时注意其表示多个含义的现象,然后结合语境选择合适答案:。 What is the of the sign on the bottle It “Keep away from the children”.

10、 A means; meaning B meaningful; meaning C meaning; means D means; mean 答案: C 试题分析: mean用意,意思是; means手段,方法,财产; meaning意义,含义; meaningful有意义的,意味深长的。句意:瓶子上的这个标志是什么意思? 他的意思是 “远离儿童 ”。结合语境可知选 C。 考点:词义辨析 点评:该题型是属于英语考试的基础题型,是必考内容。英语单词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点。解答此类问题首先要理解每个选项的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案:。

11、 Look! The line of people is _. Bad luck. I dont think we can get any tickets. A hopeless B helpless C endless D careless 答案: C 试题分析: hopeless绝望的,不可救药的; helpless无助的,没用的; endless 无止境的,连续的; careless粗心的,淡漠的。句意:看人们的队伍是无止境的。 太倒霉了。我想我们买不到票了。结合语境可知选 C。 考点:形容词辨析 点评:词义辨析考的是学生的基础词汇知识,了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,需要注意的

12、就是其一词多义现象及所修饰对象的不同,然后结合上下文语境选择合适答案:。 Where is your uncle He _ to South Africa on business. He has _ there twice. A has been; gone B has gone; been C went; gone D will go; been 答案: B 试题分析:句意:你的叔叔在哪儿? 他已经出差去了南非。他已经去过那儿两次了。在完成时态中 has been to 是已经去过某处,并且已经回来了。 has gone to 是已经去了某处,但是到目前为止还没有回来。 has been i

13、n 是已经在某处,并且现在还在那里,而且有可能要延续下去。 结合语境可知选 B。 考点:完成时态及动词用法 点评:英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。完成时态中的动词有瞬间动词和持续性动词之分,瞬间动 词的过去分词强调的是动作的完成,持续性动词强调的是动作的持续性。现在完成时态中表示一段时间的时间状语不能和瞬间动词连用,持续性动词不能和表示瞬间时间的时间状语连用,需注意区分。 , do you know the name of the film SO young. A By th

14、e way B In a way C In some ways D In different ways 答案: A 试题分析: By the way顺便说说; In a way在某种程度上,有点; In some ways在某些方 面; In different ways以不同的方式。句意:顺便问一下,你知道这部电影的名字吗? 青春飞扬。结合语境可知选 A。 考点:短语辨析 点评:解答此类题型的要点是了解各个短语的基本含义及用法的不同,同时注意其表示多个含义的现象,然后结合语境选择合适答案:。 What a clean and bright classroom, isnt it Yes, it

15、s always clean and bright because it every day. A cleans B cleaned C is cleaned D was cleaned 答案: C 试题分析:句意:多么干净明亮地教室啊,是吗? 是的,他总是干净明亮是因为每天打扫它。结合语境可知下文原因状语从句中描述的是客观性动作,故用一般现在时态。主语是动作对象,故用被动语态。选 C。 考点:时态 点评:英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。英语疑问句中一般具有时态上的对应关系,

16、注意结合这一特点进行区分。 Oh, Mrs. L iu, your necklace looks nice. Is it new No, I _ it for two years. A had B have had C bought D have bought 答案: B 试题分析:句意:哦,刘先生,你的项链看起来很不错,是新的吗? 不,我已经拥有它两年了。结合语境可知下文描述的是已经持续了两年的动作,故用现在完成时态。在完成时态中表示一段时间的时间状语不能和瞬间动词连用,故选 B。 考点:完成时态及动词用法 点评:英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注

17、意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。完成时态中的动词有瞬间动词和持续性动词之分,瞬间动词的过去分词强调的是动作的完成,持续性动词强调的是动作的持续性。现在完成时态中表示一段时间的时间状语不能和瞬间动词连用,持续性动词不能和表示瞬间时间的时间状语连用,需注意区分。 We should try our best to realize our _. Yes, I think so , wish you good luck! A totals B goals C conclusions D functions 答案: B 试题分析: totals总计,总量; go

18、als目标,目的; conclusions结论,总结;functions功能,职能。句意:我们应该尽最大努力来实现自己的目的。 是的,我这样认为,祝你好运。结合语境可知选。 考点:词义辨析 点评:此类题型完成较易 ,考查的是对基础英语单词的理解应用能力 .一般原则是先区分词义 ,然后结合上下文选择能使句子通顺 ,符合逻辑的选项即可 . The sick monkey to the animal centre tomorrow morning. I hope it will be better soon. A is sent B will send C may be sent D is goin

19、g to send 答案: C 试题分析:句意:这只生病的猴子明天上午要被送到动物中心。 我希望它很快好起来。结合语境可知本句表示的是将来的动作,故用一般将来时态或者虚拟语气,句子主语是动作对象,故用被动语态。选项不是被动语态,故选 C,可 能被送到。 考点:时态及语态 点评:英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。语态的判断主要是确定句子主语与谓语动词的关系。如果是主动关系则用主动语态,反之如果是动宾关系,则用被动语态,尤其要注意一些特殊动词的用法。 There _ a facto

20、ry here, but now it has changed into a big supermarket. You are so l ucky to live here. A used to have B is used to be C used to be D was used to be 答案: C 试题分析: be used to sth习惯于某事 ;used to do sth过去常常做某事 . sth be used to do sth某物被用来做某事。句意:过去这儿有一家工厂,但是现在它已经变成了一家大超市。 住在这儿你太幸运了。结合语境可知选 C。 考点: used的用法 点

21、评: used to 的用法比较固定,需要注意的是 used to do 表示过去常常做某事,be used to表示习惯于某事。前者 to是不定式符号,后接动词原形。后者 to是介词,后接名词或者名词性短语。 Used to do结构中 use相当于行为动词,有词形变化。 Be used to中 used相当于形容词,无词形变化。 阅读理解 阅读短文,根据短文内容补全表格中所缺的信息。(每空一词) On 28th of April 2013, there was an earthquake that happened in Ya An, Si Chuan Province. It was a

22、 level 7 earthquake .As we know, earthquake is very dangerous and terrible. but do you know what to do during and after an earthquake? Here is some advice for you. Before an earthquake. It is necessary to prepare yourself and your family. All family members should know how to turn off gas, water and

23、 electricity (电 ) and know useful telephone numbers( doctor, hospital, police, 119, etc) .Never put heavy things over beds. During the earthquake. Its important to for each of you to stay calm. If you are indoors, quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a strong desk or a strong table

24、. It can protect yourself from falling things. Stay away from windows, large mirrors, heavy things and so on. If you are cooking, turn off the gas. If you are outdoors, move to an open area like a playground. Move away from buildings, bridges and trees. If you are driving, stop the car as soon as po

25、ssible .Stay in your car. After an earthquake. Once the shaking stops, do not run out of the building at once. Its better to wait and leave when it is safe. Check around you and help the people in trouble. If your building is badly broken, you should leave it. If you smell or hear gas, get someone o

26、utside and open windows and doors. If you can do it safely, turn off the gas. Report it to the gas company. Some useful 【小题 1】 about earthquakes Before an earthquake. 【小题 2】 yourself and your family. Dont 【小题 3】 to turn off gas, water and electricity. Remember some useful telephone numbers and not t

27、o 【小题 4】 heavy things over beds. 【小题 5】 an earthquake. 【小题 6】 calm is important for each of you. Moving to a safe place in the room can protect yourself from falling things if you are 【小题 7】 . Remember to turn off the gas if you are cooking. Moving to an open area and away from buildings is 【小题 8】 i

28、f you are outdoors. Remember to stop your car and stay in it if you are driving. After an earthquake. Run out of the building 【小题 9】 its safe. Check around you and help the people in trouble. Leave your badly broken building. Keep everyone outside and everything 【小题 10】 if you smell or hear a gas. 答

29、案: 【小题 1】 advice/suggestions 【小题 2】 Prepare 【小题 3】 forget 【小题 4】 put/place/leave 【小题 5】 During/In 【小题 6】 Staying/Keeping 【小题 7】 indoors 【小题 8】 necessary/important 【小题 9】 when/until/after 【小题 10】 safe 试题分析:这篇短文主要按照地震前,地震中和地 震后的顺序讲述了几点应对地震的措施。 【小题 1】这篇短文主要是讲述了几条在地震中的应对措施,故填:advice/suggestions建议。 【小题 2

30、】根据 Before an earthquake.It is necessary to prepare yourself and your family.可知填: Prepare,准备。 【小题 3】根据 All family members should know how to turn off gas,water and electricity 描述,可知此处指的 是不要忘了关闭煤气,水管和电。故填: forget,忘记。 【小题 4】根据 Never put heavy things over beds.可知填: put/place/leave,放置。 【小题 5】根据右栏描述,可知此处

31、指的是地震中的应对措施,故填:During/In,在 期间。 【小题 6】根据 During the earthquake.Its important to for each of you to stay calm.可知填: Staying/Keeping,保持。 【小题 7】根据 If you are indoors ,quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a strong desk or a strong table.It can protect yourself from falling things.可知填:ind

32、oors 【小题 8】根据 If you are outdoors,move to an open area like a playground.Move away from buildings,bridges and trees.可知填: necessary/important,必要的。 【小题 9】根据 After an earthquake.Once the shaking stops,do not run out of the building at once.Its better to wait and leave when it is safe.可知填: When/until,当

33、时 /直到。 【小题 10】根据 If you smell or hear gas,get someone outside and open windows and doors.If you can do it safely,turn off the gas.描述,可知填: safe,安全的。 考点:关于如何应对地震的说明文阅读 点评:本题中个别小题不能直接从文中找到答案:,需要自己根据相关内容分析总结。一定要弄懂全文后再动手解答问题。书写答案:时,注意首字母大写。为避免不必要的错误,只要能使用原文的就尽量使用原文回答问题,自己总结的答案:注意人称和数的变化,要符合语法规则。 The Girl

34、 From the Street The workers who brought the girl to the orphanage(孤儿院) knew little about her. The streets where they found her had been her home for many years. Her parents were unknown. They left her long ago. At the orphanage, the girl, like all the children there, was taught to read and write. W

35、hile she was studying at the orphanage, she learned something elseto be independent (独立) . At twenty-one, she left the orphanage and began working as a secretary.(秘书) And then, in 1975, while she was still working as an ordinary secretary, something special happened. She entered the Miss Hong Kong c

36、ompetition and won it. This was the turning point in her life. Now her name, Mary Cheung, was known to everybody. Mary entered the competition because she wanted to show that orphanage girls could be something. Winning the competition gave her the chance to start a new life. This led her first into

37、television and then into business as a manager. When she was working as a manager, she had trouble with her reports. “My English just wasnt good enough.” She says. Luckily, she had a boyfriend (who later became her husband) to help her. Mary studied management(管理) at Hong Kong and graduated in 1980,

38、 She started her own business in 1985. But she did not stop developing herself. She then studied at the University of Hong Kong. Since 1987, she had spent a lot of time on photography. She has held several exhibitions of her work in many places-China, New Zealand and Paris. She still found time, how

39、ever, to work on TV, write for newspapers and bring up her family. The girl from the street has come a long way, but her journey is not finished yet. 【小题 1】 Before Mary Cheung was brought to the orphanage, _. A She had lived with her parents whose names were not known B She had lived in the street f

40、or many years C The workers knew her well D She had learned to write and read by herself 【小题 2】 The sentence “orphanage girl could be something” means that orphanage girls could be_. A popular and successful B understood by others C Miss Hong Kong D known to everybody 【小题 3】 This passage is probably

41、 taken from_. A a newspaper B a science magazine C a history textbook D a novel 【小题 4】 According to the passage, which of the following is true A All the children at the orphanage liked Mary. B Mary was not happy as a secretary. C Marys boyfriend was good at English. D Marys life in the orphanage wa

42、s difficult. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了在孤儿院长大的香港著名人士,张玛丽的成长故事。 【小题 1】根据第一段 The streets where they found her had been her home for many years. 描述,可知选 B。 【小题 2】联系上下文,张玛丽自身的成功,可知此处指的是,孤儿院长大的孩子也能获得成功,受到欢迎。故选 A。 【小题 3】这篇短文主要介绍了香港著名人士,张玛丽的成长故事。故最有可能出自一篇报纸。选 A。 【小题 4】根据 “My Engl

43、ish just wasnt good enough.” She says. Luckily, she had a boyfriend (who later became her husband) to help her.描述,可知他的男朋友的英语不错。故选 C。 考点:传记类记述文阅读 点评:本文难度较大,个别小题需要根据相关内容进行推理总结。首先要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,掌握短文大意,然后带着问题再读短文,找出相关段落,分析总结,判断出正确选项。文章所设试题主要考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。 If we find a bird nest (巢 ),

44、we will have a good place of watching and knowing about birds. Birds sit on eggs and take care of their babies from April to June. Because the baby birds are too young to leave the nest, parents often go to look for food and come back in several minutes. So it is good to watch birds. When we watch b

45、irds, wed better hide ourselves in a close place to the nest, and its better to use binoculars (双筒望远镜 ). But how do we make a bird nest A good bird nest must be very fine, strong, thick and comfortable. If you want to make one, please follow these: a) Each nest must have six boards (木板 ) for its cov

46、er and floor, for its left and right sides, and for its front and back sides. Dont make the boards too slippery (滑的 ). b) Dig a small hole in the front of the nest as a door. The door is big enough so birds can fly in or out easily. c) Make sure the rainwater cant go into the nest. d) One piece of t

47、he board should be easy to open. e) Dont forget to colour the nest. 【小题 1】 We need _ near a bird nest if we want to watch and know about birds. A a good place B some trees C to sit on eggs D to make a bird net 【小题 2】 When were watching birds, we have to _. A look after the birds more often B use the

48、 binoculars to catch the birds C hide ourselves to make the birds do everything as usual D catch the birds at last 【小题 3】 We should leave a hole in the front of the nest so that _ easily. A we can clean the nest B birds can fly in or out C we can hang it D we can make it 【小题 4】 According to the text, we can make a bird nest like Picture _ with the boards. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了如何观察鸟类及制作鸟巢的方法


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