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1、2012届江苏省镇江市丹徒区九年级中考适应性考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 Do you know the pretty girl Her name is Tian Wei. She was born on April 5, 1986. She was from Beijing. She had two big eyes and short hair. She was good at Chinese. And she loved writing. She was unlucky. When she was in Grade 8, she was seriously ill. Her doc

2、tor said she would lose her life anytime. But she wasnt afraid of death. She kept on studying and writing. She died on August 13, 2007. She smiled till the end of her life. Tian Wei had a great dream. She hoped that people could read her book in the bookshops. In March, 2009, her only book Hua Tian

3、Ban Mu came out. It had more than 5 thousand words. In her book she said, Im always aching (疼痛 ). If possible, Ill let my right eye weep (哭泣 ) but the other one smile. 根据短文内容完成下列表格,每空一词。 Name Tian Wei Speciality(专长) (56) (57) Writing Personality (58) Suffering when she was a (59) She was seriously i

4、ll. Her (60) People could read her book in the bookshops. 答案: 【小题 1】 Chinese 【小题 2】 Hobby/Interest 【小题 3】 Clever/Brave及其他合理的答案: 【小题 4】 . teenager/student 【小题 5】 dream/hope 【小题 1】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “She was good at Chinese.”理解可知。 【小题 2】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “And she loved writing.”理解可知。 【小题 3】理解归纳题,根据文中语句理解可知。 【小题

5、4】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “She was unlucky. When she was in Grade 8, she was seriously ill. Her doctor said she would lose her life anytime.”理解可知。 【小题 5】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Tian Wei had a great dream. She hoped that people could read her book in the bookshops.”理解可知。 单项选择 * Its time for us as parents to teach our chi

6、ldren right way to dress. A a; the B the; a C the; / D /; the 答案: D Rose told her father that she wanted a new bike. A Nine-year-old B Nine-years-old C Nine year old D Nine years old 答案: A You an umbrella. Do you think we are going to have rain today . I use it as a walking stick. A dont have; Of co

7、urse B have; Of course C dont have; I dont think so. D have; I dont think so 答案: D you try to help, the situation will be. A The more; the worse B More; worse C The better; the better D Better; better 答案: A The man was hurt in a car accident, and he could remember anything. A bad; hard B badly; hard

8、ly C bad; hardly D badly; hard 答案: B Its a good way to control how many minutes your child talking on his cell and texting. A take B spend C costs D spends 答案: D do you play football Once a week. A How much B How long C How often D How far 答案: C Do you know tomorrow At 8 oclock. A when did she come

9、B when she came C when will she come D when she will come 答案: D Tomorrow is your birthday. Here is a present for you. It is kind you to remember my birthday. A for B to C of D with 答案: C In New York I found my friend Collins, who there some time before me. A would arrive B has arrived C had arrived

10、D was arriving 答案: C practicing about 10 times, the students gave a concert. A While B When C Before D After 答案: D It is wonderful we will remember the happy time forever. A so; that B too; to C such; that D very; that 答案: A We chose the persons and these people did . A special something B something

11、 special C special anything D anything special 答案: B The teacher found difficult to believe that Tommy was the laziest boy in class. A that B it C / D this 答案: B All volunteers joy to the people they help in many ways. A bring B take C get D buy 答案: A 完型填空 It is very important to stay healthy. I hav

12、e a neighbor. She is an old lady. She can do all the housework, 16 newspapers, watch TV and search on the Internet to learn something new. I often see 17 do taijiquan in the morning and dance in the evening. She looks young and beautiful 18 she is over seventy. Last week a reporter from a magazine i

13、nterviewed her and asked 19 she kept so young and healthy. She replied with a smile: I have a secret of staying young and healthy. It is quite 20 . Keep your mind active, take an interest in the world 21 you, and learn at least one new thing every day. Try to do different kinds of housework and do s

14、ports as 22 as you can. Dont think you are too old to go back to 23 . I know a man who entered a medical college when he was 70 years old. He studied there for 6 years and now he is a doctor. Another man went to a tennis school at the age of 71 and now he is good at 24 tennis. Some people may say st

15、aying young is easy only for those who live in the future. In fact, no matter how old you are, you can make it. Please tell the story to your family. It would be a good start to 25 the ladys example. I hope all people will stay young and healthy. 【小题1】 A look B read C see D watch A her B him C other

16、 D others A than B since C though D because A what B why C who D how A early B dear C easy D late A under B around C above D between A soon B busily C hardly D often A place B song C school D dance A buying B losing C sending D playing A follow B give C make D bring 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 C 【小

17、题 4】 D 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 A 【小题 1】此题考查动词, read newspaper是固定短语表示读报纸。 【小题 2】此题考查人称代词,做动词 see的宾语,故用宾格 her。 【小题 3】此题考查连词,表示条件,尽管她已经 70多岁了,但是她看上去还是很年轻、漂亮。故选 though。 【小题 4】此题考查疑问副词,根据语境可知记者来采访这位老太太是怎样保健的,故选 how。 【小题 5】此题考查形容词,保健非常简单。思想积极,对周围的事物感兴趣。 【小题 6】此题考查介词, around yo

18、u表示你周围的事物。 【小题 7】此题考查副词, asas 表示与 一样。两词中间要用副词或形容词的原级,根据语境可知需要副词,故选 often表示尽量常锻炼。 【小题 8】此题考查名词, go back to 表示回到 根据下文提示可知是有关学校的事,故选 school。 【小题 9】此题考查固定短语 be good at doing sth表示擅长做某事,或在某些方面做的比较好。 【小题 10】此题考查 动词, follow表示效仿之意。 阅读理解 Chris is not a traditional explorer - he usually works in an office for

19、 a large organization. However, Chris job can be just as exciting and dangerous as being an explorer. Chris works for MSF, an organization also known as .Doctors Without Borders. Since1971, MSF has sent trained doctors all over the world to help people who have suffered from disasters, such as wars

20、and illnesses. Chris is a doctor from France who has traveled to many places to organize programs that help people. At the moment, over 27,000 trained doctors have taken part in MSF projects. The organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. All kinds of doctors can volunteer for MSF. They ne

21、ed to be ready to go almost anywhere in the world and, of course, they should face difficulties. Most of MSFs work is in Africa. When MSF chooses a doctor for a task, they have to go for at least six months. When doctors have completed a few tasks, they might be sent on an emergency task following a

22、 disaster, such as an earthquake. But why would doctors leave a comfortable life and a good pay to join MSF According to Chris, the experience they have is a great help in their life. Whats more, just like the explorers of the past, they need to keep an open mind and learn to get on well with the pe

23、ople they meet. One thing that they can say at the end of any task is that they have made a real difference to peoples lives. 【小题 1】 What may MSFs work be like A Tiring and boring. B Exciting and dangerous. C Relaxing and colorful. D Peaceful and comfortable. 【小题 2】 As a volunteer doctor for MSF, he

24、 or she should . A have worked in Africa for six months B have been sent on an emergency task C be ready to work for a task for at least half a year D have suffered from wars, illnesses or other disasters 【小题 3】 . Why would doctors like to join MSF A Because they can get a good pay. B Because they c

25、an have a comfortable life. C Because they can help others and get experience. D Because they can travel abroad with their families. 【小题 4】 What is the main idea of this passage A Chris is a doctor who has organized programs to help people. B MSF received the Nobel Peace Prize for helping poor count

26、ries. C Volunteer doctors make a real difference to their own lives in MSF. D MSF offers medical help to people who have suffered from disasters. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D 【小题 1】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Chris is not a traditional explorer - he usually works in an office for a large organization.

27、However, Chris job can be just as exciting and dangerous as being an explorer.”理解可知正确答案:选 B。 【小题 2】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “They need to be ready to go almost anywhere in the world and, of course, they should face difficulties. Most of MSFs work is in Africa. When MSF chooses a doctor for a task, they have to

28、go for at least six months.”理解可知正确答案:选 C。 【小题 3】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “One thing that they can say at the end of any task is that they have made a real difference to peoples lives.”理解可知正确答案:选 C。 【小题 4】理解归纳题,纵观全文中的语句理解可知正确答案:选 D。 Much of the information we have today about chimpanzees(黑猩猩) comes from the rese

29、arch of Jane Goodall. From an early age, Jane was interested in animals and animal stories. At the age of 10, she was talking about going to Africa to live among the animals there. At that time, in the early 1940s, this was a radical(激进的) idea because women did not go to Africa by themselves. As a y

30、oung woman, Jane finished school in London and then worked for filmmaker for a while. When a school friend invited her to visit Kenya, she worked as a waitress until she had earned(挣) the fare to travel there by boat. She was 23 years old at that time. Once in Kenya, she met Dr. Louis Leakey, a famo

31、us paleontologist(古生物学家) . He was impressed with her knowledge of Africa and its wildlife and hired her to help him and his wife on a fossil-hunting tour. Dr. Leakey soon realized that Jane was the perfect person to complete a study he had been planning for some time. she expressed her interest in t

32、he idea of studying animals by living in the wild with them, rather than studying dead animals like fossils(化石) . 【小题 1】 When Jane was very young, she . A studied chimpanzees B was interested in animals C told stories about chimpanzees D both B and C 【小题 2】 In the second paragraph, the underlined wo

33、rd “this” refers to(指的是) . A interest in animals B going to Africa to live with animals C listening to animal stories D talking about animals 【小题 3】 Jane worked as a waitress so that . A she could attend school in London B she could work for a filmmaker C she could have the money to go to Kenya D sh

34、e could buy a boat for herself 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 1】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Jane was interested in animals and animal stories. At the age of 10, she was talking about going to Africa to live among the animals there.”理解可知正确答案:选 D。 【小题 2】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “she was talking about going to Africa to liv

35、e among the animals there.”理解可知 ,正确答案:选 B。 【小题 3】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “she worked as a waitress until she had earned(挣) the fare to travel there by boat.”理解可知 ,正确答案:选 C。 【小题 1】 If you want to find a job as a waiter, you can to apply for it. A go to 6756 Main St. Southgate B go to 224 West Rose Ave. Richmond

36、 C fax resume to 555-0001 D email resume: lewisnclarkdot.org 【小题 2】 If you do office work at Franciscos Shoe Shop, you should . A be trained B have experience C speak English D know Spanish 【小题 3】 If you work as a guide, you can get an hour. A $ 8 B $ 10 C $ 12 D $ 13 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 C

37、【小题 1】细节理解题,根据图片中的第一个文本框的语句 “apply in person at 6756 Main St Southgate”理解可知,正确答案:选 A。 【小题 2】细节理解题,根据图片中的第二个文本框的语句 “speak Spanish”理解可知 ,正确答案:选 D。 【小题 3】细节理解题,根据图片中的第四个文本框的语句 “$12 an hour”理解可知 ,正确答案:选 C。 书面表达 Life is just like a mirror, you smile at it, and it smiles at you, too. 请你以 “Learn to Smile”为

38、题,根据下表所列的要点写一篇不少于 90词的文章(文章开头已给出)。 学会对自己微笑 1、面对困难与烦恼学会微笑(考试失利、被别人误解等)。 2、使你自信,击败你的人有时就是你自己。 3、有益于身心健康。 学会对他人微笑 1、便于与他人之间的交流。 2、给别人带来快乐 ,自己也快乐。 微笑是一种语言 人人都能懂,传递友谊,拉近距离。 1. 参考词汇:对某人微笑 smile at sb. 误解 misunderstand 传递 pass 拉近 shortern 2. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺。 Learn to Smile I remember a so

39、ng by Westlife, the first sentence of it is “Just a smile and the rain is gone.” Do you like smiling I think you should learn to smile. 答案: Learn to Smile I remember a song by Westlife, the first sentence of it is “Just a smile and the rain is gone.” Do you like smiling I think you should learn to s

40、mile. First, learn to smile at yourself when something unpleasant happens in your life. If you fail an exam or you are misunderstood by your friends, dont be sad. Just smile at yourself. Smiling at yourself brings back your confidence. Sometimes the one who beats you is not others, but yourself. And

41、 smile can also keep you healthy. Second, learn to smile at others. It will make you communicate better with people. Smiling at others makes yourself happy as well. In a word, smile is a kind of language belonging to everyone. It passes love and friendship and helps shorten the distance between you

42、and other people. Living with a smile, every day will be shiny. 这是一篇表格式的作文,要点是一表格的形式出现,首先要研究表格,找出需要表达的要点,然后加以整合,也可以适当增加使意思更连贯,但要点一定要全,不能漏掉。写作时要注意遣词造句,不能受汉语的影响,要用地道的英语表达,注意时态,语态,单词拼写,语法等问题,用好简单句,适当用复杂句。可以用一些高级词汇。还要注意句子的关联。 单词拼写 【小题 1】 The dog stopped at strangers when they ran away. (bark) 【小题 2】 The

43、 people think red, green and white are Christmas colors. (west) 【小题 3】 . Every day the chimneys of pour a lot of smoke to the air to pollute it. (factory) 【小题 4】 I think you may be in our new computer games. (interest) 【小题 5】 . I often make chocolate cake by . (me) 答案: 【小题 1】 . barking 【小题 2】 . west

44、ern 【小题 3】 factories 【小题 4】 interested 【小题 5】 . myself 【小题 1】此题考查固定短语 stop doing sth表停止做某事。 【小题 2】此题考查形容词,西方的要用 western。 【小题 3】此题考查名词的数,根据语境可知,要用复数形式 factories。 【小题 4】此题考查固定短语 be interested in sth表示对某事感兴趣。 【小题 5】此题考查固定短语 make sth by oneself表示独立完成某事。 【小题 1】 . It takes hard work to success.(获得) 【小题 2】

45、 A foreigner came up to the counter and asked to be shown some .(明信片) 【小题 3】 . My classmate my rubber and forgot to return it.(借) 【小题 4】 . Bill Gates is an American .(公民) 【小题 5】 . I will not make friends with a person.(不诚实的) 答案: 【小题 1】 achieve 【小题 2】 postcards 【小题 3】 borrowed 【小题 4】 . citizen 【小题 5】

46、 dishonest 【小题 1】此题考查动词,获得要用 achieve。 【小题 2】此题考查名词,明信片是可数名词故用 postcards。 【小题 3】此题考查动词借某人的东西要用 borrow,根据下文的 forgot可知要用过去式。 【小题 4】此题考查名词,公民要用 citizen。 【小题 5】此题考查形容词,不诚实的要用 dishonest。 Today some people call Amsterdam the“City of Bicycles”because it is a city which is flat and convenient(方便的 )for bicycl

47、es. In the 1960s, a group of cycling fans had an i 46 . They believed that it would be better for everybody if o 47 bicycles were allowed in the city centre. They were hopeful that this would help to save energy, reduce pollution and provide free public transport. The group p 48 hundreds of bicycles

48、 white and placed them in public places around Amsterdam for people to use. A 49 was allowed to take them and use them for short journeys, whether he was a local or a foreigner. Wherever someone finished a journey, they would l 50 the bike there for someone else to use. The problem was that it didnt work t 51 took all the bicycles within weeks! H 52 , more than thirty years later, the“white bike”is back in town-this time with a computer chip(芯片 )to r 53 its every move! There is a 54 less traffic in central Amsterdam. Thanks t


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