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1、2012年仁爱版初中英语八年级下册第六单元 Topic1练习卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * I have 2 good friends. One is Jack, _ is Mike. A. the other B. another C. others 答案: A -Is your grandpa still _ - Yes, he _ in the countryside. A. alive, live B. living, live C. alive, lives 答案: C Can you tell me _ just now A. where did you go B. where

2、you go C. where you went 答案: C _ teaspoons of cinnamon do you need A. How much B. How many C. How 答案: B The post office isnt far from here. You _ a taxi. A. dont need take B. neednt to take C. neednt take 答案: C The girl is _ of them. A. more beautiful B. much beautiful C. the most beautiful 答案: C Wo

3、uld you like something _ to drink A. other B. else C. another 答案: B _was your brother _ he started going to school A. What time, when B. When, how old C. How old, when 答案: C -Do you think he can come to my party -_. A. I think he dont come. B. I dont think he can come. C. I think he cant come. 答案: B

4、 Tony _ a new car several days ago. He is _ this weekend. A. buy, going for a drive B. brought, going for a drive C. bought, going for a drive 答案: C 完型填空 完形填空 Jim was a worker. One of his feet was _1_ than the other. He couldnt find the right shoes _2_ his feet. One day his friend Mike said to him,

5、“ Why don you go to a shoemaker A _3_ shoemaker can make you the right shoes.” _4_ Jim went to the shoemaker near Mikes home. Very soon the shoemaker finished the work. Jim looked at the shoes and wasnt _5_. He _6_ the shoemaker, “ You arent a good shoemaker! I wanted you to _7_ me one shoe bigger t

6、han _8_, _9_ you made me one shoe _10_ than the other.” 【小题1】 A big B long C bigger D biggest A for B with C on D of A friendly B kind C clever D good A Then B But C So D Becau A kind B happy C bad D right A said B said to C spoke D talked A make B give C show D repair A another B others C the other

7、 D the others A then B and C but D so A smallest B big C bigger D smaller 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 D 【小题 1】根据提示词 than应该用比较级故选 C。 【小题 2】根据语境他的一只脚比另一个大,因此找不到合脚的鞋,故选 A。 【小题 3】一个好鞋匠为你做合适的鞋,选 D. 【小题 4】 so表承接关系,于是 Jim便去了鞋匠的家。 【小题 5】根据语境 J

8、im不高兴。 【小题 6】 say to sb对某人说。 【小题 7】 make制作的意思, make shoes做鞋。 【小题 8】 one. the other一个 .另一个,意思:我想让你给我做一只比另一只的鞋。 【小题 9】表转折,但是你给我做了一只比另一只小的鞋。 【小题 10】根据语境选 smaller。 阅读理解 阅读理解 Ben: Leo, you work too hard. Lets go and sit in the park. Leo: I cant do that. I have to study for my English test next week. Ben:

9、 But, Leo You already know that youre going to Tsinghua University! Well, what are you going to major in Leo: English and management. How about you Which school are you going to next year, Ben Ben: Oh, Im going to work for my dad for a year. Then Ill go to college after that. Leo: What do you want t

10、o study Ben: Im not sure yet. Id like to study Chinese. So, do you want to be an English teacher or work for a big company after 4 years in Tsinghua University Leo: In fact, I hope to go on to study computer science in Beijing University. Ben: Wow. We are quite different! You know, I just want to fi

11、nd an easy job. I guess you will be a computer programmer. Leo: Uh-huh. Id like to. Ben: Well, I hope to work as a teacher and have a nice family in the future. Leo: Really I want to make a lot of money. 根据对话内容选择最佳答案:。 【小题 1】 1.What does the sentence “I cant do that ” mean A I cant do anything. B I

12、cant work. C I cant go to the park. D I cant study. 【小题 2】 What does the sentence “Ill go to college after that.” mean A after I left middle school B after 1 year C after I work for my father D Both B and C 【小题 3】 Who may become an English teacher after 4 years A I dont know. B Leo. C Ben D Both of

13、them 【小题 4】 What is Leo going to study after he leaves Tsinghua University A Management B Chinese C Computer Science D English 【小题 5】 What plan does Ben have for his future A To be a teacher B To make a lot of money C To be a computer programmer D Both B and C 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C

14、 【小题 5】 A 【小题 1】由第一句话 “让我们到公园坐会吧 ”可知 Leo不能去,故选 C. 【小题 2】根据 Im going to work for my dad for a year我打算为我爸爸干一年活。 【小题 3】根据 Ben的回答 “I hope to work as a teacher”可知 【小题 4】根据 Ben“I guess you will be a computer programmer.”以及 Leo的回答“Id like to”可知。 【小题 5】根据 “I hope to work as a teacher and have a nice family

15、in the future.”可知。 阅读理解 根据对话内容完成表格 Ben Leo After high school 1._ go to college Go to Tsinghua University After 4 years in the university Find an easy job 2._ Future hopes 3._ have a nice family 4._ 5._ 答案: 【小题 1】 work for my dad for a year then 【小题 2】 will be a computer programmer 【小题 3】 hope to 【小题

16、 4】 go on to study computer science in Beijing University 【小题 5】 want to make a lot of money. 【小题 1】首先为爸爸干一年的活然后在上大学。 【小题 2】想成 为一名电脑程序师。 【小题 3】希望将来有一个好家庭。 【小题 4】 Leo希望继续到北京大学学计算机科学 【小题 5】 Leo想挣一些钱。 书面表达 写作 假设你是李红,昨天是你 13岁的生日。 In the morning Mom-go shopping and buy a coat for you In the afternoon Dad

17、-make a cake for you Mom-clean the room and buy some flowers In the evening You and your friends-have a party at your home 根据表格内容,把你昨天的经历以日记的形式写下来。 要求: 1. 条理清晰,语句通顺。 2. 可以适当的进行发挥, 60词左右。 _ 答案: 单词拼写 短文填空 A: How was your last school trip B: It was _1_. _2_we went to the _3_ and saw many sea animals. _

18、4_ we _5_ pizza _6_ lunch. Then we went to the mountains and _7_ songs together. _8_, we _9_ bus back to school and _10_ the bus after the trip. 答案: 【小题 1】此题可有多种答案: 【小题 2】 First 【小题 3】 aquarium 【 小题 4】 Next 【小题 5】 had 【小题 6】 for 【小题 7】 sang 【小题 8】 Finally 【小题 9】 took 【小题 10】 cleaned 【小题 1】答案:不唯一,可以是

19、 wonderful/great 【小题 2】 first首先我们去了 【小题 3】根据下文可知去了水族馆。 【小题 4】 next接下来 【小题 5】 have pizza吃比萨。 【小题 6】 for lunch午饭 【小题 7】 然后去爬山并且唱了一些歌。 【小题 8】 Finally最后相当于 at last 【小题 9】 took a bus乘公共汽车。 【小题 10】 cleaned大扫除,清扫的意思。 选出划线部分的英文注释 【小题 1】 -When did your mother return -Last night. A leave B come back C give ba

20、ck D turn 【小题 2】 Are you good at your schoolwork A Are you good for B Do you like C Did you do well in D Are you good with 【小题 3】 He flew to Shanghai yesterday. A went to Shanghai by plane B moved to Shanghai C lived in Shanghai D went to Shanghai 【小题 4】 Would you like to take part in our club A joi

21、n with B join C come to D work for 【小题 5】 I have to stay at home and baby-sit my sister. A have a baby B take care C look after D watch 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 【小题 1】 return“回来 ”或者 “归还 ”的意思,根据句意相当于 come back 【小题 2】 be good at擅长相当于 do well in。 【小题 3】 flew是 fly的过去式, flew to Sh

22、anghai=went to Shanghai by plane 【小题 4】 take part in参加 =join 【小题 5】 babysit临时照顾相当于 look after/take care of 用所给单词的适当形式填空 【小题 1】 You should eat_( many) vegetables and eat less junk food. 【小题 2】 How many _( sandwich) would you like 【小题 3】 He was _( bear) in 1983. 【小题 4】 He is _( practice) his guitar. 【

23、小题 5】 Are you _( interest) in reading books 【小题 6】 Do you get _( he) autograph 【小题 7】 When did you finish _( surf) the internet last night 【小题 8】 We had a lot of fun _( dance) on the beach yesterday. 【小题 9】 John is a _( talent) player. 【小题 10】 This shirt is _( difference) from that one. 答案: 【小题 1】 m

24、ore 【小题 2】 sandwiches, 【小题 3】 born, 【小题 4】 practicing, 【小题 5】 interested, 【小题 6】 his, 【小题 7】 surfing, 【小题 8】 dancing, 【小题 9】 talented, 【小题 10】 different 【小题 1】根据下文提示用比较级 more。 【小题 2】 how many跟可数名词复数 【小题 3】 be born出生 【小题 4】根据句意用现在进行时 be+v-ing 【小题 5】对 .感兴趣 be interested in 【小题 6】给出代词主格,根据后面的名词,应用形容词性物

25、主代词 【小题 7】 finish doing sth 完成干某事。 【小题 8】 have fun doing sth 【小题 9】 talented多才多艺的 ,修饰后面的名词 player 【小题 10】 be different from 和 .不同 补充句子 情景交际 从方框中选出填在句中空白处 的最佳选项,其中有 2项为多余选项 A: Excuse me, sir. 1 B: Sure. What can I do for you, young man A: _2_Our class want to go on a trip. Id like to look for some si

26、ghtseeing information. I want to know if you have a 6-day tour. B: We certainly do. We have many such tours. _3_. A: Well, we are going to visit the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and World Park and so on. B: They are all places of great interest in Beijing. _4_. A: Well, today is June 24. And we sti

27、ll have three more days before finishing the final exam. _5_. B: Oh, I see. A. We will be free the day after that. B. I want to ask you a question. C. When are you going to take the tour D. Could you give me some help E. What places are you going to visit F. We will have a week off. G. We are going

28、to fly there. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 F 【小题 3】 E 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A 【小题 1】根据语境是在旅行社请人帮忙询问信息。故选 D。 【小题 2】根据下文提示故选 F 【小题 3】根据 “we are going to visit the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and World Park and so on.”可知应选 E 【小题 4】根据答语应该选 C.你们打算何时去旅游? 【小题 5】考完试后有空闲,故选 A. 从方框中选出相应的答语,每个答语限用一次 【小题 1】 Who did the dish

29、es 【小题 2】 What was it yesterday 【小题 3】 What did you have for breakfast this morning 【小题 4】 When did you have that meeting 【小题 5】 How does she go to school every morning 【小题 6】 How are you feeling today 【小 题 7】 How long did they stay there 【小题 8】 How many friends do you have 【小题 9】 How often does she

30、 visit her grandmother 【小题 10】 How far is it from here to your school A. Not me. B. On foot. C. A twenty minutes walk D. Two E. January 5th,2004. F. A whole week. G. Not bad. H. Never. I. At 12 oclock. J. Nothing. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 E 【小题 3】 J 【小题 4】 I 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 G 【小题 7】 F 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 H 【

31、小题 10】 C 【小题 1】问的是谁洗碗,回答不是我。 【小题 2】对日期提问,昨天是几号?故选 E 【小题 3】今天早上你吃的是什么?回答什么也没吃。 【小题 4】那个会议何时开的? 12点 【小题 5】对方式进行提问,你每天早上怎么去上学 步行 【小题 6】今天感觉怎么样? 【小题 7】对一 段时间进行提问,用 how long;你在哪儿呆了多长时间? 【小题 8】你有多少朋友? 【小题 9】对频度副词进行提问, how often多久一次。 【小题 10】对距离进行提问, how far,回答是用时间表距离。 改错 短文改错。如果该行有错,请在错处划线并改在横线上,如果该行无错,请在横

32、线上打 . Mr. Black usually drive to work. One day, 1. _ he saw a cat behind a woman when he was 2. _ going to work by a car. As the car near them, 3. _ the cat suddenly started to across the road. 4. _ Of course the car hits the poor animal and 5. _ killed it. 答案: 【小题 1】 drivedrives 【小题 2】 【小题 3】 by a carby car /in a car 【小题 4】 acrosscross 【小题 5】 hitshit 【小题 1】一般现在时第三人称谓语动词用单数。 【小题 2】 该句表达正确 【小题 3】 by+交通工具,或者介词 +a/an+交通工具 【小题 4】 across是介词,需要动词形式 cross 【小题 5】主语 car是单数谓语动词用第三人称形式


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