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1、2013届北京市丰台区中考一模考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 Earth Hour started in Sydney on March 31st, 2007. It calls on families and buildings to turn off the lights from 20:30 to 21:30 on the last Saturday night of March. In 2007 more than 2.2 million homes and businesses turned off their lights. 【小题 1】 And it was supporte

2、d by 50 million people from thirty-five countries. On March 28, 2010 over 2100 cities in another eight countries took part in it. 【小题 2】 In 2012 in China, there were many cities taking part in this activity, especially some large cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai. In those cities, many people turned

3、 off lights in the hour. 【小题 3】 In colleges some students held some activities to make all the students leave their dormitories. It was 20:30, Beijing time. In Beijing some people were taking a walk with their families or friends. 【小题 4】 And in Ningbo some young people were holding a party in a park

4、,singing and dancing. The people from the three cities felt very relaxed.Earth Hour has a variety of activities, but the final goal is the same. That is focusing on (聚焦 ) climate change and protecting the environment for individuals. A. Many people would feel bored without lights. B. Earth Hour came

5、 to China on that day, too. C. And without lights, they could also enjoy themselves. D. In Shanghai some people were having a nice talk with their friends. E. A year later, on March 29, 2008 Earth Hour became a global activity. 答案: 【小题 1】 E 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D 试题分析:文章讲述了地球一小时活动的相关历史背景和参与的情况。

6、【小题 1】从后文 And it was supported by 50 million people from thirty-five countries,可知前文应为地球一小时活动成为了全球的活动,故选 E 【小题 2】从后文 In 2012 in China, there were many cities taking part in this activity,可知,前文应该讲中国,故选 B 【小题 3】从后文 In colleges some students held some activities to make all the students leave their dorm

7、itories.可知,前文应该讲没有电时一样可以做一些事情来玩过非常开心,故选 C 【小题 4】前文讲到 In Beijing some people were taking a walk with their families or friends.北京的人们一些情况,后文讲到宁波人们的情况,所以此处应该为上海人们的情况,故选 D 考点:语义理解能力考察 点评:对于此类题型的解答,可以将整个文段首先浏览一遍,大概理解意思。答题过程中,根据所提供的答语或是后文进行作答,同时,做题过程中注意使用排除法进行作答,答完后注意通读 检查是否符合逻辑,语义顺畅。 单项选择 * Is this your

8、MP3, Kathy No. _ is in the bag. A My B Mine C Your D Yours 答案: B 试题分析:句意:凯斯,这是你的 MP3吗?不是,我的是在袋子里。 mine名词性的物主代词相当于 my MP3,故选 B 考点:物主代词的用法 点评:英语中代词是替代名词的词,用途非常广泛,也是中考的必考点。人称代词分为主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性的物主代词。形容词性的物主代词相当于形容词,后面要加名词,可以用名词性的物主代词替换。 Do you know _ Next Monday. A when will he come back B when he w

9、ill come back C when did he come back D when he came back 答案: B 试题分析:句意:你知道他何时回来吗?下 周一。宾语从句用陈述句的语序。同时句子用一般将来时,故选 B 考点:宾语从句语序 点评:宾语从句是中考英语常考的语法点,除了要注意宾语从句要用陈述句语序外,还要注意时态的问题,主句谓语动词如果是现在时或将来时,宾语从句的时态可以是任何所需要的时态;主句中的谓语动词若是过去时,宾语从句也要用过去时态中的某一种。比如:一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时。但是在表达宇宙中的客观真理时,要用一般现在时态。 This famo

10、us tower has a long history. It _ more than 300 years ago. A builds B built C is built D was built 答案: D 试题分析:句意:这座著名的塔有很悠久的历史了,它被建于 300年前。一般过去时的被动语态,故选 D 考点:一般过去时的被动形式 点评:被动是中考中必考的语法点。解答好此类被动语态的题目,首先需要对句意有充分的理解,其次注意被动语态的基本形式。对于各个时态的被动语态,学生在平时的学习中都必须了然于心,中考英语中很亲睐考察将来时的被动语态,即will+be+done. We_ to see

11、the movie Life of Pi as soon as school is over. A go B went C will go D was going 答案: C 试题分析:句意:我们一下课就将去看少年派的奇幻漂流这部电影。 as soon as引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表示将来,主句用一般将来时,故选 C 考点: as soon as引导时间状语从句的时态 点评:此考点也是中考最喜欢出现的考点,引导宾语从句时没有 “主将从现 ”的说法。除了 as soon as外, 还有 when, if也一样要注意 “主将从现 ”。 Mr. White is my English teac

12、her. He _ in this school for about 5 years. A has worked B will work C is working D works 答案: A 试题分析:句意:白先生是我们的英语老师。他在这所学校已经工作 5年了。句中有 for about 5 years. 一段时间的状语,故用现在完成时。 考点:现在完成时。 点评:现在完成时表示动作已经完成,并对现在造成了影响。初中阶段注意两个词所连的时间状语,即 for后面加一段时间; since后面加点时间,有这两个短语在句子中时,句子都需要用现在完成时。 After he finished _ the

13、exciting story, he talked about it on and on with his friends. A reads B read C reading D to read 答案: C 试题分析:句意:在他读完了这个令人兴奋的故事后,他不停地和他 的朋友谈论着它。 finish后接动名词的形式,故选 C 考点:动词固定结构 点评:英语中有很多固定的用法,诸如 finish,enjoy,mind,practice等词后接动名词的形式,而 would you like, ask,tell等词后都接动词不定式的形式,此类固定用法要求学生进行牢记。 _ did you visit

14、 the Great Wall Last Sunday. A Where B What C When D How 答案: C 试题分析: A. Where在哪里 B. What什么 C. When 何时 D. How怎么样;句意:你什么时候参观长城?上周日。故选 C 考点:特殊疑问词 点评:词义辨析考的是学生的基础词汇知识,了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,解答此类习题,首先要求学生有一定的词汇量,句意理解后便可作答,所以平时的基础知识记忆,词汇积累是解答好这种题的关键。 Roast duck is one of _ dishes in Beijing. A delicious B mo

15、re delicious C most delicious D the most delicious 答案: D 试题分析:句意:在北京,烤鸭是最可口的菜肴之一。 one of+形容词的最高级 +可数名词的复数形式,故选 D 考点:形容词的最高级及 one of句型 点评:形容词在中考英语中常见的考点是考察比较级或是最高级。形容词比较级或是最高级的构成是学生平时必须牢记的基本知识,同时要注意形容词的比较级前面可以被 much,a little,even,far修饰,而 more不能修饰比较级,只是构成多音节形容词比较级的一部分。形容词最高级前要加 the。 Id like to go swim

16、ming with you, _ I am too busy today. A but B and C so D or 答案: A 试题分析: A. but 但是 B. and并且 C. so所以 D. or或者;句意:我想和你一起去游泳,但是我今天太忙了。故选 A 考点:连词 点评:连词在中考中涉及到的很多,尤其在宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句中连词是必考点。平时学习过程中,掌握连词的意思,及所表示的关系是至关重要的,这种关系的判断可以通过句子意思的理解来选择恰到的连词。 I _ in the hospital yesterday. I had to look after my sick mo

17、ther. A am B was C are D were 答案: B 试题分析:句意:我昨天在医院里。我不得不照顾我生病的妈妈。句中 yesterday表示过去的时间,故用 was。 考点:时态 点评:动词的时态是学习英语过程中非常重要的知识。而很多的题目,句中并没有像本题一样有明确的时间,很多要通过上下文的判断得知。一般过去时,表示过去发生的动作,是最基本的时态,句中往往有 yesterday,just now,ago等明确的时间状语,本题不难,平时加强记忆,理解即可。 May I smoke here No, you _ . This is a no -smoking room. A n

18、eednt B mustnt C couldnt D wouldnt 答案: B 试题分析: A. neednt没有必要 B. mustnt禁止,不准 C. couldnt 不可能 D. wouldnt不将,不会;句意:我可以在这里吸烟吗?不,你不准。这是无烟区。故选 B 考点:情态动词 点评:情态动词是中考的热点,情态动词除了表推测外,还可以表达另外的意思,如 must理解为必须,由这个词所开头的问句,肯定回答用 Yes,you must.否定回答用No,you neednt或者是 No,you dont have to.注意不用 mustnt,因为 mustnt表示例行禁止的含义。 The

19、y were all very tired, but _ took a rest. A everybody B somebody C anybody D nobody 答案: D 试题分析: A. everybody 每个人 B. somebody 某人 C. anybody任何人 D. nobody没有人;句意:他们都非常的累,但是没有人休息。故选 D 考点:不定代词的用法 点评:英语中不定代词所起的作用非常大,尤其在口语中用途很广泛。当复合不定代词做主语,谓语动词要用单数形式,当形容词修饰复合不定代词时要放在不定代词之后,如 something important. The Ninth G

20、arden Expo is on May 18th, 2013 _ Fengtai. A in B on C at D to 答案: A 试题分析:句意:第九届园林博览会于 2013年 5月 18日在丰台区举行。 in后接地点, on接具体的时间,故选 A 考点:介词 点评:介词是中考必考点,需要认真掌握。介词在英语中起到穿针引线的作用,英语介词的一个特点是一词多义,并且介词间语义交叉现象很多,习惯用法也很多,有时很难从词义上区分开来。故学习中要注意不断总结,结合语境结合基本词义多记一些介词的习惯用法和固定搭配。 完型填空 Each day I took the same route to w

21、ork and passed by a security guard (保安) . 1 greeted everyone walking by and made small talk with many of the passers-by and wishing them well. His simple “hello” made people feel 2 . His cheerful smile became a part of my day. When he was absent, many people noticed it, and I felt a little bit empty

22、. The first few times, I didnt say hello back to him when he greeted me. I was 3 in my own world. On Monday the security guard asked me:“How was your weekend ” I told him about my visit to California, to see my mother, who had colon cancer. I 4 how I visited her each month. “The time with my mother

23、is so precious(珍贵的 ), 5 I know that each time may be the last.” He listened like a close friend Id known for years. He felt my 6 and my love. He shared how he had lost his father to cancer two years before. He said, “I understand what you are going through. My father passed away while I was serving

24、in Germany. Because of some reasons I was unable to fly back in time. I was unable to say goodbye to him. I wish I could have been with him, given him a hug, and told him I loved him. You are really lucky to have the gift of 7 .” As I walked away, I realized I did not even know his name. The followi

25、ng day, on my way to work, I said: “After we spent all that time 8 yesterday, I still dont know your name.” He answered, “Gary.” I responded back, “Im Deborah.” After that, we talked and shared stories about our weekends, dreams and families. Later, Gary got 9 a new job and moved away. Its been seve

26、ral years since I last spoke to him, yet the memory feels like yesterday. Gary reached out to me, 10 me and made my morning the best part of the day. I experienced the beauty of friendship and love. In the business of life, we often forget to wish a stranger hello although how easy it is, and how gr

27、eat and lasting a 11 it can make. When you say hello to a stranger you become like a pebble(鹅卵石 ) thrown into a pond. With each ripple (波纹) you create, you spread love that continues to 12 . Make a point of saying hello to a stranger today. You will give the gift that keeps on giving. 【小题1】 A She B

28、They C He D I 【小题2】 A nervous B funny C special D surprised 【小题3】 A lost B left C missed D dropped 【小题4】 A wondered B shared C realized D found 【小题5】 A because B so C and D but 【小题6A weakness B illness C sorriness D sadness 】 【小题7】 A god B time C nature D friendship 【小题8】 A thinking B calling C cryi

29、ng D talking 【小题9】 A offered B afforded C invited D chosen 【小题10】 A moved B touched C told D helped 【小题11】 A progress B sense C trouble D difference 【小题12】 A receive B send C give D create 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 D 【小题 12

30、】 C 试题分析: 文章主要讲述了作者和保安之间所发生的事情,从他身上作者学到了要主动和陌生人打招呼,这样爱就会不断的传递给别人。 【小题 1】根据文章可知,这个保安会向每一个经过他的人问候。故选 C 【小题 2】 A. nervous 紧张 B. funny有趣 C. special特别 D. surprised惊奇 根据句意:他一句简单的 “您好 ”使人们感到自己是特殊的。故选 C 【小题 3】 A. lost丢失的 B. left离开 C. missed错过 D. dropped下降 根据句意:作者迷失在自己的世界里。故选 A 【小题 4】 A. wondered想知道 B. share

31、d分享 C. realized意识到 D. found发现 根据句意:作者和保安分享了他要每个月都去看望一次妈妈。故选 B 【小题 5】 A. because因为 B. so所以 C. and和 D. but但是 根据句意:因为作者知道每一次都可能是最后一次见到妈妈。故选 A 【小题 6】 A. weakness弱点 B. illness疾病 C. sorriness悲哀 D. sadness伤心 根据句意:他感到了作者的伤心和爱。故选 D 【小题 7】 A. god上帝 B. time时间 C. nature自然 D. friendship友谊 根据句意:你非常幸运,可以有时间看望你的妈妈。

32、故选 B 【小题 8】根据句意:作者对保安说昨天我们谈论了很久,选 D 【小题 9】 A. offered提供的 B. afforded给予 C. invited邀请 D. chosen选择 根据句意:盖里有了一份新的工作,离开了 get done表被动 故选 A 【小题 10】 A. moved移动 B. touched触动 C. told告诉 D. helped帮助;句意:他每天早上给我打招呼,触动了我,使我的早晨成为一天中最好的一部分。故选 B 【小题 11】 A. progress过程 B. sense感觉 C. trouble问题 D. difference不同;句意:它所能做的改变

33、是多么的伟大 和持久的,故选 D 【小题 12】 A. receive接收 B. send发送 C. give给予 D. create创造;句意:你传播的爱将会持续的给予别人,故选 C 考点:人生百味类议论文 点评:本片文章结构不难,文章大多是以短句构成。对于初中的完型填空,重在理解上下文的意思,一般不会很难。首先花几分钟进行整体的阅读,弄清楚时间,人物及情节。不提倡看一个做一个,平时的学习中要注意多积累固定句型,考试时才能判断出相对应的知识点。 阅读理解 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 The iPhone 4S is a touchscreen-based smartphone deve

34、loped by Apple Inc. It is the fifth generation of the iPhone, succeeding the iPhone 4, and was announced on October 4, 2011. Siri on iPhone 4S is like a person assistant. It lets you use your voice to do things on the iPhone. You can just talk to Siri as you talk to a person. Siri understands what y

35、ou say, knows what you mean, and even talks back. Say something like “Tell my wife Im running late.” “Remind me to call the doctor.”“Any fast food restaurants around here ” Siri does what you say, finds the information you need, then answers you. Its like youre having a conversation with your assist

36、ant. Siri not only understands what you say, but its also smart enough to know what you mean. So when you ask, “Any fast food restaurants around here ” Siri will reply, “I found a number of restaurants near you.” Then you can say, “Hmm. How about French fries ” Siri remembers that you just asked abo

37、ut restaurants for something to eat, so it will look for KFC restaurants in the neighborhood. And Siri is active, so it will question you until it finds what youre looking for. When you want to do something, just ask Siri to help you do it. Siri uses almost all the built-in apps on iPhone 4S. It wri

38、tes texts and sends email messages. It searches the web for anything you need to know. It plays the songs you want to hear. It gives you directions and shows you around. It makes calls, plans meetings, helps you remember and wakes you up. In fact, ask Siri what it can do it even speaks for its elf.

39、Siri is easy to use and does so much. Youll keep finding more and more ways to use it. 【小题 1】 When was iPhone 4S announced 【小题 2】 What is Siri on iPhone 4S like 【小题 3】 How can you use Siri to do things on the iPhone 【小题 4】 Why will Siri look for KFC restaurants in the neighborhood 【小题 5】 What does t

40、he writer want to tell us according to the passage 答案: 【小题 1】 On October 4, 2011. 【小题 2】 A person assistant. 【小题 3】 By using your voice. / By talking to Siri. 【小题 4】 Because Siri remembers that you just asked about restaurants for something to eat. 【小题 5】 The advantages of Siri and how to use it. 试题

41、分析:文章讲述了 Siri 的优点和如何来使用它。 【小题 1】细节题。从文章 It is the fifth generation of the iPhone, succeeding the iPhone 4, and was announced on October 4, 2011.可知, iPhone 4S的发布时间是 2011年 10月4日。 【小题 2】细节题。从文章 Siri on iPhone 4S is like a person assistant.可知 Siri就像是一个人的助手一样,故填 A person assistant. 【小题 3】细节题。从 You can ju

42、st talk to Siri as you talk to a person.可知,只需和它进行说话就行,故填 By using your voice. / By talking to Siri. 【小题 4】细节题。从 Siri remembers that you just asked about restaurants for something to eat, so it will look for KFC restaurants in the neighborhood. 可知因为 Siri 记得你刚要求要吃的东西,故填 Because Siri remembers that you

43、 just asked about restaurants for something to eat. 【小题 5】主旨题。从 Siri is easy to use and does so much. Youll keep finding more and more ways to use it.可知作者想告诉我们 Siri 的优点和如何来使用它,故填 The advantages of Siri and how to use it. 考点:科普类说明文 点评:本文的文章短小精炼,对于此类文章首先必须对每句话都要认真地阅读理解。初三的阅读绝大多数是细节题,考察学生信息的把握能力。议论文需要抓

44、住作者所表达中心思想。对于细节题,学生在理解全文的基础上要对题目中关键字在文章中迅速定位,找到相对应的出处,再仔细对比找出答案 :。 Tony Buzans grades were going down at university. Disappointed with his low marks, he went to the library to find a book on how to use his brain. He was directed to the medical section. Confused, he said to the librarian, “I dont wan

45、t to take my brain out, I just want to learn how to use it.” Her reply was simple: “Theres no book on that.” “I thought to myself,” says Buzan, “if I buy a little radio, I get an instruction manual (说明书 ). If I buy a microwave, I get an instruction manual. But for the most important machine in the w

46、orld, no instruction manual ” Fifty years later, Buzan has become the worlds leading speaker on the brain and learning. In the late 1960s, he invented the mind map, a visual representation of thought processes. This kind of thinking has become a popular tool for planning, organizing, problem solving

47、, and communicating across the world. He has since authored and co-authored over 100 books that have appeared in more than 30 languages. “I think in most cases, people use less than 1 percent of their brains,” he says. But how do you expand this 1 percent How do you become the best student you can b

48、e According to Buzan, the answer is simple. You take a section of whatever it is that you are trying to learn, he says, and you read it for its essence (精髓、要素 ). Then you make a mind map of all the important details. For a truly effective mind map, you start with a colored image in the center of your page. Draw the first image that comes to mind on the topic you are mind mapping. Branch off from your central image and create one of your main ideas. From your main branches draw some sub-branches and from those sub-b


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