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1、2013-2014外研版必修 1Module1同步精练( 3)英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * The boy really has_good memory.He can write the content of the book from_memory. A a; a B a; / C /; a D /; / 答案: B Do you have enough to_all your daily expenses Oh , yes, enough and to spare. A spend B fill C cover D offer 答案: C Jane wont join us fo

2、r dinner tonight and_. A neither wont Tom B Tom wont either C Tom will too D so will Tom 答案: B Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like What do you think of_over there A the one B this C it D that 答案: D She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction_had taken more than three years.

3、 A for which B with which C of which D to which 答案: C Ive just been to my first language class. Oh , really? _.Which language are you studying A So do I B So have I C So I do D So I have 答案: B Will $500_ ? Im afraid not.We need at least 300 dollars. A count B satisfy C fit D do 答案: D She wont go unl

4、ess_. A invite B invited C will invite D are inviting 答案: B He felt rather_that she should drive the car at such a_speed. A frightening; frightening B frightened; frightened C frightening; frightened D frightened; frightening 答案: D Youve left the light on. Oh.So I have._and turn it off. A Ill go B I

5、ve gone C I go D Im going 答案: A The girl looked at me with a_expression. Maybe the problem was quite_. A puzzled; puzzling B puzzling; puzzled C puzzled; puzzling D puzzling; puzzling 答案: A I cant say which wine is betterits a(n)_of personal taste. A matter B affair C event D variety 答案: A Im sorry

6、for not having told you the news earlier. _. A Enjoy yourself B Make yourself at home C It doesnt matter D Take your time 答案: C _, the search engine just gave me some brief introductions rather than the whole content of the book to read. A Luckily B Disappointedly C Funnily D Disappointingly 答案: D All these new students will be divided _ 12 classes. Then these classes will be divided _ the teachers. A to; in B among; into C into; by D into; among 答案: D


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