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1、2013-2014外研版必修 1Module2同步精练( 1)英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * Tom_tell the truth to his boss because he didnt want to make trouble. A darent to B dare to C dared not D dare 答案: C Our boss is very _, so we have to arrive on time, or we would be fined. A serious B strict C energetic D organized 答案: B Mark was af

2、raid of being scolded, so he_say what he thought to his parents. A dare not to B doesnt dare to C dared not to D didnt dare to 答案: D The audience waited in_silence while their aged speaker searched among his notes for the figures he could not remember. A respective B respect C respectful D respectab

3、le 答案: C I always hate_when reviewing lessons and appreciate_alone. A disturbing; staying B to disturb; to stay C being disturbed; staying D to be disturbed: to stay 答案: C Most of the students got a favourable impression_the new teacher, and they were especially impressed_his humour and broad knowle

4、dge. A on; by B towards; with C of; with D to; with 答案: C You know , Bob is a little slow _understanding. So I have to be patient_him. A in; with B on; with C in; to D at; for 答案: A Mary fell over and broke her leg._, she will have to be away from school for about one month. A As a result of B In a

5、word C As a result D After all 答案: C He was_rude_she refused to reply. A so; that B very; that C too; that D such; that 答案: A _production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year. A As B For C With D Through 答案: C She admitted_some bicycles from her neighbourhood. A steal B to steal C h

6、aving stolen D to have stolen 答案: C He tried to avoid_my questions in class. A to answer B answering C to have answered D having answered 答案: B I would appreciate_back this afternoon so that we can reach an immediate decision. A you to call B you call C your calling D youre calling 答案: C _our manage

7、r objects to Toms joining the club, we shall accept him as a member. A Until B Unless C If D After 答案: B We_on this project for four hours.Lets have a rest. A are working B have been working C worked D had worked 答案: B 完型填空 When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship.Having been a Straigh

8、t-A student, I believed I could _tough subjects and really learn something.One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne.I was extremely interested in the ideas he _in class. When I took the first exam, I was _ to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper,_ English was my best subject.I we

9、nt to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained _. I decided to try harder.Although I didnt know what that _because school had always been easy for me.I read the books more carefully, but got another 77.Again,I _with Professor Jayne.Again, he listened patiently but wouldnt change hi

10、s _. One more test before the final exam.One more _ to improve my grade.So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time, _the meaning of the word “thorough” But my _ did no good and everything _ as before The 1ast hurdle(障碍 )was the final.No matter what _ I got, it wouldnt cancel three C-pluses.I

11、might as well kiss the _ goodbye. I stopped working hard.I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would.The night before the final, I even _ myself to a movie.The next day I decided for once Id have _ with a test. A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A I hurried into Professor J

12、aynes office.He _to be expecting me.“If I gave you the As you _, you wouldnt continue to work as hard.” I stared at him, _ that his analysis and strategy(策略 )were correct.I had worked my head _, as I had never done before. I was speechless when my course grade arrived: A-plus.It was the only A-plus

13、given.The next year I received my scholarship.Ive always remembered Professor Jaynes lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence. 【小题1】 A take B discuss C cover D get A sought B presented C exchanged D obtained A shocked B worried C scared D anxious A but B so C for D or A unchanged B

14、 unpleasant C unfriendly D unmoved A reflected B meant C improved D affected A quarreled B reasoned C bargained D chatted A attitude B mind C plan D view A choice B step C chance D measure A memorized B considered C accepted D learned A ambition B confidence C effort D method A stayed B went C worke

15、d D changed A grade B answer C lesson D comment A scholarship B course C degree D subject A helped B favored C treated D relaxed A fun B luck C problems D tricks A happened B proved C pretended D seemed A valued B imagined C expected D welcomed A remembering B guessing C supposing D realizing A out

16、B over C on D off 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 B 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 A 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 C 【小题 16】 A 【小题 17】 D 【小题 18】 C 【小题 19】 D 【小题 20】 D 【小题 1】答案: A 句意:由于一直是个优秀的学生,我相信我能够学习难学的课程并且真正学习到知识。表示 “学习 课程 ”用 take.subjects。 【小题 2】答案:

17、 B 本句中表示老师授课时表达出来的思想,应该用present,表示 “呈现,展示 ”。 【小题 3】答案: A 与上文的 Having been a Straight-A student, I believed.形成对比,当知道自己得了 77分时,作者无疑是 “震惊的 ”。 【小题 4】答案: C 该句是下句 I went to Professor Jayne 的原因,故用 for,表示原因。 【小题 5】答案: D 与下文中的 .but wouldnt change his _8_相对应,本句中应表示 Jayne教授并没有被打动,故用 unmoved。 unchanged不改变;unple

18、asant不愉快的; unfriendly不友好的; unmoved冷漠的,不被打动的。 【小题 6】答案: B mean在此表示 “意味着 ”。 【小题 7】答案: B 当又得了一个 77分时, “我 ”去与 Jayne教授评理,表示 “评理 ”用 reason。 quarrel争吵,用在学生与老师之间明显不妥; bargain讨价还价,与语境不符; chat聊天,自己在生气的情况下不可能去与老师 “闲聊 ”。 【小题 8】答案: B change表示 “改变 ”。虽然 “我 ”去与教授评理,但他并没有改变 “主意 ”。故空格处须用 mind。 【小题 9】答案: C 在没法说动教授的情况下

19、, “我 ”所能做的只有尽全力提高成绩,因而每一次考试都是 “我 ”提高自己成绩的 “机会 ”。故应使用chance。 【小题 10】答案: D 由于自己竭尽全力学习, “我 ”领悟到了 “一丝不苟 ”的含义,表示 “领悟 ”用 learn。 【小题 11】答案: C but 一词对于本段中描述的情形进行转折,也就是说,虽然自己付出了巨大的努力,但是考试成绩并没有改进,故应使用 effort,表示“努力 ”。 【小题 12】答案: B as before表示 “像以前一样 ”。由 11题可知,该空格处用 go。 【小题 13】答案: A 最后的障碍是期末考试,而由于整个学期我的成绩一直是在 C

20、等,所以无论期末考试我得到什么等级,我的三个 C等成绩也不会取消,所以应选择 grade,表示 “等级 ”。 【小题 14】答案: A 既然成绩是 C等,那么也就与奖学金无缘了,故应选择 A项。 【小题 15】答案: C 在对奖学金不抱什么希望且对所学的知识已经掌握很好的情况下, “我 ”在考试前去看了场电影,这里的看电影实际上是在 “奖励 ”自己,故用 treat,表示 “款待 ”。 【小题 16】答案: A for once表示 “就此一次 ”。因为自己屡受挫折,故而自己决 定这次考试不再 “郑重对待 ”,故用 have fun with。 【小题 17】答案: D 由于有了前几次自己去与 Jayne教授的评理,故而出了成绩后,教授似乎在等着 “我 ”再去见他,也就是教授觉得 “我 ”会再去找他。 【小题 18】答案: C 句意:如果我给了你所希望的 A等,你就不会继续那样努力学习了。 value重视; imagine想象; expect期望; welcome欢迎。故 C项正确。 【小题 19】答案: D Jayne教授说明了给 “我 ”C 等的理由, “我 ”也意识到了他的分析和策略是正确的,表示 “意识到 ”用 realize。 【小题 20】答案: D work ones head off表示 “拼命工作,拼命学习 ”,是固定搭配。


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