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1、2013-2014外研版必修 1Module3同步精练( 3)英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * The film star agreed to give a TV_immediately after his wedding. A visit B travel C view D interview 答案: D Can those_at the back of the classroom hear me A seated B sit C seat D sat 答案: A At the opening_of the school, our headmaster gave a short spe

2、ech. A ceremony B form C matter D event 答案: A Sarah pretended to be cheerful, _nothing about the argument. A says B said C to say D saying 答案: D More highways have been built in China, _it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. A making B made C to make D having made 答案: A Our c

3、ountry will try to make greater progress in improving peoples living conditions, _low-income families. A especially B absolutely C totally D extremely 答案: A The modern woman threw away _ clothes and bought many modern clothes. A out of date B out-of-date C up to date D up-to-date 答案: B I doubted her

4、 honesty_I met her. A first time B for the first time C the first time D by the first time 答案: C May I have some more tea with sugar , please Im sorry , but there doesnt seem to be_. A left any B any left C leaving any D any leaving 答案: B What_pity that he couldnt be here to receive_prize. A a; a B

5、the; a C a; the D the; the 答案: C Would you mind beginning No. 6 _. A Yes B Not at all C Yes, I mind D No, I dont mind 答案: B He was almost_to death at the sight of the_scene. A frightened; frightening B frightened; frighten C frightened; frightened D frightening; frighten 答案: A The babysitter was_by

6、the demands of her young charges and she just wanted to lie on bed and have a rest. A worried B exhausted C frightened D interested 答案: B Theres a rumor_that he is going to resign. A in the air B on the air C into thin air D in the open air 答案: A Do you mind if I smoke here _. A Of course not.Its not allowed here B No, you cant C Id rather you didnt actually D Great! I also like smoking 答案: C


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