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1、2013-2014学年山西省山大附中高一 12月月考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 Does this situation seem familiar to you? Your English is progressing well, the grammar is now familiar, the reading comprehension is no problem, and you are speaking quite fluently._1_ First of all, remember that you are not alone. Listening is probably the

2、 most difficult job for almost all learners of English as a foreign language. The most important thing is to listen as often as possible._2_ The Internet is really a useful tool for English students. You can download The RealPlayer from RealM. The RealPlayer allows you to use the Internet like a rad

3、io station. Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be frustrated by limited understanding._3_ Here is some of the advice I give my students: Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything. Stay relaxed when you do not understand, and try listening to the m

4、aterial for more times. Do not translate everything into your native language. _4_Dont concentrate on details before you have understood the main ideas. Listen to something you enjoy. I remember the problems I had in understanding spoken German when I first went to Germany. In the beginning, when I

5、didnt understand a word, I insisted on translating it in my mind. This method usually resulted in confusion._5_Firstly, translating creates a barrier between the listener and the speaker. Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly. By remaining calm,I noticed that even if I didnt pay much at

6、tention I could usually understand what the speaker had said. A But you cant follow a native English speaker at all! B What should you do C But listening is a problem for most of the beginners! D However, after several weeks, I got used to the new environment in Germany. E So, what you need to do is

7、 to find listening resources. F Then, after the first six months, I discovered two extremely important facts. G Listen for the general idea of the conversation. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 E 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 G 【小题 5】 F 试题分析: 【小题 1】 A 题意 你的英语进步很大,语法也不错,阅读理解也很好,你也说得很流利,但你根本听不懂当地人所说的话。根据下文 First of all, remembe

8、r that you are not alone. Listening is probably the most difficult job for almost all learners of English as a foreign language ,提到听力是最重要的,所以进行转折,故选 A项。 【小题 2】 E 上文提到 The most important thing is to listen as often as possible最重要的是尽可能的多听,故你要找到听力资源。与 listen 是想呼应的。故选 E项。 【小题 3】 B 上文提到 一旦你开始在一定基础上听,你仍然可

9、能理解不了。你应该如何做呢,根据下文, Here is some of the advice I give my students这有一些建议,故应是不知道如何做了,故选 B 项。 【小题 4】 G 根据下文提到,不要集中在细节上,要集中在细节上, the main ideas与 r the general idea of the conversation.是同义词,故选 G项,听大概意思。 【小题 5】 F 根据下文提到 Firstly, translating creates a barrier between the listener and the speaker. Secondly,

10、 most people repeat themselves constantly.,首先翻译会造成障碍,再者大多数人不断重要,这两点正是作者六个月后的体会。故选 F项。 考点 信息匹配。 单项选择 * I would rather Ted _ here early. A leaves B to leave C left D has left 答案: C 试题分析:考查虚拟语气。题意 我宁愿 Ted早点离开。在 would rather后面所跟的从句中,也可用虚拟语气,表示愿望,意为 “宁愿 ”、 “但愿 ”。其形式为: 1 ) would rather +主语 +动词过去式 表示现在或将来的

11、情况。例 : I would rather you went next Sunday 我愿你下星期天去。 2 ) would rather +主语 +动词过去完成式 表示过去的情况。例: Id rather you had not given up the job then. 要是你当时不放弃那个工作就好了。 考点 考查虚拟语气 Do you think the film is good Terrific! _ A It couldnt be better. B It could be better. C It is still better. D It couldnt be worse. 答

12、案: A Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _ was very reasonable. A the price of it B its price C the price of which D the price of whose 答案: C Mr. Smith is _ a teacher. He is a friend as well. We all respect him. A other than B more than C less than D rather than 答案: B The story happened in_ a

13、nd the hero was in his_. A 1840s; thirty B the 1840s; thirty C 1840s; thirties D the 1840s; thirties 答案: D Can you tell me the way you think of_ the problem A to work out B working out C work out D to work 答案: A As a new graduate, he doesnt know _it takes to start a business here. A how B what C whe

14、n D which 答案: B The snow lasted a week, _a serious traffic confusion in the whole area. A causing B cause C to cause D caused 答案: A About_of the workers in that steel works_ young people. A third-fifths; are B three-fifths; is C three-fifths; are D third-fifth; are 答案: C - Did you tell Julia about t

15、he result -Oh, no, I forgot. I _ her now. A will be calling B call C will call D am to call 答案: C _ is known to us all that the sun rises in the east. A As B That C Which D It 答案: D The police have collected some information the murder. A connected to B connected with C connecting with D was connect

16、ed with 答案: B When I met him the other day, it was the first time we _ each other since we graduated from school. A saw B have seen C were seeing D had seen 答案: D The class _ my daughter studies in _ fifty-six students. A which; consists of B where; is made up of C which; makes up D where; is consis

17、ted of 答案: A As we know, a red jacket doesnt _ green trousers. But when a little girl wears them, they _her very well. A fit, suit B suit, fit C match, suit D fit, match 答案: C 完型填空 I still remember my first day in the U.S. very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Ai

18、rport at three oclock in the afternoon. The weather was very and it was snowing, but I was too excited to _. From the airport, my friend and I a taxi to my . On the way I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the _time and I stared in surprise at the famous skyscrapers and their man-made . Helping me unp

19、ack at the hotel, my friend left and to return the next day. my friend had left, I went to a near the hotel to get something to eat. Since I couldnt speak a single of English, I couldnt tell the what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some , but he didnt understand me. Finally, I ordered

20、 the same thing the man at the next table was . After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway I came to Times Square with its theatres, neon lights, and crowds of people. I didnt feel tired, so I to walk around the city. I wanted to see _on my first day, although I knew it was impossible. When I to

21、 the hotel, I couldnt fall asleep, lay and thought about New York. It was a very big and amazing city with many high-rise buildings and streams of cars, and full of and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to English. 【小题1】 A hot B warm C cold D cool A look B listen C enjoy D m

22、ind A sat B took C rode D used A home B hotel C office D school A first B one C last D only A satellites B lakes C beauty D parks A advised B liked C promised D hoped A Before long B Shortly after C Soon D Then A restaurant B shop C supermarket D pub A letter B word C sentence D phrase A boss B cook

23、 C waiter D waitress A voices B suggestions C sounds D gestures A looking B ordering C picking D eating A until B when C before D after A tried B stopped C decided D continued A anything B everything C something D some things A came B went C returned D arrived A asleep B awake C afraid D alive A noi

24、se B voices C streets D places A say B talk C speak D tell 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 B 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 D 【小题 13】 D 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 D 【小题 16】 B 【小题 17】 C 【小题 18】 B 【小题 19】 A 【小题 20】 C 试题分析: 本文是记叙文,作者到纽约,从最初对这个城市的吃惊,到自己独自外出吃饭所遇到的困难

25、,使作者意识到一定要学英语。 【小题 1】 C 考查形容词辨析 A热的 B温暖的 C冷的 D酷的。 根据下文 it was snowing,正在下雪 ,故选择 C项,天气寒冷。 【小题 2】 D考查动词辨析 A看 B听 C喜欢 D介意 。根据上文,天气很冷并且还下着雪,但是我很兴奋就没有在意这些, but 在句中表转折,故作者没有留心,故选 D项。 【小题 3】 B考查动词辨析 A坐 B乘坐 C骑 D用。根据题意 从机场,我和朋友打车去宾馆。考查固定搭配 take a taxi ,打车,故选 B项。 【小题 4】 B 考查名词辨析与语境理解。 根据 Helping me unpack at t

26、he hotel, my friend left,帮我在酒店搬行李,我的朋友就离开了,可知,是去的酒店,故选B项。 【小题 5】 A 考查语境理解。题意,我在路上第一次看到曼哈顿的轮廓,对他的高楼大厦很是吃惊。根据第一段第一句话 I still remember my first day in the U.S. very clearly ,可知作者第一次看到。故选 A项。 【小题 6】 C 考查名词与语境理 解。根据题意,作者第一次看到曼哈顿的繁华,对摩天大楼和他们的人造景观的美感到非常吃惊。本句话中出现 stared in surprise ,故人造景观的美。 【小题 7】 C 考查动词辨析

27、 A建议 B喜欢 C允诺 D希望 。根据题意,帮我收拾好后,我的朋友就离开,承诺明天再来。根据下文作者一个单独逛了逛,故朋友说明天再来。故选 C项。 【小题 8】 B 考查连词 A不久之后 B过了一会 C很快 D然后。 题意,过了一会 ,我的朋友离开 。根据上文 my friend left and 22 to return the next day, 故选B项。 【小题 9】 A 考查名词辨析 A餐馆 B商店 C超级市场 D酒吧 。题意 我去了附近的餐馆想找点东西吃。根据本句话 get something to eat,故去的是餐馆。所以选 A项。 【小题 10】 B 考查名词辨析 A信 B

28、话 C句子 D短语。题意 因为我不会说一句话的英语。作者初次来美国,不会讲英语,故选 B项。 【小题 11】 C 考查名词辨析与语境理解。题意 我不能告诉侍者我想要什么。因为作者来到的餐馆,又不会说英语,故不能告诉侍者他想吃什么,故选 C项。 【小题 12】 D 考查名词辨析 A声音 B建议 C声音 D手势 句义 我很是不安,开始打手势,但是他不能理解我。上文提到 作者不懂英语,故只发用手势来表达。所以选 D项。 【小题 13】 D 考查动词辨析 A看 B订购 C挑选 D吃 。句意 最后 我点了与隔壁桌客人一样的。根据题意,作者打手势也不能说明白,只好点了与临桌一样的餐,故选 D项。 【小题

29、14】 A 考查连词辨析 A直到 B当。时候 C在。之前 D 在之后 。句意 吃过晚餐后,我开始沿着街走直到我直到繁华的时代广场。根据语境,作者一起走,一直走到某个地方,故用 A项。 【小题 15】 D 考查动词辨析 A累 B停止 C决定 D继续 句意,我并不感觉累,因为我继续围绕这个城市走。根据上文出现的 I didnt feel tired,故继续做某事,所以选 D项。 【小题 16】 B 考查不定代词 句意,我想在第一天时看尽一切,尽管这是不可能的。根据下方提到 it was impossible,这是不可能 的,所以,想看尽一切。所以选 B项。 【小题 17】 C 动词辨析 A到 B去

30、 C返回 D到达 句意,当我返回酒店,我不能入睡并且一直在想这些与纽约有关的事。根据上文,作者外出吃饭后又在外逛了一圈,故回到酒店,所以选 C项。 【小题 18】 B 考查形容词辨析 A睡着 的 B醒着的 C害怕的 D活着的 。句意,我不能入睡,醒着,想白天发生的一切与纽约有关的事,这是一个令人吃惊的地方,高楼大厦,车流。因为提到作者所想到的内容,所以作者睡不着的,醒着。故选 B项。 【小题 19】 A 考查名词辨析 A噪音 B声音 C街道 D地方 。句意,纽约是是个令人吃惊的地方,高楼大厦,车流,和拥挤的人群。上面提到车流,故充满噪音和与拥挤的人群,所以选 A项。 【小题 20】 C 考查动

31、词辨析。题意,思考今天的经历,我做出决定,一定要学说英语。根据作者的返回酒店不能入睡,在吃饭时所碰到的问题,所以作者决定要学说英语 。 Speak Enlish说英语,固定搭配。故选 C项。 考点 故事类阅读。 阅读理解 Few Americans remain in one position or one place for a lifetime. We move from town to city to suburb, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better

32、 job elsewhere, from the home where we raise our children to the home where we plan to live in retirement. With each move we are forever making new friends, who become part of our new life at that time. For many of us summer is a special time for forming new friendships. Today millions of Americans

33、vacation abroad, and they go not only to see new sights but also with the hope of meeting new people. No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friend, but the beginning of a friendship is possible. The word “friend ” can be applied to a wide range of relationships - to someone one ha

34、s known for a few weeks in a new place, to a fellow worker, to a childhood playmate, to a man or woman, to a trusted confidant. 【小题 1】 Many Americans move from place to place for the following reasons except_. A going to college B getting a better job C finding a place to live in retirement D saving

35、 money 【小题 2】 Summer is a special time when many Americans_. A enjoy the sunlight B feel strange C travel to other countries D get a new job 【小题 3】 When summer comes, many Americans _. A hope to meet new people B expect to find some close friends C want to begin lasting friendships with new people D

36、 Both A and B 【小题 4】 From the passage it can be seen that a “friend” can be _. A a fellow worker B a football teammate C a boy or a girl D all of the above 【小题 5】 Which of the following is the topic sentence of the second paragraph A For many of us summer is a special time for forming new friendship

37、s. B Today millions of Americans vacation abroad. C No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friendship. D But surely the beginning of friendship is possible. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 A 试题分析: 本文是说明文,讲述的是美国人偏爱 “移动 ”,不仅仅是看风光,还有可能会结识到新的朋友,使朋友的含义也就随之扩大了。 【小题 1】 D细节题

38、。根据第一段 We move from town to city to suburb, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job elsewhere, from the home where we raise our children to the home where we plan to live in retirement许多美国人一生不停的换地方,目的是上学 ,工作,退休。 D项没有提到。故选 D项。 【小题 2】 C细节题。根据第二段 Today

39、 millions of Americans vacation abroad, and they go not only to see new sights but also with the hope of meeting new people ,许多美国人去国外度假,不仅仅看风光还可能 会结识新的朋友。故选 C项。 【小题 3】 A细节题。根据第二段 No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friend, but the beginning of a friendship is possible.没有人期望去交个新朋

40、友但是开始一场新的友谊是可能的,故选 A项。 【小题 4】 D细节题。根据第三段 The word “friend ” can be applied to a wide range of relationships - to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place, to a fellow worker, to a childhood playmate, to a man or woman, to a trusted confidant.朋友不仅仅是工作伙伴,玩伴,可信赖的人,故选 D,所有的角色都包括。 【小题 5】 A 段落

41、大意题。第二段第一句话是主题句。夏天是形成友谊的一个特殊的时期,下方这句话进行阐明,他们外出不仅仅是看风光,还有可能会交到朋友,故选 A项。 考点 文化类阅读。 In some Western countries, there are many opportunities for adults who want to improve their lives. There are public schools you can attend. In the schools, you can take things like English, arithmetic, and history. You

42、 can find classes in almost any subject you want to study. You may want to learn to type, sew, paint, or fix TV sets. You may want to learn more about trade you are already in. You may want to learn a new trade. You may want to get a high school diploma. You may even want to go to college. All it ta

43、kes is time and effort. In many cities, there are adult classes in the public schools. You can attend many of these classes without having to pay money. In some schools you may have to pay a small fee. There are also many kinds of private schools for adults. In addition to schools, many industries a

44、nd unions conduct on-the-job training programs. In these programs you hear about new ideas and learn new skills. Many large companies will send a worker to school if he or she has ability. Many job opportunities are offered to those who wish to work. It helps if you know more than one language. Ther

45、e are good jobs for interpreters and typists who know English and another language. There are many good jobs in government. In most cases, you must be a citizen of this country, and you must take a civil service examination. These examinations are open to everyone, regardless of race, religion, or c

46、olor. For many civil service jobs you need a high school diploma. The person who does not have a high school diploma can get one. There are several ways. You can study high school subjects at home and then take special tests. If you pass the tests, then you get a diploma. Or you can go to night scho

47、ol. There are classes that prepare you to take special tests to earn a diploma. You can attend a night school that grants a high school diploma if you complete certain courses. If you do this, you do not have to take the special test. Be as well trained as you can. Get as much training as you can. O

48、pportunity knocks at every door. Be sure that when it knocks at your door you are ready. 【小题 1】 According to the article, if you want to live a better life, you have to get_. A some time B an education C new ideas D new jobs 【小题 2】 In many places, public schooling for adults is _. A difficult B easy C fr


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