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1、2013-2014学年江西省新余一中高二下学期第一次段考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 阅读下面的短文并回答问题,然后将答案:写到题后的横线上(请注意问题后的词数要求)。 1 A flood is the overflow of a huge amount of water onto normally dry land. Flooding occurs when the overflowing water submerges (淹没 ) land, and it causes a lot of problems. It is a cruel and violent expression of

2、water. 2 Floods are often deadly and damaging. They kill lots of people, damage houses and crops, and cause extensive destruction. In broader terms, floods are of two types: natural floods and catastrophic floods. Natural floods are the floods that are caused naturally by the overflow of a huge volu

3、me of water, from rivers, lakes, oceans, or by heavy rain or downpours, hurricanes, and so on. Catastrophic floods are floods that are caused by some significant (重大的 ) or unexpected events, for instance, dam breakages. 3 Heavy rainfall is one of the major causes of floods. The level of water in riv

4、ers or lakes rises due to heavy rainfall. When the level of water rises above the river banks or dam, the water starts overflowing, which causes floods. Floods occur more in the regions that _. 4 Floods are also caused due to heavy snow melting. Global temperatures are rising due to global warming.

5、The rising temperatures are making the snow caps melt faster. Continuous and fast melting snow raises the level of water in the oceans, which consequently raises the level of water in rivers, and when the level of water in rivers rises above the river banks, it causes floods. 5 Generally, floods occ

6、ur more in low-lying areas or areas below sea level. One of the main reasons is that rivers flow slowly in these areas. The volume of water increases in low-lying areas. When the level of water rises in these regions, it causes floods. 6 Sometimes floods are caused due to poor dams that cannot hold

7、great volume of water. Therefore, there are always different causes of floods. However, floods caused by humans can be avoided. Humans should let the nature go its own way. 【小题 1】 What is the main idea of the passage ( no more than 5 words) _ 【小题 2】 When do floods occur (no more than 6 words) _ 【小题

8、3】 What causes catastrophic floods (no more than 8 words) _ 【小题 4】 Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 wit proper words. (no more than 4 words ) _ 【小题 5】 What does the word “They” (Line 1, Paragraph 2) probably refer to (1 word) _ 答案: 【小题 1】 What causes floods. 【小题 2】 When the overflowing water submerg

9、es land. 【小题 3】 Some significant or unexpected events, like dam breakages. 【小题 4】 get heavy rainfall 【小题 5】 Floods. 试题分析:洪水是大量的水流向平常干燥的地区。当大量的水淹没陆地时,就产生了洪水灾害。洪水通常是致命的、具有破坏性的。可以分为自然性和灾害性洪水。造成洪水的原因有很多。 【小题 1】文章第一段介绍了洪水的概念;第二段讲的是洪水的分类,接下来几段讲的是洪水产生的原因。 Heavy rainfall; heavy snow melting; low-lying areas

10、 or areas below sea level; poor dams等都是洪水产生的原因,文章主要讲的是造成洪水灾害的原因,故填 What causes floods.。 【小题 2】根据第一段 “Flooding occurs when the overflowing water submerges (淹没 ) land”可知,当过多的水淹没地面时,就会产生洪水灾害。故填 When the overflowing water submerges land.。 【小题 3】根据第二段 “Catastrophic floods are floods that are caused by so

11、me significant (重大的 ) or unexpected events, for instance, dam breakages.”可知,灾害性洪水是由一些重大或突发事件引起的洪水。故填 Some significant or unexpected events, like dam breakages.。 【小题 4】根据第三段 “Heavy rainfall is one of the major causes of floods.”可知,本段讲的是大雨,所填的与大雨有关,故填 get heavy rainfall。 【小题 5】根据第二段 “Floods are often

12、deadly and damaging.”可知,代词 they指的是 Floods。故填 Floods.。 考点:自然类短文阅读 单项选择 * Between the two windows was taken 10 years ago. A a picture hangs that B a picture hanging which C does a picture hang which D hangs a picture that 答案: D 试题分析:考查完全倒装。当表示地点的副词或介词短语位于句首时,句子使用完全倒装,即把句子的谓语动词提到主语之前。 A项未倒装, B项谓语不完整; C

13、项把助动词提前,是部分倒装;排除 A、 B、 C; D项是完全倒装结构,故选 D。 考点:考查完全倒装 In the reading room, we found her _at the desk, with her attention _on a book. A seated; fixing B to sit; fixed C seated; fixed D seating; fixing 答案: C 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。 seated就座的,表示坐着的状态,相当于 sitting,find sb +过去分词 /现在分词 /介词短语等作宾补,意为 “发现某人 .”,排除 B、D; at

14、tention与 fix是动宾关系,应该使用过去分词表被动,排除 A,故选 C。 考点:考查非谓语动词 With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _each year. A is washing away B is being washed away C are washing away D are being washed away 答案: D 试题分析:考查主谓一致。 a large quantity of和 large quantities of都有 “许多,大量 ”的意思,后面都可跟可数名词或不可数

15、名词,谓语的数与 quantity的单复数保持一致,当使用单数 quantity时,谓语用单数 ,用复数 quantities时,谓语用复数,故选 D。 考点:考查主谓一致 The prisoner was released early because of good _. A conduct B praise C comment D condition 答案: A 试题分析:考查名词辨析。句意:那个囚犯由于表现良好被提前释放了。 A行为,举止; B赞扬; C评论,意见; D状况。只有 A项表示 “行为,举止 ”,故选 A。 考点:考查名词辨析 Its _ most beautiful fur

16、niture, by which I was struck at the first sight and I determined to take _ possession of it some day. A the ; / B / ; / C a ; the D a ; / 答案: B 试题分析:考查冠词用法。 furniture 家具,是不可数名词,前面不用不定冠词 a,排除 C、 D; most在此意为 “非常 ”,相当于 very,前面不加定冠词 the,排除 A;take possession of拥有 ,是固定搭配,故选 B。 考点:考查冠词用法 I can start to wo

17、rk next Monday. _ then. I am glad to be able to offer you the job. A You cant be serious. B Youre welcome. C Thats right. D Its settled. 答案: D 试题分析:考查情景交际。句意: -我下周一可以开始工作。 -那就这么定了。很高兴能为你提供这份工作。 A你不是在开玩笑吧; B不客气; C对,没错; D就这么定了。故选 D。 考点:考查情景交际 A few days after the interview, I received a letter_me admi

18、ssion to the university. A offering B offered C having offered D to be offered 答案: A 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。 a letter与 offer是主谓关系,即 “信提供给我入学许可 ”,排除 B;当两个动作有先后关系是,用 having done,这里的 receive和offer是同时发生的,排除 C;不定式表将来,排除 D,故选 A。 考点:考查非谓语动词 Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some _ a life span of around 20

19、years. A had B having C have D to have 答案: B 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。句子的主句是 “Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures”,逗号后面是非谓语部分, some是逻辑主语,指的是 “一些老鼠 ”,如果选 C的话,两个并列分句需要 and连接, some和 have是主谓关系,用现在分词,故选 B。 考点:考查非谓语动词 According to the information from the airline, a small sinking part of the runway of the airp

20、ort is _ for the accident. A to blame B to be blamed C to blaming D to be blaming 答案: A 试题分析:考查固定搭配。 sb/sth is to blame for sth某人 /物应该对某事负责,句意:根据航空公司的消息,机场跑道上的一个塌陷的地方是事故的起因。故选A。 考点:考查固定搭配 Obviously the measures taken by the local government have_ the solution to drinking water problems in this regio

21、n. A contributed to B referred to C turned to D devoted to 答案: A 试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:当地政府才去的措施很明显已经促进了这一地区饮用水问题的解决。 A促进,有助于; B参考,指的是,涉及; C转向,求助于; D献身于,致力于。故选 A。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 -Do you know when the Chinese custom_ from -Its hard to say. But its characteristics_ the Tang Period. A began; prove B started; s

22、how C dates; suggest D is; appear 答案: C 试题分析:考查动词短语和动词辨析。 date from追溯到; prove证明; show显示; suggest暗示,表明; appear出现。句意: -你知道中国风俗习惯可以追溯到什么时候吗? -这很难说。但是,它的特征暗示唐朝。 A、 B的时态不正确,故选 C。 考点:考查动词短语和动词辨析 Paper bags produced every year are _ the worlds production of vehicles. A as three times heavy as B three times

23、 weight of C three times the weight of D three times as heavier as 答案: C 试题分析:考查倍数和比较等级。倍数必须放在比较等级的前面,常见的结构有:倍数 +比较级 +than;倍数 +as.as;倍数 +the weight/size/length of.等。 A项的倍数放在了 as.as中间,排除 A; D项中的 as.as中间应该用原级,排除 D;B项结构不正确,故选 C。 考点:考查倍数和比较等级 His spare time is made full use_ law. A to study B study C of

24、 studying D of to study 答案: D 试题分析:考查固定短语和不定式。 make full use of充分利用,是固定短语,排除 A、 B; make full use of time to do sth充分利用时间做某事 ,不定式做目的状语,故选 D。 考点:考查固定短语和不定式 Some of the old beliefs passed down from one generation to another _ the present thinking. A agree with B deal with C put up with D come up with 答

25、案: A 试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。 A 同意,与 .相符; B 处理; C 忍受; D 想出。句中的过去分词短语 “passed down from one generation to another”做的是后置定语,修饰主语 Some of the old beliefs,句意:代代相传的一些老观念与现在的思想是相符的。故选 A。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 Who would you rather _ with the teacher about the problem A talking B have talk C have talked D talk 答案: B 试题分析:考查固定搭配

26、。 would rather do sth宁愿做某事,但不能用 would rather sb do sth结构; have sb do sth让某人做某事,由此可知, would rather have sb do sth意为 “更愿意让某人做某事 ”。句意:你更愿意让谁去跟老师谈论这个问题?故选 B。 考点:考查固定搭配 完型填空 Some years ago when I was in my first year in college, I heard Salome Bey sing for the first time. The moment was exciting. Salomes

27、 filled the room and brought the theater to life. I was so that I decided to write an article about her. I Salome Bey, telling her I was from Essence magazine, and that I wanted to meet her to talk about her career. She and told me to come to her Studio next Tuesday. When I hung up, I was scared out

28、 of mind. I I was lying. I was not a writer at all and hadnt even written a grocery list. I interviewed Salome Bey the next Tuesday. I sat there , taking notes and asking questions that all began with, “Can you tell me ” I soon realized that Salome Bey was one thing, but writing a story for a nation

29、al magazine was just impossible. The was almost unbearable. I struggled for days draft(草稿) after draft. Finally I put my manuscript(手稿) into a large envelope and dropped it into a mailbox. It didnt take long. My manuscript . How stupid of me! I thought. How could I in a world of professional writers

30、 Knowing I couldnt the rejection letter, I threw the unopened envelope into a drawer. Five years later, I was moving to California. While my apartment, I came across the unopened envelope. This time I opened it and read the editors letter in : Ms Profit, Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic. Yet we

31、 need some materials. Please add those and return the article immediately. We would like to your story soon. Shocked, it took me a long time to . Fear of rejection cost me greatly. I lost at least five hundred dollars and the chance of having my article appear in a major magazine. More importantly,

32、I lost years of writing. Today, I have become a full-time writer. Looking back on this , I learned a very important lesson: You cant to doubt yourself. 【小题1】 A joy B voice C speech D smile A proud B active C satisfied D moved A visited B emailed C phoned D interviewed A agreed B refused C hesitated

33、D paused A replied B discovered C explained D knew A seriously B patiently C nervously D quietly A blaming B fooling C inviting D urging A hardship B failure C comment D pressure A with B by C on D in A disappeared B returned C spread D improved A compare B struggle C survive D compete A ignore B de

34、liver C face D receive A decorating B repairing C cleaning D leaving A surprise B anxiety C horror D trouble A subjective B detailed C private D complex A broadcast B create C publish D assess A recover B prepare C escape D concentrate A energetic B endless C typical D enjoyable A experience B succe

35、ss C benefit D accident A attempt B afford C expect D pretend 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 D 【小题 12】 C 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 B 【小题 16】 C 【小题 17】 A 【小题 18】 D 【小题 19】 A 【小题 20】 B 试题分析:作者上大学一年级时,第一次听 Salome的演唱就被深深的打动了。于是,作者

36、决定采访 Salome。采访后的草稿经过多次的修改之后,在不抱有任何希望的情况下,作者把手稿寄了出去。在收到回信时,作者不敢打开来看。几年以后,作者惊讶地发现,当年自己写的文章得到了杂志社的肯定。 【小题 1】考查名词辨析。 A欢乐; B嗓音; C演讲; D微笑。根据 “I heard Salome Bey sing for the first time.”可知,作者在听 Salome Bey演唱, Salome的嗓音 (歌声 )充满了房间,故选 B。 【小题 2】考查形容词辨析。 A自豪的; B积极的; C满意的; D感动的。根据“for the first time. The moment

37、 was exciting. .brought the theater to life”可知,作者很受感动,故选 D。 【小题 3】考查动词辨析。 A参观,拜访; B发邮件; C 打电话; D面试,采访。When I hung up当我挂电话时,由此可知,作者给 Salome打电话,故选 C。 【小题 4】考查动词辨析。 A同意; B拒绝; C犹豫; D暂停。根据 “told me to come to her Studio next Tuesday”可知, Salome同意了作者的采访请求,故选 A。 【小题 5】考查动词辨析。 A回答,答复; B发现; C解释; D知道。根据 “I was

38、 not a writer at all and hadnt even written a grocery list.”可知,作者知道自己在撒谎,并感到害怕,故选 D。 【小题 6】考查副词辨析。 A严重地,认真地; B耐心地; C 焦急地; D安静地。根据 “all began with, “Can you tell me ” 和上文可知,作者谎称自己是作家,在采访中,作者很紧张,故选 C。 【小题 7】考查动词辨析。 A责备; B欺骗,愚弄; C邀请; D催促。根据上一段 “I I was lying.”可知,作者是在欺骗 Salome,故选 B。 【小题 8】考查名词辨析。 A困难; B

39、失败; C评论; D压力。 unbearable无法承受的,结合上一句可知,作者感到很大的压力,故选 D。 【小题 9】考查介词辨析。 A和,带有; B通过; C在 .上面; D在 .里面。 I struggled for days draft(草稿) after draft.作者奋斗了几天,连着修改草稿,故选A。 【小题 10】考查动词辨析。 A小时; B返回; C传播; D提高。 It didnt take long. My manuscript .不久之后,作者的手稿被打了回来,故选 B。 【小题 11】考查动词辨析。 A比较; B挣扎,奋斗; C生还; D竞争。 How could I

40、 in a world of professional writers 作者认为自己无法与专业的作家竞争,故选 D。 【小题 12】考查动词辨析。 A忽视; B投递,实现,发表,解救; C面对; D收到。根据 “I threw the unopened envelope into a drawer”可知,作者无法面对被退回的信件,故选 C。 【小题 13】考查动词辨析。 A装饰; B修理; C打扫; D离开。 While my apartment, I came across the unopened envelope.在打扫公寓的时候,作者发现了那个未拆封的信件,故选 C。 【小题 14】考

41、查名词辨析。 A惊喜; B焦急; C恐怖; D麻烦。根据 “Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic.”可知,作者写的故事很好,这让作者感到惊讶, in surprise惊讶地,故选 A。 【小题 15】考查形容词辨析。 A主观的; B详细的; C私人的; D复杂的。根据 “Please add those”可知,需要有关 Salome的详细信息,故选 B。 【小题 16】考查动词辨析。 A播放; B创造; C出版; D接近,使用。 We would like to your story soon.心中说,收到详细信息之后会很快就出版作者的手稿,故选 C。 【

42、小题 17】考查动词辨析。 A恢复; B准备; C逃跑; D集中,全神贯注。Shocked, it took me a long time to .作者感到很震惊,很长时间之后才回过神来,故选 A。 【小题 18】考查形容词辨析。 A 精力充 沛的; B 无尽的; C 典型的; D 有趣的。More importantly, I lost years of writing.更重要的是,作者失去了几年写作带来的乐趣,故选 D。 【小题 19】考查名词辨析。 A经验,经历; B成功; C益处; D事故。 Looking back on this ,回顾这次经历,作者得出了一个教训。故选 A。 【小

43、题 20】考查动词辨析。 A试图; B买得起; C期望; D假装。 You cant to doubt yourself.你承受不起怀疑自己所需要的代价, cant常与 afford连用,故选B。 考点:故事类短文阅读 阅读理解 When you practice reading with passages shorter than book length, do not try to take in each word separately, one after the other. It is much more difficult to grasp the broad theme of

44、the passage this way, and you will also get the stuck on individual words which may not be absolutely essential to a general understanding of the passage. It is a good idea to skim through the passage very quickly first to get the general idea of each paragraph. Titles, paragraph headings and emphas

45、ized words can be a great help in getting this skeleton outline of the passage. It is surprising how many people do not read titles, introductions or paragraph headings. Can you, without looking back, remember the title of this passage and the heading of this paragraph Most paragraphs of a passage o

46、r chapter have a topic sentence which expresses the central idea. The remaining sentences expand or support that idea. It has been estimated that between 50% and 90% of all expositive(说明的) paragraphs in English have the topic sentence first. Always pay special attention to the first sentence of a pa

47、ragraph, it is most likely to give you the main idea. Sometimes, though, the first sentence in the paragraph does not have the feel of main idea sentence. It does not seem to give us enough new information to justify a paragraph. The next most likely place to look for the topic sentence is the last sentence of the paragraph. Remember that the opening and closing paragraphs of a passage


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