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1、2014届湖北省荆州市高中毕业班质量检查(一)英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 阅读下列各小题,根据汉语句子,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案:写在答题卡上的相应题号后。 【小题 1】 Finally he reached a lonely island_ from the outside world. (cut) 最后,他来到了一个与外界隔绝的孤岛。 【小题 2】 It has been proved that _ helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life. (eat) 已经得到证实童年时吃蔬菜有助于你在以

2、后生活中抵御重病。 【小题 3】 The reform of College Entrance Examination will begin with English, whose result is not _. (expect) 高考改革将从英语学科开始,其结果 也不像预期那样令人满意。 【小题 4】 Im so sorry _ at such an awkward time, but I really had something urgent to tell you. (call) 我真的很抱歉在这么不合适的时间给你打电话,但我真的有急事告诉你。 【小题 5】 How can you a

3、sk again I think _ at all when I presented the answer to you. (listen) 你怎能还要问?我认为当时我在讲解答案:时你根本没听。 【小题 6】 Never before in his life _ such a great loss, so he almost lost the hope of life. (suffer) 他一生从来没有遭受过如此重大的损失,所以他几乎失去了生活的希望。 小题 7】 It was _ that he moved out of the remote village and settled down

4、 in the big city. (feel) 就是因为他觉得孤单,他才搬出那个偏僻的村庄,在大城市定居下来。 【小题 7】 Had the natural disaster happened at midnight, it _ much greater damage. (cause) 如果这场自然灾害发生在半夜,它可能会造成更大的灾害。 【小题 8】 TV can not only keep us_ throughout the world but also bring us various forms of entertainment. (inform) 电视不仅能让我们了解世界上正在发

5、生的事情,还能给我们带来各种各样的娱乐。 【小题 9】 If you dont insist on _, youll never have it. (go) 如果不坚持去追逐你的梦想,你将永远不会实现梦想。 答案: 【小题 1】 which was cut off 【小题 2】 eating vegetables in/during (your) childhood 【小题 3】 as (it was)expected 【小题 4】 to have called you (up) 【小题 5】 you were not listening (to me) 【小题 6】 had he suffe

6、red 【小题 7】 because he felt lonely(because of his feeling lonely) 【小题 8】 could/might have caused 【小题 9】 informed of what is happening 【小题 10】 going after your dream 试题分析: 【小题 1】 cut off: 切断。 which was cut off from the outside world, 定语从句修饰island. 【小题 2】动名词短语 eating vegetables in your childhood 在 that

7、从句中作主语。 【小题 3】 as (it is) expected在句中做表语。 result是 expect的承受者,故用过去分词。 【小题 4】 be sorry to do sth. 很抱歉做某事。本题意为说话时电话已经拨通,故不定式用完成式 to have called 表示主句动作之前的动作, 【小题 5】本题意为,我讲答案:那段时间你不是在听我说话,故用过去进行时 you were not listening表示过去特定时间段正在进行的动作。 【小题 6】 never放在句首,后面的句子要部分倒装。 he almost lost the hope提示suffer a great

8、loss发生在 “过去的过去 ”,故用过去完成时部分倒装 had he suffered。 【小题 7】他搬出乡村在城里定 居是因为他感到孤单。本题是强调原因 because he felt lonely的强调句。 【小题 8】本题是对过去的虚拟,条件从句用 had done, 主句用 would / could / might have done的形式。 【小题 9】 keep sb. informed of sth.意为随时了解某事的情况,由 inform sb. of sth.转化而来。 【小题 10】 insist on doing sth. 坚持做某事。 on是介词,后接动名词。 g

9、o after: 追逐、追求。 考点:完成句子。 单项选择 * The CCTV show Chinese Characters Dictation Competition has taken the country by storm, which is partly designed to arouse peoples _ in Chinese. A response B enthusiasm C significance D consequence 答案: B 试题分析: CCTV汉字听写大赛设置的初衷部分是为了唤起人们对中文的 “热情 ”。 response to sth. 对 的反应;

10、 significance: 意义、重要性; consequence: 后果、结果。均不合题意。 enthusiasm: 热情。故 B项正确。 考点:名词词义辨识。 - What did he say _ his stupid behavior - He admitted having made a serious mistake. A in front of B in explanation of C in case of D in fear of 答案: B 试题分析: A. in front of:在 前面; B. in explanation of :对 作出解释;C. in case

11、 of:遇到 的时候; D. in fear of:担心 、害怕 。题意:他对自己的行为作何解释?故 B项正确。 考点:短语介词。 People attracted onto Facebook with the promise of fun, free service dont realize theyre paying for it by_ their personal information. A giving in B giving off C giving up D giving away 答案: D 试题分析: A. give in:让步、屈服; B. give off:释放(气体等

12、); C. give up:放弃; D. give away:泄露。题意:许多人为 face book吸引,但意识不到个人信息的泄露。故 D项正确。 考点:短语动词。 Many times, the weather forecast has been incorrect and we have missed out what has _ to be a fine day for outdoor activities. A left out B broke out C set out D turned out 答案: D 试题分析: A. leave out:省略、遗漏; B. break ou

13、t:爆发、发生; C. set out:动身、出发; D. turn out: 最终显示、最终表明。题意:天气报告时常不准,致使我们错过从事户外活动的晴好天气。 turn out (to be) + adj. / n. 表示最终情况与刚开头不同。故 D项正确。 考点:短语动词。 In face of trouble, although I feel disappointed about where I am, I still think _ about where I am going. A optimistically B controversially C conventionally D

14、 alternatively 答案: A 试题分析: A. optimistically:乐观地; B. controversially:相互矛盾地; C. conventionally:传统地;习惯上。 D. alternatively:作为一种选择。题意:面对困难,虽然对于自己的处境失望,但还是对自己的目标抱持乐观态度。故 A项正确。 考点:副词词义辨识。 Interest is as_ to learning as the ability to understand, even more so. A typical B specific C vital D available 答案: C

15、 试题分析: A. typical:典型的; B. specific:特殊的; C. vital: 重要的; D. available:可获得的、可利用的。题意:兴趣与理解能力对于学习同等重要,甚至更为重要。故 C项正确。 考点:形容词词义辨识。 When he is faced with a dilemma sometimes, he usually makes a/an _ decision by throwing a coin. A arbitrary B conservative C accurate D cautious 答案: A 试题分析:进退两难的时候,靠抛硬币作出的决定是 “

16、随意 ”的。 conservative: 保守的; accurate: 精确的; cautious: 谨慎的。不合题意。 arbitrary: 随意的、随机的。故 A项正确。 考点:形容词词义辨识及语境运用。 For disabled children, to develop their full potential, their education must be _ to their differences from others of the same age. A adopted B appealed C adapted D abolished 答案: C 试题分析:为开发残疾儿童潜力

17、,教育应该 “适应 ”他们与同龄正常儿童的不同之处。 adopt: 采用、采取;领养; appeal to sb. 使某人感兴趣、吸引某人(不及物动词); abolish: 废除、废止。不合题意。 be adapted to sth. 与 项适应。故 C项正确。 考点:动词词义辨识。 When it comes to “empty-nest syndrome(综合症 )”, parents are advised to _regular contact with children through phone calls, emails, texts or video chats. A subs

18、titute B sacrifice C associate D maintain 答案: D 试题分析:说到 “空巢综合症 ”,建议老人与子女 “保持 ”经常的联系。 substitute: 替代; sacrifice: 牺牲; associate: 联系。 maintain contact with sb. 与 保持联系。故 D项正确。 考点:动词词义辨识。 Sometimes the _ between the reality and the dream is so great that it produces disappointment. A combination B applic

19、ation C contrast D disapproval 答案: C 试题分析:现实与梦想之间的 “反差 ”往往让人失望。 combination: 联合、集合;application: 申请;应用; disapproval: 不赞成。均不合题意。 contrast: 对照、对比。故 C项正确。 考点:名词词义辨识。 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项( A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I have a friend who had a stammer (口吃 ) in his childhood, but he dream

20、ed of becoming a missionary(传教士 ). When he told his own desire to his friends and relatives, some of them laughed at him, and some even held down his enthusiasm . I must change it. said the boy angrily, “I believe I can speak very , I will do! When it was possible, he would spend an hour to chickens

21、. He viewed the chickens as living persons, himself to be the person in the speech. In the beginning, the chickens looked so , then they watched me curiously, putting down the food in the mouths and listening to my words. It seemed as if they had been by my powerful and effective language. Sometimes

22、 they seemed to be listening to me . Gradually, the effect of this practice became more and more and I had a better understanding of the exact of my stammer, so I found the ability to speak more. You may not know that my father was always tyrannical(专横的 ). He believed in the old saying: Young man sh

23、ould be more knowledgeable, but should not much. During the whole childhood, I spoke or commented, he criticized me seriously, which my shy personality. I used to worry about being at, so I became a stammerer. From then on, I kept in front of everyone because they didnt want to see my embarrassment.

24、 But later I found myself talking in front of chickens, stammers disappeared , therefore I regained my . Now, the previous boy is the best at speaking and one of the most missionaries. You can hardly imagine he used to have a serious language . So when you come across disadvantages, you should belie

25、ve you can them by yourself. 【小题1】 A sincerely B impolitely C strangely D privately A frequently B fluently C obviously D completely A contributing B seeing C turning D speaking A imagining B considering C declaring D finding A satisfied B pleased C frightened D surprised A attracted B beaten C both

26、ered D influenced A casually B carefully C luckily D cautiously A obvious B slight C crucial D common A effect B benefit C cause D harm A originally B personally C doubtfully D stubbornly A think B listen C play D talk A since B before C whenever D unless A applied to B led to C referred to D owed t

27、o A amazed B studied C laughed D looked A silent B active C noisy D upset A logically B typically C equally D naturally A strength B dream C confidence D freedom A successful B intelligent C modest D responsible A gift B barrier C ability D study A arrange B exchange C reduce D change 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【

28、小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 D 【小题 12】 C 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 C 【小题 15】 A 【小题 16】 D 【小题 17】 C 【小题 18】 A 【小题 19】 B 【小题 20】 D 试题分析: 一个从小口吃的男孩,因为有梦、想成为最好的传教士,刻苦练习,最终战胜了口吃并成为成功的传教士。 【小题 1】 A. sincerely:真诚地; B. impolitely:无礼地、粗鲁地; C. strangely:奇怪地;

29、 D. privately:私下地、背地里。题意:当男孩向亲朋叙说自己的愿望时,有些人粗鲁地打击他的热情。故 B项正确。 【小题 2】 A. frequently:经常地、频繁地; B. fluently:流利地; C. obviously:明显地; D. completely:完全地、彻底地。题意:男孩相信自己能克服口吃的毛病,把话说流利。故 B项正确。 【小题 3】 A. contribute to:为 做贡献、捐赠; B. see to:照看、照管; C. turn to:转向(某人寻求帮助) D. speak to:对着 说话。题意:为练习说话、克服口吃,男孩一有机会就会对着鸡群说话。

30、故 D项正确。 【小题 4】 A. imagine:想象; B. consider:认为、将 看做 ; C. declare:宣布、宣称; D. find:发现。题意:男孩将鸡群看成活人,而将自己想象成演讲人。 consider指 “观点、看法 ”,涉及对某人或某事的评价。与题意不合。故 A项正确。 【小题 5】 A. satisfied:满意的; B. pleased:高兴的; C. frightened;害怕的; D. surprised:惊讶的。题意:男孩刚开始对着鸡群说话时,鸡仔们自然的反应就是 “害怕 ”。后来被逐渐吸引。 “惊讶 ”、 “满意 ”、 “高兴 ”等都不能用来描述鸡仔们

31、的反应。故 C项正确。 【小题 6】 A. attracted: 被吸引; B. beaten:被击败、沮丧; C. bothered:被打搅; D. influenced:被影响。题意:鸡仔们放下口中食物,倾听男孩的话,似乎被他有力而有效的语言所吸引。故 A项正确。 【小题 7】 A. casually:随意地; B. carefully:仔细地; C. luckily:幸运地; D. cautiously:谨慎地。题意:从上文 “放下口中食物倾听 ”可知,鸡仔们在 “仔细地 ”听男孩说话。故选择 B项。 【小题 8】 A. obvious:明显的; B. slight:轻微的; C. cr

32、ucial:至 关重要的; D. common:常见的。题意:练习的效果越来越明显。后文也说明,男孩最终摆脱了口吃的毛病,正是找到口吃原因以及练习的缘故。故 A项正确。 【小题 9】 A. effect:效果、影响; B. benefit:好处、益处; C. cause:原因、起因; D. harm:害处、坏处。从下文可知:男孩的父亲专横,认为 “男孩子可博学但不可多话 ”,整个孩提时代,只要他说话或发表看法,他父亲就会严厉批评他。这正是造成男孩口吃的原因。故 C项正确。 【小题 10】 A. originally:起初; B. personally:亲自; C. doubtfully:犹豫不

33、决;D. stubbornly:固执地。题意:男孩父亲固执地信奉 “男孩子要博学少言 ”的古训。从男孩一说话父亲就严厉批评来看,其态度是坚定的。故 D项正确。 【小题 11】 A. think:认为; B. listen:听; C. play:玩耍; D. talk:谈话、说话。古训:男孩要博学但不可多话。 D项正确。 【小题 12】 A. since:因为;自从; B. before:在 之前; C. whenever:无论何时; D. unless:除非。题意:无论何时,只要男孩说话, 都会受到父亲严厉指责。故选择 C项。 【小题 13】 A. apply to:申请; B. lead t

34、o:导致; C. refer to:指;参看; D. owe sth. to sb.:欠某人某物。 题意:父亲的严厉指责 “造成 ”男孩害羞的性格。 B项正确。 【小题 14】 A. amaze:使 惊奇; B. study:研究、学习; C. laugh:大笑;D. look:看。题意:因为害羞,过去总是担心被人 “嘲笑 ”,所以变成了口吃。laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人。 C项正确。 【小题 15】 A. silent:沉默的; B. active:活跃的; C. noisy:吵闹的; D. upset:难过的。题意:因为害羞、怕人嘲笑,所以在人前保持沉默。 A项符合题意。 【小题 1

35、6】 A. logically:逻辑上; B. typically:典型地; C. equally:平等地; D. naturally:自然地。题意:对着鸡仔说话,不必担心被嘲笑,口吃 “自然 ”也就消失了。 D项正确。 【小题 17】 A. strength:力量、力气; B. dream:梦想; C. confidence:自信;D. freedom:自由。题意:口吃消失了,自 然获得了 “自信 ”。 C项正确。 【小题 18】 A. successful:成功的; B. intelligent:聪明的; C. modest:谦逊的;D. responsible:有责任心的、需负责的。男孩

36、的梦想是成为传教士,他做到了,且很成功。他现在能言善辩,这与 “聪明 ”、 “谦虚 ”、 “有责任心 ”等没有关系。故选择 A项。 【小题 19】 A. gift:礼物、天资; B. barrier:障碍; C. ability:能力; D. study:学习。题意:看到他现在能言善辩,很难想象过去的他曾有语言障碍。 B项符合题意。 【 小题 20】 A. arrange:安排; B. exchange:交换; C. reduce:减少; D. change:改变。题意:遇到劣势,要相信自己能够 “改变 ”劣势。 D项正确。 考点:完形填空。 阅读理解 The environmental gr

37、oup 350.org has launched a new campaign called Climate Name Change that proposes to revise to how hurricanes are named: call them after policymakers who say that humans are not to blame for global warming. This will save the Katrinas and Sandys of the world from the injustice of having their names a

38、ttached to major disaster, the group says. And, as a bonus, it will produce some peculiar weather reports. “Rick Perry leaves trail of death,” appears under a broadcast titled “Rick Perry: The Tragedy.” “Michelle Bachman is incredibly dangerous. If you value your life, please seek shelter from Miche

39、lle Bachman,” says an official while addressing a news conference. The campaign is unlikely to influence the World Meteorological Organization, which has since 1954 named Atlantic tropical storms from an official list. But the campaigns goal seems less to actually name a hurricane after the speaker

40、of the house, and more to call attention to an issue that this month has reached an alarming level of seriousness. The campaign comes just a month before the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will release its most recent report on the state of global warming and a week after a draft(草稿) of t

41、he report was given away to Reuters. In the draft, scientists concluded with near certainty about 95 percent sure that humans are to blame for the worldwide temperature hikes over the last few decades. That was a revision from the 2007 report, which put scientific certainty that human activities wer

42、e driving global climate change at about 90 percent. And global warming, the report said, is not slowing down it, actually, is accelerating. That means that sea levels could balloon upward as much as three feet by the end of the century, if emissions(排放量 ) continue at their current pace. Still, as t

43、he Washington Post Climate notes, hurricanes are not the best sign of global warming. Though current data suggests that global warming will in the future stir up terrible super storms, there is still not enough evidence to support the idea that climate change strengthens the recent hurricanes that h

44、ave torn at the USs eastern coastline. 【小题 1】 It can be inferred that_ is one of the policymakers who believe that humans are not to blame for global warming. A Katrina B Rick Perry C Flossie D Sandy 【小题 2】 350.org has launched the campaign with the real purpose of _. A changing the ways of naming h

45、urricanes B introducing the methods of naming hurricanes C reminding policymakers to change their attitudes D calling attention to the coming report on global warming 【小题 3】 The draft of the global warming report tells us that _. A global warming is speeding up at the same rate B it is human beings

46、that have caused global warming C the new report has a more accurate data than the one in 2007 D human beings are not the only one to blame for global warming 【小题 4】 The writer of the passage seems to believe that_. A policymakers should be blamed for the global warming B the campaign will cause the

47、 change of naming hurricanes C global warming has no necessary relation to terrible hurricanes D global warming will surely cause terrible super storms in the future 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 试题分析: 350.org在气候变化报告草案已经公布、正式报告即将出炉之际发起一场运动,建议修改飓风命名规则,用宣称人类与气候变暖无关的政策制定者的名字给飓风命名。其真实意图在于引起人们对于气候变化报告的关注。 【小题 1】由第二段 This will save the Katrinas and Sandys of the world from the injustice of having their names attached to major disaster,可以看出, A, D项中的Katrina 和 Sandy,是现行飓风命名中常见的名字,改变命名规则后可以使叫Katrina 或 Sandy 的人免遭不公对待 -他们与飓风无关。 C 项在文章里没有提及。电视节目出现 “Rick Perry造成大量死亡 ”这样的字


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