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1、2014届湖南省益阳市南县第一中学高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 Smoking in indoor public places including public working place, public transportation vehicles and some other special outdoor working spaces has been banned in China since January 2011. Should smoking be banned in public places Of course, it should be. Firs

2、t, banning smoking in public places will not only help in saving smokers from various kinds of heath conditions and diseases, but will also be beneficial for passive smokers. Second, banning smoking in public places will put pressure on smokers to quit. Since a smoker is forbidden from smoking in pu

3、blic places, he will learn how to live without smoking a cigarette for long hours. Moreover, when a smoker doesnt see anybody around him smoking or smelling of cigarette, it might reduce his urge to smoke too. Thus, people have to quit smoking as a result of smoking ban. Smoking in public places inf

4、luences non-smokers to take up smoking, especially adolescents. Since teens are in an impressionable age, when they see people around them smoking, they get encouraged to try it and then it becomes a habit, increasing the incidence of teen smoking. Moreover, asthma(哮喘 ) and ear infections are common

5、ly seen in children who live around smokers, so if its banned in public places, these places will become safe for children and teens, healthwise. Looking from the economic point of view, since smoking is a major contributing factor to many diseases, it leads to absence from work. Moreover, employees

6、 who smoke tend to take breaks now and then to smoke, thus cutting back on their working hours. So, if employers want to increase work productivity and want to make sure that their employees remain healthy, they should ban and stop smoking in and around offices. At last, smoking cigarettes adds to t

7、he pollution of the air, so if it is banned, it will help in saving the environment from further deterioration(恶化 ) 【小题 1】 According to the passage, in what situation do smokers reduce their urge to smoke (No more than 11 words) _ 【小题 2】 Seen from the environmental point of view, why shouldnt people

8、 smoke in public places (No more than 7 words) _ 【小题 3】 How does smoking in and around offices affect work productivity (No more than 13 words) _ 【小题 4】 What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 8 words) _ 答案: 【小题 1】 When seeing nobody around them smoking or smelling of cigarette. 【小题 2】 B

9、ecause smoking adds to air pollution. 【小题 3】 Smoking can cause employeess absence from work and reduce employees working hours. 【小题 4】 Advantages /Benefits of banning smoking in public places . 试题分析:应该禁止在公共场所吸烟吗?作者在文中不仅给出肯定的答复,而且从正反两个方面讲述了这样做的必要性。比如禁止在公共场合吸烟可以产生让吸烟者戒烟的压力,而且对被动吸烟的人也是有好处的,此外在公共场所吸烟也会给

10、青少年带来不良影响,这些都表明禁止公共场合吸烟是正确的。 【小题 1】信息查找题。根据第二段第三句 when a smoker doesnt see anybody around him smoking or smelling of cigarette, it might reduce his urge to smoke too.可以判断作答。答案:为 When seeing nobody around them smoking or smelling of cigarette。 【小题 2】信息查找题。根据文章最后一段 smoking cigarettes adds to the pollu

11、tion of the air, so if it is banned, it will help in saving the environment from further deterioration可以判断答案:可填 Because smoking adds to air pollution. 【小题 3】信息转换题。根据倒数第二段中 it leads to absence from work. Moreover, employees who smoke tend to take breaks now and then to smoke, thus cutting back on the

12、ir working hours可以 判断作答。答案:为 .Smoking can cause employeess absence from work and reduce employees working hours. 【小题 4】信息归纳题。文章开头提出政府发布的公共场所的禁烟令,然后提出问题 Should smoking be banned in public places Of course, it should be.,再围绕禁烟的好处展开叙述,由此判断文章中心是在公共场所禁烟的好处,所以答案:为 Advantages /Benefits of banning smoking i

13、n public places . 考点:考查阅读表达。 Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Learning to improve your focus is difficult, because you are talking long hours a day. However, if you break down your day into man

14、ageable time sections, it would be much easier to learn to improve your focus. Focus, or concentration, is a skill that can be taught, so there are some exercises you can do to improve your focus. Start with easy exercises like staring a picture on the wall for a few minutes without moving or talkin

15、g. Once you learn how to block out your surroundings, your focus will improve. Other mind exercises are internalizing (内化 ). This is when you imagine yourself in a desired situation, and then you work around your imagination. Actors and singers do this to block all distractions. If this sounds a lit

16、tle strange, you could try making lists List the things you need to accomplish for the morning, for the afternoon, and finally for the evening. For instance, if you have a dinner that evening, dont arrange everything in the afternoon, and give yourself some time to relax before the guests arrive. An

17、other way to improve your focus is to take breaks. During your breaks, you should allow yourselves a drink or 30 minutes on TV. If you are having coffee breaks in your office, use this time wisely. Dont spend it with your co-worker talking about problems. Your breaks should be as quiet as possible.

18、The reason why you lose focus so easily is that you have too much on your minds. Of course, it could also be because you are bored with nothing to do all day. A good balance between a too relaxed brain and an overly active brain is a desirable situation. Improving your focus also mean knowing what y

19、ou can do and being confident about doing it well. 【小题 1】 to improve your focus Staring at a picture Staring at a wall picture for a few minutes 【小题 2】 to learn to block out surroundings Internalizing Concentrating on imagining a potentially stressful work place to block 【小题 3】 【小题 4】 Dividing a day

20、 into 【小题 5】 , and arranging time for relaxation as well Taking breaks Wisely using time to have a drink, watch TV instead of 【小题 6】 【小题 7】 for losing focus 【小题 8】 on minds -Doing nothing all day Conclusion Being 【小题 9】 between extremely relaxed brain and too active brain Improving your focus means

21、knowing 【小题 10】 and being confident about doing it well. 答案: 【小题 1】 Exercises/ Ways/ Strategies /Skills/ Methods/ Approaches 【小题 2】 still (unmovingly ) and/or silently 【小题 3】 all distractions 【小题 4】 Making lists/ a list 【小题 5】 three parts/3 parts /time sections 【小题 6】 talking with co-workers/ talkin

22、g about problems 【小题 7】 Reasons 【小题 8】 Having too much 【小题 9】 balanced 【小题 10】 what to do 试题分析:在本文中作者就如何集中注意力给出了几点建议。最简单的练习是连续几分钟盯着墙上的一幅画,不动也不说话,作者指出一旦学会如何阻挡住了周围环境的干扰,人们的注意力也就提高了。此外作者在文中还分析了容易引起注意力分散的原因。 【小题 1】信息归纳题。根据文章内容可知 staring at the picture; Internalizing和Taking breaks等都是提高注意力的方法,所以此空填 Exerci

23、ses/ Ways/ Strategies /Skills/ Methods/ Approaches 。 【小题 2】信息转换题。根据第三段 Start with easy exercises like staring a picture on the wall for a few minutes without moving or talking. 可知做这项练习时要静止不动也不说话,所以填 still (unmovingly ) and/or silently 。 【小题 3】信息查找题。根据 Actors and singers do this to block all distract

24、ions. 可知此空填 all distractions 。 【小题 4】细节查找题。由文章第五段 If this sounds a little strange, you could try making lists可以判断此空填 Making lists/ a list。 【小题 5】细节归纳题。根据第五段 List the things you need to accomplish for the morning, for the afternoon, and finally for the evening.可知要把一天分成几个时间段,所以此空填 three parts/3 parts

25、/time sections。 【小题 6】信息转换题。由文中 Dont spend it with your co-worker talking about problems.可以判断填 talking with co-workers/ talking about problems 。 【小题 7】信息查找题。根据文章最后一段 The reason why you lose focus so easily is that 可知 .Reasons正确。 【小题 8】信息查找题。根据文中 you have too much on your minds可知填 Having too much 。 【

26、小题 9】信息转换题。由文章末段 A good balance between a too relaxed brain可以判断填 balanced 。 【小题 10】细节转换题。根据文章末句 Improving your focus also mean knowing what you can do 可知此空填 what to do。 考点:考查任务型阅读。 Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context. Now it is becoming mo

27、re and more popular to chat over the Internet, because you can find it 【小题 1】 _ expensive to do that than to make a long distance call. This makes Internet chatting【小题 2】 _ attractive option if you live far away from family and friends, 【小题 3】 _ you are on a budget. You can also complete 【小题 4】 _ ta

28、sks while chatting over the Internet. For example, you can read and reply to emails, finish typing a document, or have a conversation 【小题 5】 _ someone who is in the room. This can be an advantage 【小题 6】 _ you are busy and dont have much time for personal chatting. This can also be a disadvantage bec

29、ause you arent giving the other person or task your full attention. Because you can do kinds of tasks 【小题 7】 _ chatting on the Internet, it can become easy to lose track of time. You can end up chatting longer than you intended to, 【小题 8】 _ can make it difficult to complete other tasks. 答案: 【小题 1】 l

30、ess 【小题 2】 an 【小题 3】 or 【小题 4】 other 【小题 5】 with 【小题 6】 when/if 【小题 7】 while 【小题 8】 which 试题分析:如今通过网络聊天是越来越受欢迎的事情。对于远离家人的朋友的人来说,网上聊天要比打长途电话省钱;此外,在聊天的同时人们可以做很多事情,比如可以收发邮件、可以和房间里的其他人谈话。但是如果没有节制的话,长时间聊天也可能会耽误了人们其他任务的完 成。 【小题 1】考查上下文理解判断能力。根据 than判断用比较级,而由常识可知通过网络进行交流要比打长途电话省钱,所以此空填 less。 【小题 2】考查冠词用法。

31、Option是可数名词,而且 attractive是以元音音素开头所以此空填 an。 【小题 3】考查连词用法。根据句意可知前后两句是提出两种情况,所以填 or 。 【小题 4】考查理解判断能力。上文讲述了可以通过网络进行沟通,而下文讲述可以发邮件,打字等,这些都是能通过网络做的事情,由此推断此空填 other。 【小题 5】考查介词用法。根据语境可知此处是指与别 人谈话,所以用 with。 【小题 6】考查连词用法。由结构判断两个句子要用连词,再根据句意可知此空填 when/if。 【小题 7】考查连词用法。由语境可知此处是指在网上聊天的同时可以做很多事情,所以填 while。 【小题 8】

32、考查定语从句。根据结构可知后面是非限制性定语从句,从句缺少主语,而且指代前面句子内容,所以判断填 which。 考点:考查学生对语法知识及语境的理解。 单项选择 * It was not until 1938 _ the first colour TV programme was broadcast. A which B that C when D on which 答案: B 试题分析 :考查强调句型。从句意可知即使不填选项,句子意思仍然完整,所以判断为强调句型。强调句型的特点是去掉 it is .that 部分,句意完整通顺,所以答案:为 B。句意:直到 1938年第一个彩色电视节目才被播

33、出。 考点:考查强调句型。 Is it He Long Sports Centre you are going to watch the football match A where B that C which D when 答案: A 试题分析 :考查定语从句。根据结构可知后面是定语从句,从句句意完整,所以用关系副词引导, He Long Sports Centre是表示地点的名词,所以答案:选 A。句意:这就是你要去看足球比赛的贺龙体育中心吗? 考点:考查定语从句。 I lunch when I learned that former British prime minister Mar

34、garet Thatcher had passed away. A ate B had eaten C was eating D were eating 答案: C 试题分析 :考查动词时态。从语境可以判断此处想表达 “正在做某事。这时 ”,故用过去进行时,而 D选项主谓不一致,所以答案:选 A。句意:当我听到前英国首相撒切尔夫人去世的消息时正在吃午饭。 考点:考查动词时态。 More than 200 dead pigs in the waterways have raised urgent concern. A found B being found C to be found D hav

35、ing found 答案: A 试题分析 :考查非谓语动词。从结构可知此空是做 pigs的定语,而 having found 不作定语, to be found表示将要被发现, being found 表示正在被发现,这两个选项均不合句意,所以答案:选 A,此处是过去分词做定语可以表示完成也可以表示被动。句意: 在航道里发现的 200多头死猪引起了人们紧急的关注。 考点:考查非谓语动词。 Last night a fire in the hotel sent people _out for safety. A to rush B to have rushed C rushing D from

36、rushing 答案: C 试题分析 :考查动词短语。固定短语 Send sb /sth doing “让某人开始做某事 ”.这里sth.只是强调一个动作 ,并非目的。而 send sb to do sth是表示目的,意思是 “派某人做某事 ”句意:昨晚旅馆发生的火灾让人们都冲到了外面安全的地方。 考点:考查动词短语。 -“The last one _ will pay for the meal.” -“Agreed!” A to arrive B arrived C arriving D arrives 答案: A 试题分析 :考查非谓语动词。在序数词或 last修饰的名词或代词后要用不定式

37、做定语,比如: He is always the first to come and the last to leave.。所以 A选项正确。句意: -“-最后一个到得人付钱 ”。 -“同意! ” 考点:考查非谓语动词。 _ that we all went out, lying in the sun. A So fine was the weather B So was the fine weather C The weather so fine was D So the weather was fine 答案: A 试题分析 :考查倒装句。根据句子顺序可以判断此处是 “so+形容词 +动词

38、 +主语 ”结构,所以 A选项正确。,句意:天气是如此得好以至于我们大家都出去了,躺在太阳下。 考点:考查倒装句。 She _ have left school, for her bike is still here. A cant B wouldnt C shouldnt D neednt 答案: A 试题分析 :考查情态动词用法。根据后句 her bike is still here可知此处是有把握的判断, cant have done “不可能做过某事 ”; B wouldnt have done“不会做某事(虚拟语气) ”; C shouldnt have done “本不应该做某事

39、”; D neednt have done “本来没必要做某事 ”。由此判断 A选项正确。句意:她不可能离开学校了,因为她的自行车还在这里。 考点:考查情态动词用法。 Microblog is a platform _ people can express their thoughts and communicate with each other by sending posts. A which B where C what D when 答案: B 试题分析 :考查定语从句。根据结构可知 platform 后是定语从句,从句句意完整,判断用关系副词,而先行词是表地点的抽象名词,由此可知

40、B 选项正确。句意:微博是一个平台,在这里人们可以通过发帖来表达思想,彼此进行交流。 考点:考查定语从 句。 Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell _ close you may be to victory. A how B that C which D where 答案: A 试题分析 :考查宾语从句。从结构可知 tell后为宾语从句,根据 close的位置可以判断此句是感叹句做宾语从句, close是形容词,所以感叹句要用 how来引导,答案:选 A。句意:不要让失败使你泄气,因为你永远也不知道你可能离

41、胜利有多近。 考点:考查宾语从句。 He wrote a letter _ he explains what had happened in the accident. A what B which C where D how 答案: C 试题分析 :考查定语从句。分析结构可知名词 letter后面是定语从句,从句句意完整,所以判断用关系副词引导, how 不引导定语从句,故答案:选 C。句意:他写了一封信,在信里解释了事故中发生的事情。 考点:考查定语从句。 I have heard a lot of good things about you I came back from abroad

42、. A since B until C before D when 答案: A 试题分析 :考查连词用法。 A 自从; B 直到; C 在。之前; D 当。时候。根据前面时态 have heard可以判断后面用连词 since,表示从过去某时间开始一直延续到现在的情况。句意:自从我在国外回来后我听到了很多关于你的好事。 考点:考查连词用法。 _ you lose the paper document, sign in www. S, _ you might download all you need. A If, which B So long as, what C In case, wher

43、e D Even if, as 答案: C 试题分析 :考查连词用法。 So long as “只要 ”; in case “万一,以防 ”; even if “即使 ”根据上下文可以判断前面是一种假设情况,而第二个句是非限制性定语从句,句意完整所以用关系副词引导,由此可知答案:选 C。句意:万一你丢了纸质文件,你可以在新浪网注册,然后下载你 所需要的东西。 考点:考查连词用法。 Among all the birthday gifts _ a DIY card, which I like best. A is included B include C were included D incl

44、uding 答案: A 试题分析 :考查倒装句。根据结构可以判断此句是介词短语位于句首的完全倒装句,句子主语是 a DIY car,所以谓语动词要用单数形式,排除 B、 C选项。现在分词 including不做谓语,所以 A选项正确。句意:在所有的生日礼物中有 一张自制的贺卡,那是我最喜欢的。 考点:考查倒装句。 News came from the office _ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University. A that B what C which D where 答案: A 试题分析 :考查名词性从句。根据句意可知 Wang Li

45、n had been admitted to Beijing University.是 news的内容,判断是同位语从句,从句句意完整,不缺少成分,所以用 that引导,故答案:选 A。句意:从办公室传来消息说王林被北京大学录取了。 考点:考查名词性从句。 完型填空 As a teaching student, I was sent on my first practice at a high school During my practice, I realized high school hadnt changed since I was there and still an awful

46、place of Cliques(派系) Jess, a Year 8 student, always respected her classmates, the lack of respect she usually received in return Kids constantly laughed at her behind her back As a teacher, your instinct(本能) is to students like Jess, but you soon realize that theres only so much you can actually do

47、Tyson was at the end of the scale(等级) A handsome Year 12 student, and always surrounded by mates, it was clear that he was a confident and popular young man When Jess asked to perform a solo act (独唱) in the school talent show, I to allow her to take the stage, fearing that she might face teasing However, I knew that it would be unfair to say no on these grounds, so her name made it onto the list of The day of the show, the whole school in the auditorium(礼堂) Shortly after the acts began, it was Jesss Smiling, she stepped onto stage The music started an


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