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1、2014届福建省莆田第八中学高三第一次模拟英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 阅读下面短文,根据以下提示: 1)汉语提示, 2)首字母提示, 3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。 Nowadays square dancing is getting more and more popular with Chinese people in many cities. Some public places are usually 【小题 1】 c with dancing lovers in the morning or

2、 evening. Every coin has two sides. Now people have thrown doubts on this hot 【小题 2】 i . Honesly speaking, most people are in【小题 3】 of square dancing, considering it a green form of exercising to keep fit. In addition, it is money-saving. Whats more, square dancing 【小题 4】 (变化 ) in performance style,

3、 【小题 5】 gives people a lot of fun and can help refresh themselves. On the contrary, some others hold 【小题 6】 (批评 ) opinions. They argue that the happiness of those dancers is built on the pain of others who have to suffer from the loud music and noise. 【小题 7】 their peaceful life disturbed, they are a

4、ngry and 【小题 8】 e run into conflict with the dancers. In my view, square dancing is certainly beneficial to the whole society 【小题 9】 long as the dancers show concern for others needs. Whats more, our government should【小题 10】 s no effort to build more recreation centers for people. 答案:【小题 1】 crowded

5、【小题 2】 issue 【小题 3】 favour 【小题 4】 varies 【小题 5】 which 【小题 6】 . critical 【小题 7】 With 【小题 8】 even 【小题 9】 so/ as 【 小题 10】 spare 试题分析 :如今,在很多城市广场舞越来越受人们的欢迎。人们都认为这项运动既省钱,又健身。但是凡事都有两面。一些人认为广场舞舞曲的播放打扰了很多人平静的生活,他们把自己的快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上。 【小题 1】 crowded 考查形容词。根据前句内容可知广场舞的流行,使许多公共场合挤满了舞蹈爱好者,固定短语: be crowded with“挤满了

6、 ”,填 crowded。 【小题 2】 issue 考查名词。由上文内容判断此处指广场舞这件让人们热议的事情,根据首字母提示填 issue。 【小题 3】 favour 考查名词。根据下文内容可知人们认为跳广场舞又省钱又能锻炼身体,由此判断大多数人赞同这一活动,固定短语: in favour of “支持,赞同 ”,填 favour。 【小题 4】 varies 考查动词。分析结构可知此处缺少谓语动词,根据汉语提示和主谓一致的原则判断填 varies。 【小题 5】 which 考查关系代词。根据句子结构判断此处是定语从句,从句中缺少主语,指代前面 performance style,故用

7、which。 【小题 6】 critical 考查形容词。修饰名词 opinions应该用形容词,根 据汉语提示填 critical。 【小题 7】 With 考查介词。由句子结构判断此处是 with复合结构做状语,表示原因,填 with。 【小题 8】 even 考查副词。根据 and前后内容判断后句内容是前句的进一步,表达程度的深入,根据首字母提示填 even。 【小题 9】 so/ as 考查短语。固定短语: as /so long as “只要 ”,引导条件状语从句,填 so/as. 【小题 10】 spare考查动词。固定短语: spare no effort to do sth“不

8、遗余力做某事 ”。句意:我们政府应该不遗余力地去为 人民建立更多的娱乐中心。 考点:考查单词填空。 单项选择 * Thank you for sending us fresh vegetables of so many kinds. You have done us great service. A /; a B the; a C /; / D the; / 答案: A 试题分析 : 句意:谢谢你给我送来这么多种新鲜蔬菜。你帮了我们一个大忙。Vegetables是泛指蔬菜,不用定冠词。而 do sb a service是固定短语 “帮某人忙 ”,选 A。 考点:考查冠词用法 China urg

9、ed Malaysia to continue providing more “thorough and correct information” about missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, after Malaysian Prime Minister claimed the plane was off course. A accidentally B deliberately C actually D particularly 答案: B 试题分析 : 句意:在马来西亚总理宣布飞机人为改变航线以后,中国要求马来西亚继续提供更多更详细的关于马航客

10、机 MH370的失联信息。 A. accidentally意外地,偶然地; B. deliberately 故意地; C. actually 事实上; D. particularly尤其。根据句意选 B。 考点:考查副词辨析 Two new national days have been approved, one is September 3 to mark victory in the anti-Japanese war, what about December 13 It is named after National Memorial Day Nanjing and all victi

11、ms during Japanese aggression against China. A in spite of B in memory of C on behalf of D in terms of 答案: B 试题分析 : 句意: -两个新的国家节日已经被批准了,一个节日是 9月 3日为了纪念抗日战争,那么 12月 13日呢? -它被命名国家纪念日,为了纪念南京和所有在日本侵略中国期间的受害者。 A. in spite of 尽管; B. in memory of 为了纪念; C. on behalf of 代表,为了; D. in terms of就 . 而言。选 B。 考点:考查介

12、词短语辨析 The term Likonomics is popular among the economists at home and abroad. I cant agree more. Our c ountry will enjoy a new with more substainable and healthier economic development. A look B view C harmony D boom 答案: D 试题分析 : 句意:李克强经济学这个术语在国内外的经济学家中非常流行。 -我非常同意。我们的国家将享有一个新的繁荣时期,经济发展会更加稳定也更加健康。 A

13、. look面貌; B. view 观点; C. harmony 和谐; D. boom繁荣。选 D。 考点:考查名词辨析 The new CPC leaders are trying their best to beat corruption in order to the ideal of communism. A put up with B add up to C come up with D live up to 答案: D 试题分析 : 句意:新一任的中国共产党的领导人为了实现共产主义的理想正努力去惩治腐败。 A. put up with忍受; B. add up to 合计为; C

14、. come up with 提出,想出; D. live up to不辜负。根据句意选 D。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 When chatting with a stranger on the Internet, bear in mind he could be anybody. A that B where C what D when 答案: A 试题分析 : 句意:当在网上和陌生人聊天时,要记住他有可能是任何人。根据结构可知此处是宾语从句,从句句意完整,不缺少成分填 that。 考点:考查宾语从句 Which of the two movies do you like . I dont h

15、ave a taste for their style and prefer more exciting ones. A Both B Neither C Either D None 答案: B 试题分析 : 句意: -这两部电影你喜欢哪个呢? -都不喜欢。我不喜欢他们的风格,喜欢更刺激的。 A. Both 两者都 B. Neither 两者都不; C. Either 两个中的任意一个; D. None三个都不。根据后句内容判断说话人不喜欢这两部电 影,选 B。 考点:考查不定代词辨析 We to finish the work before dark, but the heavy rain

16、held us up. A meant B was meaning C had meant D would mean 答案: C 试题分析 : 句意:我们本打算在天黑前完成这项工作,但是大雨耽误了我们。Mean to have done 和 had meant to do 表示 “本打算做但是没做成 ”,类似用法的词还有 plan, intend等,选 C 考点:考查动词时态 Chinas search engine Baidu has announced the top topics discussed by netizens in 2013, research from its linke

17、d website H. A kept on B passed on C based on D spent on 答案: C 试题分析 : 句意:根据与百度相连接的网站 H的调查,中国的搜索引擎百度宣布了在 2013年网民们热议的十大话题。 A. kept on 继续; B. passed on 传递; C. based on 根据; D. spent on花费。根据句意选 C。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 The project turned out quite successful and he has proved himself an extremely_manager. A ambiti

18、ous B capable C energetic D popular 答案: B 试题分析 :句意:这个项目结果是相当成功的,他也证明了自己是一个非常能干的经理。 A. ambitious有雄心的,有理想的; B. capable 能干的; C. energetic 精力充沛的; D. popular 受欢迎的。根据前句内容判断他的成功是因为他的能干,选 B。 考点:考查形容词辨析 It is really important to form an atmosphere among young people values self reliance(自力更生 ) rather than re

19、lying on parents. A who B where C that D what 答案: C 试题分析 :句意:在年轻人中形成一种重视自力更生而不是依赖父母的风气是真正重要的。从结构判断空格后是定语从句,修饰先行词 atmosphere,句中缺少主语,故用关系代词 that,选 C。 考点:考查定语从句 Im willing to help ,I do not have much time available. A Because B While C When D Since 答案: B 试题分析 :句意:尽管我愿意帮助,可是我没有时间。 A. Because 因为; B. Whil

20、e尽管,当 .时; C. When当 . 时; D. Since既然,自从。根据句子内容判断前后句之间是转折让步关系,选 B。 考点:考查连词 It is necessary that the government solutions for the problems of air pollution to create a clear environment. A should have found B could have found C could find D should find 答案: D 试题分析 :句意:政府找出空气污染问题的解决方法来营造一个干净的环境是必要。在句型 “it

21、 is necessary+ that从句 ”中,谓语动词应该用 should +v原形,should可以省略。 Should +have done“本应该做某事 ”,表示对过去事情的推测判断,不符合语境,选 D。 考点:考查虚拟语气 Wow, winter swimming is so fascinating! Shall we have a try ! It is not my piece of cake. A Never mind B Good idea C Neither you nor me D Rather you than me 答案: D 试题分析 :句意: -哇,冬泳是如此的

22、吸引人!我们要试一试吗? -你试吧,我可不行!我对此不感兴趣。 A. Never mind 不要紧; B. Good idea好主意; C. Neither you nor me 你我都不; D. Rather you than me你行, 我可不行!根据后句 It is not my piece of cake.可知说话人不喜欢尝试冬泳,选 D。 考点: 考查情景交际 On September 22, more than 150 Chinese cities, including Beijing, observed world Car Free Day to low-carbon trave

23、l. A promote B protect C imitate D contact 答案: A 试题分析 :句意:在 9月 22日, 150多个中国城市,包括北京在内,都庆祝世界无车日去提倡低碳出行。 A. promote提倡; B. protect 保护; C. imitate模仿; D. contact联系。根据句意选 A。 考点:考查动词辨析 完型填空 They call themselves “The Soul Knights(骑士 )” and come from different universities in Guangdong Province. During their

24、summer vacation, the team, consisting of five male and two female students, more than 3,000 kilometers from Guangzhou to Beijing. It took them days to complete the journey. The Soul Knights have a noble , which is to advocate civilized travel by taking photos of graffiti(涂鸦 ) by tourists. “When we h

25、eard that a Chinese tourist wrote his name on an Egyptian temple, it made think a lot. We wanted to use photos to everyone how important it is to protect historic relics,” says Zhang Zhihao, 22, the teams captain. On their trip, the team had a clear of duty. Some provided medical care, some were fun

26、d, and others updated the teams micro blog. Cycling is a great way of enjoying the landscape, but its . On the way they passed through many cities heat waves with temperatures well above 40 degrees. They rode about 20 kilometers per hour. They got up at 6 am, departed at 7:30 and at noon to cool dow

27、n. Sometimes they borrowed sheets of cardboards from restaurants and slept trees. After cycling for one month, the team arrived in Beijing, their destination. it wasnt the end of their journey yet. The team a small exhibition on the Great Wall of China, one of the countrys most visited attractions,

28、to show everyone the they had taken of graffiti in various places. To their , many visitors showed their support for the young teams project by their names on the banner(横幅 )they had prepared. “We do this adventure, for sending a message to the public about protecting our countrys cultural heritage(

29、遗产 ) is a very rewarding ,” said the teams captain. 【小题1】 A walked B drove C flew D covered A fifty B forty C thirty D twenty A cause B excuse C suggestion D view A brushed B printed C sent D left A him B us C them D you A amuse B inform C urge D remind A division B sense C goal D faith A in need of

30、 B in possession of C in charge of D in case of A shocking B confusing C amazing D challenging A experiencing B witnessing C avoiding D appreciating A bathed B rested C danced D sweated A in B between C under D beside A nearly B finally C naturally D gradually A So B And C Since D But A set up B led

31、 to C put on D called off A marks B pictures C surprises D effects A puzzlement B shame C delight D disappointment A painting B signing C typing D fixing A enjoy B envy C hate D ignore A mind B envy C role D feeling 答案:【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 D

32、【小题 10】 A 【小题 11】 B 【小题 12】 C 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 D 【小题 16】 B 【小题 17】 C 【小题 18】 B 【小题 19】 A 【小题 20】 D 试题分析:本文是一篇故事类短文,介绍了大学生千里骑行记。为了收获一个非凡的暑假,来自广东的七名大学生踏上了一段别开生面的冒险之旅。这支 “五男两女 ”的队伍从广州出发,耗时一个月,骑行 3000多公里,最终抵达北京。他们通过拍照曝光游客乱刻乱画的痕迹来倡导文明出游。 【小题 1】 D动词辨析。 .A. walked散步; B. drove驾驶 ; C. flew 飞; D. c

33、overed,掩饰,占地,走过路程,覆盖。根据文章内容可知这五名大学生是骑自行车从广州到了北京,所以排除 ABC选项,选 D。 cover可以指走过多远的路程。 【小题 2】 C数词辨析。 A. fifty五十; B. forty四十; C. thirty三十; D. twenty二十。根据文章倒数第三段中 After cycling for one month可知他们的行程用了一个月的时间,选 C。 【小题 3】 A名词辨析。 .A. cause原因,事业; B. excuse借口; C. suggestion建议; D. view观点。根据后面定语从句的内容 which is to adv

34、ocate civilized travel by taking photos of graffiti(涂鸦 ) by tourists. 可以判断这是大学生们骑自行车旅行的原因,选 A。 【小题 4】 D动词辨析。 A. brushed刷; B. printed印刷; C. sent发射; D. left,留下,离开。根据文章内容可知大学生们一路上把游客们在旅游景点乱涂乱画的涂鸦给拍照,选 D。 【小题 5】 B. 代词辨析。 A. him他; B. us我们; C. them他们; D. you你。根据前后句中出现的 “we”可知这是大学生们在以第一人称说这件事给他们的影响,使他们想到的,

35、选 B。 【小题 6】 D动词辨析。 A. amuse娱乐; B. inform告知; C. urge争吵; D. remind提醒,使人想起。根据文章末段 . sending a message to the public about protecting our countrys cultural heritage 可以判断他们拍这些照片的目的是想提醒人们保护历史遗迹的重要性,选 D。 【小题 7】 A. 名词辨析。 .A. division分配,分工; B. sense感觉; C. goal目标;D. faith信念。根据空后的解释内容 Some provided medical car

36、e, others updated the teams micro blog.判断他们各有分工,选 A。 【小题 8】 C. 介词短语 辨析。 A. in need of需要; B. in possession of拥有; C. in charge of掌管; D. in case of万一。这五位大学生在骑行途中分工合作,由此判断他们中有的人负责管理财务,选 C。 【小题 9】 D. 动词辨析。 A. shocking震动; B. confusing混乱; C. amazing惊讶;D. challenging挑战。根据下文内容可知他们骑车的行程是非常不容易的,是充满着挑战的,选 D。 【小

37、题 10】 A. 动词辨析。 A. experiencing经历; B. witnessing目击; C. Avoiding避免; D. appreciating欣赏。从文章内容可以判断他们在途中经历了酷热的天气,其他不符合语境,选 A。 【小题 11】 B动词辨析。 A. bathed洗澡; B. rested休息; C. danced跳舞; D. sweated流汗。根据空后内容判断他们是清晨赶路,中午天热了的时候停下来休息,选 B。 【小题 12】 C. 介词辨析。 .A. in在里面 ; B. between在之间; C. under在下面; D. beside在旁边。从情理可知他们只

38、能在树下休息,其他 不符合常理,选 C。 【小题 13】 B副词辨析。 .A. nearly几乎; B. finally最后; C. naturally自然地; D. gradually逐渐地。根据空后内容 their destination可以判断他们在经历了长途跋涉之后终于到了北京,用 finally表示一路的艰辛和不易,选 B。 【小题 14】 D. 连词辨析。 A. So所以; B. And和; C. Since自从; D. But但是。根据空后内容可知他们到了北京,但是事情还没有结束,他们又去了长城进行照片的展览,前后是转折关系,选 D。 【 小题 15】 A名词辨析。 A. set

39、 up建立; B. led to带领,通向; C. put on穿上;D. called off取消。根据下文内容可以判断他们举行了一个小型展览来展示他们拍的照片,从搭配可知选 A。 【小题 16】 B名词辨析。 .A. marks记号; B. pictures图画 ,照片; C. surprises 惊讶; D. effects影响。根据上文内容可知这些大学生们一路都在拍照, take photo/pictures拍照片,所以填 B。 【小题 17】 C. 名词辨析。 A. puzzlement迷惑 ; B. shame害羞; C. delight高兴; D. disappointment失

40、望。从后句内容可知很多游客都表示支持他们的活动,由此判断他们会非常高兴,选 C。 【小题 18】 B动词辨析。 A. painting绘画; B. signing签字; C. typing打字; D. fixing修理。从空后内容可知人们在横幅上写名字,也就是签名表示支持他们的活动,从情理判断选 B。 【小题 19】 A. 动词辨析。 A. enjoy喜欢; B. envy嫉妒; C. hate憎恨; D. ignore忽略。根据末句中的褒义形容 词 rewarding判断他们认为这项活动很有意义,也就是喜欢这次骑车的行程,选 A。 【小题 20】 D. 名词辨析。 A. mind心理; B.

41、 envy嫉妒; C. role角色; D. feeling感觉。从句意可知他们认为传递一种保护文化遗产的活动很有意义,有回报,能给人带来一种满足感,选 D。 考点:考查新闻报道类短文阅读 阅读理解 Look, this is the first plane in the world to be created using the new technology of “3D printing”. The airplane was built using only a computer-but it can fly at a speed of 100mph and has a two-meter

42、 wingspan. It was produced using a special nylon laser printer that builds up something layer-by-layer. The parts were made separately and attached using a “snap fit”(搭扣) technique so the aircraft could be put together without tools in minutes. No fasteners(扣件 ) at all were used in the manufacture o

43、f the plane. Unmanned and electrically powered, the plane can travel in near silence and is also equipped with a small autopilot system. The special production process used is known as “laser sintering(激光烧结 ) “and allows the designers to create shapes and structures that would normally include costl

44、y manufacturing techniques. This technology allows a highly-tailored aircraft to be developed from your own design to first flight in days, while using traditional materials and techniques would take months. And because no tooling is required for manufacture, major changes to the shape and scale of

45、the aircraft can be made with no extra cost. Professor Jim Scanlon, who led the team, said, “The process allows the design team to revisit historical techniques and ideas that would have been too expensive using traditional manufacturing.” He added, “This form of structure is very firm and lightweig

46、ht, but very complex. If it was manufactured traditionally it would require a large number of individually tailored parts that would have to be connected or fastened at great expense.” The new printed plane is known as the Southampton University Laser Sintered Aircraft-or SULSA for short-and is part

47、 of a wider project using cutting-edge manufacturing techniques. The University of Southampton has been at the leading position of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle development since the early 1990s. 【小题 1】 What does the passage maily talk about A. New Designed Airplane with New Techniques. B. Scientists Crea

48、te Aircraft with High Speed. C. Revolut ionary Breakthrough of 3D Printer. D. The Worlds first 3-D printed Airplane, SULSA. 【小题 2】 How does the 3-D printed plane fly A A pilot controls it using a remote control. B It should be controlled by “laser sintering”. C It should be controlled by an autopilot system. D A pilot with high techniques controlled it. 【小题 3】 Which of the following is NOT advantage of the plane A It only requires simple and cheap tools. B It is manufactured in quite a short time. C It pr


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