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1、2014年高考二轮复习专题检测:句法(十三)英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * (2013 宿州模拟 )Are you going to go abroad . Its a golden opportunity for me. A No problem! B Thats for sure. C How come D Good idea. 答案: (2013 南京模拟 )Hello, John. This is Alice. Im calling from work. Hows your mother feeling . Mum is out of hospital, but she has

2、 to stay in bed for a few more days. A Youre welcome B That was thoughtful of you C What a pleasure D By all means 答案: Andrew wont like it, you know. I dont care what Andrew thinks! A Why not B What for C How come D So what 答案: Going to the party to be held in Annes house this weekend Ill be free th

3、en. A Forget it. B You bet! C Believe it or not D I can t help it. 答案: What a pity! Nothing seems to be going my way. , Susan. You are killing yourself for all the work. A Take it easy B Go right ahead C You deserve it D Have great fun 答案: Dont bother to buy me an air ticket. Ive got one. Why didnt

4、you tell me earlier Ive got one, too. A Good luck! B You have C Its no surprise. D Dont mention it. 答案: Lucy has been fired by her boss. She is late for work five times a week! A Hardly surprising! B Forget it. C How come D Who knows 答案: Can you tell me Sams telephone number . Who is Sam The newcome

5、r A I think so B Thats OK C Id rather not D Im afraid not 答案: Im sorry I didnt bring the book here. Oh, . Bring it next time, OK A youd better not B Im afraid not C as you wish D thats all right 答案: Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the 2014 Asian Games . Ours is much

6、stronger than theirs. A Of course B It depends C Dont mention it D By no means 答案: Do you mind if I watch the live broadcast of the 15th anniversary of Hong Kongs return to our motherland Yes, . The baby is sleeping. A you could B go ahead C I do D my pleasure 答案: Shall we go for a picnic on Saturda

7、y or Sunday Either time is OK with me. A It depends. B Up to you. C Why not D Dont mention it. 答案: I must leave right now by bike instead of waiting for a taxi. Well, The ground is still quite wet. A good idea! B go ahead. C have a nice trip. D take care. 答案: Please accept my apology for taking your

8、 umbrella by mistake. It can happen to anyone. A Oh, thats all right. B What have you done with my umbrella C Where is my umbrella D Dont do that again. 答案: Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight . A No, I wont be free B Thanks a lot C Id love to, but Im not free D Im sorry to hear that

9、答案: (2013 合肥模拟 )May I use your dictionary I need to look up a word. Its over there. . A My pleasure B Got it C Feel free D No problem 答案: (2013 厦门模拟 )Do you understand the film Cloud Atlas, the most amazing one this year , but I am confused at many scenes. A Not a little B Yes, no problem C No, not

10、at all D Just sort of 答案: Hi, Tom! Could you spare me a minute I want to have a word with you. Sure, Jean. A You must be worried. B It doesnt matter. C Whats up D Why me 答案: (2013 重庆模拟 )A second, please. I have another call coming through. Im not in a hurry. A Enjoy yourself. B Leave me alone. C Why

11、 not D Take your time. 答案: (2013 天津模拟 )We really enjoyed ourselves at the party. Thanks again, Mr. and Mrs. White. . Just drop in whenever you feel like it. A With pleasure B Our great honor C Nice having you here D Nice you are here 答案: Can I speak to Mr. Smith, please He is having a meeting in the

12、 next room. A Who are you B Hold on please. C Speaking, please. D Are you Mr. Black 答案: I am terribly sorry I broke your teapot. A So what B Forget it. C What if D Be careful! 答案: Do you think that we should make preparations for the competition in advance Exactly. . A Actions speak louder than word

13、s B Fight no battle unprepared C Better late than never D Well begun, half done 答案: Would you like to join us in the walk , for I have two important letters to answer. A I wont B Id like to C I will D Im afraid not 答案: Im going to apply for Shandong University. Youve been dreaming to study in Beijing. A Congratulations! B Good luck! C Why not Tsinghua D Good idea! 答案:


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