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1、2014年高考提高得分点看 “面 ”专题集训:情态动词英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * _ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam. A Hadnt it been B Had it not been C Was it not D Were it not 答案: B Hey! Any idea about learning abroad You _ google the College Board to learn the names of colleges you _ be interest

2、ed in. A may; need B can; might C will; should D shall; must 答案: B Is Nick coming by train He should, but he _ not. He likes driving his car. A must B may C can D need 答案: B (2013 东北三校二模 )In case anyone _ come in my absence, tell him I will be back soon. Sure, I will. A would B should C will D shall

3、 答案: B (2013 青岛二模 )John _ yet, or he would have telephoned me. A mustnt have arrived B shouldnt have arrived C neednt have arrived D cant have arrived 答案: D (2013 安徽安庆二模 )She looks very happy. She _ have passed the exam. I guess so. Its not difficult after all. A should B must C could D might 答案: B

4、(2013 浙江金华二模 )A survey has shown that 40% of those killed in traffic accidents _ if they had been wearing seat belts. A should have been saved B must have been saved C need have been saved D could have been saved 答案: D (2013 长沙二模 )The research on the new flu virus vaccine is challenging and demandin

5、g.Who do you think can do the job _ my students have a try A May B Must C Will D Shall 答案: D (2013 辽宁五校二模 )Mum, can I watch the TV program for another twenty minutes Sorry, dear, its time you _ to bed. A went B go C will go D must go 答案: A (2013 四川省南充市二模 ) _ him not to do so, he wouldnt have made su

6、ch a serious mistake. A If I persuaded B Did I persuade C Had I persuaded D If I should persuade 答案: C The Internet plays an important role in our life. Without the Internet, life _ quite different nowadays. A would be B will be C is D was 答案: A Is the letter from your mother Yes. But she _ the lett

7、er herself, because she doesnt even know one word. A neednt have written B cant have written C might not have written D should not have written 答案: B His pale face suggested he _ angry and I suggested that he _ at once. A should be; should leave B was; left C was; leave D be; left 答案: C I _ sooner b

8、ut I didnt know that they were waiting for me. A had come B was coming C would come D would have come 答案: D According to the rules and regulations, all payments _ be made in cash in the shopping center. A shall B can C must D should 答案: A Look! There are so many mistakes in your composition. You _ h

9、ave fixed full attention on it. A can B should C need D might 答案: B _ we go to the McDonalds Im sick of the food there. A Need B Can C Shall D Must 答案: D With all his money, he _ worry about a little thing like 5 cents! A can B must C may D should 答案: D Its no easy task to catch a ticket on a websit

10、e that receives 1 billion clicks daily. I cant agree with you more. There _ be errors for every single step. A should B must C can D will 答案: C The family _ on time, but their car had a flat tyre on the halfway. A would arrive B could arrive C must have arrived D could have arrived 答案: D The public

11、transportation is very convenient in that big city, so there _ be any difficulty in traveling around. A mustnt B wouldnt C shouldnt D neednt 答案: C (2013 福建三明二模 )Look at the full moon. How beautiful it is! How I wish I _ on it some day! A were B am C would be D will be 答案: C (2013 合肥一中二模 )The school

12、recommends parents _ their children to swim in rivers or lakes during summer holidays. A not permit B do not permit C mustnt permit D couldnt permit 答案: A (2013 吉林长春一模 )Please dont tell anybody. I _. I promise. A cant B dont C wont D mustnt 答案: C (2013 齐鲁名校一模 )To make the most of your time, live eve

13、ry moment as if it_ your last. A is B would be C were D has been 答案: C (2013 厦门第一次适应性考试 )When my father is upset, he would rather _. A leave alone B we left him alone C left alone D we leave him alone 答案: B (2013 江西鹰潭一中高三一模 )What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he _ better. A need ha

14、ve done B must have done C can have done D might have done 答案: D (2013 山西省太原市统一检测 )David, the windows of the room are very dirty. _ I clean them before we move in Of course. A Will B Would C Shall D Do 答案: C (2013 银川高三一模 )Where is the post office Its just over there, at the end of the street. You _

15、not miss it. A can B must C may D should 答案: A (2013 济南一模 )Can you keep the secret You _ worry Im not going to mention it to anyone. A neednt B couldnt C mustnt D wont 答案: A (2013 皖南八校一模 )I felt surprised that anyone of his intelligence _ such an easy test. A might have failed B could have failed C

16、should have failed D must have failed 答案: C (2013 江西六所重点高中一模 )We _ take clean drinking water for granted. One day we may run out of it. A neednt B cant C wont D shouldnt 答案: D (2013 保定唐县一中高三一模 )Is it good to look up every new word when I come across it in reading No, you _ , because you are likely t

17、o guess the meaning from the context. A dont have to B shouldnt C cant A D mustnt 答案: (2013 辽宁五校一模 )The little child _ go out alone at night, so he _ walk in the dark that night. A doesnt dare to; dared not to B darent to; didnt dare to C darent; dared not D doesnt dare to; dare not 答案: C (2013 合肥第二

18、次质检 )Martin hasnt been in touch with me for ages. He _ my new cellphone number. A neednt get B mustnt get C cant get D shouldnt have got 答案: C (2013 江西九江二模 )If you wont do as I tell you, you _ get the chance to be promoted because the competition is just too fierce. A couldnt B mustnt C shouldnt D s

19、hant 答案: D (2013 江苏南通市二模 )We _ have hurried all the way to the airport the flight was called off because of the foggy weather. A mustnt B couldnt C neednt D wouldnt 答案: C (2013 四川省都江堰市二模 )Mike, I cant find my watch anywhere. You _ it while working out. A may have lost B could have lost C would have

20、lost D should have lost 答案: A (2013 成都第二次诊断 )Where did you get this book I picked it up from a second -hand bookshop if you _ know. A must B will C can D shall 答案: A (2013 四川省六校二模 )Jack is an outgoing child, usually kind and helpful, but he _ lose temper sometimes. A must B would C can D should 答案:

21、C (2013 陕西西北工大附中一模 ) _ a little earlier, you could have got a copy of his latest book. A If you would arrive B If you arrived C Should you arrive D Had you arrived 答案: D (2013 江西十所重点中学第一次联考 )Whats your opinion of Mr Lis request that we _ spend half an hour reading English aloud every morning A must

22、B would C should D could 答案: C (2013 济南一模 )They advocate the proposal we were opposed _ rediscussed at the next meeting. A to be B should be C to was D was 答案: A (2013 成都一诊 )Parents are doing all they _ to help their children achieve their ambitions. A shall B can C may D need 答案: B 完型填空 But for the help of the kind policeman, we _ our way to the hotel in this foreign city. A wouldnt find B wouldnt have found C would find D would have found 答案: B


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