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1、2014年高考提高得分点看 “面 ”专题集训:特殊句式英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * Which one of these two dictionaries do you advise me to buy, Oxford or Longman Well, take Oxford. I think it is the _ of the two. A best B better C good D well 答案: B The number of historic buildings which _ has reached a surprising figure that we must b

2、e aware of. A has been pulled down B had been pulled down C is being pulled down D have been pulled down 答案: D She realized that it was not the words but the way she spoke to Bruce _ hurt him. A who B whom C which D that 答案: D Amazingly, Zhuo Jun got first place for the “Chinas Got Talent”( 中国达人秀 )

3、last night. So wonderfully _ in the show that he deserved it. A did he perform B had he performed C he performed D he had performed 答案: A (2013 洛阳二模 )This computer is worse than that one you bought last year, but it costs twice _. A as many B as much C so much D so many 答案: B (2013 石家庄第二次质量检测 )I don

4、t believe you can do todays job with yesterdays methods and be in tomorrows business, _? A do I B dont I C can you D cant you 答案: C (2013 芜湖三校二模 )I really cant think of _ told me you were not coming back till tomorrow. A it was who that B who was it that C that who was it D who it was that 答案: D (20

5、13 甘肃河西五市二模 )In the middle of the forest _, in which we often went fishing when I was a little child. A lies a deep lake B a deep lake does lie C a deep lake lies D does a deep lake lie 答案: A (2013 江西抚州五校二模 )So absorbed _ in our talk that my brother took a wrong turn on the way to the airport. A he

6、was B was he C is he D he is 答案: B (2013 陕西宝鸡二检 )Not until he went abroad for further study _ how attached he was to his parents. A that the realized B had he realized C did he realize D that he had realized 答案: C Jeremy rather than his friends _ for the accident. Absolutely. He shouldnt have driven

7、 after being drunk. A are to be blamed B are to blame C is to blame D is to be blamed 答案: C In view of the global financial crisis, every possible means _ to stimulate the economic development in China. A have tried B have been tried C has tried D has been tried 答案: D Nothing that you say can change

8、 his mind, _? A do you B dont you C can it D cant it 答案: C The smoggy weather has made us realize _ terrible problems we are faced with. A how B what C that D which 答案: B How unhappy your roommate looks! Yes, but hes not willing to tell me what it is _ is troubling him. A what B which C as D that 答案

9、: D When the millionaire was young, he was very poor. Only by doing part-time jobs during the summer holiday _ afford to pay his college fees. A he could B could he C can he D he can 答案: B So quickly _ is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrow. A are science and technology advancing that B sc

10、ience and technology advancing are that C science and technology are advancing what that D are science and technology advancing that what 答案: D The Chinese government promised that under no circumstances _ the efforts to provide universal and low-cost health care. A it would stop B it might stop C w

11、ould it stop D might it stop 答案: C Kate had a terrible time this summer. Not a day _ without having some unpleasantness with her sister at home. A she spent B she had spent C did she spend D had she spent 答案: C _ who had arrested him three times for carrying drugs. A Before George stood the policema

12、n B Before George the policeman stood C Before the policeman stood George D Before George did the policeman stand 答案: A It was President Xi Jinping _ visited the navy troops and urged to strengthen naval force on April 9,2013. A when B which C that D he 答案: C (2013 济南二模 )It was during the Ming Dynas

13、ty _ the Great Wall was repaired and extended to take on the appearance it has today. A when B which C what D that 答案: D (2013 银川一中二模 )Are you pleased with what he has done Not a bit. It couldnt be_. A so bad B much better C any worse D best 答案: C (2013 咸阳二模 )The murderer, together with his two brot

14、hers, _ sentenced to death just now. A was B were C is D are 答案: A (2013 甘肃河西五市一模 )Look! The ground is wet. It must have rained last night, _? A hasnt it B hadnt it C mustnt it D didnt it 答案: D (2013 郑州一模 )Did you tell her the bad news Yes, but Id rather _. A didnt B not C not have D hadnt 答案: C (20

15、13 皖南八校第一次联考 )He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _, refusing them when they turn to him. A if never B if ever C if not D if anything 答案: B (2013 安徽省芜湖三校一模 )A recent study has found that the number of smokers _ sharply over the past five years. A is increasing B are increasing C has been in

16、creasing D have been increasing 答案: C (2013 山东济宁一模 )How close parents are to their children _ a strong influence on the development of the childrens characters. A having B had C has D have 答案: C (2013 安徽合肥三校一模 )Was it at 11 oclock _ your father came back last night Yes, he is always coming back so l

17、ate. A that B while C when D until 答案: A (2013 青岛一模 )Scientists are still wondering _ the Egyptians built the pyramids so long ago. A how it is that B how is it that C it is how that D that how it is 答案: A (2013 辽宁五校协作体第一次联考 )_ about the man wearing sunglasses during night that he was determined to

18、follow him. A So curious the detective was B So curious was the detective C How curious was the detective D How curious the detective was 答案: B (2013 东北三校一模 )I am certain by no means _ his word since he has promised an amount of money to the poor. A he will break B will he break C broke D did he bre

19、ak 答案: B (2013 宝鸡一模 )There is so much rain on the island that its annual rainfall reaches _. A sixty inches as much as B as sixty inches much as C as much as sixty inches D as much sixty inches as 答案: C (2013 石家庄高三一模 )Have you seen the film Lost on Journey Yeah, amazing! Its _ than the films I have

20、ever seen. A any less interesting B much less interesting C no more interesting D far more interesting 答案: D (2013 大连二模 )We each _ strong points, but each of us on the other hand _ weak points. A have; have B has; have C have; has D has; has 答案: C (2013 湖南长沙二模 )Either the judge or the lawyers _ wron

21、g on the case at that moment. A is B are C were D was 答案: C (2013 河北石家庄二模 )_ has brought worldwide attention to China Rapid and steady economic growth, of course. A What do you think it is B What do you think is it C What do you think it is that D What do you think is it that 答案: C (2013 安徽蚌埠二检 )Cou

22、ld it be in the restaurant _ you had dinner with me yesterday _ you lost your handbag A where; when B which; where C that; which D where; that 答案: D (2013 天津 12区二模 )No sooner _ down on bed _ the telephone rang. A had he lain; than B had he lied; when C did he lie; than D had he laid; before 答案: A (2

23、013 陕西重点中学高三二模 )We pursue happiness, thinking one day we will find it. But _ it by seeking it. A rarely will we find B rarely we will find C rarely will find we D rarely find we will 答案: A (2013 安徽重点中学一模 )Not only _ to turn off the lights in the kitchen, but we also failed to lock the front door. A

24、we forgot B forgot we C did we forget D we did forget 答案: C (2013 咸阳一模 )When we entered, we found lying on the ground _ along with her parents. A was a girl B were a girl C a girl was D a girl were 答案: A (2013 皖南八校第一次联考 )A recent survey shows the number of people who shop in stores _, while far more are shopping online. A decrease B decreases C is decreasing D are decreasing 答案: C (2013 南昌一模 )It is comforting to see that _, we are doing our part for the environment. A as small may be we B as we may be small C small as may be we D small as we may be 答案: D


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