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1、2014年高考提高得分点看 “面 ”专题集训:虚拟语气英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * (2013 广西桂林中学高三二模 )Can you come to attend our party tonight Sorry, but I do wish I _. A had B can C will D could 答案: D (2013 天津高考 )If he had spent more time practising speaking English before, he _ able to speak it much better now. A will be B would be C

2、 has been D would have been 答案: B (2013 北京高考 )If we _ a table earlier, we wouldnt be standing here in a queue. A have booked B booked C book D had booked 答案: D (2013 济南一中模拟 )Where _ Mary have put the empty bottles She _ them away. They must be somewhere. A can; cant have thrown B must; neednt C must

3、; must have thrown D can; mustnt have thrown 答案: A (2013 河北衡水中学模拟 )Some young people these days just _ go out of their homes to contact the real world. A mustnt B wont C mightnt D shouldnt 答案: B (2013 重庆一中模拟 )Who _ be phoning us at this time of night It might be your sister. A might B can C dare D m

4、ust 答案: B (2013 西安市高三二模 )John looks a bit upset. Did you tell him the bad news Yes, but I _ him after his birthday party. A should have told B must have told C shouldnt have told D neednt have told 答案: A (2013 潍坊市高三二模 )Sometimes smiles _ be false, hiding other feelings like anger, fear or worry. A m

5、ust B should C can D would 答案: C (2013 南昌三中模拟 )Do you think Jack will lend us a hand He is the last one to help others. He _ lend his hand, though. A can B must C should D might 答案: D (2012 重庆高考 )_ you interrupt now Cant you see Im on the phone Sorry Sir, but its urgent. A Can B Should C Must D Woul

6、d 答案: C (2012 安徽高考 )Grace doesnt want to move to New York because she thinks if she _ there, she wouldnt be able to see her parents very often. A lives B would live C has lived D were to live 答案: D (2012 浙江高考 )Had they known what was coming next, they _ second thoughts. A may have B could have C mus

7、t have had D might have had 答案: D (2013 浙江高考 )Eye doctors recommend that a childs first eye exam _ at the age of six months old. A was B be C were D is 答案: B (2013 哈师大附中高三二模 )If only I _ more confidence in the English speech contest held last week! A would have B had C had had D have 答案: C (2013 辽宁师

8、范大学附中模拟 )Fortunately it happened at night. If the hurricane _ during the daytime, there _ more deaths. A had happened; would have been B happened; would be C had happened; would be D happened; would have been 答案: A (2013 成都七中考前模拟 )We were stuck on the way to the scenic spot, otherwise we _ lots of f

9、un there. A had had B have had C could have had D could have 答案: C (2013 天津南开中学高三二模 ) _ it rain tomorrow, we should have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge. A Were B Should C Would D Will 答案: B (2013 陕西师大附中模拟 )If we had taken such effective measures much earlier, the river _ so seriously now.

10、 A is not polluted B would not be polluted C had not been polluted D would not have been polluted 答案: B (2010 江苏高考 )George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rather he _ more on its culture. A focus B focused C would focus D had focused 答案: B (2012 北京高考 )Dont handle the vase

11、 as if it _ made of steel. A is B were C has been D had been 答案: B (2012 辽宁高考 )Jack is a great talker. Its high time that he _ something instead of just talking. A will do B has done C do D did 答案: D (2011 北京高考 )Where are the children The dinners going to be completely ruined. I wish they_always lat

12、e. A werent B hadnt been C wouldnt be D wouldnt have been 答案: A (2012 陕西高考 )I _ thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home. A wont B cant C can D will 答案: B (2013 天津高考 )No one _ be more generous; he has a heart of gold. A could B must C dare D need 答案: A (2009 江苏高考 )

13、He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he_it differently. A could express B would express C could have expressed D must have expressed 答案: C (2010 辽宁高考 )Doctors say that exercise is important for health, but it _ be regular exercise. A can B will C must D may 答案: C (2012 辽宁高考 )One of our

14、 rules is that every student _ wear school uniform while at school. A might B could C shall D will 答案: C (2012 上海高考 )The new law states that people _ drive after drinking alcohol. A wouldnt B neednt C wont D mustnt 答案: D (2010 北京高考 )Good morning. Ive got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personn

15、el Department. Ah, good morning. You _ be Mrs. Peters. A might B must C would D can 答案: B (2011 江西高考 )It _be the postman at the door.Its only six oclock. A mustnt B cant C wont D neednt 答案: B (2013 安徽高考 )It _ be the vocabulary that caused you the problem in the exercise because you know a lot of wor

16、ds. A may B couldnt C should D neednt 答案: B (2013 重庆高 考 )What are you doing this Saturday Im not sure, but I _ go to the Rolling Stones concert. A must B would C should D might 答案: D (2012 全国卷 )Im going to Europe on vacation together with John if I _ find the money. A can B might C would D need 答案:

17、A (2013 湖南高考 )He _ sleep, although he tried to, when he got on such a hunt for an idea until he had caught it. A wouldnt B shouldnt C couldnt D mustnt 答案: C (2010 四川高考 )_ I take the book out Im afraid not. A Will B May C Must D Need 答案: B (2009 全国卷 )What do you mean, there are only ten tickets?There

18、_be twelve. A should B would C will D shall 答案: A (2012 全国卷 )I _ use a clock to wake me up because at six oclock each morning the train comes by my house. A couldnt B mustnt C shouldnt D neednt 答案: D (2011 江苏高考 )I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official. How u

19、nbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone _it. A will have stolen B might have stolen C should have stolen D must have stolen 答案: B (2011 全国卷 )They _have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed. A will B can C must D should 答案: D (2012 江苏高考 )Happy birthday! Thank you! Its the best presen

20、t I_ for. A should have wished B must have wished C may have wished D could have wished 答案: D (2012 江西高考 )We _ have bought so much food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner. A may not B neednt C cant D mustnt 答案: B (2013 四川高考 )Why are your eyes so red You _ have slept well last night. Yeah, I s

21、tayed up late writing a report. A cant B mustnt C neednt D wont 答案: A (2013 辽宁高考 )Harry is feeling uncomfortable.He _ too much at the party last night. A could drink B should drink C would have drunk D must have drunk 答案: D (2012 江苏高考 )Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but _ say

22、 where he was. A mustnt B shouldnt C wouldnt D mightnt 答案: C (2013 新课标全国卷 )The door _ open, no matter how hard she pushed. A shouldnt B couldnt C wouldnt D mightnt 答案: C (2011 福建高考 )Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now I am afraid you _ , in case he comes late for the meeting. A will B must C may D can 答案: B (2013 江西高考 )When I was a child, I _ watch TV whenever I wanted to. A should B could C must D need 答案: B


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