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1、2014年高考贯穿知识点看 “线 ”名师知识点总结训:动词和动词短语英语卷(带解析) 单项选择 * (2013 烟台高三联合测试 )As the train ran faster and faster, the lights of the city were soon _. A left off B left alone C left behind D left out 答案: C My parents have always made me _ about myself, even when I was twelve. A feeling well B feeling good C feel

2、 well D feel good 答案: D You look upset.Whats the matter I had my proposal _ again.(2011 江苏 ) A turned over B turned on C turned off D turned down 答案: D I can _ the house being untidy, but I hate it if its not clean. A come up with B put up with C turn to D stick to 答案: B No matter how low you consid

3、er yourself, there is always someone _ you wishing they were that high. A getting rid of B getting along with C looking up to D looking down upon 答案: C OK , Ive had enough of it.I give up. You cant _ your responsibilities. A run off with B run up against C run out of D run away from 答案: D The school

4、 isnt the one I really wanted to go to, but I suppose Ill just have to _ it. A make the best of B get away from C keep an eye on D catch up with 答案: A After that, he knew he could _ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. A get away with B get on with C get through D get acr

5、oss 答案: C The media can often help solve problems and draw attention _ situations _ help is needed. A in; that B to; which C in; where D to; where 答案: D Have you _ some new ideas Yeah.Ill tell you later. A come about B come into C come up with D come out with 答案: C Walking alone in the dark, the boy

6、 whistled to _ his courage. A hold up B keep up C set up D take up 答案: B Ive _ the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school. A come into B gone into C got into D run into 答案: C _ a moment and I will go to your rescue. A Go on B Hold on C Move on D Carry on 答案: B In modern ti

7、mes, people have to learn to _ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life. A keep with B stay with C meet with D live with 答案: D Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English _ in a short period. A improved B improving C to improve D improve 答

8、案: A The farmers had the machine _ all day and night. A work B working C worked D to work 答案: B (2013 南昌一中月考 )Thousands of visitors were _ to the Xian International Horticultural Exposition the day it opened. A adopted B accepted C attracted D attached 答案: C (2013 重庆部分学校高三联考 )At the edge of the gras

9、s, theres a sign saying“_ the grass” A Keep up B Keep away C Keep off D Keep back 答案: C (2013 南京部分学校高三联考 )Suddenly I realized that I had stayed here long and _ to say goodbye to the host. A raised B rose C lifted D stood 答案: B (2013 成都部分高中高三质检 )How can Margot _ from her illness in this room when it

10、is so dirty and dusty? It will only make her worse. A suffer B recover C discover D return 答案: B (2013 安徽十校素质检测 )His injuries are extremely serious, but hes expected to _. A pull in B pull through C pull up D pull over 答案: B It is our responsibility to _ that the countrys health care publications ar

11、e beneficial to the people. A satisfy B compromise C quarrel D ensure 答案: D (2013 福州质检 )Many great artists were not famous in their own time, and people only started to _ them many years later. A remind B appreciate C inspire D assist 答案: B (2013 广西百所高中联考 )The two-year-old girl who was _ twice and i

12、gnored by 18 people has finally died in a hospital. A run up B run away C run after D run over 答案: D (2013 桂林部分学校高三质检 )The happiest people dont have the best of everything.They just _ everything. A get away from B make the best of C fix attention on D catch up with 答案: B (2013 河北唐山模拟 )The bell rang

13、and every student had to _ their examination papers. A give up B give away C give out D give in 答案: D (2013 黑龙江高考适应性考试 )When realizing the guard of the supermarket had spotted him, the thief _ the exit quickly. A made for B made out C made up D made into 答案: A (2013 厦门一中高三模拟 )Do you know why the tea

14、cher asks for me He wants you to _ your absence last night. A account for B call for C send for D reach for 答案: A (2013 合肥二模 )When the book, Twilight, was first _, it was immediately well received by readers. A brought up B brought down C brought about D brought out 答案: D (2013 河北三校联合模拟 )I didnt wan

15、t to drive all the way to New York by myself, so I _ Anna, my best friend of ten years, to ride with me. A convinced B consulted C adopted D admitted 答案: A Youre telling me a lie. Your facial expression has _ you _. A given; away B given; out C given; off D given; up 答案: A We have to _ the wheat as

16、soon as possible because a storm is on the way. A get away B get across C get through D get in 答案: D Please dont be _ by the text messages saying that you have won a shocking prize. A taken off B taken out C taken away D taken in 答案: D The good thing about the children is that they _ very easily to

17、new environments. A adapt B appeal C attach D apply 答案: A If she doesnt want to go, nothing you can say will _ her. A persuade B promise C invite D support 答案: A When his brother was to cross the street, he was knocked down by a truck and badly _. A injured B damaged C harmed D destroyed 答案: A Recen

18、tly, these companies have _ some workers becames of the drop in economy. A hired B dismissed C refused D employed 答案: B (2013 浙江, 12)A good listener takes part in the conversation, _ ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing. A realizing B copying C offering D misunderstanding 答案: C (2013

19、 浙江, 9)When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to _ it with important points. A conclude B lead C avoid D hold 答案: A (2013 新课标 , 23)Try not to cough more than you can_since it may cause problems to your lungs. A check B allow C stop D help 答案: D (2013 天津, 2)If you are in trouble, Mik

20、e is always willing to_a hand. A lend B shake C wave D want 答案: A (2013 陕西, 25)My uncle hasnt been able to quit smoking, but at least he has _. A cut out B cut down C cut up D cut off 答案: B (2013 江苏, 29)Team leaders must ensure that all members _ their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment assoc

21、iated with making mistakes. A get over B look over C take over D come over 答案: A (2013 江苏, 23)The town is so beautiful! I just love it. Me too.The character of the town is well _. A qualified B preserved C decorated D simplified 答案: B (2013 湖北, 24)According to the law, all foreigners have to_with th

22、e local police within two weeks of arrival. A associate B dispute C negotiate D register 答案: D (2013 福建, 28)Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks _ in disasters. A turn down B turn out C break down D break out 答案: D I _ it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of raw materi

23、als should be given a fair price for their products. A make B look C take D think 答案: C Her shoes _ her dress, they look very well together. A suit B fit C compare D match 答案: D With modern equipment, many mysteries have _ to light in recent years. A bought B come C thrown D appeared 答案: B I tried p

24、honing her office, but I couldnt _.(2009 全国 ) A get along B get on C get to D get through 答案: D Its going to rain.Xiao Feng, will you please help me _ the clothes on the line A get off B get back C get in D get on 答案: C Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion, and _ as a manager. A ended

25、 up B dropped out C came back D started off 答案: A Born into a family with three brothers, David was _ to value the sense of sharing. A brought up B turned down C looked after D held back 答案: A You had better _ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.(2012 福建 ) A set as

26、ide B take up C put away D give out 答案: A The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to _ its reality. A make up B figure out C look through D put off 答案: B Emergency line operators must always _ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send

27、help. A grow B appear C become D stay 答案: D Happy birthday, Alice! So you have _ twenty-one already! A become B turned C grown D passed 答案: B Some people eat with their eyes.They prefer to order what _ nice. A looks B smells C feels D tastes 答案: A It was already past midnight and only three young me

28、n _ in the tea house. A left B remained C delayed D deserted 答案: B On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she _ pale. A got B changed C went D appeared 答案: C The effect of the medicine on this kind of disease remains _. A seen B to be seen C seeing D to see 答案: B The card reads: “Dear Mom and Dad, they are _ everyone write home.Love, Joey.” A advising B suggesting C letting D making 答案: D (2013 湖北, 23)While intelligent people can often_the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple. A sacrifice B substitute C simplify D survive 答案: C


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