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1、2010-2011学年浙江省杭州二中高二第一学期期末英语卷 其他 单词拼写 (共 10小题,每小题 0.5分,满分 5分 ) 【小题 1】 If you warn me in a_, I will have your order ready for you. 【小题 2】 Only a m_ of people support these new laws, while the most are against them. 【小题 3】 Disneyland has many exciting rides, from giant s_ ships to terrifying fee-fall

2、drops. 【小题 4】 I may be late, for I have one or two things to a_ to. 【小题 5】 She strongly s_ that he was lying to her, but couldnt find definite evidence. 【小题 6】 She is a very s_ teacher; as soon as a child does the slightest thing wrong shes down on him like a ton of bricks. 【小题 7】 What a_ me most to

3、 the job is the chance to travel. 【小题 8】 The police have issued a detailed d_ of the missing child. 【小 题 9】 Jen burst out laughing the i_ she walked in. 【小题 10】 My father runs a paper company which imports raw m_ from North America. 答案: 【小题 1】 Advance 【小题 1】 minority 【小题 1】 swinging 【小题 1】 attend 【小

4、题 1】 suspected 【小题 1】 strict 【小题 1】 attracts 【小题 1】 description 【小题 1】 instant 【小题 1】 materials 单项选择 * -Its getting late. I am afraid I must be off now. -_! A Go slowly B So long C No problem D All right 答案: B Its hard to say what kind of person he is. Sometimes he is very nice; at other times he _

5、be very cold. A must B will C shall D can 答案: D The managing director was to _ the accident, although it was not his fault. A be blaming for B be blamed on C blame for D blame on 答案: C A high official from the central government will come and explain _ what the country has done to ensure to make the

6、 Football World Cup the best-ever game. A in length B at length C by length D to length 答案: B On March 2, 2008, Beckham arrived in Shanghai to play a friendly match with a team _ Chinese players. A consisting of B consisting in C consisted of D consisted in 答案: A The mayor has _ to pick you up at th

7、e airport. A arranged a car B arranged a car for you C made a car arrangement D arranged for a car 答案: D He _ a sense of humor. This is why I dont like being friends with him. A is lack of B is lacking in C lacks of D is lacking of 答案: B -What a nice day! -Yes. I like _ when the weather is fine. A o

8、ne B that C it D this 答案: C Many British people have noticed that butterflies _ from its natural habitats during the past several years. A are disappearing B have been disappeared C have been disappearing D will have disappeared 答案: C She spoke very confidently because she wanted to make a good _ on

9、 her employer at the first time. A influence B pressure C impression D effect 答案: C Id like to work with _ is honest and easy to get along with. A who B whoever C whomever D no matter who 答案: B _ unexpected heavy rain usually causes _ great change. A The; the B An; 不填 C An; the D The; a 答案: B Expert

10、s say walking is one of the best ways for a person to _ healthy. A handle B stay C maintain D reserve 答案: B The dull wetland _ the moment the first ray of sunlight shines on it. Thousands of creatures living in it wake up and begin their life of a new day. A stays alive B begins to live C makes a li

11、ving D comes to life 答案: D I thought things would get better, but _ it is they are getting worse. A before B because C as D after 答案: C Knowing how long the test would last, the students who finished _ back and waited until the end of the exam. A settle B settled C settling D to settle 答案: B Everybo

12、dys fingerprints are _, so the police can easily find the thieves if any is left when theyre stealing. A single B particular C special D unique 答案: D Jimmy needs to improve his technique if he _ gold at the 2012 Olympics. A wins B is winning C will win D is to win 答案: D -John is said to have learned

13、 Italian in Italy for five years. -_ he speaks it like a native speaker. A No doubt B No problem C No wonder D No curiosity 答案: C He is tearing up what he has written _ and beginning over again. A constantly B simply C gradually D generally 答案: A 完型填空 完形填空(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列各题所

14、给的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 “Where is the bus Why is it always late ” I asked myself. I was going to be late _36_ the manager wasnt going to be pleased. “Thank God, here it is!” The bus came round the corner and I got on. Ten minutes later I was walking into the _37_ where I work. “Twenty-five pas

15、t nine. I _38_ the manager doesnt notice.” But I was not _39_. “Smith!” shouted the manager. “Late again. Whats your _40_ this time ” “I am afraid the bus was late, Mr. Brown.” “_41_ up earlier tomorrow! Anyway, go to your place at the counter. Well be opening in a few minutes.” My first customer wa

16、s a pretty girl wearing a red dress. _42_ her was a young man of about 25. He seemed very _43_, and every few seconds he looked towards the main entrance. The girl drew some money and _44_ about opening an account. I gave her necessary _45_ and she went out. _46_, I noticed a tall man by the door, c

17、arrying something _47_ with brown paper. Turning to my next customer, I was frightened to see a gun sticking out of his coat. The next moment a loud noise _48_ my ears. Everything went black. I was falling It seemed to be a long time _49_ I opened my eyes and I found myself in bed! _50_ shaking from

18、 the memory of this terrible dream, I got dressed and ran out of the house. _51_, the bus wasnt on time, and I got to the bank at 9:25. “Smith!” the manager cried out in a voice like thunder. “_52_ of your excuses! Start work at once!” To my _53_, the first customer was a girl _54_ a red dress and b

19、ehind her stood a man carrying something wrapped in brown paper. The _55_! Sometimes life is full of coincidences (巧合 )! 【小题1】 A as B but C and D or A hotel B shop C bank D restaurant A believe B think C guess D hope A lucky B happy C sorry D angry A excuse B idea C cause D answer A Hurry B Set C Ca

20、tch D Get A Before B Behind C Beyond D Against A nervous B shy C calm D angry A cared B talked C asked D worried A information B offer C introduction D support A Again B Then C Thus D However A hidden B filled C decorated D covered A took B closed C filled D came A before B after C when D that A Eve

21、n B Still C Just D Ever A As usual B For one thing C In fact D In general A Less B Plenty C More D None A pleasure B surprise C joy D regret A of B with C on D in A dream B story C affair D incident 答案:【小题 1】 C【小题 1】 C【小题 1】 D【小题 1】 A【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D【小题 1】 B【小题 1】 A【小题 1】 C【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B【小题1】 D【

22、小题 1】 C【小题 1】 A【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A【小题 1】 D【小题 1】B【小题 1】 D【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 连词 and表示递进。 【小题 1】 C。从文章的后部分可以看出作者是在一家银行工作。 【小题 1】 D。事实上作者上班已经是迟到了 ,他只是抱着希望此事不被老板发现才好。 【小题 1】 A。从下一段一开始的句子可以看出老板发现了他迟到的事 ,他当然是 “不走运 ”。 【小题 1】 A。从老板说的那句 Late again.讽刺的语句中 ,可以推出老板在责问他 :“看你这一回还有什么可说的? ” 【小题 1】 D。 get up起床。明天早点起来一点

23、。 【小题 1】 B。 behind在 后面。在她的后面是一个大约 25岁的男子。 【小题 1】 A。 nervous紧张的。他看起来很紧张。 【小题 1】 C。银行职员对顾客的询问通常是有关办理银行业务的 “信息 ”。 【小题 1】 A。 information信息。见上题。 【小题 1】 B。承接上句 ,这里只能是 “随后 ”。 【小题 1】 D。从下文可以看出那高个男子手中拿的是枪。在银 行这种敏感的地方 ,他的枪必然是用纸 “遮掩 ”起来了。 【小题 1】 C。与 ears相搭配的只有 fill一词合适 ,表示两耳只听见 “轰 ”的一声。 【小题 1】 A。 before在 之前。我睁

24、开眼睛之前已经有很长一段时间了。 【小题 1】 B。 still任然。从梦中惊醒过来 ;作者还在因刚才梦中可怕的情景感到害怕。 【小题 1】 A。与文章一开始说明的公交车老是不正点相吻合。 【小题 1】 D。 none没有。不要有任何借口,立刻开始工作! 【小题 1】 B。刚走进柜台工作 ,就发现第一位顾客的穿着打扮 ,以及她身后的那男子手中拿着的东西竟与他 梦中的情景一致。这种可怕的巧合能不使人感到 “惊讶 ”吗? 【小题 1】 D。 in表示 “穿 ”之意。一位穿红色衣服的女孩。 【小题 1】 A。 dream梦。同样的梦,生活有时充满巧合。 阅读理解 Facebook means nev

25、er having to say goodbye. The social media web site has earned a reputation for reconnecting old friends. Last week, a guy whom I hadnt seen since my bachelor party five years ago sent me a friend request. I accepted and waited for him to send me a greeting of some kind. He had sought me out, after

26、all. I learned from his profile that he was in a relationship and had a son. However, Im pretty sure we wont ever write wall-to-wall, let alone e-mail each other. But hell remain a friend of online until one of us makes a point of removing the other from his official list. My pool of friends consist

27、s of family members, college buddies, co-workers from past and present, and friends of friends. There are 35 in all. If I spent some time uploading old e-mail addresses, Im confident that I could increase my friend count actually. A person could make a mission out of reconnecting with childhood frie

28、nds, former classmates, distant cousins, and those one would like to get to know better. And some people can even handle hundreds of on-screen relationships, keeping up with the daily happenings of their small army of companions. After all, there are worse fates than having too many friends. Thanks

29、to e-mail, the inability to schedule face-to-face meetings no longer means a friendship must come to a close. But even with e-mail, people will lose touch if one or both parties stop writing back. Thats normal. People move from school to school, job to job, city to city. You never have to feel guilt

30、y for breaking away. Every day, the masterminds of Web 2. 0 find new ways of making human communication easier. However, convenience can be a crutch. Some things shouldnt be simplified. When it comes to friendship, there can be no shortcuts. 【小题 1】 According to Paragraph l, the web site is famous be

31、cause _. A it has an interesting name of “Facebook” B it helps people get in touch with old friends C it can send people a greeting of some kind D it reminds people of events in the past 【小题 2】 From the second paragraph we can learn that the writer _. A would write to the friend quite often B asked

32、the friend to e-mail him C did get some information about the friend D would keep in touch with the friend forever 【小题 3】 Which of the following statements is NOT true A There are 35 people in the authors list of friends right now. B The author communicates with all the 35 friends by e-mails. C The

33、list of 35 friends doesnt include the old e-mail addresses. D It is not difficult for the author to increase his friend count. 【小题 4】 What does the author think of the convenience of communicating on line A The technology could not keep true friendship forever. B The social web site of Facebook mean

34、s nothing at all. C There will be no ways of making real friends on line. D People will not lose friends with the help of the Facebook. 答案:【小题 1】 B【小题 1】 C【小题 1】 B【小题 1】 A Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling or swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing.

35、 It may be a game of some form-football, basketball, hockey, golf or tennis. It may be mountaineering. Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment. Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks in high moun

36、tains This astonishment is caused, probably, by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their leisure. Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no man-made rules, as others, as there are for such games as golf and football. There are, of course,

37、 rules of different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods. If we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports, we might think tha

38、t one big difference is that mountaineering is not a “team game”. We should be mistaken in this. There are, it is true, no “matches” between “teams” of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend, there is obviously teamwork. The mountain climber k

39、nows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man. He has to fight the forces of nature. His sport requires high mental and physical qualities. A mountain climber continues to improve in skill year after year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty. B

40、ut it is not unusual for men of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps. They may take more time than younger men, but they perhaps climb with more skill and less waste of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment. 【小题 1】 Mountaineering is a sport, not a game because _.

41、 A it has man-made rules B it is too dangerous for climbers C it cant bring people joy and leisure D it is free for climbers to use their own methods 【小题 2】 A mountain climber must be strong both mentally and physically because _. A there are no regular man-made rules for him to follow B there is no

42、 teamwork and he has to depend on himself C his component is not one or several people but nature D mountaineering requires the skills practiced year after year 【小题 3】 We know from the passage that _. A mountaineering has no appeal to people B physical quality is more important than mental one for c

43、limbers C it is possible for an old man in his fifties to climb the Alps D a mountain climber would pass his best by the age of thirty 答案:【小题 1】 D【小题 1】 C【小题 1】 C Name: Off the Beaten Path Cover price: $30.00 Our price: $l9.80 The best-selling Readers Digest travel book has 40% new content including

44、 over 200 new sites, over 200 new full-color photographs, and all-new, up-to-date maps. It spotlights over l, 000 of the United States most overlooked must-see destinations. Name: Container Gardens by Number Cover price: $l5.95 Our price: $9.49 A unique book contains 50 easy-to-follow container desi

45、gns. Each design provides a simple numbered planting plan that shows exactly how to create each display, with an instruction of the finished planter and in-depth (深入的 ) plant information. The plans are easy to follow and for any type of living space or garden. Name: Best Weekend Projects Cover price

46、: $l7.95 Our price: $l3.96 Choose from 80 unique ideas to create an extraordinary living space. The projects are practical, as well as attractive, and will improve your home and yard and can be made in a weekend. These 80 well-designed projects are presented in a clear, easy-to-follow style that add

47、resses readers in an accessible, user-friendly tone. Name: l80l Home Remedies Cover price: $40.00 Our price: $29.96 Plenty of health complaints can be handled at home. Each and every remedy will be tested by a doctor to make sure it is safe and sound. Dozens of conditions are covered, from headaches, sunburn, bad breath, and blisters (水泡 ) to allergies (过敏 ), and hiccups (打嗝 ). 【小题 1】 You can most probably read the passage in a _. A newspaper B travel guide C reference book D textbook 【小题 2】 Which of the following could h


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