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1、2010届福建省宁德四县市高三下学期第一次联考 其他 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项(每小题 2分,满分 10分) No fight can end,and no friendshiip can move on,until everyone says these little words:Im sorry. Sometimes,though,they can be difficult to say. 71 It is not about winning. Friendships arent like the Super Bowl, and th

2、ere should never be a winner and a loser.When you start fighting with a friend,it may feel important that you “win” the fight by proving youre right and he is wrong,or by making him be the first to apologize. In reality,youll both lose if you let your fight ruin your friendship,and youll both win if

3、 you find a way to heal it. 72 You may have heard the expression “His pride stood in the way”. It is usually used to describe a person who is so determined to be “right” that he lets an opportunity for happiness pass him by forever. 73 Remember: as time goes on,we usually forget who was right and wh

4、o was wrong in a disagreement,and only remember the sadness of losing a friend. Take the first step. Are you sick of fighting Do you think this fight is just not important enough to ruin your friendship 74 You dont have to take full responsibility for starting the fight, or even say that your feelin

5、gs were wrong.But you should find something you did or said thats worth apologizing for.Maybe youre sorry that you let the fight go for so long,or that you overreacted to something your friend did. If you say youre sorry,its like an invitation for your friend to do the same. 75 A Then try to be the

6、first to apologize. B Stop thinking about your pride. C Its about taking some responsibility for the argument. D Dont let this happen to a friendship you care about E. Here are some things to keep in mind. F. There are some special cases when you shouldnt be the one to apologize first. G. .Once youv

7、e both said it,youll both feel a million times better. 答案: 7175 EBDAG 单项选择 * -Mom. Im so tired. I cant walk any further. -_, my dear. You can make it. A Come on B No worry C Thats impossible D No problem 答案: A _ in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

8、 A To wait B Have waited C Having waited D To have waited 答案: C The library needs _,but itll have to wait until Friday. A cleaning B to clean C being cleaned D to being cleaned 答案: A - Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you. -Thanks. You _ it. I could manage it myself. A neednt do B shouldnt hav

9、e done C mustnt do D neednt have done 答案: D It didnt take the children long to_ the correct answer. A carry out B figure out C turn out D give out 答案: B _-_ herself to science, the great scientist took little notice _ the honors given to her. A Devoted, of B Devoting, of C Devoted, about D Devoting,

10、 about 答案: B The old couple, _had been admitted to university, were living a hard life. A both their children B both of whom children C both of whose children D whose their children 答案: C -Has Peter handed in his paper yet -Im not sure. He _ on it last week. A was working B has worked C worked D had

11、 worked 答案: A The biggest problem for most plants, which _ just get up and run away when threatened, is that animals like to eat them. A cant B shant C neednt D mustnt 答案: A -Have you called Mr Johnsons office -Yes. He _back before tomorrow noon. So he can attend our meeting on time. A expected B is

12、 expected C is expecting D is to expect 答案: B Word comes _ free books will be given to _come first in this book fair. A which,no matter who B that, anyone who C which,whoever D that,those who 答案: D The fire _ before the fire-fighters arrived. A has been put out B was put out C had put out D had been

13、 put out 答案: D With some snow on top of it,the Yellow Mountain looked fantastic this winter.Actually, I doubt whether we could visit _mountian in China. A a most beautiful B the most beautiful C a more beautiful D a beautiful 答案: C -Would you mind letting me _ your laptop for another two weeks -No p

14、roblem. A borrow B keep C lend D bring 答案: B .It is well known that water is not _ endless resource,nor _ that can be made once more. A the, / B an, one C an . that D /, one 答案: B 完型填空 第二节:完形填空(共 20小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各小题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项 When I was a girl, in the deserts of S

15、omalia(索马里 ), my family was nomadic(游牧的 ), 36 with our animals, and leading a happy life. I was about thirteen 37 my father called me at the end of a hot day. “Come and 38 here.” He said “Ive found you a 39 ! We have arranged that he will 40 me five camels. “ That night I ran away. I was 41 For almo

16、st three weeks, I walked 42 the desert, and finally I got to my aunties house in Mogadishu. Aunties husband was an ambassador(大使) , and in a few months I 43 Britain to work at his London house. One day a 44 called Michael Goss saw me in the street. He took my picture and the photographs were 45 . “Y

17、ou should try and do 46 ,” he told me. When my aunt and uncle 47 Africa, I stayed in London. I found a place to stay and got 48 at McDonalds before I took Michael Gosss photographs to an agency one day. They 49 me to a studio, and my picture appeared 50 of the Pirelli calendar. Soon after that, the

18、agency got me 51 in the James Bond film The Living Daylights. That was seven years ago. Since then Ive done modeling all over the world and Ive had frequent 52 in magazines such as Vogue and Elle. I have 53 hosted the US music program Soul Train. Once 54 five camels, now I can 55 up to 5000 for one

19、days work. I have gone from the bottom to the top. 36 A working hard B living together C looking after D moving around 37 A when B after C as D before 38 A listen B sit C work D see 39 A business B boss C husband D chance 40 A support B provide C share D give 41 A excited B worried C frightened D su

20、rprised 42 A around B through C inside D beyond 43 A flew to B stayed in C chose D left 44 A director B editor C photographer D writer 45 A satisfied B beautiful C well-mannered D young 46 A designing B photographing C dressing D modeling 47 A moved to B changed for C returned to D started for 48 A

21、something to eat B a job C a bedroom D a workroom 49 A sent B wanted C ordered D informed 50 A in the list B on the cover C in the ads D on the page 51 A a rise B a job C a part D an actress 52 A interviews B performances C visits D appearances 53 A already B even C yet D still 54 A looking after B

22、feeding C worth D as much as 55 A pay B spend C give D earn 答案: 3640 DABCD 4145CBACB 4650 DCBAB 5155CDBCD 阅读理解 HONG KONG-Hong Kong Disneyland is too crowded,a senior Chinese tourism official said today,hinting that another Disney Park is necessary to accommodate demand from Chinas huuge population.

23、The comments by Shao Qiwei,director of Chinas State Administration of Tourism, came a day after Shanghais mayor Han Zheng said the city was preparing to build Chinas second Disney theme park. “China has a very large population.We now have 1.3 bullion people. The market is very large.As far as I know

24、,Hong Kong Disneyland is now very crowded.”said Shao,whose comments were broadcast on Hong Kongs Cable TV. The Hong Kong theme park,which opened in September,was widely criticized in January when it turned away hundreds of Lunar New Year holiday makers from mainland China because the park was full.

25、Chaos(混乱 ) erupted when angry crowds tried to force their way into the park. The embarrassing incident prompted a public apology from Hong Kong Disneyland Managing Director Bill Ernest and a dressing down from Hong Kongs leader Donald Tsang.Authorities are carefully studying the issue of overcrowdin

26、g in preparation for the possible building of the Disney park in Shanghai.Shao said. The official Xinhua News Agency reported Tuesday that no agreement has been reached on the park in Shanghai,quoting senior vice president of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Leslie Goodman. Hong Kong Disneyland is a j

27、oint venture between The Walt Disney Co. and the local government, which shouldered the bulk of the parks construction fees. 68.Why is it necessary to build a Disney park in Shanghai A.Hong Kong Disneyland cant meet the need of the large population. B. Hong Kong Disneyland is too small and very crow

28、ded. C.Hong Kong Disney Park was criticized by tourists. D. Hong Kong Disneyland is far from the mainland. 69.Hundreds of visitors from mainland China got angry because_. A.the services in the park were not as good as expected. B.they were not allowed to go into the park. C.the park was too crowded.

29、 D. chaos happened at the entrance to the park. 70.The building of a Disney park in Shanghai_. A.has been agreed to by The Walt Disney Co. B.is financed by The Walt Disney Co. C.willl be in the charge of the Shanghai government. D.remains to be discussed with The Walt Disney Co. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】

30、B 【小题 3】 D The story goes that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: Today my best friend slapped me in th

31、e face. They kept on walking until they found an oasis(绿洲) , where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: Today my best friend saved my life. The f

32、riend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now you write on a stone. Why The other friend replied: When someone hurts us we should write it down in the sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But when someone does something good

33、for us, we must engrave it in the stone where no wind can ever erase it. You have to learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve your benefits in the stone. 64 One friend slapped the other because _. A he was angry that his friend took him to the desert by mistake. B He was angry that his fri

34、end did not agree with him about something. C He was angry that his friend kept wasting time writing and carving. D He had to save his friend from drowning, and this almost took his own life. 65 The underlined sentence means we should _. A not let others know we are angry with them by letting wind e

35、rase what we write down. B gradually forgive others for bad things they have done to us as time goes by. C make sure what we write in the desert does not remain long . D not try to find stones to record things on in a desert. 66 What is the right understanding of the last sentence of the passage A W

36、e should write and carve to record different kinds of feelings. B We should record different kinds of things in different ways. C We should remember only good things others have done to us and let go bad things. D We should remember things that others do to us, including both good things and bad thi

37、ngs. 67 Which of the following can be the proper title of the passage A True Friendship B Sand and Stone C Hurts and Benefits D Forgiveness and Gratitude 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D “In our time,” Marx once wrote, “change is upon the world and cannot be stopped as we wish. The thing now

38、is to understand it.” Marx devoted his life to understanding that change. Born in Trier in 1818, he came from a rich, middleclass family. Many of his relatives believed in Judaism,but his father had changed to believe in Protestantism(新教 ) in order to become a lawyer. After studying at the universit

39、ies of Bonn and Berlin, Marx became interested in politics in his early twenties and in 1848 wrote The Communist Manifesto, together with his life-long friend Friedrich Engels. Revolution broke out throughout Europe in 1848 and Marx was forced to leave Germany when it failed in 1849. He moved to Lon

40、don, where he spent the rest of his life, working in the British Museum. His stay in the house in Dean Street in Soho was a time of great hardship for Marx and his family. He was surviving almost on the money provided by Engels and on the very little money he earned as the foreign reporter for a new

41、spaper in New York. Three of his six children died during the time in Soho and, Marx even had to borrow money in order to bury one of them. Only when Marxs wife Jenny got 120 pounds after her mother died was the family able to move out of Soho and into a slightly better house in Kentish Town. Marx d

42、ied on March 14th ,1883, and was buried in Highgate Cemetery in north London. 60 Why did Karl Marxs father change his belief from Judaism to Protestantism A For his sons education. B For his career development. C Not to be looked down on. D To move to another country. 61 Why did Karl Max leave Germa

43、ny A He was offered a job by the British Museum. B He couldnt find work in Germany. C The political situation was very dangerous for him. D He wanted to write a book. 62 Which of the following statements is true A Karl Marx lived a happy life in Soho, London B Karl Marx suffered the death of more th

44、an half his children C Karl Marx was born in a poor family D Karl Marx lived a better life after his mother-in-law died 63 Which is the right order of the following facts a. Marxs family moved to Kentish Town. b. Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto with Engels. c. He began to work as the foreign repo

45、rter for a newspaper. d. Marx had to leave Germany because of the failure of the revolution. A. b d a c B. b d c a C. c a b d D. c b d a 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【 小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 第三部分:阅读理解(共两节满分 40分) 第一节(共 15小题 每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 While many modern forms of communica

46、tion like phone calls, e-mails, and letters, are extremely convenient, in my opinion, nothing beats speaking to another person face to face. The first and most obvious advantage that a face-to-face communication has over a letter and e-mail is that there is the ability to interactively converse. If

47、the sender of a letter or an email does not write clearly, then much time must be spent in clearing up the misunderstanding. In a face-to-face conversation, misunderstandings are easily dealt with because of the interactive nature of it. I would still argue that the face-to-face conversation is bett

48、er because you can see the other person. Not all communication is verbal; the meaning of much of what we say depends on our body language and the tone of voice. Joking and irony are particularly difficult to express and enjoy without seeing the expression on someones face, or watching the movements of their body. Finally, if the goal of communication is to maintain or deepen the relationship with someone, the face-to-face communication offers th


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